{{DISPLAYTITLE:GITADORA GALAXY WAVE}} {{GFDM}} = GITADORA GALAXY WAVE = [[Image:GD GALAXY WAVE.png|400px]] == 发售信息 == * 公布日期:2024年3月11日 * 稼动日期:2024年3月13日 * LIVEMODEL: ** 场测:2024年9月6日至8日 * 宣传口号:"It's time to X-th festival!" == 概况 / 变更点 == * 本作起引入了GITADOTICKET(ギタドチケット)道具。通过游玩一次Standard模式可以获得一张GITADOTICKET,额外的GITADOTICKET可以通过[[PASELI]]购买。该道具无法带到下一次投币中,并且仅在日本机台上可用。 ** GITADOTICKET道具可以让你游玩未解锁的ENCORE/PREMIUM ENCORE曲目,但必须是在之前任意STAGE已完成的。 ** GITADOTICKET道具可以在Standard和Premium Free模式中使用。 * [[DX Challenge]]系统自2024年7月24日起开放,取代原本的Deluxe Mode。 ** 前作为止须通过Deluxe Mode解锁的59首曲目于本作默认开放,详细的曲目列表可参看[[AC GD GALAXY WAVE/默认开放的旧隐藏曲|此页面]]。 * 本作起HI-SPEED选项可以以0.25增减。 * FAST/SLOW选项从本作起在曲目游玩过程中和结算画面上显示。 * 本作起吉他方面的音符可以设置显示或不显示辅助线。 * 本作起所有STAGE的选曲时限均为99秒。 * Premium Free模式中增加了快速返回功能,可以通过按下HELP和>>按键实现。 * 本作起引入了RISKY GAUGE选项,开启该选项后血槽耗尽时曲目将立即结束。 ** ENCORE STAGE和PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE曲目默认开启该选项。 * 本作起在曲目开始前的等待画面上,“START”字样现在标注在第一个NOTE掉落的区域。 * Clear lamps now display the player's highest clear on the song wheel (blue for clear, yellow for Full Combo, rainbow for Excellent), in addition to the frame for the highest difficulty cleared. * CLASSIC谱面现在位于专用分类下。 * CLASSIC Skill rating has returned to the results screen. * 本作移除了语言选择界面的中文选项。 * 本作起GuitarFreaks方面增加了RANDOM+、SUPER RANDOM+的选项。 === ARENA MODEL框体相关 === * 新框体与旧作的GuitarFreaks和DrumMania系列相似。GuitarFreaks依然只有一把吉他,DrumMania有了更大的鼓面。 * 新框体现在有三个显示器,一个大的、水平的主显示器在中间,左右两侧则是小的、竖型显示器,右侧的显示器是触摸屏。 * 新框体下方右侧现在只有读卡器和投币槽,其他所有的物理按键都调整到触摸屏。 * 新框体左侧的显示器现在显示[[向日葵之拳|ひまわり∗パンチ]]的角色'''璃音'''的2D模型,璃音会根据曲目中玩家的表现表演。 * 新框体的显示器现在提高了分辨率。 * 新框体的四个大扬声器安装在主显示器的上方和下方,一个低音扬声器安装在底座的中间,两个小扬声器安装在底座两端。 * 曲目选择画面中显示的曲目数量从8首增加到10首。 * 该框体初次场测时被称作LIVEMODEL。 == 职员信息 == 无。 == 全曲列表 == * [[GITADORA GALAXY WAVE 完整曲目列表]] = 新曲 = == 默认新曲 == {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Licens}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d Songs}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 50%, silver)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Defau}}{{font style|gold|purple|l}}{{font style|white|purple|t}}|bg=linear-gradient(silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[强风大背头|強風オールバック]]|Yukopi|135|2.20|3.30|5.85|7.10|1.50|3.20|5.50|6.30|1.00|3.00|4.80|6.40}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[自我摇滚|エゴロック]]|すりぃ|225|2.80|4.70|5.70|8.30|2.40|4.50|6.80|8.60|2.20|4.50|6.40|8.30}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[青春症候群|青春コンプレックス]]|結束バンド|190|2.30|3.50|5.90|8.00|1.80|3.60|5.70|9.00|1.70|3.40|5.30|7.80}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on March 28th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[The Explosive Mr. Panie|爆裂パニエさん]]|tricot|173|2.20|4.00|5.70|7.10|2.30|5.30|6.90|8.00|2.30|4.40|5.70|6.60}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on April 25th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[攻击性国民乐曲|攻撃的国民的音楽]]|八十八ヶ所巡礼|171|2.00|4.30|6.80|7.90|3.00|5.00|7.70|8.30|2.50|4.70|7.40|8.10}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on August 14th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Noctiluca|ノクチルカ]]|神使轟く、激情の如く。|184|2.30|4.00|7.20|9.50|2.30|4.20|6.60|8.90|2.10|4.40|6.40|7.70}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on September 9th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[熙熙攘攘,我们的城市|雑踏、僕らの街]]|トゲナシトゲアリ|171|2.20|4.00|6.30|8.20|1.80|3.10|5.80|7.60|2.00|3.30|5.35|7.80}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Licens}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d Covers}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[KING (Kanaria)|KING]]|Covered by [[haruno|はるの]]|166|1.80|2.80|5.30|8.70|2.20|3.80|7.15|8.60|3.00|4.80|6.70|8.00}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[偶像|アイドル]]|Covered by BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]] × [[胁田润|wac]] × [[横山雄哉|Yvya]]" feat. [[佐伯伊织|佐伯伊織]]|166|1.90|4.20|6.30|8.70|2.10|3.70|7.00|9.20|1.70|4.00|6.00|9.10}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|KONA}}{{font style|gold|purple|M}}{{font style|white|purple|I originals}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 50%, silver)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Defau}}{{font style|gold|purple|l}}{{font style|white|purple|t}}|bg=linear-gradient(silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Arcadia (Maro feat.藤城リエ)|Arcadia]]|[[宫川麿|Maro]] feat.藤城 リエ|190|3.20|5.00|5.90|8.40|2.70|4.00|6.00|7.50|3.80|4.60|6.00|7.10}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Celestial Future]]|BEMANI Sound Team "PopStars" feat.