在BEMANI的街机游戏移植到家用机或者在海外发售后,为了保持游戏的分级制度能顺利通过审查,BEMANI会将游戏的部分内容进行修改。 本页面列出的就是在移植到别处后内容遭到删减的曲目,其中包括曲目的封面,影片等。 '''''本页面目前需要大量修正。''''' = beatmania IIDX = == [[CS GOLD|beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD CS]] == * The unique videos for [[Last Message]] and [[Sense 2007]] were removed and both videos were replaced with the [[AC 6th style|6th]] RAVE generic videos. Last Message was edited likely due to its shot of Meg's cleavage, while Sense 2007's video featured multiple skimpy-dressed women in its video. Both videos got axed to keep IIDX 14 GOLD CS's A-rating with Japan's Computer Entertainment Rating Organization Video Game Rating System (CERO) rating scheme. ** Curiously, Last Message had earlier appeared with its video in [[CS 7th style|7th style CS]], despite the game also getting an All Ages (全年齢対象) CERO rating. == [[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]] == * [[satfinal]]'s unique overlays, which featured [[Acty Aries]], had the jiggling of her breasts removed to keep the game's CERO A rating. == [[CS EMPRESS|beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS + PREMIUM BEST]] == * The ARCHIVE MODE, which features result screen artwork from past beatmania IIDX games, excludes the bikini images from [[CS 5th style|5th style CS]] through [[CS 9th style|9th style CS]] to keep the game's CERO A rating. == South Korean versions == * South Korean versions of the beatmania IIDX series from [[AC tricoro|tricoro]] beyond remove the unique videos for [[Click Again]] and [[New Decade IIDX Edition]], replacing them with the generic videos for tricoro's CYBER and [[AC 8th style|8th]] TECHNO respectively. This is due to both videos featuring images of the [[Wikipedia:Rising Sun Flag|Rising Sun Flag]], which is de-facto banned in South Korea. * Similarly, [[FAKE TIME]]'s overlays are also removed, due to the IIDX characters dressed up as yakuza members. = BeatStream = * [[Maware! Setsugetsuka|回レ!雪月花]]'s video was edited in the BeatStream series, with Takahashi-san (タカハシサン) added in the video to cover the shot of a naked bust scene halfway through the song. ** In the DanceDanceRevolution series, it was circumvented by blocking that shot with another background shot. = DanceDanceRevolution = == [[CS DDR NA|DanceDanceRevolution CS (America)]] == * [[20,NOVEMBER (D.D.R. VERSION)]]'s animation was modified, replacing the female silhouette and the text "I made a sign to him with my eyes" with gun shooting animations and the text "She's the killer queen of a gun" respectively. == [[AC DDR 3rd VER.KOREA|DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX VER.KOREA]] == * [[OH NICK PLEASE NOT SO QUICK]]'s CD and background were censored, adding pants to the man who previously only wore underwear. This also carried over to its [[AC DDR 3rd Ver.KOREA2|its sequel]]. * [[CHARMY]] was edited to include stockings. The stockings would stay on her in ''all'' future appearances of her from [[AC DDR 4th|4thMIX]] beyond, though. == [[CS DDR KONAMIX|DanceDanceRevolution KONAMIX]] == * [[CUTIE CHASER]]'s background was modified by changing the blood color to pink, and removing the bullet holes and pistol in the cop dog's hand in the background to preserve an E rating with the United States' ESRB rating system. ** Curiously, the modified background was carried forward to the arcade releases in [[AC DDR EXTREME|DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME]]. * The vocal samples for [[THE EARTH LIGHT]] were removed. * [[AFTER THE GAME]], an instrumental version of [[AFTER THE GAME OF LOVE]], is used, due to the suggestive content of the original song's lyrics. == [[CS DDRMAX NA|DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution-]] == * Like with the original CUTIE CHASER in KONAMIX, [[CUTIE CHASER(MORNING MIX)]]'s background also censored/removed the bullet holes, red blood, and pistol. Its modified background was also used when the song made its arcade debut in DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME, and the song's Japanese PS2 debut in [[CS DDRMAX2 JP|DDRMAX2 CS JP]]. * [[gentle stress(SENSUAL MIX)|gentle stress (AMD SEXUAL MIX)]] was renamed to '''gentle stress(SENSUAL MIX)''' as the word "SEXUAL" is inappropriate for a family game. This renaming was brought forward in [[AC DDR SuperNOVA|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA]]. ** Curiously, the song was renamed back to '''gentle stress ~AMD SEXUAL MIX~''' in the [[AC DDR X2|DanceDanceRevolution X2]] internal data. == [[CS DDRMAX2 