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jubeat festo
{{DISPLAYTITLE:jubeat festo}} {{jubeat}} = jubeat festo = [[Image:Jubeat festo.png]] == 发售信息 == * 场测日期:2018年7月20至22日 * 稼动日期: ** 日本和亚洲其他国家:2018年9月5日 ** 韩国:2018年9月10日 * 原声带发售日期: ** jubeat festo ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK:2020年7月29日 * 宣传语:无论何时,欢迎!(いつだって、ウェルカム!) == 概况 / 变更点 == * 本作最初是于2018年7月12日在jubeat运营十周年庆祝活动上公开的 [https://twitter.com/jubeat_staff/status/1017391904080580608]。 * 本作主题:节日,热带地区和植物。 * 本作开始难度为9和10的曲目后面加了小数点用来细化难度分级 [https://twitter.com/jubeat_staff/status/1017392657855725568]。 * The jubility value for each song is now displayed on the song select screen. Songs can also be sorted by jubility value [https://twitter.com/jubeat_staff/status/1017392398979104768]. ** The color of the player name changes according to the total jubility value, much like GITADORA's Skill points * HARD MODE option has been moved from the EXPERT OPTION menu to the regular OPTION menu. HARD MODE scores are saved separately from normal scores [https://twitter.com/jubeat_staff/status/1017392642030571521]. ** Similarly, post-stage results can now be viewed in normal play, without having to turn on EXPERT OPTION. * A new folder, recommended song of the week (今週のオススメ楽曲), is added. 25 songs appear each week on it, and it can contain hidden old songs as well, available to play without being unlocked. * In-game currency this time is called emo. There are two types of emo: regular and TREND emo. Both can be exchanged for items in the emo SHOP. ** TREND emo is done on a monthly basis. * Unlock system this time is called TARGET MUSIC. Music unlocks are based on your jubility; acquiring a certain amount will allow you to unlock songs. There are two types of unlocks in TARGET MUSIC: ** common: for older songs before festo. ** pick up: for new songs. * 随着jubeat festo的稼动,jubeat系列成为了BEMANI里第六个连续有九作主线机种的游戏。上一个游戏是DDR系列,随着[[AC DDR SuperNOVA|SuperNOVA]]在2006年的稼动。 * 本游戏曾经保持着BEMANI单作游戏中营运时间最长的记录(3年11个月),后来这个记录被[[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]打破。 * Starting from June 5th, 2020, a handful of older festo events and jbox selections are being periodically revived as part of the ''Tsuyu no yubidaku 2020'' (梅雨のゆびだく2020) event [https://twitter.com/jubeat_staff/status/1268088793837367296]. = 新曲 = == 默认新曲 == {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|Licensed Songs}} {{jb Songlist Category|Default|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[Be The One]]|PANDORA feat.Beverly|136|2|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[ICHIDAIJI]]|ポルカドットスティングレイ|142|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[MONSTER DANCE]]|KEYTALK|152-157|3|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[My HERO (04 Limited Sazabys)|My HERO]]|04 Limited Sazabys|217|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Paradise Has No Border]]|東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ|181|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[POP TEAM EPIC]]|上坂すみれ|142|2|6|10.0}} {{jb Song|[[Boom! Boom! Heaven|Boom! Boom! ヘブン]]|BRADIO|182|2|4|8}} {{jb Song|[[Dancing|ダンシング]]|佐伯ユウスケ|159|2|5|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[Demnorth kills|デンノウス・キルズ]]|[[ccosMo@暴走P]] feat.初音ミク|217|3|7|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Dramaturgy|ドラマツルギー]]|Eve|149|2|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[不灭的心|ふめつのこころ]]|tofubeats|180|2|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[Girametas电波明星|ギラメタスでんぱスターズ]]|でんぱ組.inc|200|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[阳炎 -movie version-|陽炎 -movie version-]]|サカナクション|132|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[沉浸于雾里看花般的恋爱中|片目で異常に恋してる]]|ジェニーハイ|132|3|7|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Kemumaki underground|ケムマキunderground]]|[[滨田知幸|t+pazolite]] feat. [[Nanacchi|リズナ]]|200|3|8|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[友人胶卷|オトモダチフィルム]]|オーイシマサヨシ|158|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[高岭的花子|高嶺の花子さん]]|back number|87-138|2|5|8}} {{jb Song|[[不合适的圆领背心|タンクトップは似合わない]]|ONIGAWARA|128|2|6|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[打上花火]]|DAOKO×米津玄師|96|1|4|6}} {{jb Song|[[泡沫,哀伤的美景|泡沫、哀のまほろば]]|[[濑尾佑介|幽閉]][[石纲淳泰|サテライト]] feat.[[森永真由美|senya]]|155|2|5|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[杂草|雑草]]|HIKAKIN & SEIKIN|128|3|6|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on October 15th, 2018|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[39]]|[[sasakure.UK]]&[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|175|3|6|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on October 22nd, 2018|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[我只要我喜欢的事物|すきなことだけでいいです]]|[[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]|140|4|8|9.