[[ORI姬|ORI姫]]|180|3.00|4.00|5.30|7.60|2.40|4.60|6.60|7.90|2.50|4.30|5.80|6.80}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[WARRIOR]]|NEXTRADE|200|3.50|5.30|6.60|8.10|3.60|4.80|7.20|8.20|3.60|4.70|6.50|7.40}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[唯独你不在|あなたしかいないから]]|田中れいな with Team [[MiA]]|182|2.70|4.20|6.30|7.60|2.60|4.30|6.60|7.60|3.00|4.70|6.30|7.50}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[月下美人]]|石井 真之 feat.小林 正典|187|2.50|4.60|6.25|8.30|2.70|5.00|7.00|8.80|2.30|4.80|5.90|7.30}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[辉石之终点 feat. HaNaTan|輝石のDESTINATION feat. 花たん]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "[[角田利之|T.Kakuta]]"|184|3.50|5.85|7.50|8.80|3.10|5.70|8.50|8.90|3.40|6.10|7.80|8.45}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[米之心|おこめごころ]]|[[三矢禅晃]] feat.こやまゆいぽ.|200|3.00|4.50|6.70|8.50|3.00|5.30|6.80|8.50|2.90|5.00|6.70|7.90}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[惨案的女主角,等待天明|惨事のヒロイン、朝を待つ。]]|[[dadaco|駄々子]]|180|3.00|4.00|6.45|7.40|3.00|5.00|6.00|7.50|1.95|3.20|5.40|7.20}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[告别的轻抚|さよならストローク]]|涼平 feat. みいらみさと|196|3.10|4.55|6.30|7.85|2.50|4.30|5.80|7.10|3.00|4.70|6.50|7.30}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Shootin star|シューティンスター★☆]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[ZAQUVA]]" feat. 月乃|186|2.90|4.20|5.90|7.40|2.50|5.00|7.00|8.20|2.30|4.20|5.80|7.80}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on March 15th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[HYPER JET WIND]]|[[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|276|3.40|5.40|6.80|9.00|3.40|5.20|7.30|8.50|3.50|5.30|6.75|8.70}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on July 18th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[RELAY]]{{from|パワフルプロ野球2024-2025}}|[[佐藤直之|藤原美慶]]|190|2.40|4.00|6.30|8.30|2.10|3.50|6.00|8.25|2.40|3.60|6.20|7.70}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Add}}{{font style|gold|purple|e}}{{font style|white|purple|d on July 21st, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Waza Anniversary Edition]]|[[上高治己|Jimmy Weckl]] Loved by BEMANI Sound Team "[[Asaki|あさき]]"|130|3.40|4.60|6.50|8.70|3.10|4.70|7.30|8.50|2.60|4.40|6.90|8.40}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|[[HinaBitter|{{span style color|pink|ひな}}{{span style color|black|ビタ♪}}]]<br>Added on June 12th, 2024|bg=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[如今在此!在这瞬间|イマココ!この瞬間]]|[[佐佐木朋子|日向美]][[Miho Tsujibayashi|ビタースイーツ♪]]|152|1.80|3.20|4.80|6.80|1.80|3.30|5.30|6.50|2.10|3.20|5.40|6.70}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|BEMA}}{{font style|gold|purple|N}}{{font style|white|purple|I Crossovers}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[打打打打打打打打打打]]{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]] join.SELEN|157|2.80|5.20|6.40|8.40|3.15|4.80|7.30|9.35|3.20|5.00|7.55|8.90}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[彩虹的前方有什么|虹の先に何があるか - Remaster -]]{{from|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}|[[Asaki|あさき]]|216|3.30|5.30|6.60|8.00|3.20|5.40|7.80|8.30|3.10|6.05|7.50|8.40}} }} == LIVEMODEL专属曲目 == 下列曲目目前只能在正在场测的新框体LIVEMODEL上游玩,暂时未知以后是否可以在一般框体上游玩: {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|KONA}}{{font style|gold|purple|M}}{{font style|white|purple|I原创曲}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 50%, silver)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Heaven or Hell]]|[[Yusuke Koshiro]]|192|3.50|5.10|6.60|8.85|3.70|5.60|7.80|9.05|3.70|5.30|7.30|8.40}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[狂乱花夜 feat.shully|狂乱華夜 feat.shully]]|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]]|140-165|2.50|4.20|5.90|8.05|2.50|4.40|5.80|7.60|2.00|4.10|5.30|8.25}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Lyra|ライラ]]|大賀廉人&[[MiA]]&BEMANI Sound Team "[[Asaki|あさき]]"|190|2.60|5.00|6.80|8.50|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[漂浮的蓝色|揺蕩う青]]|[[Eisuke Takebe|タケベエイスケ]] feat.終ワ子|183|3.10|4.80|6.00|8.20|2.70|5.10|6.40|7.70|2.40|5.30|6.30|7.30}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|BEMA}}{{font style|gold|purple|N}}{{font style|white|purple|I移植曲}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[ANEMONE|ANEMONE -GITADORA EDITION-]]{{from|[[AC CastHour|beatmania IIDX 29 CastHour]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]] × [[横山雄哉|Yvya]]" feat.