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beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL
{{DISPLAYTITLE:beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL}} {{IIDX}} =游戏方法介绍= 跳转到[http://wiki.bemanicn.com/index.php?title=%E6%B8%B8%E6%88%8F%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D 游戏方法介绍] =游戏模式介绍= 跳转到[http://wiki.bemanicn.com/index.php/%E6%B8%B8%E6%88%8F%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D 游戏模式介绍] =使用e-AMUSEMENT PASS进行游戏的方法= 跳转到[http://wiki.bemanicn.com/index.php/%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8e-AMUSEMENT_PASS%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E6%B8%B8%E6%88%8F%E7%9A%84%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95 使用e-AMUSEMENT PASS进行游戏的方法] = beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL = [[Image:PENDUAL.png|400px]] == 发行信息 == * 场测日期:2014年6月13日至15日 * 发行日期:2014年9月17日 * 宣传语:時、行き交う。弐つの振音 * 专辑(Soundtrack) 发行日期: ** beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK *** 日本发行:03/04/2015 ** beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK VOL.2 *** 日本发行:09/16/2015 == 概况 / 改动 == * 本作的主题为“时间”,副标题“PENDUAL”是“Pendulum”(钟摆)和“Dual”二词的合成词。 * 本作采用了Space-Time(时空)系统, 使主题在灰色皮肤的"PRESENT Phase"和紫色皮肤的"FUTURE Phase"中循环。同时,界面、BGM以及二者的独占曲目也会变化。 ** 游戏在PRESENT Phases和FUTURE Phases的切换取决于官网公布的计划表。 ** 在选曲界面中,PRESENT Phase 的乐曲显示在白色背景上。FUTURE Phase 的乐曲显示在紫色背景上。 ** 游戏中PRESENT Phase 的BGM由[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]制作, FUTURE Phase的BGM由[[角田利之|L.E.D.]]制作。 ** 当游戏处于PRESENT Phase时, 游戏内的时钟正常显示年份。当游戏处于FUTURE Phase时, 游戏内的时钟显示为2222年。 ** 当游戏处于FUTURE Phase时, 可在段位认定模式选择镜像段位/EX段位。 ** 当游戏处于PRESENT Phase时,播音员名为[[Chronos (Character)|Chronos]],当游戏处于FUTURE Phase时,播音员名为[[Kairos (Character)|Kairos]]. *** 两个角色是在''Chrono Seeker'' event中出现的两个女孩。 * 推出了EX-COMBO选项。这个选项在判定级别旁边显示EX-SCORE,而不是Combo数。 * 推出了R-RANDOM (旋转 RANDOM) 选项。玩家可调整轨道的横向偏移量(从+1到+6)。该选项同时也可以在MIRROR选项中使用。 * 推出了EXPAND-JUDGE选项。 将PERFECT GREAT和GREAT的判定时间增加四倍。但分数与Clear标记将不被保存。 * 在结算界面改为使用旧版本中RANK所使用的字体。 * beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL的歌名使用粉色字体颜色。 * 移除了选曲界面的Charge Notes图标。 ** 但同时,ALL CHARGE NOTES分类仍被保留。 * 选曲界面不再显示DJ名称。 * 将Dellars重命名为Fricos。同时采用了新的图标,并显示potion。 * 移除了在DP模式结算界面下,每个Chart Lane单独显示判定结果的功能。(存疑,应该是指DP两侧轨道的判定统计分开结算) * 将结算界面中的ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE重命名为ONE MORE STAGE。 ** ONE MORE STAGE可从FINAL STAGE直接访问。(在日本的实机上使用投币模式) ** 但在游戏UI和LED显示屏上,仍然分别显示为ONE MORE EXTRA和ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE。 * 在[[PnM AC Lapistoria|pop'n music ラピストリア]]移除曲风之后,beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL成为了2014年末BEMANI游戏中唯一继续提供新曲曲风的游戏。 * 复活了[[VANESSA]]的BGA。(曾在[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]中被移除) * 复活了[[F]]的特殊标题设计。 * 修复了[[RISE (Dirty Androids)|RISE]]的谱面(Chart)和音频。 * 默认解锁了来自[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]中 ''QprogueDX'', ''SUPER STAR -MITSURU- Perfect Revival'' (SUPER STAR 満 -MITSURU- 完全復活祭) 和 ''GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI'' 活动的乐曲。 ** 从[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]] 中所有活动 (除了 ''LEGEND CROSS'') 里提供的乐曲,可以从[[発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡]](于2015年6月25日结束)活动中解锁。这些乐曲也可以从2015年7月1日,与発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡的Statue songs和crossovers一起通过FRICO购买。 ** 截至2014年12月10日, [[熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム]] 活动中所有的乐曲均被解锁。 *beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA 中''Spada†leggendaria'' 活动的乐曲可以从LEGGENDARIA 文件夹(folder)中选择。但这又一次是PASELI玩家的特权。 ** [[Feel The Beat (Falsion)|Feel The Beat]], [[Shippuujinrai|疾風迅雷]]和[[Verflucht]]的†LEGGENDARIA谱面在2014年9月24日添加到这个文件夹(Folder)。 ** 从2015年9月17日起,Spada†leggendaria乐曲通过''-伝説錬金- PENDUAL TALISMAN'' 活动解锁,但不是†LEGGENDARIA谱面。 ** 截至2015年9月17日,LEGGENDARIA 文件夹也可以包含非Spada†leggendaria乐曲的''†''谱面。 * 自[[AC substream|beatmania IIDX substream]] 来默认歌单首次没有[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]的新曲。 ** 也是自[[AC 1st style|the original beatmania IIDX]]来dj TAKA没有作为游戏staff的实机(Arcade)游戏。 * 自[[AC 9th style|beatmania IIDX 9th style]]来默认歌单首次没有[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]的新曲。 * 自[[AC GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD]]来默认歌单首次没有[[内堀彰|GUHROOVY]]的新曲。 * 自 [[秋津大祐|Dirty Androids]]在[[AC SIRIUS|SIRIUS]]的首秀以来,默认歌单首次没有 [[秋津大祐|Dirty Androids]]的新曲。(翻译存疑。英文原句:First beatmania IIDX arcade game since Dirty Androids' debut where he has no songs on the default songlist.) * 于2014年12月22日推出了''Hourglass of Time''(需要日语原文)。这个道具可以为SP切换当前游戏的时空阶段(Space-Time Phase)。玩家可以在游戏官网上通过PASELI购买该道具:103p买5个,618p买30个,1235p买60个。玩家使用一个道具以切换时空阶段。 请注意道具会在购买60天后过期。 * 在2015年7月10日添加了角色(Character)结算界面。在PRESENT Phase显示幼年的角色,在FUTURE Phase显示成年角色。 * 在2015年7月10日添加了SUPER FUTURE 2323,且持续到2015年9月1日。若要进入SUPER FUTURE 2323,玩家在FUTURE Phase时需要使用:5个计时沙漏(hourglasses)/Credit(仅能通过PASELI),在PRESENT Phase时需要使用6个。回报包括: ** 选择全新的[[AC copula|beatmania IIDX 23 copula]]乐曲 [[Routing]] and [[Shakunetsu Pt.2 Long Train Running|灼熱Pt.2 Long Train Running]]的权限。 ** 自动解锁Chrono Seeker乐曲。 ** 在任何Stage下均没有难度Level限制。 * 本作起初出[[AC Lincle|{{font style|#fac050|deepskyblue|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle}}]]的原创曲开始遭到削除。 == 制作人 == * Producer:[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]] * Sound directors:[[角田利之|L.E.D.]], [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] = 曲目列表 = [[beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL曲目列表]] = 新曲 = == 默认曲目(Default Songs) == PRESENT Phase乐曲在选曲界面采用白色背景,且仅仅在PRESENT Phase可以选择。<br> FUTURE Phase乐曲在选曲界面采用紫色背景,且仅仅在FUTURE Phase可以选择。<br> {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|常规乐曲(Regular Songs)}} {{IIDX Song|AFRO-SAMBA|[[AFRO KNUCKLE]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]]|145|-|5|8|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|ART CORE|[[Amnolys]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|140-180|-|5|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|NEO CLASSICAL DANCE|[[Beat Radiance]]|[[黑泽大佑|iNO]]|192|-|5|8|10|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|HARDCORE RAVE|[[Blaze it UP!]]|[[岛村真辅|DJ Shimamura]]|175|-|5|8|11|5|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|J-POP|[[Don't Stop The Music feat.森高千里]]{{from|Don't Stop The Music}}|tofubeats|110|-|3|6|9|4|6|9}} {{IIDX Song|FALLIN APART CORE|[[Erosion Mark]]{{from|[[PnM CS rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]}}|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]] REASM [[右寺修|Des-ROW]]|192|-|4|8|11|4|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|DUB COMEDY|[[FANTASTIC THREE]]|[[佐藤直之|ジャカルタファンクブラザーズ]]|185|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HAPPY HARDCORE|[[Hello Happiness]]|[[P*Light]] feat. mow*2|182|-|5|9|11|5|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|ELECTRO TECH|[[Line 4 Ruin]]|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|141|-|4|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|TOKYO STYLE SPEEDCORE|[[m1dy Festival]]|[[渡边余生|m1dy]]|225|-|5|8|11|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|ARTCORE ROCK|[[Monopole.]]|[[cosMo@暴走P]]|201|-|4|8|12|5|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|PUMPCORE|[[Night sky]]|[[USAO]]|192|-|6|9|11|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|HARD EDM|[[No Tears]]|[[Shohei Uno|RoughSketch]] feat.Aikapin|170|-|6|9|11|6|9|10}} {{IIDX Song|HARDSTYLE|[[On My Wings (Hardstyle IIDX)]]{{from|[[Let's Do It Now!!]] kors k Special Remix CD}}|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|150|-|5|7|10|5|7|10}} {{IIDX Song|HARD DANCE|[[Rave Saves You feat. Cardz (Exclusive IIDX Mix)]]{{from|ENERGETIC TRANCE 03}}|[[田村哲也|Remo-con]]|143|-|4|8|10|4|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|DIMENSION WAVE|[[SAMSARA]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]]|164|-|4|7|10|4|7|10}} {{IIDX Song|EUROBEAT|[[Sometimes feat.浅场佳苗|Sometimes feat. Kanae Asaba]]|[[田村哲也|Y&Co.]]|147|-|4|8|10|5|7|10}} {{IIDX Song|RAGTIME FUTURE POP|[[SpaceLand TOYBOX|SpaceLand☆TOYBOX]]|[[OSTER project]]|172|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|ELECTRO POP|[[Sweet Radar]]|[[DJ Genki]] feat. Yukacco|150|-|4|7|10|4|6|10}} {{IIDX Song|GYPSYCORE|[[Vulkan]]|[[Hommarju]]|205|-|5|9|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|INTELLIGENCE|[[ZZ]]{{from|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]] / [[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}|[[石川贵之|D.J.Amuro]]|154|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|A-STYLE DRUMSTEP|[[Bassdrop freaks|ベィスドロップ・フリークス]]|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]] feat. [[Nanahira|ななひら]]|179|-|4|7|10|4|7|11}} {{IIDX Song|J-CORE|[[红牡丹]]|[[永井良和|DJ NAGAI]] feat. [[aru|a☆ru]]|181|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|PIECED EUPHORIA|[[为超青少年而作的超多幸福的超古典的超舞曲|超青少年ノ為ノ超多幸ナ超古典的超舞曲]]|[[Akhuta|Project B-]]|150|-|6|9|11|6|8|12}} {{IIDX Song|BLOOM FUSION|[[Dendrobium|デンドロビウム]]|[[田口康裕|TAG]]|110-144|-|4|8|10|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|ROCK|[[Fake out|フェイクアウト]]|[[Last Note.]] feat.mirin|215|-|5|8|10|4|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|Hi-FUNK BREAKS|[[表里如一!?怪盗委员长的苦恼|表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥]]|[[角田利之|◇◆謎の怪盗少女ぷらずま]][[森永真由美|☆彡Prim◇◆]]|165|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HYPER J-POP|[[十六夜的刹那|十六夜セツナ]]|[[Yusuke Ceo|Xceon]] feat.[[森永真由美|Mayumi Morinaga]]|160|-|5|7|10|6|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|KANA-POP|[[恋爱是白带,三四郎|恋は白帯、サンシロー]]|[[星野奏子|星野奏子]]|175|-|3|6|9|4|6|9}} {{IIDX Song|きらめきコア|[[更多!更多!心跳加速 feat.松下|もっと!モット!ときめき feat. 松下]]|[[Jun Wakita|シャイニング]][[角田利之|度胸兄弟]]|175|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|ぷろぐれっしぶ電波|[[进步的时空少女浦岛たろ子|ぷろぐれっしぶ時空少女!うらしまたろ子ちゃん!]]|[[木村洋平|ARM]](IOSYS) feat. [[山本椛]]|175|-|5|7|11|4|7|10}} {{IIDX Song|想歌 風|[[白露之风|白露の風]]|[[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]] feat. [[常盘优|常盤ゆう]]|166|-|2|6|9|2|6|9}} {{IIDX Song|DUBCORE|[[The Relentless|#The Relentless]]|[[Kento Oizumi|DJ Noriken]]|170|-|6|9|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|新世紀進歩的羽扇子音楽|[[天上天下|X↑X↓]]|[[山下泰|DJ TECHNORCH]]|172|-|5|8|11|5|9|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|<strong>PRESENT Phase Songs</strong>|bg=#eeeeee}} {{IIDX Song|HEALING DRUM'N'BASS|[[chrono diver -fragment-]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] feat.[[Aki Misawa|三澤秋]]|185|-|3|6|9|3|6|9}} {{IIDX Song|SYNTHETIC EDM|[[illuminate]]|[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]]|146|-|3|8|10|3|8|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|FUTURE Phase Songs|bg=#c71585|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|CYBER DRUM & BASS|[[CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-]]|[[角田利之|L.E.D.]]