NA|DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution-]] == * [[THE WHISTLE SONG (Blow My Whistle Bitch)]] was renamed to '''THE WHISTLE SONG (Blow My Whistle Baby)''' as the word "bitch" is censored to preserve ESRB's E rating. == [[CS DDR ULTRAMIX|DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX]] / [[CS DS Unleashed|Dancing Stage Unleashed]] == * The background for [[TRIP MACHINE~luv mix~|TRIP MACHINE~luv mix~]] was edited by changing the word "mammy" to "mommy", due to negative connotations with the [[Wikipedia:Mammy stereotype|Mammy stereotype]], an American historical stereotype depicting black women working in white families. ** Despite this censor, its original background was retained in future DanceDanceRevolution series, including its jacket, since [[AC DDR X2|DanceDanceRevolution X2]]. *** Curiously, TRIP MACHINE~luv mix~'s background was left uncensored back in KONAMIX and [[CS DS PARTY EDiTiON|Dancing Stage PARTY EDiTiON]]. * Like in KONAMIX, the vocal samples in THE EARTH LIGHT have been removed. == [[CS DDR ULTRAMIX3|DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3]] == * [[Alphabet Aerobics]]'s lyrics censor the first two words in the song's N verse, due to using an offensive slang term for African Americans. * [[Giudecca]] was given different vocal soundbites, due to the original soundbites containing explicit language. * [[Hey Mama]] uses a clean edit of the song. == [[CS DDR SuperNOVA NA|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA CS (North America)]] == * The original title for [[Robogirl]] was called '''Roboslut''', which was renamed to preserve the game's E10+ ESRB rating. == [[CS DDR SuperNOVA JP|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA CS (Japan)]] == * Scenes from the OVA ''SKY GIRLS'' were heavily edited in the video for [[Baby's Tears (SKY GIRLS opening theme)|Baby's Tears (スカイガールズ オープニングテーマ)]]. Any shots of the girls' behinds were removed and replaced with alternate video clips. == [[CS DDR SuperNOVA2 JP|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 CS (Japan)]] / [[CS DDR SuperNOVA2 JP|DanceDanceRevolution X CS (North America)]] == * [[Trust -DanceDanceRevolution mix-]]'s was heavily edited in console releases: ** In SuperNOVA2 CS (Japan), all the shots featuring Yoko's breasts were replaced with zoom-ins of her face. This was also done in [[CS DDR X NA|X CS (America)]]. ** X CS (America) also edits an additional scene with Kamina, from a shot with blood to a shot of him in shades. == [[CS DDR Disney Channel EDITION|DanceDanceRevolution Disney Channel EDITION]] == * [[exotic ethnic]] and [[PARANOiA MAX~DIRTY MIX~]] were renamed to '''EX. ETH.''' and '''P.N. MAX''' respectively, as the original titles contained words inappropriate for a Disney-themed game. == [[CS DDR X JP|DanceDanceRevolution X CS (Japan)]] == * [[ZERO|零 - ZERO -]]'s video was edited, removing two shots of blood from the original beatmania IIDX video. This edit also carried over to the North American PlayStation 2 [[CS DDR X2|X2]] home release. == [[AC DDR X2|DanceDanceRevolution X2]] == * [[New Decade]]'s video was removed from the Korean arcade releases of the series due to showing the Rising Sun Flag. ** In [[AC DDR A|DanceDanceRevolution A]], the purple variant of the REPLICANT stage is used, though the monitor displays become black for the song's entirety. ** In [[AC DDR 2014|DanceDanceRevolution (2014)]] and from [[AC DDR A20|DanceDanceRevolution A20]] onwards, the BOOM DARK dance stage is used instead without any visible monitor displays. == [[CS DDR 2010|DanceDanceRevolution (2010)]] == * The jackets for three songs, [[dreaming can make a wish come true]], [[New York EVOLVED]], and [[Until the End]] were all edited: the first adds clothes to the once naked woman; the second replaces a skeleton with a picture of a woman's eyes; and the final removed human skulls' eyes and noses, as well as blood, from its jacket. ** All three songs use their uncensored jackets from the [[CS DDR PS3|PlayStation 3]] release in the arcade series beginning with [[AC DDR X3|X3 VS 2ndMIX]]. == [[CS DDR Classroom Edition|DanceDanceRevolution Classroom Edition]] == * [[So What]] and [[Walk Like An Egyptian]]'s lyrics were modified by using a different cut from the original release, as well as censoring the word "drink" in both songs. = [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]] = * The woman in [[ATRAX]]'s jacket was [https://twitter.com/Kalt_G/status/1272343907494293504 removed] in the South