[[紫村花澄|紫村 花澄]]|174|2.30|3.60|5.30|7.00|2.30|4.10|6.40|7.30|2.10|3.70|5.30|6.70}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[现在只能昂首挺胸去面对|もうあおむけでいくしかない GITADORA MIX DE IKU SHIKA NAI Edition]]{{from|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music 解明リドルズ]]}}|[[Asaki|Super]] [[和田惠|Momo]] [[村山沙罗|Tarosans]]|170|3.00|5.30|6.60|8.80|3.00|5.60|7.70|8.90|3.00|5.30|6.60|8.40}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Myu, myu, Mullru|みゅ、みゅ、Müllる]]{{from|[[AC DDR A3|DanceDanceRevolution A3]]}}|[[月乃]] & BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]"|150|2.50|4.60|6.00|7.20|2.70|5.30|7.40|8.45|2.30|4.50|6.05|7.40}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[水槽之鲸|水槽のクジラ]]{{from|[[AC SDVX IV|SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN]]}}|[[Yuuta Tezuka|テヅカ]] feat. 大西あみみ|206|2.90|4.90|6.70|8.50|2.60|4.10|5.90|8.80|2.30|4.30|6.20|8.45}} }} = ENCORE/PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE = == ENCORE/PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE Requirements == * ENCORE STAGE: Fill the ENCORE gauge to 100% over a playthrough, where for a given song each grade gives the player a certain percentage (Long Version songs give double percentage): ** SS = 52.17%, S = 34.78%, A = 30.43%, B = 26.09%, C = 17.39%. When accessed, an ENCORE STAGE-specific song may be played in addition to any song on the regular song list. * PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE: Obtain 95% of PERFECTs on an ENCORE STAGE-specific song (marked by an ENCORE emblem on the song list) without using any Auto modes. When accessed, the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE (and only the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE) will be made playable up to the highest difficulty level played on ENCORE STAGE. Each time the player chooses not to advance to the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE from ENCORE STAGE (either by failing the PERFECT percentage requirement or playing other songs outside ENCORE-marked songs), the required PERFECT percentage goes down by 1% (extra 1% also added at next attempt so it goes to a maximum of 5% reduction) until it reaches 0%. Both the required PERFECT percentage and its reduction will be reset the next day (even if ENCORE STAGE is not accessed that day), but will be kept intact if the player plays at any days other than the next one. === Unlocking ENCORE STAGE songs === The ENCORE STAGE songs may be unlocked into Standard play by clearing those songs several times, depending on achievement rate, and they will remain as ENCORE STAGE-only songs on later ENCORE Versions. {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver. !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Duration |- | 1 || March 13th, 2024 - April 16th, 2024 |- | 2 || April 17th, 2024 - June 4th, 2024 |- | 3 || June 5th, 2024 - July 2nd, 2024 |- | 4 || July 3rd, 2024 - September 3rd, 2024 |- | 5 || September 4th, 2024 - Present |} The conditions are listed below: {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Legend: |style="background:#FFC7C7;"|ENCORE STAGE |style="background:#A1FAA1;"|PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE |} {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Song !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver.1 !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver.2 !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver.3 !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver.4 !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Ver.5 |- | [[Astrum]] || style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="5"|Unlockable |- | [[Calm days]] || style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="5"|Unlockable |- | [[爱是Toxic! feat.LilyMone|愛はToxic! feat.LilyMone]] || style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="5"|Unlockable |- | [[DESPERATE ERROR]] || style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only | style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="4"|Unlockable |- | [[Multiverse]] || colspan="1"|- | style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only | style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="3"|Unlockable |- | [[DOGMA (RENO)|DOGMA]] || colspan="2"|- | style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only | style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="2"|Unlockable |- | [[Stay By My Side]] || colspan="3"|- | style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only | style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="1"|Unlockable |- | [[Prog for your Soul]] || colspan="4"|- | style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only |} === ENCORE Versions === * Current ENCORE Version: '''Version 4''' {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|ENCORE