|185|-|5|9|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|GLITCH STEP|[[subtractive]]|[[藤森崇多|Expander]]|180|-|4|7|10|4|7|10}} }} = beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK VOL.2 预定乐曲 = 购买''beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK VOL.2''专辑的人,将获得一个解锁码,用于在2014年10月1日以后解锁以下乐曲。均来自 [[beatnation RHYZE vs HARDCORE TANO*C]]专辑。(?) '''注意:''' Hollywood Galaxy(DJ NAGAI Remix) 和 We're so Happy (P*Light Remix) IIDX ver 分别于2014年12月18日和24日自动对所有玩家解锁。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK VOL.2 预定乐曲|bg=black|color=#ff0000}} {{IIDX Song|GALACTIC J-CORE|[[Hollywood Galaxy(DJ NAGAI Remix)]]|Remixed by [[永井良和|DJ NAGAI]]|186|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HAPPY HARDCORE|[[We're so Happy (P*Light Remix) IIDX ver.]]|Remixed by [[P*Light]]|185|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} }} = †LEGGENDARIA谱面 = {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|†LEGGENDARIA Charts <small>([[AC SPADA|<span style="color:#ffffff">beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA</span>]] 乐曲)</small>|bg=#5f548c|color=#ffffff}} {{IIDX Song|HARDCORE RAVE|[[Feel The Beat (Falsion)|Feel The Beat<small>†LEGGENDARIA</small>]]|[[岛村真辅|Falsion]]|175|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} {{IIDX Song|ORIENTAL CORE|[[疾风迅雷|疾風迅雷<small>†LEGGENDARIA</small>]]|[[OSTER project|KUMOKIRI]]|180|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} {{IIDX Song|HARD NRG|[[Verflucht|Verflucht<small>†LEGGENDARIA</small>]]|[[Hommarju|Tyrfing]]|180|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} }} = Chrono Chaser (遡时者)= 'Chrono Chaser'' (遡时者) 是 beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL秘密的额外一曲的活动. 活动的CHALLENGE 1 始于9.24, 2014 ,结束于6.16, 2015.<br> 活动的CHALLENGE 2 始于6.17, 2015. SP与DP的解锁条件相同并会持续一段时间. 活动仅在Standard Mode进行. '''EXPAND-JUDGE''', '''H-RAN''' 以及 '''BATTLE''' 设置无法使用. '''RANDOM''' 模式则无法用于开启活动中的门。 Chrono Chaser的目标是满足相关条件,满足条件后可以打开相关的门,门会在游戏Result的界面. 只要门一打开, 就有一次机会游玩额外一曲. Like the ''LIMIT BURST'' and ''Spada†leggendaria'' events from the previous two beatmania IIDX games, Chrono Chaser uses a Phase system. However, the main difference here is that Chrono Chaser is divided in two parts:the first one where you have to trigger the appearance of the Door, the second one where you have to open said Door. Main notes: * There are three Phases in total. As patterns go, phases cycled after every three weeks for CHALLENGE 1. For CHALLENGE 2 instead, they cycle after one week. * All requirements of the ''second part'' of the unlock system must be done on EXTRA STAGE, or on FINAL STAGE if you play on coin mode in Japan. * You can only fulfill any requirement of the ''second part'' of the unlock system once for each current Space-Time Phase. Once you satisfied or fail to satisfy a requirement, you must always wait for the Space-Time Phase to switch to the other one. This isn't true for CHALLENGE 2, as for it you must wait a Space-Time Phase change only if you succeeded in fulfilling the requirement. * You can circumvent the Space-Time Phase rule with the ''Hourglass of Time'' items if you have access to them. By switching Space-Time Phases at your will, you can reach the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE songs much more quickly, all in a single day. '''NOTE:''' Chrono Chaser is inaccessible when you are climbing the ''Tower of Time chord'' in the ''Qpronicle Chord'' event until you have unlocked all of [[共鸣游戏之花|共鳴遊戯の華]]'s charts. == CHALLENGE 1 (LOCKED) == === Part 1 - Triggering the Door === To begin the event, you have to first trigger the appearance of the Door itself in one of the two Space-Time Phases. This can be done on any Stage, including the EXTRA STAGE. The songs you must use are Phase exclusive songs; the choice depends on the current Space-Time Phase:[[chrono diver -fragment-]] and [[illuminate]] for PRESENT Phase, [[CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-]] and [[subtractive]] for FUTURE Phase. '''The ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE song depends on which Space-Time Phase you triggered the Door.''' * ''Phase 1'' ** NORMAL and HYPER charts are not available. ** ANOTHER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a AAA rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's ANOTHER chart without using any option. * ''Phase 2'' ** NORMAL charts are not available. ** HYPER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a AAA rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's HYPER chart without using any option. ** ANOTHER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a AA rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's ANOTHER chart without using any option. * ''Phase 3'' ** NORMAL difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a A rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's NORMAL chart. ** HYPER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a AA rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's HYPER chart. ** ANOTHER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo and at least a AA rank grade together on a Phase exclusive song's ANOTHER chart. If done correctly, the Door appears in the result screen. Part 2 of the unlock system begins immediately after.<br> '''NOTE:''' If you trigger the Door on EXTRA STAGE, part 2 of the unlock system begins in the next credit only. === Part 2 - Opening the Door === With the Door being triggered, you now have to fulfill hidden requirements in order to open the Door. The Door comes with three "challenge chance" coins; each coin disappears if you fail to satisfy the hidden requirement. '''The hidden requirement to open the Door is to obtain a FULL COMBO on a group of different songs with charts having a specific rating level per difficulty.''' It's certain that on Phase 1, you have to obtain a FULL COMBO on ''nine'' different songs and the songs' charts have to be level 12 ones on ANOTHER difficulty. In the next Phases, the requirement becomes easier to fulfill by time. As of '''December 22nd, 2014''', this is the status of the hidden requirement to open the Door: * If you're playing on NORMAL difficulty, obtain a FULL COMBO on three different charts rated at least level 6. * If you're playing on HYPER difficulty, obtain a FULL COMBO on three different charts rated at least level 7. * If you're playing on ANOTHER difficulty, obtain a FULL COMBO on three different charts rated at least level 8. If you use different difficulties together to open the Door, it may take more credits/songs. It's not recommended to do so, as it appears that the difficulty progresses are separate. If the requirement is satisfied, you don't lose any "challenge chance" coin and electric effects on the Door appear. These effects progressively get stronger each time you're closer to opening the Door. If all "challenge chance" coins are gone, the Door disappears and all the fulfilled requirements are cancelled. The Door must be re-triggered again afterwards. When the Door is finally open, '''you are forced play the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE song with the EX-HARD gauge being turned on'''. Its chart depends on which difficulty you have played the last song prior to opening the Door. After playing the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE song, your Chrono Chaser's progress resets and the Door must be re-triggered again. '''April 14th, 2015 UPDATE:''' The Door has now its "health bar" being visible. One FULL COMBO takes down 50% of the gauge, but the Door regains 5% of the gauge after each Space-Time Phase. In conclusion, it takes three FULL COMBOs minimum to open the Door. '''June 17th, 2015 UPDATE:''' As of this day, CHALLENGE 1 Door isn't available anymore, therefore [[cinder]] and [[Gravigazer]] cannot be played. '''July 1st, 2015 UPDATE:''' cinder and Gravigazer are unlocked for regular play throughout the ''VS RHYZE SIDE P'' and ''VS RHYZE SIDE T'' SECRET courses in EXPERT MODE respectively. == CHALLENGE 2 (PHASE 2) == All general information written above apply for this second Door, save changes mentioned below. === Part 1 - Triggering the Door === As always, the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE song depends on which Space-Time Phase you triggered the Door. [[Say YEEEAHH]] for PRESENT Phase, [[Reflux]] for FUTURE Phase. * ''Phase 1'' ** NORMAL and HYPER charts are not available. ** ANOTHER difficulty:Obtain a Full Combo on the ANOTHER chart of any [[齐藤广祐|kors k]] song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). * ''Phase 2'' ** NORMAL charts are not available. ** HYPER difficulty:EX Hard Clear the HYPER chart of any kors k song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). ** ANOTHER difficulty:EX Hard Clear the ANOTHER chart of any kors k song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). * ''Phase 3'' ** NORMAL difficulty:Hard Clear the NORMAL chart of any kors k song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). ** HYPER difficulty:Hard Clear the HYPER chart of any kors k song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). ** ANOTHER difficulty:Hard Clear the ANOTHER chart of any kors k song (PRESENT Phase only) or Eagle song (FUTURE Phase only). If done correctly, the Door appears in the result screen. Part 2 of the unlock system begins immediately after.