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pop'n music Best Hits!
{{DISPLAYTITLE:pop'n music Best Hits!}} {{PNM-CS}} = pop'n music Best Hits! = == Release Information == * Release date: February 27th, 2003 * Retail value: 5,800 yen == General Information / Changes == * A compilation of songs from the first six pop'n music AC/CS games, along with 5 new songs. * Difficulty ratings based on those from [[PnM AC 9|pop'n music 9]]. * Only CD-based PlayStation 2 pop'n music title. * Only PlayStation 2 pop'n music game without Battle Mode or Challenge Mode. * Only CS pop'n music game that allows you to save plays of songs, and the only console CS pop'n music game that doesn't require you to unlock EX charts. ** Also the only CS pop'n music game that allows you to change the screen ratio. * Only CS pop'n music game sound directed by [[兼田润一郎|J_KANE]]. * Last CS pop'n music game to show you a song's BPM on MUSIC SELECT. * Except for the songs that feature [[MZD]] as the rival character, all the songs in the game use the new Best Hits! MISS/FEVER! background animation, presumably due to CD limitations. * First CS pop'n music game to receive a rating by Japan's CERO Rating System. * Total Songs: 54 == Staff Information == * [[pop'n music Best Hits! Credits]] = Song List = == Default Songs == {{pnm popn5 Songlist Header| {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 1|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}}]]|bg=crimson}} {{pnm popn5 Song|POPS|ポップス|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU]]|[[杉本清隆|SUGI]] & [[南云玲生|REO]]|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]]|142|4|8|13|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|RAP|ラップ|[[YOUNG DREAM]]|[[南云玲生|LITTLE FINGERS]]|[[UNCLE Jam]]|110|3|6|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|DISCO KING|ディスコキング|[[FUNKY TOWN '75]]|[[池田智宣|JV & THE SEXY MACHINE GUN]]|BAMBOO|120|7|15|-|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 2|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}}]] 2|color=white|bg=darkblue}} {{pnm popn5 Song|IDOL GIRL|アイドルガール|[[LOVE FIRE]]|[[长泽由利香|長沢ゆりか]]|[[JUDY]]|108|4|10|24|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|NEO ACO|ネオアコ|[[(fly higher than)the stars]]|[[杉本清隆|SUGI]] & [[南云玲生|REO]]|[[Sugi-kun]]|154|7|12|22|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|DIGI ROCK|デジロック|[[ROSE~恋人啊,染上蔷薇色吧|ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ]]|[[池田智宣|BROKE]]|[[Timer]]|124|7|14|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|VISUAL|ヴィジュアル|[[WHITE BIRDS]]|[[池田智宣|violent age]]|[[Yuli]]|122|4|12|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|CANDY POP|キャンディポップ|[[Give me your pain]]|[[林阳一|Haya-P]] & [[增田礼子|Maru]]|[[CINDY]]|130|5|11|27|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|J-GARAGE POP|J-ガラージポップ|[[Miracle Moon(月亮是中转站)|Miracle Moon(お月さまが中継局)]]|[[藤后浩之|Togo Project]] featuring [[新谷早苗|Sana]]|[[Kelly]]|128|7|13|23|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SEXY GIRLS|セクシーガールズ|[[孤单|淋しくてLoneliness]]|[[林阳一|ワンダース]]|[[Mey-Fa]]|126|5|18|23|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 3|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music 3}}]]|bg=#00db67}} {{pnm popn5 Song|KANGTONG|カントン|[[和你一起走]]|[[ToMo K.|Cathy Lau]]|LingLing|136|6|11|29|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|DREAMY|ドリーミー|[[penguin]]|[[中田晓|NAKATEK]]|[[BOY]]|143|4|12|-|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 4|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}} {{span style color|lime|4}}]]|bg=darkorange}} {{pnm popn5 Song|NIGHT OUT|ナイトアウト|[[透明护理|透明なマニキュア]]|[[熊野清美|Kiyommy]]+[[村井洁|Seiya]]|[[JUDY]]|140|10|9|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|FRIENDLY|フレンドリー|[[Over The Rainbow]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|[[Poet]]|140|7|8|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|VISUAL 2|ヴィジュアル2|[[Cry Out]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] feat. KöHey from Medical Trance Peach|[[Yuli]]|184|6|15|23|35}} {{pnm popn5 Song|AMBIENT|アンビエント|[[birds]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|[[SANAE-chan]]|147|7|10|22|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|POWER FOLK 