STAGE|bg=linear-gradient(blue, transparent, transparent, transparent, blue), linear-gradient(to right, black, navy, navy, black)|color=cyan}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Astrum]]|[[零 -zero-]] × BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]"|190-254|3.60|5.20|8.60|9.30|2.90|4.90|8.20|9.10|2.20|4.80|7.40|9.00}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Calm days]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[肥塚良彦]]"|138|3.20|4.80|6.70|8.80|2.50|4.80|7.50|8.90|2.40|4.60|7.20|8.80}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[爱是Toxic! feat.LilyMone|愛はToxic! feat.LilyMone]]|[[Takashi Ito|Mitsuyo]]|180|3.10|4.80|6.80|9.30|3.20|5.30|7.80|9.40|3.00|5.20|7.30|9.45}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[DESPERATE ERROR]]|[[山本真央树|山本真央樹]]|180|3.40|5.30|8.50|9.85|2.80|4.20|8.20|9.50|2.60|4.00|6.20|8.20}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Multiverse]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Coyaan]]"|145|4.00|6.40|8.70|9.70|3.00|5.70|8.90|9.60|2.80|5.30|7.60|9.30}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[DOGMA (RENO)|DOGMA]]|[[RENO]]|240|4.20|6.25|8.00|9.45|4.20|6.15|8.80|9.50|3.50|5.50|7.80|8.65}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Stay By My Side]]|[[和田惠|MEG]] feat. [[Keita Takeshita]]|252|3.20|5.50|7.00|9.75|3.00|5.10|8.00|9.80|3.10|5.00|7.80|9.05}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{span style color|pink|PREMIUM}} {{span style color|yellow|ENCORE}} {{span style color|pink|STAGE}}|bg=linear-gradient(red, transparent, transparent, transparent, red), linear-gradient(to right, black, darkred, darkred, black)}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Prog for your Soul]]|BEMANI Sound Team "Seal Stellar Spectrum"|180|4.30|6.30|8.35|9.89|4.00|6.10|8.60|9.50|3.00|4.50|7.10|8.85}} }} = Unlockable Songs = == Skill Unlocks == The following songs can be unlocked by filling the Skill target for 10 and 20 songs with the HOT frame for [[Far East Nightbird (GITADORA Remix)]] and [[ABSOLUTE R6]], respectively. {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|Ski}}{{font style|gold|purple|l}}{{font style|white|purple|l Unlocks}}|bg=linear-gradient(white 25%, silver, grey)|color=purple}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Far East Nightbird (GITADORA Remix)]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] Remixed by [[The Herb Shop]]|180|2.90|4.40|6.35|8.70|3.20|5.60|7.50|9.00|3.20|5.80|7.30|8.45}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[ABSOLUTE R6]]|[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] feat.[[古川竜也|good-cool]]|144|2.70|4.00|6.50|8.70|3.00|5.50|7.30|9.20|3.50|5.60|6.80|8.90}} }} == 传达给你!GALAXY WAVE!! == The ''Todokete! GALAXY WAVE!!'' (届けて! GALAXY WAVE!!) unlocking system started on April 3rd, 2024. Each time you clear a song, up to 5 GW will be added to each of the two TVs, and when one of them reaches 80 GW, the respective song will be unlocked. Each cleared song grants 5 GW (10 GW for LONG Version songs), which are distributed among both TVs depending on the judgment criteria of each Part. * '''Part 1''': Song title length (depending if Latin or Japanese characters are used in the title). Available from April 3rd to 29th, 2024. {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" |- {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|第1弾: Song title length|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, orange, white, white, purple)|color=black}} !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|Effector Color !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|1 GW !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|2 GW !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|3 GW !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|4 GW !style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|6 GW |- | White (Latin characters)<br>[[Qwerty]] | 0 characters | 1 to 14 characters | 15 to 17 characters | 18 to 22 characters | 23 or more characters |- | Yellow (Japanese characters)<br>[[玄兔之舞|玄兎ノ舞]] | 0 characters | 1 or 2 characters | 3 or 4 characters | 5 or 6 characters | 7 or more characters |} * '''Part 2''': Decimal numbers of Levels. Available from April 30th to May 19th, 2024. ** If a BASIC chart is played, then the decimal numbers of the song's ADVANCED, EXTREME, and MASTER charts will give 9 (the lowest) to 11 (the highest) GW to the Blue ([[SUIREN]]), Yellow ([[宇宙怪物Gothra诞生,随后飞向天空|宇宙怪獣ゴスラの誕生。