<br> '''NOTE:''' If you trigger the Door on EXTRA STAGE, part 2 of the unlock system begins in the next credit only. === Part 2 - Opening the Door === After you triggered the Door, you can access the Chrono Chaser Challenge folders on EXTRA STAGE. These folders contains a random selection of songs (generally five for each Level if available) that changes in every play session. There are three folders, one for each difficulty. The Chrono Chaser Challenge folder system currently works as follows: * ''Phase 1'' ** NORMAL and HYPER folders are not available. ** ANOTHER folder:contains songs rated Level 12. * ''Phase 2'' ** NORMAL folder is not available. ** HYPER folder:contains songs rated from Level 10 to Level 12. ** ANOTHER difficulty:contains songs rated from Level 10 to Level 12. * ''Phase 3'' ** NORMAL folder:contains songs rated from Level 6 to Level 9. ** HYPER folder:contains songs rated from Level 6 to Level 12. ** ANOTHER difficulty:contains songs rated from Level 6 to Level 12. You have to obtain a FULL COMBO on any of these folders' songs; RANDOM and ASSIST options can be used and rank grade doesn't matter. One FULL COMBO on a Level 12 chart approximately takes down 40% of the gauge, 34% of the gauge on a Level 10 chart, 30% of the gauge on a Level 9 chart, 20%-25% of the gauge on a Level 8 chart and below. The Door regains a bit of gauge in every Space-Time Phase change. You lose one "challenge chance" coin if you fail to FULL COMBO, however you don't lose one if you don't play a Chrono Chaser Challenge folder song. '''NOTE:''' As of Phase 3, the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE songs have the HARD gauge being forced on. '''September 2nd, 2015 UPDATE''':[[Say YEEEAHH]] and [[Reflux]] are unlocked for regular play throughout the kors k and Eagle SECRET courses in EXPERT MODE respectively. However, the Chrono Chaser event will still continue with the two songs in question. == ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE Songs == === CHALLENGE 1 Door === * [[cinder]] / [[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]] * [[Gravigazer]] / [[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]] === CHALLENGE 2 Door === * [[Say YEEEAHH]] / [[齐藤广祐|kors k]] * [[Reflux]] / [[齐藤广祐|Eagle]] {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE 乐曲|bg=#666666|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|MAELSTROM|[[cinder]]|[[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]]|216|-|5|9|12|5|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|PROGRESSIVE SCHRANZ|[[Gravigazer]]|[[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]]|160|-|5|10|12|5|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|EDM|[[Say YEEEAHH]]|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|135|-|6|9|12|?|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|TRANCESTEP|[[Reflux]]|[[齐藤广祐|Eagle]]|150|-|6|9|12|?|9|12}} }} = Chrono Seeker = [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/chrono seeker.html Official event page.] The ''Chrono Seeker'' event is the first unlock system of beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL, introduced on October 1st, 2014. '''12/15/2014 UPDATE:The ''Chrono Seeker'' event ended on December 21st, 2014.''' All the songs unlocked for default play do stay, while [[Symmetry]], [[NEO GENERATOR SEVEN]] and [[Broken Sword]] cannot be (currently) played anymore as the Chrono Seeker folder isn't accessible anymore. '''01/21/2014 UPDATE:''' You can now buy from the game website the ''Moonlight Hologram'' items that fully unlock the Chrono Seeker songs that ''you have unlocked'' during the event. For the players who have fully finished the event, this is the only way to permanently unlock the three Devil boss songs. '''07/10/2015 UPDATE:''' The seven Chrono Seeker songs are fully playable in the ''SUPER FUTURE 2323'' Space-Time Phase. The event only shows up in '''STANDARD''' mode, with '''only one player'''. Chrono Seeker is automatically activated after the first play session since the event started. The main objective is to unlock new charts by collecting Crystal shards. In order to do this, you need to fulfill certain phase-specific unlock conditions, which are listed below. There are conditions for each class, i.e. one for the NORMAL (blue), one for the HYPER (yellow), and one for the ANOTHER (red) version of the new song. When a Crystal is materialized in the special event screen (which appears at the end of each play session), a special announcement appears and the respective chart is unlocked. The Crystal rows, which show up at the end of a play session, are divided in two sides, one for [[Chronos (character)|Chronos]] (left side) and one for [[Kairos]] (right side); these must be unlocked ''in order'', from the top one to the bottom one. Crystals obtained during the PRESENT Phase appear on Chronos' side, Crystals obtained during the FUTURE Phase appear on Kairos' side. The four Chrono Seeker songs can be unlocked '''in both Space-Time Phases''', meaning from both sides of the Crystal rows. Therefore, if you "start" the event in the future phase, Chrono Seeker songs will be unlocked in the future and the revival/CS songs in the present phase. '''The requirements for unlocking the songs are the only main differences between the Space-Time Phases, event-wise.''' Requirements are satisfied even if you fail to clear the songs. When you unlock a Chrono Seeker chart from a single side, you can play it in the special ''CHRONO SEEKER'' folder, available in the next play session on FINAL STAGE on coin play, or on EXTRA STAGE on PASELI play (in the rest of Asia, it appears on EXTRA STAGE on coin play only). Note that you '''MUST''' play the newly unlocked song before you can proceed to the next Crystal row, therefore to the successive song to unlock. At least one completed Crystal is required to unlock the next row. Progression on the Crystal rows is shared between both Space-Time Phases; for example, if you have unlocked the third row on PRESENT Phase, on FUTURE Phase you can unlock any of the first three Chrono Seeker songs as you wish. You still have to play the song of the third row before working on the fourth one, of course. You are allowed to complete multiple Crystals by satisfying different requirements in a single play session too. When two Crystals of same color are completed on the same Crystal row, the respective Chrono Seeker chart permanently appears on regular play. This also unlocks the respective hidden Revival/CS Transplant for regular play too, whose available difficulty chart depends on which Chrono Seeker chart you have fully unlocked on both Crystal row sides. For a quick resume of the Crystal rows and their songs: === Jack Hans === '''Color:''' Orange<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[COLOSSEUM]]<br> '''Revival:''' [[in motion]]<br> === Jens === '''Color:''' Blue<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[热带俱乐部|とろぴかる倶楽部]]<br> '''Revival:''' [[tripping contact]]<br> === Jizaru === '''Color:''' Green<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[Light My Fire]]<br> '''CS Transplant:''' [[IXION]]<br> === Jack Tiro === '''Color:''' Violet<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[时空游记|時空トラベローグ]]<br> '''CS Transplant:''' [[BEYOND THE EARTH|Beyond The Earth]]<br> After you play 時空トラベローグ once, you can unlock ''each Space-Time Phase's respective boss song''. === Amduscian === '''Space-Time Phase:''' PRESENT<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[Symmetry]] === Maxwellion === '''Space-Time Phase:''' FUTURE<br> '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[NEO GENERATOR SEVEN]] Obtaining all Amduscian and Maxwellion Crystals is required in order to unlock ''the final boss''. Symmetry and NEO GENERATOR SEVEN will be available in the Chrono Seeker folder in FUTURE and PRESENT Phases respectively once a Laplacia Crystal has been obtained. === Laplacia === '''Chrono Seeker Song:''' [[Broken Sword]] Once all the Laplacia Crystals are obtained and Broken Sword is played, the ending cutscene is shown. You obtain a Platinum Tran Medal for finishing the event. == Chrono Seeker PRESENT Phase Crystal Requirements == === Jack Hans === * NORMAL chart:Play one default PRESENT Phase exclusive song on NORMAL difficulty. * HYPER chart:Play any default PRESENT Phase exclusive song on HYPER difficulty three times. * ANOTHER chart:Play any default PRESENT Phase exclusive song on ANOTHER difficulty five times. === Jens === * NORMAL chart:Play 10 songs on NORMAL difficulty, with the MIRROR modifier activated. * HYPER chart:Play 15 songs on HYPER difficulty, with the MIRROR modifier activated. * ANOTHER chart:Play 20 songs on ANOTHER difficulty, with the MIRROR modifier activated. === Jizaru === * NORMAL chart:Play 5 songs with charts that have Charge Notes, on NORMAL difficulty. * HYPER chart:Play 10 songs with charts that have Charge Notes, on HYPER difficulty. * ANOTHER chart:Play 15 songs with charts that have Charge Notes, on ANOTHER difficulty. === Jack Tiro === * NORMAL chart:Obtain the Tran Medal for playing the three Daily Songs in one day, then play a song on NORMAL difficulty. * HYPER chart:Obtain the Tran Medal for playing the three Daily Songs in five different days, then play a song on HYPER difficulty. * ANOTHER chart:Obtain the Tran Medal for playing the three Daily Songs in ten different days, then play a song on ANOTHER difficulty. === Amduscian === ''Obtain all 12 PRESENT Crystals, or have more PRESENT Crystals than FUTURE ones without having unlocked any of the Maxwellion crystals.'' * All charts:As of November 12th, 2014, just play any two [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master/猫叉Master+/猫叉Masterβ2]] songs as FIRST or SECOND STAGE on any difficulty. == Chrono Seeker FUTURE Phase Crystal Requirements == === Jack Hans === * NORMAL chart:Play any NORMAL chart from a style and with an amount of remaining seconds that match the current hour (for example, play a [[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song with 21 seconds remaining from 21:00 to 21:59). * HYPER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with a HYPER chart. * ANOTHER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with an ANOTHER chart. === Jens === * NORMAL chart:On FIRST STAGE and SECOND STAGE, play any two NORMAL songs from a style that matches the current date. * HYPER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with two HYPER charts. * ANOTHER chart:Play any three ANOTHER songs that start with the same capitalized letter as the current day (e.g. [[MENDES]] on Monday). === Jizaru === * NORMAL chart:Play any 5 NORMAL songs with the last decimal place of floating HI-SPEED set to the current date as displayed in the in-game clock (for example xx.02 for the 2nd of October). * HYPER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with 10 HYPER songs. * ANOTHER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with 15 ANOTHER songs. === Jack Tiro === * NORMAL chart:On FIRST STAGE or SECOND STAGE, play a FUTURE Phase exclusive song on NORMAL difficulty and end it by holding down a key button specific to the current day (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, Wednesday = 4, Thursday = 5, Friday = 6, Saturday = 7). * HYPER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but with a HYPER chart. * ANOTHER chart:On ANOTHER difficulty, finish any song with an EX-Score that exactly matches the clock time you started the song at (i.e. finish with an EX-Score of 1345 if you started the song at 13:45). === Maxwellion === ''Obtain all 12 FUTURE Crystals, or have more FUTURE Crystals than PRESENT ones without having unlocked any of the Amduscian crystals.'' * All charts:As of November 12th, 2014, just play any two [[角田利之|L.E.D.]]