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on October 29th, 2018|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[Ghost rule|ゴーストルール]]|[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|210|2|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[妄想感伤代价联盟|妄想感傷代償連盟]]|[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|110|3|7|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on February 26th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[NEVER SURRENDER]]|水樹奈々|166|3|6|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[Akari来了哦|アカリがやってきたぞっ]]|GYARI(ココアシガレットP)|136|3|7|9.4}} {{jb Song|[[关门突破击|関門突破撃]]|新井大樹|160|4|6|10.2}} {{jb Song|[[只给予你的晴天|ただ君に晴れ]]|ヨルシカ|140|1|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[全力happy life|全力ハッピーライフ]]|森羅万象|190|3|7|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on March 19th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[(A)ddiction|[A]ddiction]]|EVO+|164|4|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[Over "Quartzer"|Over “Quartzer”]]|Shuta Sueyoshi feat. ISSA|133|3|7|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[UNION]]|Ox[[Tomohiro Oshima|T]]|178|2|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[WARNINGxWARNINGxWARNING|WARNING×WARNING×WARNING]]|暁Records|172|4|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Ambivalent|アンビバレント]]|Eve|188|2|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Humanoid|ヒューマノイド]]|ずっと真夜中でいいのに。|159|3|6|9.4}} {{jb Song|[[虽然奇术师掷骰子|されど奇術師は賽を振る]]|嘘とカメレオン|210|2|7|9.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on April 22nd, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[流星舞池|流星ダンスフロア]]|ORESAMA|133|3|5|7}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on September 18th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[Do Well]]|SIRUP|116|2|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Pretender]]|Official髭男dism|92|1|3|8}} {{jb Song|[[Marigold (Aimyon)|マリーゴールド]]|あいみょん|106|1|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[令和]]|ゴールデンボンバー|142|3|7|9.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on October 30th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[Alba]]|須田景凪|117|2|6|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on December 11th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[Bocca della verita|ボッカデラベリタ]]|柊キライ|170|2|7|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[思想犯]]|ヨルシカ|200|2|8|9.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on February 17th, 2022|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[DEATH WORMHOLE]]|[[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]]|137|4|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[YONA YONA DANCE]]|和田アキ子|145|4|8|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Lunatic monster|ルナティックモンスター]]|フーリンキャットマーク|136|3|7|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[Matsuyoi nightbug|マツヨイナイトバグ]]|[[beatMARIO|ビートまりお]]と[[MARON|まろん]]|190|5|9.1|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[Melancholic|メランコリック]]|[[Junky]]|140|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[把你给MikuMiku掉|みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】]]|ika|160|1|5|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[如果我成为总统|シル・ヴ・プレジデント]]|P丸様。|176|3|7|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[最凶矛盾情绪|最凶アンビバレント]]|森羅万象|178|3|6|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[世末舞厅|ワールズエンド・ダンスホール]]|wowaka|171|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|Licensed Covers}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on March 19th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[JINGO JUNGLE (Big Room Mix)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]]" feat.[[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]]|130|2|5|9.