そして、TO THE SKY.]]), and Pink ([[Ruddle]]) TVs, respectively. ** If an ADVANCED chart is played, then the decimal numbers of the song's EXTREME, MASTER, and BASIC charts will give 9 to 11 GW to the Blue, Yellow, and Pink TVs, respectively. ** If an EXTREME chart is played, then the decimal numbers of the song's MASTER, BASIC, and ADVANCED charts will give 9 to 11 GW to the Blue, Yellow, and Pink TVs, respectively. ** If a MASTER chart is played, then the decimal numbers of the song's BASIC, ADVANCED, and EXTREME charts will give 9 to 11 GW to the Blue, Yellow, and Pink TVs, respectively. {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|届けて! GALAXY WAVE<nowiki>!!</nowiki>|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, orange, white, white)|color=black}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|第1弾|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, white, white, purple)|color=black}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Qwerty]]{{from|[[AC DDR A3|DanceDanceRevolution A3]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|160|2.40|4.30|7.05|9.15|2.60|5.50|7.50|9.40|2.70|5.20|7.20|8.90}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[玄兔之舞|玄兎ノ舞]]{{from|[[PnM AC 24|pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢]]}}|[[渡边大地|PON]]|180|3.10|5.50|7.30|8.50|2.80|4.70|6.70|8.10|1.95|4.70|6.10|7.50}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|第2弾|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, orange, white, white, purple)|color=black}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Ruddle]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|110|2.50|4.20|7.00|8.60|3.10|4.85|7.40|8.65|3.20|5.40|7.00|8.30}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[SUIREN]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[伊山达也|TATSUYA]]"|200|3.10|5.10|6.90|9.20|2.80|5.20|7.00|8.70|3.00|5.90|7.70|8.35}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[宇宙怪物Gothra诞生,随后飞向天空|宇宙怪獣ゴスラの誕生。そして、TO THE SKY.]]|BEMANI Sound Team "桃山珍太郎"|157|3.20|5.50|6.90|8.80|2.90|5.50|8.20|9.45|3.00|4.40|7.10|8.40}} }} == GALAXY WAVE Quest == The ''GALAXY WAVE Quest'' event started on May 15th, 2024. Songs can be unlocked by completing one of the following tasks: * '''Flat-out Run! Bear Marathon''' (激走!ベアマラソン): Play songs to help OTOBEAR reach the goal (30.00 km). LONG version counts as six songs. * '''Random Challenge!''' (Randomチャレンジ!): Play songs selected through Random All Songs (全曲). Bonus points awarded from getting HOT songs, or getting S (or better) grade on non-HOT songs. LONG version counts as two songs. * '''PERFECT Challenge BEAR CLIMBER''' (PERFECTチャレンジ BEAR CLIMBER): Accrue 1500% PERFECTs by obtaining the highest percentage of PERFECTs on each STAGE as possible (up to a maximum of 100% PERFECTs per STAGE). Each event part is assigned a different task, which are as follows: * '''Part 1''' (第1弾), from May 15th, 2024 to June 9th, 2024: Flat-out Run! Bear Marathon * '''Part 2''' (第2弾), from May 22nd, 2024 to June 16th, 2024: Random Challenge! * '''Part 3''' (第3弾), from August 14th, 2024 to September 16th, 2024: PERFECT Challenge BEAR CLIMBER Additionally, some old hidden songs can be unlocked in select GALAXY WAVE Quest parts: {{hide text| * Part 3: [[Honolulu Loco Boy]], [[island in the sun ~GFdm Ver.~|island in the sun ~GFdm Ver.~]], [[仲夏之恋是无比美丽的爱情|真夏の恋は ちゅらちゅらLove☆]] }} Only new songs are listed in the table below. {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|GALAXY WAVE {{span style color|orange|Q}}uest|bg=linear-gradient(purple, black, black)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|第1弾}} {{font style|cyan|blue|激走!}}{{font style|orange|brown|ベアマラソン}}|bg=linear-gradient(black, black, orange)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[CLASSIC PARTY复活|CLASSIC PARTY 復活。]]{{from|[[AC GF10DM9|GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX]]}}|[[小野秀幸]]|44-258|4.10|5.20|6.80|8.50|3.20|5.20|7.90|9.35|-|-|-|-}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|第2弾}} Randomチャレンジ!|bg=linear-gradient(black, black, orange)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Elysion ex machina]]{{from|[[AC jb Ave.|jubeat Ave.]]