/L.E.D.-G songs as FIRST or SECOND STAGE on any difficulty. == Chrono Seeker Final Boss Requirements == === Laplacia === ''Obtain every Crystal.'' * On any stage, you need to input the "KONAMI code" by pressing the following buttons in order: ** ''EFFECT'' → ''EFFECT'' → ''VEFX'' → ''VEFX'' → ''1P START'' → ''2P START'' → ''1P START'' → ''2P START'' → ''BLACK KEY'' → ''WHITE KEY'' ** If done correctly, you hear a confirmation sound. * Afterwards, on the same stage, you can unlock the boss song's respective charts: ** NORMAL chart:Obtain the Tran Medals for playing a song from each style folder on NORMAL difficulty, then play any song related to ''GRADIUS'' on NORMAL difficulty. ** HYPER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but on HYPER difficulty. ** ANOTHER chart:Same as the NORMAL chart requirement, but on ANOTHER difficulty. *** The songs are [[GRADIUS 2012]], [[GRADIUSIC CYBER]], [[Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)]] and [[GRADIUS -FULL SPEED-]]. *** You do not need to play songs from the [[AC substream|beatmania IIDX substream]] folder. *** You can perform the requirement on all the stages. == 可解锁曲目 == {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|<strong>Chrono <span style{{=}}"color:#9900FF">Seeker</span></strong>|bg=#FF9900|color=white}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|新曲}} {{IIDX Song|LOST GROUND|[[COLOSSEUM]]|[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]|140|-|4|7|11|4|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|TROPICAL|[[热带俱乐部|とろぴかる倶楽部]]|[[Takahiro Takahashi|HALFBY]]|120|-|5|8|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|BREAKCORE|[[Light My Fire]]|[[内堀彰|GUHROOVY]] fw. [[Tomoyuki Noda|NO+CHIN]]|200|-|4|7|10|5|7|10}} {{IIDX Song|TIME TRIP JAZZ|[[时空游记|時空トラベローグ]]|[[SOUND HOLIC|SWING HOLIC]] feat. A~YA|234|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|EPIC ELECTRONICA|[[Symmetry]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|163|-|6|10|12|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|MAINSTREAM HARDCORE|[[NEO GENERATOR SEVEN]]|[[角田利之|L.E.D.-G]]|182|-|5|10|12|6|10|11}} {{IIDX Song|DUAL ANTIQUE|[[Broken Sword]]|[[石川贵之|金獅子]] VS 麒麟|160|-|7|10|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|复活曲与家用机移植曲|bg=#9999ee}} {{IIDX Song|CLICK HOUSE|[[in motion]]{{from|[[AC HAPPY SKY|beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY]]}}|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|138|-|5|6|7|5|6|8}} {{IIDX Song|FREEFORM|[[tripping contact]]{{from|[[AC DistorteD|beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD]]}}|[[齐藤广祐|kors k vs teranoid]]|182|-|6|9|12|7|10|-}} {{IIDX Song|PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE|[[IXION]]{{from|[[CS 10th style|beatmania IIDX 10th style CS]]}}|[[角田利之|L.E.D.]]|150|-|5|8|9|5|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|WORLD/ELECTRONICA|[[BEYOND THE EARTH|Beyond The Earth]]{{from|[[CS 9th style|beatmania IIDX 9th style CS]]}}|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|140|-|5|10|11|6|9|10}} }} = Qpronicle Chord = [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/qpronicle chord.html Phase 1 official event page.]<BR> [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/qpronicle chord 2.html Phase 2 official event page.]<br> [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/qpronicle chord 3.html Phase 3 official event page.]<br> The ''Qpronicle Chord'' event is the second unlock system of beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL, introduced on December 22nd, 2014.<br> The second phase is available from January 28th, 2015. The third and final phase is available from March 4th, 2015. '''NOTE:''Qpronicle Chord'' has ended on July 28th, 2015.''' '''September 17th, 2015 UPDATE:''' Qpronicle Chord's exclusive new songs can be now unlocked throughout the ''-Densetsu renkin- PENDUAL TALISMAN'' (-伝説錬金- PENDUAL TALISMAN) event. Unlike ''Chrono Seeker'', this event focuses on Q-pro's story again, where he returns to three old locations:the ''Lincle Kingdom'' from [[AC Lincle|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle]], the ''tricoro city'' from [[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]] and ''Elferia'' from [[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]. Previous enemies of Q-pro from each game return, but as partners. The Joker characters from beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro return as the main villains again. The event shows up at the beginning and at the end of every play session, regardless of the mode chosen. Qpronicle Chord is automatically activated after the first play session since the event started. '''It only shows up with one player.''' Before going to the song select screen, you are taken to the event screen to choose which island you want to conquer. At the end of the play session you deal with the main mini-game. After accessing an island, the system BGM of its related game will be played in the menu screens instead of the regular PENDUAL one:Lincle BGM if you choose Lincle Kingdom (slightly redone, with layered versions too), tricoro BGM if you choose tricoro city, SPADA BGM if you choose Elferia.<br> The PENDUAL BGM plays when you are inside the Tower. You unlock songs' charts by conquering each one of the three islands, by defeating the enemies you encounter. The main mini-game consists of your Q-pro character attacking the group of enemies by dealing a certain amount of damage. During the battle, you can inflict critical damage (multiplier bonus) by pressing the white key at the right moment when the moving line on the arch goes through the still, second one; the more you are precise, the bigger the damage multiplier will be. Regarding the partners, you start out with none. You can unlock them on the islands when a blue devil icon appears on any of them, one at a time. Right at the beginning you can unlock the first partner of your choice but afterwards you have to wait until your current partner reaches a high enough level, in order to trigger the appearance of another blue devil icon. Choosing an island with a blue devil icon leads you at the end of the credit in an ''Unknown Area'', where you have to fight a magic seal (which works like any enemy you encounter). Destroying the seal unlocks the partner, and also the NORMAL chart of the unlockable Qpronicle Chord song related to the chosen island. The partners available in the event are: * [Lincle Kingdom] - [[Todestrieb|Rche]], [[圣人之塔|Beridzebeth]] * [tricoro city] - [[8bit Princess|Sumomo]], [[Elpis|elpis§煌§]] * [Elferia] - [[ra'am|Faula]], [[炼狱的Elferia|Ferira]] You can choose a team of three partners, with one partner being the main one (leader). You can access the partner menu by pressing VEFX on the map selection screen. Partners have two bars:one for the level/experience and one for "LOVE". Your partners level up by how much damage you inflict on enemies; the main partner gathers much more experience than the other two selected ones. The LOVE bar also increases of point after each credit; however, the LOVE bar increases only for your main selected partner. When unlocking the partners, the island where you have unlocked the respective one becomes inaccessible until you have unlocked all the partners and therefore the songs' NORMAL charts. Afterwards, your objective is to keep fighting enemies and level up your partners; levelling up your partners is what trigger the appearance of the yellow and red devil icons on the islands, letting you unlock the HYPER and the ANOTHER charts of the Qpronicle Chord songs (and NORMAL too, when it comes to the Phase 2 songs). This happens when the total combined level of all your partners reaches a certain amount; the amounts are:12, 19, 28, 38, 48, 54, 55, 56, 58, 66, 73, 82, 92, 102, 109. Regarding the LOVE feature, it has two uses:it changes the partners' expressions in the after-battle status screen which is purely a visual feature and their dialogues, and it is used to unlock lane cover frames. It's recommended to frequently change your lead partner, so you can get their LOVE level to MAX. LOVE level starts out at 1, range goes from -2 to MAX (level 5). Partners help you in battles, dealing bonus damage throughout special moves when you trigger critical attacks. Chosen partners appear as part of your Q-pro avatar in all screens and boss songs, automatically replacing the Head gear. Maximum level for the partners is 99. You cannot Level up your partners in conquered locations - the ones that appear with a yellow check mark - until all of the locations themselves (except the Tower) have been conquered. The LOVE bar still increases anytime. By unlocking Qpronicle songs' charts, you obtain Bronze Tran Medals. By defeating enemies, you obtain FRICO points. Doing more damage in battle means getting more Level points for your partners. In general, damage points depend on the following factors: * How many songs you have played in a play session (3 points per song, for a possible max of 15 points). * How many specific songs you have played in a play session with a specific chosen partner (1 point per song, for a possible max of 5 points). The partner bonus points are obtained when you play specific songs depending on your chosen lead partner. * Rche:songs from the Lincle folder and songs with genres containing the word "TRANCE". * Beridzebeth:songs from the Lincle folder and songs with genres containing the word "DRUM". * Sumomo:songs from the tricoro folder and songs that contain the words "8", "princess" and "bit" in their genres or titles. * elpis§煌§:songs from the tricoro, 10th style and 2nd style folders. * Faula:songs from the SPADA and Spada†leggendaria folders and songs containing "Ryu☆" in the artist credits. * Ferira:songs from the SPADA and Spada†leggendaria folders and songs containing "猫叉Master" in the artist credits. The ''Standard Critical'' attack, whose damage is multiplied by either ×1.0, ×1.2 or ×1.5, depending on your timing in the battle mini-game, can be increased throughout special bonuses. Said bonus damage is multiplied by either ×1.5, ×1.7 or ×2.0, depending on your timing in the battle mini-game, once again. These critical