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on October 30th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[[红莲华]]|(LiSA)|135|2|5|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|KONAMI originals (requires playing with an [[e-AMUSEMENT]] pass)}} {{jb Songlist Category|100,000 emo accumulation present (added on September 13th, 2018)|bg=#fff04b|color=#0000CC}} {{jb Song|[[In Your EyEs]]|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|180|5|7|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|1,000,000 emo accumulation present (added on October 25th, 2018)|bg=#fff04b|color=#0000CC}} {{jb Song|[[拙者拙者拙者拙者]]|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]] & [[Takehiro Mamiya|ゆよゆっぺ]]|195|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|1,000,000 votes attained in the Ichika no BEMANI touhyou senbatsusen 2019 event (added on November 28th, 2019)|bg=#fff04b|color=#0000CC}} {{jb Song|[[Smith绘画歌|スミスえかきうた]]|jubeat staff|114|1|5|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|KONAMI五十周年纪念曲|bg=red|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年3月21日配信|bg=red|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story-]]|[[肥塚良彦|BEMANI Sound Team]]|135|5|7|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|2022年2月17日追加|bg=#aaaaee}} {{jb Song|[["Sweet Love"|「Sweet Love」]]|ときめきメモリアル Girl's Side 4th Heart|135|2|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[上上下下左右左右BA|↑↑↓↓←→←→BA]]|meiyo|124|3|7|9.0}} }} == SHOP == ''SHOP'' allows e-amusement players to purchase new and old songs with ''emo''. Before January 4th, 2021, emo was divided in different currencies: * TREND-emo (T-emo): used at the ''festo STORE'' (formerly ''T-emo STORE'') for new songs and new [ 2 ] charts. Before April 2020, T-emo was monthly, and all unused T-emo was converted to regular emo at the start of a new month. * E-emo(Memorial): used at the ''E-emo STORE-Memorial-'', which was introduced on April 25th, 2019. * emo: used at the ''emo MART'' for old songs. Players can also purchase at the emo MART with T-emo if they don't have emo. 5 T-emo can be acquired by clearing a song. However, extra T-emo can also be obatained from different conditions. These conditions are cumulative (i.e. clearing a song with EXCELLENT will grant the player 9 T-emo: 5 from clearing it, 2 for a FULL COMBO, and 2 more for the EXCELLENT). {|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" |- !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="1" width="250px"|Condition !style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="1" |Amount |- | First play of the day || 10 |- | Obtaining a FULL COMBO || 2 |- | Obtaining an EXCELLENT || 2 |- | FULL COMBO challenge clear || 2 |- | Clearing your first chart || 1 |- | Clearing a recommended song of the week || 5 |- | Clearing the recommended song of the day || 2 |- | First time playing || 50 |- | Participating in a Tournament || 10 to 19 |- | Participating in PJ MATCH || 50 or more |- | Clearing the T-emo course in TUNE RUN<br>(only the first time) || 50 to 100 |} E-emo(Memorial) could be obtained during the period that the E-emo STORE-Memorial- was opened with the same above conditions and amounts as T-emo, ''except'' for the "First play of the day" bonus. It could also be obtained by logging into the e-amusement app during April 25th to May 19th, 2019. emo and T-emo could ''not'' be used at the E-emo STORE-Memorial-. From January 4th, 2021, '''all emo currencies have been unified'''. This page only lists new songs and [ 2 ] charts that can be purchased at the SHOP. === T-emo STORE === {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|T-emo STORE|bg=#EE7700|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|2018年9月5日起开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Phantasmagoria (Maozon)|Phantasmagoria]]<br><small>50 T-emo</small>|[[Maozon]]|150|3|6|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|2018年9月5日至10月1日、2019年1月7日至2月4日、2019年12月2日至2020年1月6日、2020年5月7日至7月6日期间开放解锁<br>《Analyse Katharsis》与《Sahara》2020年10月5日至11月20日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Analyse Katharsis]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[吉泽裕司|red glasses]]|142|4|7|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[EMOTiON TRiPPER]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[sky_delta]]|170|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[月影小町]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[Dadaco|駄々子]]|182|3|6|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[Sahara]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]]|95-155|4|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|2018年10月1日至11月5日、2019年1月7日至2月4日、2020年1月6日至2月3日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Life Connection|Life Connection [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[村井洁|world sequence]]|200|4|7|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[Light Shine]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC SIRIUS|beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS]]}}|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|140|3|6|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Samba Ramba]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|[[田村哲也|Y&Co.]] feat. [[Kanae Asaba]]|160|3|6|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|2018年11月5日至12月3日、2019年1月7日至2月4日、2020年1月6日至2月3日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[花蕾 (达见惠 featured by佐野宏晃)|つぼみ [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[达见惠]] featured by [[佐野宏晃]]|184|3|6|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Proof of the existence|Proof of the existence [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master+]]|170|5|8|10.5}} {{jb Song|[[蒲公英|タンポポ]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC GD Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE|GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE]]}}|[[豚乙女]]|206|3|7|9.8}} {{jb Songlist Category|2018年12月3日至2019年1月7日、2019年7月1日至8月4日、2020年2月3日至3月2日期间开放解锁<br>《SigSig [ 2 ]》2020年12月7日至2021年1月4日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[unisonote|unisonote [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|168|2|6|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[SigSig|SigSig [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|179|3|7|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[Virtual Bit]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC MSC|MÚSECA]]}}|[[KAN TAKAHIKO]]|152|3|7|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年1月7日至2月4日期间开放解锁<br>2020年1月6日至2月3日(仅限《sola [ 2 ]》)、2020年2月3日至3月2日(仅限《ツーマンライブ [ 2 ]》)|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Two man live|ツーマンライブ [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[寺山幸助|東雲夏陽 meets 日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|174|2|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[sola|sola [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[小野秀幸]]|135|3|6|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年2月4日至3月4日、2019年8月5日至9月2日、2020年3月2日至4月6日、2020年6月1日至7月6日期间开放解锁<br>《Wuv U》2020年10月5日至11月20日期间开放解锁<br>《Sorrows》和《廻る季節のゆく先に》2020年12月7日至2021年1月4日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[cloche|cloche [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]]|182|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Snow Goose|Snow Goose [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|200|4|7|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[Sorrows]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>{{from|[[PnM AC 16|pop'n music 16 PARTY♪]]}}|[[舟木智介|Asako Yoshihiro]]|185|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Wuv U]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|173|4|7|10.0}} {{jb Song|[[在季节轮回的前方|廻る季節のゆく先に]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|[[中岛由贵]]|102|2|7|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年3月4日至4月1日、2019年9月2日至10月7日、2020年4月6日至5月7日、2020年6月1日至7月6日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Queen's Paradise|Queen's Paradise [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[肥塚良彦|Nanako]]|157|4|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[I'm so Happy|I'm so Happy [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|181|4|7|10.1}} {{jb Song|[[MODEL FT2 Miracle Version]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC GFDM V3|GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3]]}}|[[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|155|6|9.5|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Endless Beats Endless Parties|Endless Beats ⇔ Endless Parties]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]]|152|2|7|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年4月1日至5月7日、2019年10月7日至11月4日期间开放解锁<br>《スイーツはとまらない♪》2020年11月2日至12月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Baby step|ベビーステップ]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]]}}|[[Yusuke Nakahara|ここなつ]]|200|4|6|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[热情的木屐舞|熱情のサパデアード]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]]}}|[[Maoki Yamamoto|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|136|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[甜点停不下来|スイーツはとまらない♪]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]]}}|[[舟木智介|日向美]][[山本真央树|ビタースイーツ♪]]|204|2|5|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年5月7日至6月3日、2019年11月5日至12月3日、2020年6月1日至7月6日期间开放解锁<br>《BEEF》2020年11月2日至12月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Space carnival|スペースカーニバル [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[泉陆奥彦|shooting