}}|[[OSTER project]]|150|3.85|5.95|7.95|9.20|3.40|5.80|7.80|9.15|3.20|5.50|6.60|8.35}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|purple|第3弾}} PERFECTチャレンジ BEAR CLIMBER|bg=linear-gradient(black, black, orange)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Sweet Summer]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]" feat. [[Starbitz]]|153|2.60|4.40|5.80|7.60|2.60|4.20|6.20|8.10|2.20|3.50|5.70|7.40}} }} == Gitadoradon == The ''Gitadoradon'' (ギタドラドン) event started on May 29th, 2024. By clearing songs, players can train their OTOBEAR (named ''BEARTIST'' (ベアーティスト)) level, allowing to unlock stickers and songs upon leveling up. Players can obtain a training bonus by clearing one of the five hinted songs in the event TAB. These songs change with each play, and are randomly selected from all default songs (except LONG version songs). The event has different names between Parts, with different hints depending on the event name: * Parts 1, 2, 4, and Special: ''Chou chouryoku! Gitadoradon♪'' (超聴力!ギタドラドン♪). Players can listen to a small portion of each song's preview audio. * Parts 3, 5, Touhou I and II: ''Chou shiryoku! Gitadoradon⦿⦿'' (超視力!ギタドラドン⦿⦿). Players can see a small circle of each song's jacket. Note that BASIC charts of the event songs are available by default; ADVANCED through MASTER charts of these songs are unlocked at once during the event. ''Songs are unlocked in order of appearance.'' {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|ギタドラドン|bg=white|color=#d90507}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|聴}}力!第{{span style color|#eb8df1|1}}弾{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}♪ - May 29th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[gn8]]|[[abechi|あべち]] feat.YUSA|190|3.20|4.50|5.20|8.20|3.20|5.00|7.80|8.85|3.00|4.80|6.50|8.00}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|聴}}力!第{{span style color|#eb8df1|2}}弾{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}♪ - June 12th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Recolte|Récolte]]|BEMANI Sound Team "Loz"|174|3.40|4.50|6.40|8.60|2.80|5.20|7.30|8.65|2.70|4.50|6.20|7.20}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|視}}力!第{{span style color|#eb8df1|3}}弾{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}⦿⦿ - June 26th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[P9 exPt.]]|[[Soichiro Mizuno|Sebon]]|134|3.50|5.00|7.40|9.20|3.40|5.50|7.90|9.40|3.20|5.20|7.30|8.80}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|聴}}力!第{{span style color|#eb8df1|4}}弾{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}♪ - July 10th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[改良型自动连发装置|改良型自動連射装置]]|[[INN|namae.]]|161|2.50|3.60|6.10|8.60|2.20|4.00|7.00|9.10|2.50|4.50|6.30|8.20}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|視}}力!第{{span style color|#eb8df1|5}}弾{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}⦿⦿ - July 31st, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Invitation from ZEN]]|[[Satoshi Oka]]|165|3.50|4.80|8.00|9.15|3.50|5.50|7.60|9.30|3.30|5.20|7.20|8.50}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|視}}力!{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}⦿⦿~東方編Ⅰ~ - August 7th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[闭塞性的浮动|閉塞的フレーション]]{{from|[[BEMANI x 东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~|BEMANI×东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~]]}}|[[pizuya|Pizuya's Cell]] VS BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]"|176|2.30|5.10|6.50|8.10|2.30|4.00|6.20|8.40|2.00|3.90|5.80|7.50}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[与残影紧密相连的隐匿回忆之处|残像ニ繋ガレタ追憶ノHIDEAWAY]]{{from|[[BEMANI x 东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~|BEMANI×东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~]]}}|[[SOUND HOLIC]] Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "[[KE!JU]]" feat. [[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]]|160|2.50|5.00|7.20|9.00|3.30|5.70|7.80|8.40|3.10|5.70|7.70|9.70}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|視}}力!{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}⦿⦿~東方編ⅠI~ - August 21st, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[SUPER HEROINE!!]]{{from|[[BEMANI x 东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~|BEMANI×东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~]]}}|[[Shouya Namai|Amateras Records]] vs BEMANI Sound Team "[[伊山达也|TATSUYA]]" feat. [[miko]]|186|2.30|4.00|5.80|8.20|2.00|4.00|5.30|6.80|2.10|3.40|5.80|7.50}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[弹幕信仰|弾幕信仰]]{{from|[[BEMANI x 东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~|BEMANI×东方Project ~幻想乡音乐祭2024~]]}}|[[豚乙女]]×BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]"|170|3.20|4.90|7.50|8.80|3.00|5.60|7.70|9.45|3.10|5.20|7.10|8.80}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|超{{span style color|#eb8df1|視}}力!