bonuses are: * ''VIP PASS BLACK bonus'' (requires the use of VIP PASS BLACK). * ''Daily bonus'' (triggers in the next credit if VIP PASS BLACK is used). * ''Hourglass of Time bonus'' (cannot be used alongside the VIP PASS BLACK and Daily bonus critical attacks). Regarding the enemies, other than the standard grunts (monsters from Lincle Kingdom and Qprogue, plus characters from songs such as [[CONCEPTUAL]] and [[BRAVE GLOW]]), you fight rare enemies and super rare enemies. Their appearance is random and the enemy character in question depends on the game's Space-Time Phase. On the map selection screen, when a glowing icon showing the letter "S" next to an island appears, that means said island may contain either a rare enemy or a super rare one. Rare enemies only give you bonus FRICO points, while the super rare enemies give you CS Crossovers and the respective Silver Tran Medal upon defeat. The super rare enemies work differently from the rest, as they appear alone and have a health bar. They only go down after several encounters when their health bars have been fully depleted. There are five super rare enemies - one per Space-Time Phase except Ripika who appears in both - and when you defeat one you unlock all the charts of the respective enemy's CS Crossover. Once you unlocked all the Phase 1 and Phase 2 songs, including their CS Crossovers, you can access the ''Tower of Time chord''. The Tower has an unlimited amount of floors that you progressively climb through after each credit (you also always start from the last explored floor in case you exit the Tower and re-enter it). Upon reaching the 5th floor, the 10th floor and the 25th floor, the game forces you to respectively play the NORMAL, HYPER and ANOTHER charts of the final boss song of Qpronicle Chord as a ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE. These three charts will be unlocked for regular play as well, regardless if you cleared them or not as ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE (which doesn't happen anymore after you've reached the 25th floor). If you entered the Tower and haven't reached the 25th floor yet, the ''Chrono Chaser'' event will not be accessible.<br> Unlocking each chart of the final boss song nets you a Gold Tran Medal. After unlocking the ANOTHER chart, the ending cutscene plays and you will get a Platinum Tran Medal. The sky in the map selection screen changes color to pink and from there you can get the rest of the unlockables (unlike the previous phases, the event will be always active). == Qpronicle Chord Songs (Phase 1) == === Plain of Lincle === * '''Song:''' [[entelecheia]] / [[舟木智介|Rche]] * '''Partner:''' ''Rche'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Mamonis'' (from [[The Sampling Paradise]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Ashemu'' (from [[Scharfrichter]]) === tricoro city === * '''Song:''' [[Cosmic Cat]] / [[秋津大祐|8bit Moonside]] * '''Partner:''' ''Sumomo'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Hekisui'' (blue [[Tora Yamato]], from [[假想空间的旅者们|仮想空間の旅人たち]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Galactica Gentleman Vega'' (from [[VEGA]]) === Elferia Mountain === * '''Song:''' [[Rave*it!! Rave*it!!]] / [[中原龙太郎|機龍]] * '''Partner:''' ''Faula'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Pharaoh'' (from [[Pharaoh]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Abigail'' (from [[M.D.Injection]]) == Qpronicle Chord Songs (Phase 2) == === Plain of Lincle === * '''Song:''' [[Flashes]] / [[Hommarju|Dollscythe]] * '''Partner:''' ''Beridzebeth'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''STN'' (from [[The Limbo]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Nymph-chan'' (from Lincle Kingdom's PASELI tower) === tricoro city === * '''Song:''' [[Shooting Fireball]] / [[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] * '''Partner:''' ''elpis§煌§'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''AI'' (from [[rumrum triplets]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Maud'' (from [[龙与少女与退相干性|龍と少女とデコヒーレンス]] and [[量子之海的龙|量子の海のリントヴルム]]) === Elferia === * '''Song:''' [[Despair of ELFERIA]] / [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] * '''Partner:''' ''Ferira'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Toledo'' (from [[DARK LEGACY]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Theo'' (from DARK LEGACY) == Qpronicle Chord Songs (Phase 3) == === Tower of Time chord === * '''Song:''' [[共鸣游戏之花|共鳴遊戯の華]] / [[角田利之|アイテール魔導士隊]] * '''Final Boss:''' ''Lopica'' * '''PRESENT Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Repika'', ''Lupica'' (from [[Proof of the existence]]) * '''FUTURE Phase Rare Enemy:''' ''Rapika'', ''Bafaru'' (from [[被爱拐走,爱情好盲目|キャトられ♥恋はモ~モク]]) == CS Crossovers == * [[GUILTY]] / [[石川贵之|D.J.SETUP]] - ''from [[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]].'' ** Defeat [[SYNC-ANTHEM|Pearl]], who appears in the PRESENT Phase. * [[Chain of pain]] / [[齐藤广祐|kors k]] VS [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]] - ''from [[CS GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD CS]].'' ** Defeat [[天空的黎明|Cuvelia]], who appears in the FUTURE Phase. * [[IMPLANTATION]] / [[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]] - ''from [[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]].'' ** Defeat [[突击!玻璃的过膝袜公主|Nisohime]], who appears in the PRESENT Phase after defeating Pearl and Cuvelia. * [[BLUE MIRAGE]] / [[Yasuhiro Suzuki|DJ CHUCKY]] - ''from [[CS HAPPY SKY|beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY CS]].'' ** Defeat [[Last Dance|Tuonetar]], who appears in the FUTURE Phase after defeating Pearl and Cuvelia. * [[HELL SCAPER -Last Escape Remix-]] / Remixed by [[山下泰|DJ TECHNORCH]] fw. [[内堀彰|GUHROOVY]] - ''from [[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]].'' ** Defeat [[Plan 8|Ripika]], who appears in both phases after defeating Nisohime and Tuonetar. == 可解锁曲目 == {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|Qpronicle Chord phase 1|bg=#666666|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|SACRED TRANCE|[[entelecheia]]|[[舟木智介|Rche]]|185|-|6|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|FUTURE BASS|[[Cosmic Cat]]|[[秋津大祐|8bit Moonside]]|160|-|6|9|11|6|8|11}} {{IIDX Song|EDM SPEED|[[Rave*it!! Rave*it!!]]|[[中原龙太郎|機龍]]|282|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|FULL ON|[[Chain of pain]]{{from|[[CS GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD CS]]}}|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]] VS [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]]|153|-|4|8|10|7|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|TECHNO|[[GUILTY]]{{from|''beatmania CORE REMIX''}}|[[石川贵之|D.J.SETUP]]|148|-|5|8|10|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Qpronicle Chord phase 2|bg=#666666|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|HARD IRISH SYMPHONIC|[[Despair of ELFERIA]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|205|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|DRUM'N'BASS|[[Flashes]]|[[Hommarju|Dollscythe]]|180|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|MUSIC GAME TRADITIONAL|[[Shooting Fireball]]|[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]|160|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|NU STYLE GABBA|[[BLUE MIRAGE]]{{from|[[CS HAPPY SKY|beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY CS]]}}|[[Yasuhiro Suzuki|DJ CHUCKY]]|170|-|5|10|12|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|GOA TRANCE|[[IMPLANTATION]]{{from|[[AC GF3DM2|drummania 2ndMIX]]}}|[[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]]|145|-|5|10|12|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Qpronicle Chord phase 3|bg=#666666|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|ASTRAL DRUM & BASS|[[共鸣游戏之花|共鳴遊戯の華]]|[[角田利之|アイテール魔導士隊]]|190|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|GABBAH|[[HELL SCAPER -Last Escape Remix-]]{{from|[[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]]}}|Remixed by [[山下泰|DJ TECHNORCH]] fw. [[内堀彰|GUHROOVY]]|180|-|5|8|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Affection Ranking|bg=#ff69b4|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|PROGRESSIVE|[[The Least 100sec]]|[[佐佐木博史|Sasaki Hirofumi]]|200-264|-|5|9|12|6|9|12}} }} = -传说炼金- PENDUAL TALISMAN = [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/pendual talisman.html 官方活动页面] ''-Densetsu renkin- PENDUAL TALISMAN'' (-伝説錬金- PENDUAL TALISMAN) 活动是在2015年9月17日推出的一个特殊解锁系统。 本次活动的目的是让玩家解锁在通常游戏中也可以游玩[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]中''Spada†leggendaria''曲目的权限(他们原本只能通过支付PASELI来进入EXTRA STAGE游玩)。参与活动也可以解锁新的†谱面和一首新的乐曲,不过与†LEGGENDARIA谱面一样的是,玩家只能通过进入LEGGENDARIA文件夹来游玩†谱面。 需要注意的是SPADA†leggendaria乐曲中的†LEGGENDARIA谱面是不能通过这个活动解锁的。 活动主要通过PENDUAL官方页面来参与,在游玩PENDUAL的时候,玩家只需要收集页面中用来获取七把传说之剑(legendary sword)的灵魂点数(spiritual points)。若要获取传说之剑,玩家需要给剑分配灵魂点数来填满他们的能量槽;一旦得到了一把剑,玩家就可以与敌人战斗(活动第二阶段需要玩家获得全部七把剑)。游玩一首乐曲玩家便可以获得50灵魂点数,如果游玩名字中有1、2、3、4、5(数字或字母均可)或者名字长度为1、2、3、4、5的曲目则可以再多获得20点。(存疑,原句:You get 50 spiritual points for every song played, plus additional 20 points by playing specific songs with titles that have to do with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in any numerical and alphabetical form (and text size as well).) '''Qpronicle Chord'''活动中的独占乐曲也可以通过传说之剑来解锁。然而由于[[Kyoumei yuugi no hana|共鳴遊戯の華]]需要获得所有的剑才能解锁,所以 天叢雲剣 不能解锁任何东西。 战斗是通过一个卡片游戏来进行的。再战斗中可使用七把传说之剑以及他们的特殊技能,使用技能则会消耗一部分能量槽。玩家可以通过分配灵魂点数来充能,不过一旦获得了剑就不需要把他们重新充能到100%。 技能列表: * 天叢雲剣 - 如果玩家使用了"1"卡片而敌人使用了"2"卡片,将会造成4倍的反击伤害 - 能量消耗 20%. * Gram - 对敌人造成1200点伤害 - 能量消耗 25%. * Durandal - 免疫敌人的伤害 - 能量消耗 20%. * Caladborg - 对敌人造成1500点伤害,玩家自身回复1000 HP,并且敌人伤害减半。 - 能量消耗 50%. * Falsion - 对敌人造成500点伤害 - 能量消耗 10%. * 蜘蛛切 - 对敌人造成 400 * X 点的伤害,X为卡片战斗中玩家失败的次数 - 能量消耗 25%. * Tyrfing - 对双方中卡组较强的一方造成2500点伤害(无视敌我) - 能量消耗 30%. 若使用特定的剑技能来攻击解锁相应Spada†leggendaria乐曲的敌人,技能威力会被大大增强(例如Durandal的技能会对''Cavalry Soldiers''敌人造成1500点伤害)。 一旦获取了全部七把剑并且有足够的能量槽,玩家便可以使用特殊的八号技能。这个技能可以对敌人造成8000点伤害,但是会消耗所有剑50%的能量。这个技能在面对第二阶段可以回血的敌人时十分有效。 所有的乐曲必须通过指定顺序解锁。玩家必须先解锁Spada†leggendaria乐曲,然后解锁新歌,最终才可以和最后的[[CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-]]一同解锁5首PENDUAL曲目的全新†谱面。