star]]|160|4|6|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Icicles|Icicles [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[上高治己|Jimmy Weckl]]|158|4|7|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[BEEF]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|BEMANI Sound Team [[胁田润|"]][[角田利之|牛]][[佐伯茂治|"]]|175|1|7|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年6月3日至7月1日、2019年12月2日至2020年1月6日、2020年5月7日至7月6日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[E|[E] [ 2 ]]]<br><small>100 T-emo</small>|[[藤森崇多|dj MAX STEROID]]|152|4|7|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[Sakura Sunrise|Sakura Sunrise [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|181|5|8|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Arena Deiporta]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Akhuta|Akhuta Works]]"|189|4|7|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年7月1日至8月4日、2020年1月6日至2月3日、8月3日至9月7日期间开放解锁<br>《ATRAX》2020年10月5日至11月20日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[ALL MY HEART -这场恋爱,赌上我的全部-|ALL MY HEART -この恋に、わたしの全てを賭げる- [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[田口康裕|SUPER HEROINE 彩香 -AYAKA-]]|160|3|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[Bitter escape|ビター・エスケープ]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]]}}|[[Kana Yaginuma|やぎぬまかな]]|152|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[ATRAX]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]"|128|2|7|9.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年8月5日至9月1日、2020年2月3日至3月2日、8月3日至9月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Chronos|Chronos [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[田口康裕|TAG]]|128|5|8|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[同步的鱼|シンクロフィッシュ]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]]}}|[[Kana Yaginuma|Blanc Bunny Bandit]]|182|2|5|8}} {{jb Song|[[Meta-meta? 向日葵之拳|めた・メタ?ひまわり∗パンチ]]<br><small>400 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC GD Tri-Boost|GITADORA Tri-Boost]]}}|[[向日葵之拳|ひまわり∗パンチ]]|177|2|5|9.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年9月2日至10月7日、2020年3月2日至4月6日、2020年6月1日至7月6日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[创世笔记|創世ノート [ 2 ]]]<br><small>200 T-emo</small>|[[渡边大地|PON]]+[[胁田润|wac]]|200|4|8|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[Polaris|Polaris [ 2 ]]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>|[[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|180|4|6|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[盆景练习曲|箱庭のエチュード]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]]}}|[[Motoki Saito|Blanc Bun]][[Kysez Iijima|ny Bandit]]|138|3|6|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年10月7日至11月5日、2020年4月6日至5月7日、2020年6月1日至7月6日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Our Faith|Our Faith [ 2 ]]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>|[[齐藤广祐|kors k]]|175|4|9.2|10.6}} {{jb Song|[[赞美吧!绝对霸权亚理纱帝国|たたえよ!絶対覇権アリーシャ帝国]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]]}}|[[木村洋平|Blanc Bunny Bandit]]|100-145|4|7|9.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年11月5日至12月2日、2020年6月1日至7月6日、2020年11月2日至12月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[饭团Disco|おにぎりディスコ]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[BandMeshi|バンめし♪]]}}|[[Kana Yaginuma|Blanc Bunny Bandit]]|118|1|4|7}} {{jb Songlist Category|2019年12月2日至2020年1月6日期间开放解锁<br>《VALLIS-NERIA [ 2 ]》2020年6月1日至7月6日、9月7日至10月5日期间开放解锁<br>《Winter Gift ~クリスピーからの贈りもの~》2020年12月7日至2021年1月4日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[VALLIS-NERIA|VALLIS-NERIA [ 2 ]]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>|[[西村宜隆|DJ YOSHITAKA]]|185|5|8|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[Winter Gift ~来自Qrispy的赠礼~|Winter Gift ~クリスピーからの贈りもの~]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}|[[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]]|178|4|7|9.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|2020年1月6日至2月3日、11月2日至12月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Super GERO GE-RO]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}|[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]]|188|5|7|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|2020年7月6日至8月3日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Pacify]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[PnM AC 24|pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|175|4|8|10.