{{span style color|#d90507|ギタドラドン}}⦿⦿~特別編~ - September 18th, 2024|bg=white|color=#1c0575}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[Crystal Breath feat. Sennzai]]|[[宇野将平|CANVAS]] feat. [[NUE|Quimär]]|200|3.70|5.00|6.80|8.45|2.70|4.80|6.30|8.05|2.30|4.10|6.20|7.80}} }} == 频道开启大联播!GALAXY MUSIC PARADE! == The ''Daihousou awasero channel! GALAXY MUSIC PARADE!'' (大放送あわせろチャンネル!GALAXY MUSIC PARADE!) event began on October 3rd, 2024. It is based on the [[AC GD FUZZ-UP#大集结一起来!GITADORA All Star GIG!|大集结一起来!GITADORA All Star GIG!]] (大集合あつまれトゥギャザー!GITADORAオールスターGIG!) event from [[AC GD FUZZ-UP|GITADORA FUZZ-UP]], but with the following changes: * At the start of the credit, players can choose between two corners: "New program" (新番組) for mostly new songs, and "Rerun" (再放送) for revivals. * Band members are selected at random. By default, one character is selected, but it is possible to recruit two characters at once by spending 7 GITADOTICKETs, or three characters at once by spending 14 GITADOTICKETs. * In addition to "charm", band members have "levels" (which increase by using the same character), "stamina" (which ranges from "Excellent", "Good", "Normal", "Bad", and "Very Bad", decreasing by the number of viewers and amount of VP earned), and "growth type". * 3000 VP is earned for clearing a song, and extra VP may be earned depending on each band member's charm and stamina. * Band leader/member bonus have been removed. When the number of viewers reaches a goal, the respective song will be unlocked. The following old hidden songs are also available for unlocking: {{hide text|* '''THE GALAXY SHOW''' (added on October 3rd, 2024): ** [[Far Beyond Blackened]] ** [[FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE]] ** [[Secret Raid]] * '''とびだせ ROCK SPIRITS''' (added on October 3rd, 2024): ** [[memories (TAKA)|memories]] ** [[My Favorite Things]] ** [[鬼在内 外的福|鬼は内 外の福]] * '''ロードサイド音楽旅''' (added on October 3rd, 2024): ** [[MAGICAL JET TOUR]] ** [[LA ARENA ROJA]] ** [[ODYSSEY]] * '''ロマンシングヒーロー''' (added on October 3rd, 2024): ** [[BRAND NEW LADY]] ** [[Darling my LUV]] ** [[浪漫永不止息|ロマンスは終わらない]] * '''名曲メモリアル 第1回''' (added on October 9th, 2024): ** [[What's up?]] ** [[恋爱是Toxic! feat.Lilymone|恋はToxic! feat.Lilymone]] ** [[Behind the song of stars]] * '''名曲メモリアル 第2回''' (added on October 9th, 2024): ** [[与你描绘的奇迹|キミとえがくキセキ]] ** [[TOGETOGE feat.パンダの流儀]] ** [[The Last Moment]] * '''名曲メモリアル 第3回''' (added on October 9th, 2024): ** [[Syuborea酱星的互相通信|シュボレアちゃん星の交信]] ** [[GLOW DOMINATE THE DARKNESS]] ** [[Fireball]] ** [[Duality]] * '''月世界への招待状 上篇''' (added on October 16th, 2024): ** [[THE LAST OF FIREFACE]] ** [[急转直下|Q転直下]] ** [[Serious Joke]] ** [[AVEL]] ** [[Crescent:Letter]]}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|#ea1400|频道开启}}{{font style|#ea1400|white|大联播!}}{{font style|white|#a22fe3|GALAXY}} MUSIC PARADE!|bg=#8d60ef|color=#ffa100}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|THE GALAXY SHOW<br>Unlockable from October 3rd, 2024|bg=radial-gradient(circle, #afacbe, #a693b1 25% 29%, #827d92 30% 35%, black 36% 80%)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[GALAXY WAVE]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|145|2.60|4.80|7.30|8.80|3.30|5.40|7.50|9.70|2.80|5.00|7.00|8.85}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|#b42c50|とびだせ ROCK SPIRITS<br>Unlockable from October 3rd, 2024}}|bg=radial-gradient(circle, #f0f73c, #3c7eb9 25% 29%, #8de3a0 30% 35%, black 36% 80%)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[LET IT ROLL]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] w/z BEMANI Sound Team "[[Asaki|あさき]]" ft.[[Pete Klassen]]|200|2.70|5.30|7.00|8.60|2.30|5.00|7.80|8.70|2.10|4.70|6.50|8.20}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|{{font style|white|#93938f|ロードサイド音楽旅<br>Unlockable from October 3rd, 2024}}|bg=radial-gradient(circle, #6ae6ef, #65e2dd 25% 29%, #b25425 30% 35%, black 36% 80%)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[PERFECT SHOW-TIME]]|[[竹内光雄]]&BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]"|174|3.30|4.90|7.60|8.10|2.60|4.50|6.90|8.70|2.50|4.30|6.50|8.25}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|ロマンシングヒーロー<br>Unlockable from October 3rd, 2024|bg=radial-gradient(circle, #3f0d38, #d46872 25% 29%, #f6df97 30% 35%, black 36% 80%)|color=white}} {{GFDM XG Song|[[超级英雄综合征|スーパーヒーローシンドローム]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[KE!JU]]" feat. ねんね|158|3.10|4.70|6.50|8.95|2.60|4.50|6.60|8.80|2.30|3.30|5.00|6.90}} }} = Classic Series Revived Songs = The following song from the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania classic series has been revived and given XG/GITADORA charts. {{RS Songlist Header| {{RS Song|[[CLASSIC PARTY复活|CLASSIC PARTY 復活。]]