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|-伝説錬金- PENDUAL TALISMAN|bg=saddlebrown|color=orange}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|STAGE1 <small>(SPADA folder)</small>|bg=gainsboro|color=mediumvioletred}} {{IIDX Song|J-CORE|[[Close the World feat.aru|Close the World feat.a☆ru]]|[[永井良和|天叢雲剣]]|188|-|5|10|12|5|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|REQUIEM PSY|[[Sigmund]]|[[DJ Genki|Gram]]|200|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|DYNASTIC FREEFORM|[[Ancient Scapes]]|[[大泉研人|Durandal]]|178|-|6|10|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|TRIBE CORE|[[invoker]]|[[USAO|Caladborg]]|195|-|5|9|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HARDCORE RAVE|[[Feel The Beat (Falsion)|Feel The Beat]]|[[岛村真辅|Falsion]]|175|-|7|10|12|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|ORIENTAL CORE|[[疾风迅雷|疾風迅雷]]|[[OSTER project|KUMOKIRI]]|180|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HARD NRG|[[Verflucht]]|[[Hommarju|Tyrfing]]|180|-|6|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|STAGE2 <small>(PENDUAL folder)</small>|bg=gainsboro|color=mediumvioletred}} {{IIDX Song|SYSTEM BGM|[[PENDUAL TALISMAN]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[角田利之|L.E.D.]]Master|150-160|-|5|8|11|4|8|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|ANOTHER STAGE1 <small>(LEGGENDARIA folder)</small>|bg=gainsboro|color=mediumvioletred}} {{IIDX Song|NEO CLASSICAL DANCE|[[Beat Radiance|Beat Radiance†]]|[[黑泽大佑|iNO]]|192|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} {{IIDX Song|HEALING DRUM'N'BASS|[[chrono diver -fragment-|chrono diver -fragment-†]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] feat.[[三泽秋]]|185|-|-|-|10|-|-|10}} {{IIDX Song|PIECED EUPHORIA|[[为超青少年而作的超多幸福的超古典的超舞曲|超青少年ノ為ノ超多幸ナ超古典的超舞曲†]]|[[Akhuta|Project B-]]|150|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} {{IIDX Song|KANA-POP|[[恋爱是白带,三四郎|恋は白帯、サンシロー†]]|[[渡边奏子|星野奏子]]|175|-|-|-|11|-|-|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|ANOTHER STAGE2 <small>(LEGGENDARIA folder)</small>|bg=gainsboro|color=mediumvioletred}} {{IIDX Song|CYBER DRUM & BASS|[[CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-|CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-†]]|[[角田利之|L.E.D.]]|185|-|-|-|12|-|-|12}} }} =联动活动= == Coca-Cola×BEMANI 可口可乐XBEMANI联动活动== [[Coca-Cola x BEMANI|Coca-Cola×BEMANI]] 活动于2014年10月23日开始,至2015年1月22日结束。通过在“地区测试”的店面购买可口可乐产品,玩家可以获得一张一天只可使用一次的D Ticket。在使用了D ticket的当天,第一首曲目将会解锁,同时解锁的还有自定义外观(custom frames),挡板(lane covers)和Q-pro部件(Q-pro parts)。 在2014年11月27日,如果玩家已经拥有所有的自定义部件,将会新添加一首可游玩乐曲。<br> 在2014年12月24日,如果玩家已经购买了大于等于十四件可口可乐产品(并兑换),将会新增一首乐曲。 自2015年3月4日起,这些乐曲都能够通过“Qpronicle Chrod”活动解锁了。 * [[莉莉丝与炎龙莱瓦汀|リリーゼと炎龍レーヴァテイン]] / [[舟木智介|黒猫ダンジョン]] - dropped in ''Elferia''. * [[fallen leaves|fallen leaves -IIDX edition-]] / [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] - dropped in ''tricoro city''. * [[Ludus In Tenebris]] / [[Akhuta]] - dropped in ''Plain of Lincle''. === Lane Cover frames and Game frames === You need to see the Qpronicle Chord's final cutscene first before you can unlock these. To unlock the '''lane cover frames''', LOVE bar for each partner must reach level MAX. Each lane cover shows the partner in question in their "LOVE MAX" expression. When all the six partner lane cover frames are unlocked, you automatically unlock a seventh lane cover frame showing all partners in their "Q-pro Head Gear" version. To unlock the Lincle HD, tricoro and SPADA '''game frames''', the total level of the partners that correspond to each game version must reach 40 (i.e. Faula and Ferira for the SPADA frame, etc...). Unlocking the lane cover and game frames net you Bronze Tran Medals, except for the seventh lane cover unlock. {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|Coca-Cola×BEMANI|bg=#ff0000|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|OLDSTYLE GAMEMUSIC|[[莉莉丝与炎龙莱瓦汀|リリーゼと炎龍レーヴァテイン]]{{from|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}|[[舟木智介|黒猫ダンジョン]]|200|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|WORLD/ELECTRONICA|[[fallen leaves|fallen leaves -IIDX edition-]]{{from|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|165|-|6|10|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|LIAISON|[[Ludus In Tenebris]]|[[Akhuta]]|126|-|5|10|12|6|9|12}} }} == PON的命运净化计划 == [[PON no unmei jouka keikaku]] (PONの運命浄化計画) 活动始于2014年12月24日,用于庆祝[[Power of Nature]]专辑的发售。要解锁活动乐曲,玩家必须获得不同属性的自然之力("powers of nature" )(自然の力)。玩家获得的属性越多,命运净化的概率就会越高(fate purification probability)。 然后,通过访问活动页面( [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bemani/pon ujk/p/index.html ]),玩家可以按下“命运净化挑战”按钮 (fate purification challenge) (運命浄化チャレンジ)。 如果净化成功,乐曲便会解锁。 如要在其他BEMANI游戏中解锁pop'n music联动曲目,玩家就必须通过游玩[[PnM AC Lapistoria|pop'n music ラピストリア]]来获取大地净化之力(大地の浄化)。 本活动已于2015年10月26日结束。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|'''PONの運命浄化計画'''|bg=#8A0808|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|SOLITUDE|[[Realize Maze]]{{from|[[PnM AC 22|pop'n music ラピストリア]]}}|movies ([[森永真由美|moimoi]]×[[Yusuke Ceo|Xceon]]×[[Dai.]])|149|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} }} == “斩”专辑活动 == 以下乐曲可以在[[SOUND HOLIC]]的BEMANI专辑[[ZAN|斬 -ZAN-]]发售庆祝日期间解锁。如要分别解锁两首乐曲,玩家就必须按顺序分别游玩指定乐曲5次与10次。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|'''斬 -ZAN-'''|bg=#f02d54|color=white}} {{IIDX Song|MELODIC SPEED METAL|[[TOXIC VIBRATION]] {{from|[[AC GD OverDrive|GITADORA OverDrive]]}}|[[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. [[角田利之|T.Kakuta]] feat. [[Hana-tan|YURiCa]]|197|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|DEEP SPECTRUM|[[TIEFSEE]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. [[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Hana-tan|YURiCa]]|165|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} }} == 猫叉&TOTTOと行くGW弾丸ツアー == [[Nekomata & TOTTO to iku GW dangan tour|猫叉&TOTTOと行くGW弾丸ツアー]] 活动与 [[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]] 同时在2015年4月2日开始,于2015年5月17日结束。 对于那些有资格但仍未解锁的玩家,可以在2015年6月1日之前前往活动页面解锁这些乐曲。 ''以下乐曲以解锁顺序排列。'' {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|'''猫叉&TOTTOと行くGW弾丸ツアー'''|bg=#6FFFC3|color=#FF6F00}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Preparation Phase (Unlockable from April 2nd, 2015.)}} {{IIDX Song|CHIPCORE|[[Sakura Mirage]]{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|187|-|6|8|11|6|8|10}} {{IIDX Song|WORLD/ELECTRONICA|[[Scars of FAUNA]]{{from|[[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]]}}|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|165|-|5|8|11|5|8|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Travelling Phase (Unlockable from April 27th, 2015.)}} {{IIDX Song|JAPANESE TRADITIONAL|[[打打打打打打打打打打]]{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]] join. SELEN|156|-|5|8|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|ASURA TEK CORE|[[鬼天]]{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}|[[田川义浩|兎々]]|161|-|6|9|11|6|10|12}} {{IIDX Song|HAPPY VACAY CORE|[[全力SPECIAL VACATION!! ~有限的假日~|全力 SPECIAL VACATION!! ~限りある休日~]]|[[右寺修|DJ GW]]|170|-|6|8|11|6|8|11}} }} ==BEMANI×TOHO project REITAISAI 2015== 为了给接下来即将发售的 [[BEMANI x 东方Project Ultimate MasterPieces|BEMANI×東方Project Ultimate MasterPieces]] 专辑造势,BEMANI开展了面向社内全系列音游的[[BEMANI x 东方Project例大祭2015|BEMANI×东方Project例大祭2015]] 活动。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|'''BEMANI×东方Project例大祭2015'''|bg=white|color=#cc0011}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Vol.1 (Added on April 30th, 2015)|bg=white|color=#001188}} {{IIDX Song|HYPER J-POP|[[遗落的美术|取り残された美術(Arranged:HiZuMi)]]|[[Mitsu Ishitani|幽閉サテライト]] feat. [[森永真由美|senya]]|160|-|5|8|10|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Vol.2 (Added on May 14th, 2015)|bg=white|color=#001188}} {{IIDX Song|J-CORE|[[Scarlet Moon]]|[[永井良和|REDALiCE]] feat. [[Ayumi Nomiya]]|180|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|DRUM'N'WALTZ|[[妖隐|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]]|[[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]] feat.[[Sayuri Anpo|3L]]|85|-|5|9|10|6|8|11}} }} === Kaitou BisCo no yokokujou!! (怪盗BisCoの予告状!!) === [[Kaitou BisCo no yokokujou!!]] (怪盗BisCoの予告状!!) 活动开始于2015年6月17日,到2015年12月21日于 [[AC copula|beatmania IIDX 23 copula]] 结束。(存疑。原句:... ended on December 21st, 2015 in [[AC copula|beatmania IIDX 23 copula]].) {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|怪盗BisCoの予告状<nowiki>!!</nowiki>|bg=#191970|color=#FF69B4}} {{IIDX Song|RAGTIME CHIPTUNE|[[EBONY & IVORY]]{{from|[[AC BST|BeatStream]]}}|[[OSTER project]]|170|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Song|電波ソング|[[Pa pi pu Yeah!|パ→ピ→プ→Yeah!]]{{from|[[AC BST|BeatStream]]}}|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]] join. shully & Nimo|160|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|Hi-歌謡コア|[[那是烟花一样的恋爱|それは花火のような恋]]{{from|[[AC BST|BeatStream]]}}|[[角田利之|夏色バーニングラブ☆]][[森永真由美|Prim]]|182|-|6|10|12|7|10|12}} }} === BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015 === [[BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015]] 活动开始于2015年7月23日,结束于2015年10月26日。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015|bg=skyblue|color=white}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Prologue Song (added on July 16th, 2015)}} {{IIDX Song|HYBRID|[[In The Breeze]]|[[黑泽大佑|96]] & [[藤森崇多|Sota]] ft. [[森永真由美|Mayumi Morinaga]]|123-142|-|4|7|9|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 24th, 2015}} {{IIDX Song|UK HARDCORE|[[Sounds Of Summer]]|[[Hommarju]]|175|-|6|10|12|6|9|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 3rd, 2015}} {{IIDX Song|PROGRESSIVE|[[Chronos]]{{from|[[AC GFDM V6|GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6]]}}|[[田口康裕|TAG]]|128|-|5|8|11|5|9|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 8th, 2015}} {{IIDX Song|ドタバタ☆夏休み|[[心跳夏日冒险|ドッキン☆サマーあばんちゅーる]]|[[角田利之|L.E.D.-G]] + [[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]] + [[木村洋平|ARM]] feat. [[Nanahira|ななひら]]|180|-|5|8|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 22nd, 2015}} {{IIDX Song|ムラクモ|[[少年追逐着天空|少年は空を辿る]]{{from|[[PnM AC 20|pop'n music 20 fantsia]]}}|[[渡边大地|Power Of Nature]]|140|-|6|10|12|7|10|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|Epilogue Song (unlockable from August 24th, 2015)}} {{IIDX Song|HAPPY SUMMER CORE|[[夏色日记 -L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX-|夏色DIARY -L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX-]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[肥塚良彦|王子]] feat.[[角田利之|L.E.D.