2|パワーフォーク2|[[想要破坏你|君を壊したい]]|[[新堂敦士]]|[[Ash]]|133|6|22|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|FUTURE|フューチャー|[[ostin-art]]|[[太田知巳|ostin-art]]|[[ice]]|145|4|14|25|31}} {{pnm popn5 Song|HORROR|ホラー|[[妖怪Z之歌|妖怪Zの唄]]|[[古贺博树|ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド]]|[[Smile]]|144|6|12|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|LATIN ROCK|ラテンロック|[[不得了的女人|ヤバイオンナ]]|[[片冈嗣实|ラジカル・ツグ]]&[[林阳一|ミッキー・マサシ]]|[[Antonio]]|125|8|13|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|CLASSIC 4|クラシック4|[[Concertare]]|[[兼田润一郎|Waldeus von Dovjak]]|[[HAMANOV]]|179|7|16|41|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 5|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music 5}}]]|bg=linear-gradient(red, darkred)}} {{pnm popn5 Song|PERCUSSIVE|パーカッシヴ|[[西新宿清扫曲|西新宿清掃曲]]|[[杉本清隆|サイモンマン]]|[[Mr.KK]]|140-280|5|11|24|35}} {{pnm popn5 Song|J-TEKNO 2|J-テクノ2|[[power plant]]|[[清水洋平|Youhei]]|[[SHOLLKEE]]|156|12|12|24|32}} {{pnm popn5 Song|HEART|ハート|[[Pink Rose]]|[[熊野清美|Kiyommy]]+[[村井洁|Seiya]]|[[JUDY]]|116-146|6|14|24|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|NEO GS|ネオGS|[[Shock of Love]]|[[木田俊介|Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers]]|[[WACKY]]|150|4|14|29|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|FRENCH POP|フレンチポップ|[[Une fille dans la pluie]]|[[竹安弘|Fabienne Haber]]|[[BELLE]]|140|4|15|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SKY|スカイ|[[从那时起|それから]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|[[Poet]]|127|10|16|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SOFT ROCK|ソフトロック|[[Homesick Pt.2&3]]|[[杉本清隆|ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT]]|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]]|178|9|17|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|ANIME HEROINE|アニメヒロイン|[[魔法之门 (SPACE MACO主题曲)|魔法の扉(スペース@マコのテーマ)]]|[[杉本清隆|a.s.a]]|[[SPACE MACO]]|184|6|19|24|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|POWER FOLK 4|パワーフォーク4|[[SLOW DOWN]]|[[新堂敦士]]|[[Ash]]|137-140|8|27|-|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 6|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}} {{span style color|orange|6}}]]|bg=#fe019a}} {{pnm popn5 Song|HIP ROCK|ヒップロック|[[大见解|大見解]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW]]・[[ALPHA|組]]|[[六]]|143-172|12|27|34|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|TRANCE|トランス|[[Foundation of our love]]|[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] feat.[[仁科薰理|ASAKO]]|[[TRAN]]|140|6|16|32|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SYMPATHY|シンパシー|[[Usual Days]]|[[水野达也|EGOISTIC LEMONTEA]]|[[SUMIRE]]|130-134|6|8|16|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|MELO CORE|メロコア|[[H@ppy Choice]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] feat. [[诹访英夫|すわひでお]]|[[OTOKO-MAN]]|168|6|18|25|34}} {{pnm popn5 Song|DIGI-POP|デジポップ|[[致奔跑的你,Hurry up!|走りぬける君へ、Hurry up!]]|[[南云玲生|Ichiro Yoshida]]|[[Timer]]|132|9|16|26|31}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SPIRITUAL|スピリチャル|[[lasting]]|[[林阳一|Shaker Boo]]|[[AGEHA (character)|AGEHA]]|170|6|8|14|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|OI PUNK|オイパンク|[[很不幸呢|悲しいね]]|[[片冈嗣实|ブタパンチ]]|[[uowo]]|200|20|17|27|41}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|TV&动漫曲|bg=#fef143|color=blue}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SHOTEN|ショウテン|[[《笑点》主题曲|笑点テーマ]]|[[胁田润|♪♪♪♪♪]]|[[Nyami]]|156|7|7|16|25}} {{pnm popn5 Song|LUPIN|ルパン|[[鲁邦三世主题曲'78|ルパン三世のテーマ'78]]|[[胁田润|♪♪♪♪♪]]|[[Mimi]]|131-154|5|11|18|25}} {{pnm popn5 Song|CANDY CANDY|キャンディキャンディ|[[Candy Candy|キャンディ・キャンディ]]|[[中山麻美|中山マミ]]|[[Mimi]]|148|4|9|23|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|YATTERMAN|ヤッターマン|[[小双侠之歌|ヤッターマンの歌]]|山本正之と森の木児童合唱団|[[Mimi]]|134-137|3|9|22|26}} {{pnm popn5 Song|FLANDERS|フランダース|[[黎明之路|よあけの道]]|[[新谷早苗|新谷さなえ]]|[[Nyami]]|41-130|3|12|22|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|pop'n music BEST HITS!