Korean version, due to her posture resembling bondage (BDSM). ** Its jacket is uncensored in the Korean releases of [[AC jb festo|jubeat festo]], though. = MÚSECA = == [[AC MSC 1+1/2|MÚSECA 1+1/2]] == [[Image:Netoge haijin sprechchor uncensored.jpg|thumb|ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール's uncensored jacket.]] * [[Netoge haijin sprechchor|ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール]]'s jacket censors Miku giving the middle finger by covering her hand with a black bar. ** The uncensored jacket can be seen in SEGA's ''Project DIVA'' games. = pop'n music = == [[CS pnm 6|pop'n music 6 CS]] == * [[Sunlight]]'s banner and BOY's character portrait were modified, due to his handheld resembling a Game Boy Advance. == [[AC pnm eclale|pop'n music éclale]] == * TENT-KANT, the character for [[Schrodinger no neko|シュレーディンガーの猫]] and [[Geometric tea party|ジオメトリック∮ティーパーティー]], was modified by changing the shape of the star on its head from a six-pointed star to a five-pointed star, as the former bears resemblance to the [[Wikipedia:Star of David|Star of David]], a Jewish symbol. = SOUND VOLTEX = == South Korean versions== [[Image:Generic Jacket EG.png|thumb|The generic jacket, as of [[AC SDVX EG|SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR]].]] In an update on December 28th, 2017, many of the songs from HEAVENLY HAVEN were censored and replaced with generic jackets credited to '''-''', in accordance with Korea's Game Rating and Administration Committee (GRAC). Between July 24th and August 9th, 2018, songs added after the November 16th, 2017 update were temporarily unplayable, also due to GRAC. Songs added after the July 24th, 2018 update were added on August 23rd, 2018, and songs added on March 10th, 2022 was postponed [https://mobile.twitter.com/UNIANA_AM/status/1501091626684661766] until March 18th, 2022. [https://twitter.com/UNIANA_AM/status/1504379272227553282?cxt=HHwWhICsici-0OApAAAA] This soon spread to other BEMANI games as well censoring jackets for content. A full list of the songs that had their jackets removed (including songs released after HEAVENLY HAVEN): * [[Apocrypha]] * [[Archangelio]] * [[Aurora(Latinized Style)]] * [[Awakening (technoplanet)|Awakening]] * [[Call of the World]] * [[Candy Star]] * [[Chocolate Planet]] * [[Cy-Bird]] * [[dreamin' of u]] * [[ECHIDNA]] * [[Fafnir|Fáfnir]] * [[GERBERA-For Finalists-]] * [[Ghost Trigger]] * [[Gorgetech]] * [[Grand-Guignol]] * [[Heavenly Adventure]] * [[HEAVENLY SMILE]] * [[iLLness LiLin]] * [[Justitia Gladius]] * [[Legendary Road]] * [[Lovesick Lovetune(brz_style)]] * [[NEON LOVE POTION!!!|NEON LOVE♥POTION!!!]] * [[Nexta]] * [[OZONE]] * [[PROVOES*PROPOSE (el fine)|PROVOES*PROPOSE ≪êl fine≫]] * [[Reverenced Flower]] * [[rhythmology study]] * [[Sailing Force]] * [[SO FLY ME TO YOU]] * [[Spirit of the Beast]] * [[STIGMA]] * [[ULTiMATE INFLATiON]] * [[VAZiLiSQ|VɅZiLiSQ]] * [[Vigor]] * [[Xibercannon]] * [[Dual memory|デュアルメモリ]] * [[Ignore others|イグノアザーズ]] * [[Junbi undou|準備運動]] * [[KowaRave*it!! KowaRave*it!!|壊Rave*it!! 壊Rave*it!!]] * [[Magical namanushi Risuna-chan|まじかる生主@りすなちゃん]] * [[Mune no naka de dareka ga|胸の中で誰かが]] * [[Nanairo light|ナナイロライト]] * [[Oniyuri|オニユリ]] * [[Shishifunjin (a hisa vs KV.S&Haratama)|獅子奮迅]] * [[Siren ~hisou no tategoto~|セイレーン ~悲壮の竪琴~]] * [[Watashi to anata no MYOURENJI|私とあなたのMYOURENJI☆]] The following songs are not censored in SOUND VOLTEX, but are in other BEMANI games, as they were crossed over after GRAC stepped in: * [[Lord=Crossight]] * [[Prayer]] * [[Preserved Valkyria]] * [[VeRtrageS]] * [[Kioku no kakera|記憶の欠片]] * [[Otome ryouran mai sakihokore|乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ]] == [[AC SDVX EG|SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR]] == * The Live2D animations for many female NEMESYS crew members have been slightly altered in the Korean version by removing breast bouncing. The comparison can be seen [https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qb60uBDiKsU here]. * The soundbite from the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHuXXaXmStk?t=46 original video] during the middle of [[777 (RoughSketch)|777]] was changed from "Motherfucker" to "Are you ready?". * The following wallpaper customizations from VALKYRIE GENERATOR are absent in the Korean release: Awakening, Cy-Bird, Justitia Gladius, Nexta, ULTiMATE INFLATiON, サイコパスラビット, オニユリ and セイレーン ~悲壮の竪琴~. [[Category:其他]]
beatmania IIDX
pop'n music
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
Toy's March
DANCE 86.4