-G]]|190|-|6|10|12|6|10|12}} }} == SUPER FUTURE 2323 == 以下将会于[[AC copula|beatmania IIDX 23 copula]]出现的乐曲仅可通过SUPER FUTURE 2323活动来在PENDUAL上游玩: * Routing:July 10th, 2015 to September 1st, 2015. * 灼熱Pt.2 Long Train Running:July 16th, 2015 to September 1st, 2015. {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|SUPER FUTURE 2323|bg=#FFCCCC|color=black}} {{IIDX Song|JAZZY-ELECTRO|[[Routing]]|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]]|144|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|BROKEN SAMBA BREAK|[[灼热Pt.2 Long Train Running|灼熱Pt.2 Long Train Running]]|[[DJ Mass MAD Izm*]]|165|-|7|10|12|7|10|12}} }} === FLOOR INFECTION === 通过游玩[[AC SDVX III|SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS]]来提升自己的''infection level'',玩家可以在不同时间内解锁下列来自SDVX系列的曲目。 如要获得更多信息,请点击[[FLOOR INFECTION|活动页面]]. {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|FLOOR INFECTION|bg=#ADFF2F|color=#577d24}} {{IIDX Song|Hi-TECH PSYTRANCE|[[Discloze]]<br><small>''Level 1 MAX''</small>|[[lapix]]|128-145|-|6|9|11|6|9|11}} {{IIDX Song|HOLIC|[[Invitation from Mr.C]]<br><small>''Level 2 MAX''</small>|[[道下朗|C-Show]]|230|-|6|9|12|7|9|12}} }} = EXPERT模式 = EXPERT模式于2015年2月4日实装,这是该模式自[[AC tricoro|tricoro]]稼动废止以来约2年5个月的再次登场。 与Lincle时期相比,每一组的课题曲从5曲减少到4曲,血条改为使用段位血条(30%补正仍旧存在),可以通过DJ VIP PASS选择HARD/EX-HARD血条。 * 月度的INTERNET RANKING只包含常规EXPERT courses。 * 推出了SECRET组曲。上述组曲的最后一曲将是全新的曲目。该曲目可通过Clear该组或者填满相应难度的计量表解锁(见后述)。 * 随机组曲特性: ** RANDOM ALL(全部随机):包含游戏中所有乐曲,包括Spada†leggendaria乐曲和它们的 †LEGGENDARIA谱面(仅限ANOTHER难度)。 *** 这是非PASELI 玩家唯一的选择 Spada†leggendaria乐曲的方法。 ** RANDOM NEW SONG(随机新曲):包含所有PENDUAL乐曲。 ** RANDOM LEGGENDARIA(随机LEGGENDARIA):包含所有Spada†leggendaria乐曲(需要VIP PASS)。 ** RANDOM LEGGENDARIA ANOTHER(随机LEGGENDARIA ANOTHER):与RANDOM LEGGENDARIA相同但包含一个†LEGGENDARIA 谱面作为第四曲。需要VIP PASS,且强制ANOTHER难度。 * HIT CHART(谱面热度榜) 和 MONTHLY HIT CHART(谱面月度热度榜)特性: ** BRONZE:包含当前及上月游戏次数排名16至13的乐曲。 ** SILVER:包含当前及上月游戏次数排名12至9的乐曲。 ** GOLD:包含当前及上月游戏次数排名8至5的乐曲。 ** PLATINUM:包含当前及上月游戏次数排名4至1的乐曲。 * 最佳课题曲包括玩家和最多5个Rival的前四热度乐曲。含有Spada†leggendaria乐曲,以及相反时空(PRESENT和FUTURE)的乐曲的BEST courses将不会显示。 * 原创组曲功能。 ** LOCAL ORIGINAL:开启店铺大会时可选,店家可自行设置组曲。默认的一组是:[[Ascalon]], [[POINT ZERO]], [[Re:GENERATION]] 和 [[ZED]]. ** MY ORIGINAL:于2015年6月3日添加。持有基本eAMUSEMENT会员(basic eAMUSEMENT subscription)的玩家可以设定一个原创课题,你可以自行选择你已经解锁的乐曲,以及为之设定名字。 *** 玩家可以关注最多五位玩家来游玩他们的原创组曲,也可以选择eAMUSEMENT网络上记录的某一个玩家原创组曲。 * 与4月17日推出EXPERT VOTE 。玩家可以通过游玩EXPERT VOTE分类中的乐曲进行投票。投票最多的乐曲将成为INTERNET RANKING课题。 * 请注意,在任何情况下,任何包含未解锁以及在相反时空乐曲的课题将无法选择。 == INTERNET RANKING == 以下四组开催期间:2015年2月14日~4月1日 {{IIDX 22 Course | course1 = VOCAL | c1song1 = [[Beat Radiance]] | c1song2 = [[Fly you to the star]] | c1song3 = [[Re:GENERATION]] | c1song4 = [[ALBA -黎明-]] | course2 = ELECTRO | c2song1 = [[LUV CAN SAVE U]] | c2song2 = [[Shining World]] | c2song3 = [[BRAVE OUT]] | c2song4 = [[Line 4 Ruin]] | course3 = CORE | c3song1 = [[The Relentless|#The_Relentless]] | c3song2 = [[Little Star]] | c3song3 = [[Vulkan]] | c3song4 = [[Adularia]] | course4 = COMPILATION | c4song1 = [[Rave Saves You feat. Cardz (Exclusive IIDX Mix)]] | c4song2 = [[Votum stellarum -Hommarju Remix-]] | c4song3 = [[BLUE DRAGON(雷龙Remix IIDX)|BLUE DRAGON(雷龍Remix IIDX)]] | c4song4 = [[We're so Happy (P*Light Remix) IIDX ver.]] }} 以下各组开催时间如表: {| class="wikitable" style=" font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1px" |- ! style="text-align: center;" width="120px" |组曲 ! style="text-align: center;" width="200px" |开催期间 |- |CHARGE |2015年4月1日~4月29日 |- |NEKOMATA |2015年4月29日~5月27日 |- |L.E.D. |2015年5月27日~6月24日 |- |LOW SPEED |2015年6月24日~7月22日 |- |HIGH SPEED |2015年7月22日~8月19日 |- |DRAGON |2015年8月19日~9月16日 |- |LEGEND |2015年9月16日~10月14日 |} {{IIDX 22 Course | course1 = CHARGE | c1song1 = [[GRADIUS 2012]] | c1song2 = [[FLOWER]] | c1song3 = [[Critical Crystal]] | c1song4 = [[Night sky]] | course2 = NEKOMATA | c2song1 = [[Bahram Attack -猫叉Master Remix-]] | c2song2 = [[Rainbow after snow]] | c2song3 = [[AFRO KNUCKLE]] | c2song4 = [[Element of SPADA]] | course3 = L.E.D. | c3song1 = [[THE BLACK KNIGHT]] | c3song2 = [[QUANTUM TELEPORTATION]] | c3song3 = [[THE LAST STRIKER]] | c3song4 = [[WONDER WALKER]] | course4 = LOW SPEED | c4song1 = [[Stay my side]] | c4song2 = [[纵声|おおきなこえで]] | c4song3 = [[Ganymede]] | c4song4 = [[Really Love]] | course5 = HIGH SPEED | c5song1 = [[Scharfrichter]] | c5song2 = [[锁定你的心|君のハートにロックオン]] | c5song3 = [[Little Little Princess]] | c5song4 = [[garden]] | course6 = DRAGON | c6song1 = [[Rave*it!! Rave*it!!]] | c6song2 = [[Critical Crystal]] | c6song3 = [[waxing and wanding]] | c6song4 = [[3y3s]] | course7 = LEGEND | c7song1 = [[perditus paradisus|perditus†paradisus]] | c7song2 = [[Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs-]] | c7song3 = [[天空的黎明|天空の夜明け]] | c7song4 = [[冥]] }} == SECRET组曲 == 各组开催时间如下: {| class="wikitable" style=" font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1px" |- ! style="text-align: center;" width="120px" |组曲 ! style="text-align: center;" width="200px" |配信日期 |- |KAC FINAL |2015年2月14日 |- |Yossy |2015年4月15日 |- |TOHO REMIX |2015年5月14日 |- |VS RHYZE SIDE P |rowspan="2"|2015年7月1日 |- |VS RHYZE SIDE T |- |kors k |rowspan="2"|2015年9月2日 |- |Eagle |} 以下三组可解锁的是完全新曲。 {{IIDX 22 Course | course1 = KAC FINAL | c1song1 = [[BLACK.by X-Cross Fade]] | c1song2 = [[灼热Beach Side Bunny]] | c1song3 = [[Monopole.]] | c1song4 = <b>[[Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs-]]</b> | course2 = Yossy | c2song1 = [[Daisuke]] | c2song2 = [[So Fabulous !!]] | c2song3 = [[Dazzlin' Darlin]] | c2song4 = <b>[[TADAYOSHI|TA・DA ☆ YO・SHI]]</b> | course3 = TOHO REMIX | c3song1 = [[遗落的美术|取り残された美術(Arranged:HiZuMi)]] | c3song2 = [[Scarlet Moon]] | c3song3 = [[妖隐|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]] | c3song4 = <b>[[千年之理|千年ノ理]]</b> }} 以下四组解锁的曲目是Chrono Chaser的OMES专用曲。 {{IIDX 22 Course | course1 = VS RHYZE SIDE P | c1song1 = [[the shadow]] | c1song2 = [[HYENA]] | c1song3 = [[Funny shuffle]] | c1song4 = <b>[[cinder]]</b> | course2 = VS RHYZE SIDE T | c2song1 = [[V]] | c2song2 = [[Devilz Staircase]] | c2song3 = [[Evans]] | c2song4 = <b>[[Gravigazer]]</b> | course3 = kors k | c3song1 = [[Drive Me Crazy]] | c3song2 = [[smooooch|smooooch・∀・]] | c3song3 = [[Programmed World]] | c3song4 = <b>[[Say YEEEAHH]]</b> | course4 = Eagle | c4song1 = [[Hypersonik]] | c4song2 = [[S!ck]] | c4song3 = [[ICARUS]] | c4song4 = <b>[[Reflux]]</b> }} == 可解锁曲目 == 以下乐曲可以通过EXPERT模式中的隐藏组曲解锁。玩家必须通关指定组曲并且分别游玩组曲一定次数来积攒能量槽。达到全组曲FULL COMBO评价可以直接填满能量槽;通关组曲可以增加50%能量槽;失败则会得到25%能量,如果在第一曲便失败则基本不会增加。开启ASSIST选项游玩也可以得到能量,但是增加量比正常游玩会少很多。 如果玩家想要完全解锁乐曲的所有谱面,不同难度的谱面必须要分别解锁。但是Single Play和Double Play模式的进度是共享的。 {{IIDX Songlist Header| {{IIDX Songlist Category|EXPERT COURSE -SECRET PART1- (KAC FINAL)|bg=#ffffff|color=#f721ff}} {{IIDX Song|CHRONO BREAKS|[[Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs-]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[角田利之|L.E.D.]]Master+|196|-|7|11|12|7|11|12}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|EXPERT COURSE -SECRET PART2- (Yossy)|bg=#ffffff|color=#f721ff}} {{IIDX Song|EUROBEAT|[[TADAYOSHI|TA・DA ☆ YO・SHI]]|[[田村哲也|Y&Co.]]|160|-|5|8|10|5|8|10}} {{IIDX Songlist Category|EXPERT COURSE -SECRET PART3- (TOHO REMIX)|bg=#ffffff|color=#f721ff}} {{IIDX Song|WORLD/ELECTRONICA|[[千年之理]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|153|-|6|9|12|6|9|12}} }} = 親密度ランキング (Affection Ranking) = [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/information/affection.html Announcement page.]<br> [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/ranking/qpronicle love ranking.html Ranking page.] Affection Ranking is a special sub-event of Qpronicle Chord and it's divided in three parts, one for each game version cup: * '''Lincle Cup (Rche & Beridzebeth)''' - from April 22nd, 2015 to May 12th, 2015. * '''tricoro Cup (Sumomo & elpis§煌§)''' - from May 13th, 2015 to June 2nd, 2015. * '''SPADA Cup (Faula & Ferira)''' - from June 3rd, 2015 to June 23rd, 2015. Objective is to get Affection points for the Cup's specific partners by playing as much credits as possible while having them selected. In a Cup period, Affection points are given from the 6th credit onward. There are three types of rewards.<br> * '''Unlockable Q-pro sets:''' you need to make it in the Top 1000 Affection rank at the end of Cup periods. There's a top 1000 list for each partner - two active per cup, six in total - and each one gives you the Q-pro set of the partner's boss version (as seen in the overlays for Qpronicle Chord boss songs). * '''Head Q-pro parts:''' get at least two Affection points for each partner to unlock the partners themselves as Head Q-pro parts, as previously seen in the Qpronicle Chord event. This type of reward is given instantly upon satisfying the condition; you don't need to wait the end of the Cup period. * '''CS Crossover:''' get at least ten Affection points in each Cup period. If the condition is satisfied, from June 3rd, 2015 you have access to: ** [[The Least 100sec]] / [[佐佐木博史|Sasaki Hirofumi]] - ''from [[AC GF5DM4|GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX]].'' = 每日推荐(今日のイチオシ)= 所有的PENDUAL游戏机每天都会有三首歌曲标记“推荐/featured”。玩家可以在Data Entry window(?)或歌曲转盘(songwheel)菜单查看当天是哪些歌曲。在一天内完成全部三首歌曲将获得300Fricos。 若要查看推荐歌曲列表,请查看[[beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL Today's Featured Songs List]] 页面。 = 本周排名 = beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL的本周排名(WEEKLY RANKING) 于2014年10月15日开始。每个周期持续一周,并以每周三的12:00pm作为分界线。 {{hide text| # 10/15/2014 to 10/22/2014 - [[Hello Happiness]] / [[P*Light]] feat. mow*2 # 10/22/2014 to 10/29/2014 - [[Don't Stop The Music feat.森高千里]] / tofubeats # 10/29/2014 to 11/05/2014 - [[No Tears]] / [[宇野将平|RoughSketch]] feat.Aikapin # 11/05/2014 to 11/12/2014 - [[Fake out|フェイクアウト]] / [[Last Note.]] feat.mirin # 11/12/2014 to 11/19/2014 - [[Bassdrop freaks|ベィスドロップ・フリークス]] / [[大箭将也|かめりあ]] feat. [[Nanahira|ななひら]] # 11/19/2014 to 11/26/2014 - [[Vulkan]] / [[Hommarju]] # 11/26/2014 to 12/03/2014 - [[Erosion Mark]] / [[齐藤广祐|kors k]] REASM [[右寺修|Des-ROW]] # 12/03/2014 to 12/10/2014 - [[SAMSARA]] / [[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]] # 12/10/2014 to 12/17/2014 - [[Rave Saves You feat. Cardz (Exclusive IIDX Mix)]] / [[田村哲也|REMO-CON]] # 12/17/2014 to 12/24/2014 - [[Blaze it UP!]] / [[岛村真辅|DJ Shimamura]] # 12/24/2014 to 12/31/2014 - [[进步的时空少女浦岛たろ子|ぷろぐれっしぶ時空少女!うらしまたろ子ちゃん!]] / [[木村洋平|ARM]](IOSYS) feat. [[山本椛]] # 12/31/2014 to 01/07/2015 - [[m1dy Festival]] / [[渡边余生|m1dy]] # 01/07/2015 to 01/14/2015 - [[Sometimes feat. Kanae Asaba]] / [[田村哲也|Y&Co.]] # 01/14/2015 to 01/21/2015 - [[Amnolys]] / [[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] # 01/21/2015 to 01/28/2015 - [[Sweet Radar]] / [[彦田元气|DJ Genki]] feat. [[Yukacco]] # 01/28/2015 to 02/04/2015 - [[The Relentless|#The Relentless]] / [[大泉研人|DJ Noriken]] # 02/04/2015 to 02/11/2015 - [[表里如一!?