|bg=orange|color=white}} {{pnm popn5 Song|ELECTRO|エレクトロ|[[Invisible Lover]]<br><small>'''New CS song'''</small>|[[片冈嗣实|PICKLES]]|nico|145|7|12|25|33}} }} = Hidden Songs = {{pnm popn5 Songlist Header| {{pnm LT Songlist Category|Old Songs/Remixes|bg=lightgreen|color=black}} {{pnm popn5 Song|POPS REMIX|ポップス リミックス|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU~我们是完美的|I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ]]|[[杉本清隆|SUGI]] & [[南云玲生|REO]]|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]]|142|6|22|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|NEO ACO REMIX|ネオアコ リミックス|[[fly higher(than the stars) 2 STEP mix]]|[[杉本清隆|DJ Simon]]|Reo-kun|132|6|20|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|J-GARAGE POP REMIX|J-ガラージポップ リミックス|[[Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~|Miracle Moon~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~]]|[[藤后浩之|Togo Project]] feat. [[新谷早苗|Sana]]|MZD|138|6|18|27|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|NIGHT OUT REMIX|ナイトアウト リミックス|[[透明护理 moonlit mix|透明なマニキュア moonlit mix]]|[[熊野清美|Kiyommy]]+[[村井洁|Seiya]]|MZD|130|4|16|22|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|VISUAL 2 REMIX|ヴィジュアル2 リミックス|[[Cry Out (Superior Mix)]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] feat. KöHey|MZD|180|7|14|25|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|FRENCH POP J|フレンチポップJ|[[Une fille dans la pluie (日语版)|une fille dans la pluie]]|[[新谷早苗|新谷さなえ]]|SANAE-chan|140|4|17|-|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SOFT ROCK LONG|ソフトロックロング|[[Homesick Pt.2&3]]|[[胁田润|ORANGE NOISE SHORTCUT]]|RIE-chan|178|14|19|28|-}} {{pnm LT Songlist Category|New CS Songs/Remixes|bg=orange|color=white}} {{pnm popn5 Song|J-POP REMIX|J-ポップ リミックス|[[Life (J-POP REMIX)|Life]]|[[林阳一|Haya-P]] & [[增田礼子|Maru]]|pretty|96~113|4|8|22|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|CUTE REMIX|キュート リミックス|[[回来吧 ~Again, My Lovely Day~ (CUTE REMIX)|取り返してやる! ~Again, My Lovely Day~]]|[[Akiko Hashimoto|Akko's]]|Anzu|134|6|9|21|-}} {{pnm popn5 Song|TECHNO'80 REMIX|テクノ 80 リミックス|[[Water Melon Woman (TECHNO'80 REMIX)|Water Melon Woman]]|[[中田晓|NAKATEK]]|BOY|115|6|10|29|39}} {{pnm popn5 Song|SCREEN|スクリーン|[[GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12]]|[[兼田润一郎|J KANE]]|Lidell|379|6|14|37|42}} }} = Expert Courses = * pop'n 1 & 2 Course / ★ / POPS / IDOL GIRL / DISCO KING / CANDY POP * pop'n 3 & 4 Course / ★★ / DREAMY / KANGTONG / LATIN ROCK / AMBIENT (H) * pop'n 5 & 6 Course / ★★★★ / SYMPATHY (H) / J-TEKNO 2 (H) / TRANCE (H) / OI PUNK (EX) * Anime Course / ★★★ / FLANDERS (H) / YATTERMAN (H) / CANDY CANDY (H) / LUPIN (H) = Unlock System = == BEST HITS! == The unlock system for pop'n music Best Hits! is titled BEST HITS!. In this mode, two pop-kuns (a red one named Aka-kun, voiced by [[诹访英夫]], and a blue one named Ao-kun, voiced by [[新谷早苗|Sana]]) host a mode where you play various ten ranking groups of songs across four different ranking groups, each one featuring brief commentary by Suwa and Sana before play. Each group ends with one of the top ten requested songs for the game. You can also unlock new songs added to the game as well. All songs can be played on any difficulty level available for that song. After completing BEST HITS, the credits will roll. Here is a list of all four ranking parts, and the ten sets of songs played across them. Songs are listed in the order you play them in. PART-1: Try to pop'n! RANKING GROUP 10: * POPS * SYMPATHY * NIGHT OUT (#10 requested song) RANKING GROUP 9: * J-POP REMIX - '''new CS song''' * RAP * NEO ACO (#9 requested song) RANKING GROUP 8: * CUTE REMIX - '''new CS song''' * IDOL GIRL * VISUAL (#8 requested song) PART-2: pop'nVariety! RANKING GROUP 7: * TECHNO'80 REMIX - '''new CS song''' * SPIRITUAL * DIGI ROCK * HEART (#7 requested song) RANKING GROUP 6: * DISCO KING * SKY * CANDY POP * POWER FOLK 4 (#6 requested song) RANKING GROUP 5: * FRIENDLY * DREAMY * J-GARAGE POP (Ao-kun does not introduce this song) * FUTURE * HORROR (#5 requested song) PART-3: pop'nCarnival! RANKING GROUP 4: * LATIN ROCK (a green pop-kun, named Midori pop-kun (voiced by sound director [[兼田润一郎|J_KANE]]), also co-hosts this introduction, along with a yellow pop-kun named Mickey Masashi (voiced by [[林阳一]]) * MELO CORE * CLASSIC 4 (Midori pop-kun makes a brief cameo) * AMBIENT (Ao-kun does not introduce this song) * POWER FOLK 2 (#4 requested song) - Atsushi Shindo himself can be heard introducing the song. RANKING GROUP 3: * SEXY GIRLS * OI PUNK * NEO GS * SOFT ROCK (#3 requested song) RANKING GROUP 2: * SCREEN - '''new CS song''' * KANGTONG * PERCUSSIVE * HIP ROCK (#2 