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|2020年8月3日至9月7日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Get On The Floor]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]]}}|[[宇野将平|RoughSketch]]|150|3|7|10.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|2020年9月7日至10月5日期间开放解锁|bg=yellow}} {{jb Song|[[Beautiful receipt|ビューティフル レシート]]<br><small>300 T-emo</small>{{from|[[AC DDR X3|DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX]] / [[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}|[[西村宜隆|Lucky Vacuum]]|196|4|7|10.1}} }} === E-emo STORE-Memorial- === The ''E-emo STORE-Memorial-'', introduced on April 25th, 2019, allows players to purchase new songs using E-emo(Memorial). {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|E-emo STORE-Memorial-|bg=red|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 25th to May 27th, 2019|bg=red|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[50th Memorial Songs -两人的时间 ~under the cherry blossoms~-|50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~-]]|[[石川贵之|BEMANI Sound Team]]|160|3|6|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley-]]|[[广野智章|BEMANI Sound Team]]|135-175|4|7|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History-]]|[[田川义浩|BEMANI Sound Team]]|136|6|9.0|10.1}} }} == TARGET MUSIC == TARGET MUSIC is one of the unlock systems of jubeat festo. More details to be added. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|TARGET MUSIC}} {{jb Songlist Category|common}} {{jb Song|[[星之小舟|星の小舟]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[广野智章|劇団]]"|173|3|6|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[India ga pakkan!! Bonnou Maharaja dream|インドがパッカーン!!煩悩マハラジャドリーム]]|[[木村洋平|ARM]] × [[Katahotori|かたほとり]] ft. [[Rio Hiiragi|柊木りお]]|173|3|7|10.3}} {{jb Song|[[莉莉丝与炎龙莱瓦汀|リリーゼと炎龍レーヴァテイン]]{{from|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}|[[舟木智介|黒猫ダンジョン]]|200|5|9.5|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|pick up}} {{jb Song|[[Romi和robo的宇宙旅行|ロミとロボの宇宙旅行]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|172|4|7|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[恋爱的重来游戏|恋 No リセットゲーム!!!!!]]|[[彦田元气|DJ Genki]] feat. [[Nanahira|ななひら]],[[yukacco]],[[蓝月奈久留|藍月なくる]]|190|4|9.1|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[POSSESSION]]{{from|[[AC DDR X2|DanceDanceRevolution X2]]}}|[[田口康裕|TAG underground]]|185|5|9.7|10.6}} }} == jubeat大回顾展 == The ''jubeat daikaikoten'' is a new unlock event that was introduced on September 13th, 2018. The theme of the event is a retrospective on past jubeat titles, a similar concept to that of ''PARALLEL ROTATION'' from [[AC SIRIUS|beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS]] or ''LEGEND CROSS'' from [[AC tricoro|beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro]]. By playing songs, an icon will move along a path with three checkpoints. When all three checkpoints are cleared, a song will be unlocked. Clearing songs with a higher grade will increase the distance that the icon moves. A new ROOM is added weekly since the event started, each one representing a non-APPEND jubeat title (save for ROOM 10). The event ended on December 31st, 2018. Since then, all jubeat大回顧展 songs can be unlocked by clearing their respective ''TUNE RUN'' courses, from different dates: * February 18th, 2019: [[Dream drip macchiato]] and [[幸福鸣响的夜晚|幸せが鳴る夜に]]. * February 21st, 2019: [[Pegasus]] and [[Welcome to the Mosh Pit]]. * March 7th, 2019: [[Glitter Cube]] and [[雨后的天空|雨上がりの空に]]. * March 11th, 2019: [[Radius (Sota Fujimori)|Radius]] and [[少女向着摩天楼|少女、摩天楼へ]]. * March 28th, 2019: [[ROCK ju]] and [[pedigree]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|jubeat大回顧展|bg=white|color=black}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 1 [[AC jb saucer fulfill|{{span style color|white|saucer fulfill}}]]|bg=#343434|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[Dream drip macchiato]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[田口康裕|TAG]]"|160|5|7|9.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 2 [[AC jb knit|{{span style color|black|knit}}]]|bg=#FCC900|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[幸福鸣响的夜晚|幸せが鳴る夜に]]|[[PAN]]|191|4|7|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 3 [[AC jb prop|{{span style color|#ff6666|prop}}]]|bg=white|color=#ff6666}} {{jb Song|[[Pegasus]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Expander]]"|165|4|7|10.