怪盗委员长的苦恼|表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み♥]] / [[角田利之|◇◆謎の怪盗少女ぷらずま]][[森永真由美|☆彡Prim◇◆]] # 02/11/2015 to 02/18/2015 - [[恋爱是白带,三四郎|恋は白帯、サンシロー]] / [[星野奏子|星野奏子]] # 02/18/2015 to 02/25/2015 - [[Line 4 Ruin]] / [[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]] # 02/25/2015 to 03/04/2015 - [[Beat Radiance]] / [[黑泽大佑|iNO]] # 03/04/2015 to 03/11/2015 - [[更多!更多!心跳加速 feat.松下|もっと!モット!ときめき feat. 松下]] / [[胁田润|シャイニング]][[角田利之|度胸兄弟]] # 03/11/2015 to 03/18/2015 - [[为超青少年而作的超多幸福的超古典的超舞曲|超青少年ノ為ノ超多幸ナ超古典的超舞曲]] / [[Akhuta|Project B-]] # 03/18/2015 to 03/25/2015 - [[白露之风|白露の風]] / [[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]] feat. [[常盘优|常盤ゆう]] # 03/25/2015 to 04/01/2015 - [[ZZ]] / [[石川贵之|D.J.Amuro]] # 04/01/2015 to 04/08/2015 - [[SpaceLand TOYBOX|SpaceLand☆TOYBOX]] / [[OSTER project]] # 04/08/2015 to 04/15/2015 - [[天上天下|X↑X↓]] / [[山下泰|DJ TECHNORCH]] # 04/15/2015 to 04/22/2015 - [[On My Wings (Hardstyle IIDX)]] / [[齐藤广祐|kors k]] # 04/22/2015 to 04/29/2015 - [[Night sky]] / [[USAO]] # 04/29/2015 to 05/06/2015 - [[Monopole.]] / [[cosMo@暴走P]] # 05/06/2015 to 05/13/2015 - [[竹刀少女|バンブーソード・ガール]] / [[cosMo@暴走P]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 05/13/2015 to 05/20/2015 - [[Idola]] / [[石川贵之|icono]][[胁田润|clasm]] feat.GUMI - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 05/20/2015 to 05/27/2015 - [[Dark Fall]] / [[中原龙太郎|黒龍]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 05/27/2015 to 06/03/2015 - [[ra'am]] / [[中原龙太郎|雷龍]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 06/03/2015 to 06/10/2015 - [[Immortal]] / [[永井良和|DJ NAGAI]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 06/10/2015 to 06/17/2015 - [[死神自爆中二妹偶像Momokarin(1岁)|死神自爆中二妹アイドルももかりん(1歳)]] / [[木村洋平|山本椛]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 06/17/2015 to 06/24/2015 - [[All is Wrecked]] / Destron - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 06/24/2015 to 07/01/2015 - [[Shattered control]] / [[西木康智|Vivian]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 07/01/2015 to 07/08/2015 - [[into the battlefield]] / [[舟木智介|the wandering bard]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 07/08/2015 to 07/15/2015 - [[BRAVE OUT]] / [[蓑岛正佳|nomico / DOWNFORCE]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 07/15/2015 to 07/22/2015 - [[M.D.Injection]] / [[Akhuta|Project B-]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 07/22/2015 to 07/29/2015 - [[FANTASTIC THREE]] / [[佐藤直之|ジャカルタファンクブラザーズ]] # 07/29/2015 to 08/05/2015 - [[Dendrobium|デンドロビウム]] / [[田口康裕|TAG]] # 08/05/2015 to 08/12/2015 - [[AFRO KNUCKLE]] / [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]] # 08/12/2015 to 08/19/2015 - [[十六夜的刹那|十六夜セツナ]] / [[Yusuke Ceo|Xceon]] feat.[[森永真由美]] # 08/19/2015 to 08/26/2015 - [[红牡丹|紅牡丹]] / [[永井良和|DJ NAGAI]] feat. [[aru|a☆ru]] # 08/26/2015 to 09/02/2015 - [[遗落的美术|取り残された美術(Arranged:HiZuMi)]] / [[Mitsuaki Ishitani|幽閉サテライト]] feat. [[森永真由美|senya]] # 09/02/2015 to 09/09/2015 - [[We're so Happy (P*Light Remix) IIDX ver.]] / Remixed by [[P*Light]] # 09/09/2015 to 09/16/2015 - [[TOXIC VIBRATION]] / [[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. [[角田利之|T.Kakuta]] feat. [[花たん|YURiCa]] # 09/16/2015 to 09/23/2015 - [[妖隐|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]] / [[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]] feat.[[Sayuri Anpo|3L]] # 09/23/2015 to 09/30/2015 - [[Scarlet Moon]] / [[永井良和|REDALiCE]] feat. [[Ayumi Nomiya]] # 09/30/2015 to 10/07/2015 - [[Hollywood Galaxy (DJ NAGAI Remix)]] / Remixed by [[永井良和|DJ NAGAI]] # 10/07/2015 to 10/14/2015 - [[TIEFSEE]] / [[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. [[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] feat. [[花たん|YURiCa]] # 10/14/2015 to 10/21/2015 - [[VOX UP]] / [[Shinji Hosoe|sampling masters MEGA]] vs. [[中原龙太郎|青龍]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 10/21/2015 to 10/28/2015 - [[Last Dance]] / [[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 10/28/2015 to 11/04/2015 - [[炼狱的Elferia|煉獄のエルフェリア]] / [[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]] - ''[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]] song.'' # 11/04/2015 to 11/11/2015 - [[Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs-]] / [[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[角田利之|L.E.D.]]Master+}} = 复活歌曲 = * [[in motion]] / [[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]] * [[tripping contact]] / [[齐藤广祐|kors k vs teranoid]] = 新增谱面 = 以下歌曲较以往版本,实机或家用机,增添了新的谱面。 {{IIDX NC Header| {{IIDX NC Song|[[Devilz Staircase]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Elemental Creation]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[VALLIS-NERIA]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[渚之小恶魔lovely radio|†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† (IIDX EDIT)]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[胧|朧]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Alstroemeria|アルストロメリア]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[竹刀少女|バンブーソード・ガール]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[幻想系世界修复少女]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|'''1'''|-|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[BEYOND THE EARTH|Beyond The Earth]]|beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL|-|-|-|-|'''6'''|'''9'''|'''10'''}} }} = 难度变更 = 以下歌曲的难度较以前版本,实机或家用机,有所变更。 {{IIDX NC Header| {{IIDX NC Song|[[Illegal Function Call]]|[[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]|-|-|-|-|-|9→10|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Ancient Scapes]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|-|9→10|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Devilz Sacrifice -赎罪之羊-|Devilz Sacrifice -贖罪の羊-]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|4→5|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Element of SPADA]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|-|5→6|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Insane Techniques]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|- |10→11|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[ra'am]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|7→8|-|-|-|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[refractive index]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|-|- |10→11}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Unicorn tail]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|4→5|-|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[Valgus]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|-|- |10→11}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[WOBBLE IMPACT]]|[[AC SPADA|beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA]]|-|-|-|-|-|7→8|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[IXION]]|beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL|-|-|-|-|-|7→8|-}} {{IIDX NC Song|[[The Least 100sec]]|beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL|-|-|-|-|5→6|-|-}} }} = 削除曲列表 = 以下曲目在beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL遭到削除: {{RS Songlist Header| {{RS Song|[[SPARK !]]|[[上野圭市|SILVER FOX PRODUCTIONS]] feat.[[星野奏子|星野奏子]]|[[AC HAPPY SKY|beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY]]}} {{RS Song|[[Enjoy your life]]|[[内田智之|Mr.T]] plus [[内田裕之|H]]|[[AC DistorteD|beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD]]}} {{RS Song|[[Wish (DJ Yoshitaka feat.杉村ことみ) |wish]]|[[西村宜隆|DJ Yoshitaka]] feat.[[Kotomi Sugimura|杉村ことみ]]|[[AC DistorteD|beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD]]}} {{RS Song|[[Dreaming Sweetness]]|[[中原龙太郎|Auridy]]|[[AC GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD]]}} {{RS Song|[[My Only Shining Star]]|[[前田尚纪|NAOKI]] feat. Becky Lucinda|[[AC GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD]]}} {{RS Song|[[Now and Forever]]|[[齐藤广祐|StripE]] vs MUNETICA feat.ARISA|[[AC DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS]]}} {{RS Song|[[Rising in the Sun (original mix)]]|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]] feat. [[Rie]]|[[AC DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS]]}} {{RS Song|[[State Of The Art]]|[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]] feat. [[cyborg AKEMI]]|[[AC DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS]]}} {{RS Song|[[午夜堕天使|ミッドナイト堕天使]]|[[本田晃弘|Dr. Honda]]|[[AC EMPRESS|beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS]]<br>(IIDX 24 SINOBUZ复活)}} {{RS Song|[[with me...]]|[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]] feat.[[cyborg AKEMI|Kemy]]|[[AC SIRIUS|beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS]]}} {{RS Song|[[SPARK ! -essential RMX-]]|Remixed by [[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] VS [[Yuuki Kuromitsu|PINK PONG]]|[[AC SIRIUS|beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS]]}} {{RS Song|[[Hardcore Mania]]|DJ Weaver|[[AC Resort Anthem|beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem]]}} {{RS Song|[[New Castle Legions]]|[[秋津大祐|Dirty Androids]]|[[AC Resort Anthem|beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem]]}} {{RS Song|[[You Were The One]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] ft. Brenda Vaughn|[[AC Resort Anthem|beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem]]}} {{RS Song|[[乐园 Feat.长南千晴 -JAKA respect for K.S.K. Remix|ラクエン Feat.Chiharu Chonan -JAKA respect for K.S.K. Remix]]|Remixed by [[Josh McInnes|JAKAZiD]]|[[AC Resort Anthem|beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem]]}} {{RS Song|[[DON'T WAKE ME FROM THE DREAM (2010 Summer Edition)]]|YOJI|[[AC Lincle|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle]]}} {{RS Song|[[PentaCube Gt.(RX-Ver.S.P.L.)]]|[[高田雅史]]|[[AC Lincle|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle]]}} {{RS Song|[[Session 12 -Esther-]]|[[PRASTIK DANCEFLOOR]]|[[AC Lincle|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle]]}} {{RS Song|[[Trust -MATERIAL ver- (IIDX Edition)]]|[[清水达也|Tatsh]] feat. ヨーコ|[[AC Lincle|beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle]]}} }} = 外部链接 = * [http://p.eagate.573.jp/game/2dx/22/p/index.html beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL官网] * [http://www.konami.jp/am/locationtest/bm2dx22/ beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL场测信息] * [http://bemaniwiki.com/index.php?beatmania%20IIDX%2022%20PENDUAL BEMANIWiki 2nd的PENDUAL页面] [[Category:beatmania IIDX]]
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beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL
beatmania IIDX
pop'n music
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
Toy's March
DANCE 86.4