requested song) PART-4: pop'nAward! RANKING GROUP 1: * FRENCH POP * DIGI POP * TRANCE * J-TEKNO 2 * ANIME HEROINE * VISUAL 2 (#1 requested song) == Clear Conditions == 11 of the game's songs can also be unlocked via clear conditions as well on any difficulty level, even 5-Button. This can also be achieved through Free Training Mode with Autoplay enabled. * POPS REMIX: clear POPS with no BADs. * NEO ACO REMIX: clear NEO ACO with no BADs. * J-GARAGE POP REMIX: clear J-GARAGE POP with no BADs. * NIGHTOUT REMIX: clear NIGHTOUT with no BADs. * VISUAL 2 REMIX: clear VISUAL 2 with no BADs. * FRENCH POP J: clear FRENCH POP with no BADs. * SOFTROCK LONG: clear SOFTROCK with no BADs. * J-POP REMIX: clear CANDY POP with no BADs. * CUTE REMIX: play as Uowo [CS6] in NORMAL MODE. * TECHNO'80 REMIX: clear DREAMY with no BADs. * SCREEN: play as HAMANOV [CS1] and clear CLASSIC 4. == Codes == Codes can be entered to unlock the 11 game unlocks as well. Played songs will save in FREE TRAINING only if you play to the end of the song on NORMAL. The buttons correspond to the ones on the pop'n music controller from left to right. * POPS REMIX: 12433376 * NEO ACO REMIX: 432777234777 * J-GARAGE POP REMIX: 696414696418 * NIGHTOUT REMIX: 786933 * VISUAL 2 REMIX: 3938363 * FRENCH POP REMIX: 77877877887 * SOFTROCK LONG: 78987673234 * J-POP REMIX: 9181716134 * CUTE REMIX: 943219678 * TECHNO'80 REMIX: 1231987 * SCREEN: 79796897934 = pop'n request = Development on ''pop'n music Best Hits!'' began shortly after the release of [[PnM CS 6|pop'n music 6 CS]] on the PlayStation. From August 30th, 2002 until October 31st, 2002, an Internet poll from KONAMI allowed fans to submit their votes on what songs to be revived in the game. According to the end credits of pop'n music Best Hits!, a total of 7,355 votes were given alongside the other 150 listed in the game's credits. Below are the top thirty requested songs listed by genres, along with the amount of votes given: {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" |- !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="200px"|Genre !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="250px"|Song Name !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="150px"|Game of Origin !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" |Votes |- | VISUAL 2 || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Cry Out]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|1089 |- | HIP ROCK || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[大见解|大見解]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 6|pop'n music 6]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|1064 |- | SOFT ROCK || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Homesick Pt.2&3]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|1041 |- | POWERFOLK 2 || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[想要破坏你|君を壊したい]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|842 |- | HORROR || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[妖怪Z之歌|妖怪Zの唄]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|697 |- | POWERFOLK 4 || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[SLOW DOWN]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM CS 5|pop'n music 5 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|683 |- | HEART || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Pink Rose]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM CS 5|pop'n music 5 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|591 |- | VISUAL || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[WHITE BIRDS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 2|pop'n music 2]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|547 |- | NEO ACO || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[(fly higher than)the stars]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 2|pop'n music 2]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|534 |- | NIGHT OUT || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[透明护理|透明なマニキュア]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|529 |- | DIGI ROCK || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[ROSE~恋人啊,染上蔷薇色吧|ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 2|pop'n music 2]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|519 |- | PERCUSSIVE || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[西新宿清扫曲|西新宿清掃曲]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|452 |- | TRANCE || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Foundation of our love]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 6|pop'n music 6]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|448 |- | DIGI POP || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[致奔跑的你,Hurry up!