|[[小野秀幸]]|[[AC GF10DM9|GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX]]}} }} = Revived Songs = None. = New Charts = The following songs from previous GuitarFreaks & DrumMania games have received new charts: {{GITADORA NC Header| {{GITADORA NC Song|[[innocent world]]|[[AC GF7DM6|GUITARFREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX]]|'''1.00'''|-|-|-|'''1.10'''|'''3.15'''|-|-|'''2.15'''|'''3.30'''|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[温柔待人|人にやさしく]]|[[AC GF8DM7|GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX]]|'''1.55'''|-|-|-|'''1.50'''|-|-|-|'''1.70'''|-|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[重要的东西|大切なもの]]|[[AC GF10DM9|GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX]]|'''1.50'''|'''2.90'''|'''4.80'''|'''6.80'''|'''1.30'''|'''3.00'''|'''5.45'''|'''6.35'''|'''1.60'''|'''4.10'''|'''5.65'''|'''6.30'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[春之歌|春の歌]]|[[AC GFDM V2|GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2]]|'''1.20'''|-|-|-|'''1.00'''|-|-|-|'''2.00'''|-|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[全力少年]]|[[AC GFDM V3|GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3]]|'''1.10'''|'''3.00'''|'''5.20'''|'''6.30'''|'''1.40'''|'''3.20'''|'''4.60'''|'''6.00'''|'''2.00'''|'''3.60'''|'''5.30'''|'''6.30'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[创圣的大天使|創聖のアクエリオン]]|[[AC GFDM V5|GuitarFreaks V5 & DrumMania V5 Rock to Infinity]]|'''1.40'''|'''3.50'''|'''5.40'''|'''6.70'''|'''1.20'''|'''3.00'''|'''4.75'''|'''6.50'''|'''2.00'''|'''3.00'''|'''4.30'''|'''7.00'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[青鸟|ブルーバード]]|[[AC GFDM V6|GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!]]|-|'''3.20'''|'''5.60'''|'''6.80'''|'''1.40'''|'''2.60'''|'''5.60'''|'''7.00'''|'''2.00'''|'''3.50'''|'''4.20'''|'''4.90'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[空色Days|空色デイズ]]|[[AC GFDM XG|GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG]]|'''1.30'''|'''3.20'''|'''5.40'''|'''7.20'''|'''1.50'''|'''3.20'''|'''4.60'''|'''6.80'''|'''2.00'''|'''3.00'''|'''5.00'''|'''6.30'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[天之弱|天ノ弱]]|[[AC GD|GITADORA]]|'''1.70'''|'''3.60'''|'''5.80'''|'''6.95'''|'''2.10'''|'''4.80'''|'''5.90'''|'''7.45'''|'''2.00'''|'''3.10'''|'''5.90'''|'''7.70'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[再见旅程|セツナトリップ]]|[[AC GD|GITADORA]]|'''1.70'''|'''3.50'''|'''5.70'''|'''8.70'''|'''1.80'''|'''4.50'''|'''5.50'''|'''8.30'''|'''1.60'''|'''3.65'''|'''4.25'''|'''7.15'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[残酷的天使纲领|残酷な天使のテーゼ]]|[[AC GD OverDrive|GITADORA OverDrive]]|'''1.20'''|'''2.50'''|'''4.20'''|'''5.90'''|'''1.60'''|'''3.20'''|'''6.20'''|'''8.00'''|'''1.70'''|'''3.95'''|'''5.55'''|'''6.65'''}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[甜蜜歌声与苦涩舞步|シュガーソングとビターステップ]]|[[AC GD Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE|GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE]]|'''1.80'''|'''4.00'''|-|-|'''1.60'''|-|-|-|'''2.00'''|-|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[Charles|シャルル]]|[[AC GD Matixx|GITADORA Matixx]]|'''1.60'''|'''4.00'''|-|-|'''2.20'''|-|-|-|'''2.10'''|-|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[只给予你的晴天|ただ君に晴れ]]|[[AC GD NEX+AGE|GITADORA NEX+AGE]]|'''1.60'''|-|-|-|'''2.30'''|-|-|-|'''1.50'''|-|-|-}} {{GITADORA NC Song|[[向夜晚奔去|夜に駆ける]]|[[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]]|'''1.80'''|'''4.00'''|'''5.80'''|'''7.20'''|'''1.50'''|-|-|-|'''1.30'''|-|-|-}} }} = 难度变更 = 本作进行的难度变更详见[[AC GD GALAXY WAVE/难度变更|此页]]。 = 削除曲列表 = 以下曲目在本作中被削除: {{RS Songlist Header| {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|2024年4月19日削除}} {{RS Song|[[喜欢喜欢星人|スキスキ星人]]|すとぷり|[[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]]}} {{RS Song|[[低血螺栓|低血ボルト]]|ずっと真夜中でいいのに。|[[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]]}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|2024年6月6日削除}} {{RS Song|[[区区烂泥却妄想夺去只属于我的宝物|泥の分際で私だけの大切を奪おうだなんて]]|ツユ|[[AC GD FUZZ-UP|GITADORA FUZZ-UP]]}} {{GFDM XG Songlist Category|2024年9月15日削除}} {{RS Song|[[向夜晚奔去|夜に駆ける]]|([[Kanata.N|YOASOBI]])|[[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]]}} }} = External Link = * [https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/gfdm/gitadora_galaxywave/p/index.html GITADORA GALAXY WAVE official website] {{stub}} [[Category:GuitarFreaks & DrumMania]]
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beatmania IIDX
pop'n music
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
Toy's March
DANCE 86.4