|走りぬける君へ、Hurry up!]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 6|pop'n music 6]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|447 |- | FRIENDLY || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Over The Rainbow]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|394 |- | POWERFOLK 7* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Shake! -Game Ver.-]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 6|pop'n music 6 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|303 |- | J-GARAGE POP || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Miracle Moon(月亮是中转站)|Miracle Moon(お月さまが中継局)]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM CS 2|pop'n music 2 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|299 |- | POPS || style="background:E9ECD9;"| [[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 1|pop'n music]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|293 |- | FUTURE || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[ostin-art]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|284 |- | SYMPATHY || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Usual Days]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM CS 6|pop'n music 6 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|255 |- | J-TEKNO 2 || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[power plant]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|251 |- | POWERFOLK* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[有什么好奇怪!|なんか変だ]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 3|pop'n music 3]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|249 |- | POWER ACO* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[喜欢你~从守护你开始 Folky Version|君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから~]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|230 |- | IDOL GIRL || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[LOVE FIRE]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 2|pop'n music 2]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|217 |- | COQUETTISH* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[恋爱是自然的|恋は天然]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|215 |- | AMBIENT || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Birds]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|210 |- | FRENCH POP || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Une fille dans la pluie]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|205 |- | POWERFOLK 3* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[喜欢你~从守护你开始|君が好きだよ~守って守ってあげるから~]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 5|pop'n music 5]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|199 |- | J-TEKNO* || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[Quick Master]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM AC 1|pop'n music]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|197 |- | SKY || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[从那时起|それから]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|[[PnM CS 5|pop'n music 5 CS]] || style="background:E9ECD9;"|197 |- |} Songs with asterisks next to their genres did not appear in the game. Only Quick Master later appeared in another game, via the pop'n request unlocking system in [[PnM CS 12|pop'n music 12 CS]]; none of the other songs ever appeared in a future PlayStation 2 pop'n music title. = Related Links = * [https://web.archive.org/web/20170711045106/http://www.konami.jp/bemani/popn/gs/best hits/index.html pop'n music Best Hits! official site] (archived) [[Category:pop'n music]]
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pop'n music Best Hits!
beatmania IIDX
pop'n music
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
Toy's March
DANCE 86.4