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 4 [[AC jb copious|{{span style color|white|copious}}]]|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, #111832, #5C6174)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[Welcome to the Mosh Pit]]|[[lapix]]|172|5|9.6|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 5 [[AC jb Qubell|{{span style color|black|Qubell}}]]|bg=#BBFFEE|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Glitter Cube]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]"|150|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 6 [[AC jb ripples|{{span style color|mediumaquamarine|ripples}}]]|bg=white|color=mediumaquamarine}} {{jb Song|[[雨后的天空|雨上がりの空に]]|[[Nekohiroki|猫大樹]]|160|5|9.7|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 7 [[AC jb saucer|{{span style color|black|saucer}}]]|bg=gainsboro|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Radius (Sota Fujimori)|Radius]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]"|150|4|7|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 8 [[AC jb clan|{{span style color|red|c}}{{span style color|cyan|l}}{{span style color|yellowgreen|a}}{{span style color|purple|n}}]]|bg=black|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[少女向着摩天楼|少女、摩天楼へ]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[浅见佑一|U1 overground]]"|150|3|8|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 9 [[AC jb|{{span style color|white|FIRST MODEL}}]]|bg=navy|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[ROCK ju]]|[[道下朗|C-Show]]|175|4|7|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|ROOM 10 PROTOTYPE|bg=black|color=orange}} {{jb Song|[[pedigree]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]]"|190|6|9.6|10.7}} }} == TUNE RUN == The ''TUNE RUN'' mode was added on November 27th, 2018. Much like ''COURSE MODE'' from [[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]] and ''NOBOLOT'' from [[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]], players have to play a fixed set of songs in a course, and by clearing the conditions of a course, the following [ 2 ] charts or new songs can be unlocked. ''(Note that [[True Blue|True Blue [ 2 ]]], [[1116]], and [[XENOViA]] can also be obtained through the Music Conduction function.)'' {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|TUNE RUN|bg=linear-gradient(#6048ff, #c54b8c, #fffb9d)|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 27th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, #6048ff 10%, #710193, #c54b8c, #fffb9d, black)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[虚空与光明的论述|虚空と光明のディスクール [ 2 ]]]|[[舟木智介|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|140|2|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[再见天堂|サヨナラ・ヘヴン [ 2 ]]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|111|3|8|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[True Blue|True Blue [ 2 ]]]|[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Aimee Blackschleger|AiMEE]]|164|5|8|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|2,500,000 emo accumulation present (unlockable from January 16th, 2019)|bg=#fff04b|color=#0000CC}} {{jb Song|[[1116]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤俊介|Dustup]]"|190|7|10.2|10.9}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 17th, 2022|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, #6048ff 10%, #710193, #c54b8c, #fffb9d, black)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[XENOViA]]|[[BlackY]]|208|7|10.2|10.9}} }} == FLOOR INFECTION == Similar to the other [[FLOOR INFECTION]] parts, playing [[AC SDVX IV|SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN]] will raise the ''infection level'' and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series. From November 15th, 2018, ''all'' previous FLOOR INFECTION songs can now be purchased via the ''emo MART'''.<br> From September 17th, 2019, Part 33 songs can be purchased via the ''T-emo STORE'' from September 17th to October 7th, 2019. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|FLOOR INFECTION|bg=#adff2f|color=#577d24}} {{jb Songlist Category|Part 33 (11/15/2018 - 12/03/2018)|bg=#c3f582|color=#577d24}} {{jb Song|[[Apex of the World]]<br><small>Level 1 MAX</small>|[[uma]]&[[hurirai]] feat.ましろ|169|3|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[我们的时间|僕らの時間]]<br><small>Level 2 MAX</small>|[[Teduka|テヅカ]] feat. 大西あみみ|214|3|8|10.0}} {{jb Song|[[Beyond the BLUE]]<br><small>Level 3 MAX</small>|[[Ayato Fujiwara|Ayato]] × [[sak]] × [[田岛千种]]|132|2|6|10.4}} }} == The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Song == The following song could be unlocked by entering [[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship]] and playing jubeat festo once during the time period when it was available. These songs can also be purchased with T-emo via the T-emo STORE from January 6th to February 3rd, 2020. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|black|The 8th}} {{span style color|red|KONAMI}} {{span style color|black|Arcade Championship}}]] Entry Song|bg=linear-gradient(yellow, orange)|color=black}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 29th, 2018 to January 7th, 2019|bg=orange|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Catch Our Fire!]]|[[中岛由贵]]|190|4|7|10.4}} }} == GITADORA×jubeat圣诞挑战 == The ''GITADORA×jubeat Christmas Challenge'' (GITADORA×jubeat クリスマスチャレンジ) started on December 3rd, 2018 and ended on December 25th, 2018. To unlock [[The Kingsroad]], players must obtain two of the jubeat cake item by playing [[AC GD EXCHAIN|GITADORA EXCHAIN]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|GITADORA×jubeat {{font style|white|red|クリスマスチャレンジ}}|bg=green|color=gold}} {{jb Song|[[The Kingsroad]]{{from|[[AC GD Matixx|GITADORA Matixx]]}}|[[Rinzo Sasano|RINZO]]|150|3|7|9.5}} }} == Very fun!!!停不下来?!Ten ageユビボリィ! == The following songs can be unlocked from January 27th, 2019 via Music Conduction. These songs can also be purchased with T-emo via the T-emo STORE from January 6th to February 3rd, 2020. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|orange|ベリ~ファン<nowiki>!!!</nowiki>}}が{{span style color|blue|とまらない?!}} {{span style color|#3f2667|テン}}{{span style color|#12aa84|アゲ・}}{{span style color|#fbbb37|ユビ}}{{span style color|#ff3a1d|ボリィ!}}|bg=#FFF3C3}} {{jb Song|[[Hopeful Frontier!!!]]|[[cosMo@暴走P]]|298|7|9.5|10.7}} {{jb Song|[[WELCOME TO MOTOWN PARK]]|[[OSTER project]]|165|5|7|9.8}} }} == PJ MATCH == The ''PJ MATCH'' event was introduced on February 28th, 2019. It functions similarly to that of "Machi taikousen" (街対抗戦) from [[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]. At the start of each event, the player is assigned to either one of two FLOORs representing a theme as a PJ (panel jockey). By playing songs, PJs can obtain ''fav'' and raise the ''PJ LEVEL'' to unlock new songs and items. * 14 fav - today's recommended song * 12 fav - recommended songs of the week * 10 fav - other songs Bonus fav will be earned if matched with other PJs of the same FLOOR. * 10% for each person matched with the same FLOOR * 50% if you have purchased a FAV FEVER ticket * 40% if at least one of your matches with the same FLOOR have purchased a FAV FEVER ticket The themes for each part are the following: * Part 1 (February 28th to March 20th, 2019, and from November 9th to December 6th, 2020): '''Cats''' (ネコ) VS '''Dogs''' (イヌ) * Part 2 (April 15th to May 6th, 2019): '''Hinatabi Bitter Sweets''' (日向美ビタースイーツ♪) VS '''Coconatsu''' (ここなつ) * Part 3 (January 19th to February 15th, 2022): '''Past''' (過去) VS '''Future''' (未来) From July 1st to August 4th, 2019 and from February 3rd to March 2nd, 2020, [[Snow White|スノーホワイト]] can be purchased from the ''T-emo STORE'' with 300 T-emo.<br> From October 7th to November 4th, 2019, [[Hikari eureka|ヒカリユリイカ]] and [[Kakumei passionate|革命パッショネイト]] can be purchased from the ''T-emo STORE'' with 300 T-emo each.<br> {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|PJ MATCH|bg=darkslateblue|color=#e2cf00}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#e2cf00|第1回}} {{span style color|#fc94c9|ネコ FLOOR}} {{span style color|yellow|VS}} {{span style color|#ACEEFF|イヌ FLOOR}}|bg=linear-gradient(#5a5096, #000740)}} {{jb Song|[[Snow White|スノーホワイト]]{{under|400fav}}|[[宇野将平|RoughSketch]]|214|5|7|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#e2cf00|第2回}} {{span style color|#fc94c9|日向美ビタースイーツ♪ FLOOR}} {{span style color|yellow|VS}} {{span style color|#ACEEFF|ここなつ FLOOR}}|bg=linear-gradient(#5a5096, #000740)}} {{jb Song|[[寻找光芒|ヒカリユリイカ]]<br><small>400fav</small>{{from|[[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]]}}|[[U-ske|ここなつ]]|140|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[革命的激昂|革命パッショネイト]]<br><small>1000fav</small>{{from|[[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]]}}|[[藤田淳平|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|194|4|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#e2cf00|第3回}} {{span style color|#fc94c9|過去 FLOOR}} {{span style color|yellow|VS}} {{span style color|#ACEEFF|未来 FLOOR}}|bg=linear-gradient(#5a5096, #000740)}} {{jb Song|[[Ghost Clock]]<br><small>400fav</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|190|5|8|10.5}} }} == Flag rally!! == The ''Flag rally!!'' (フラッグラリー!!) event was introduced on March 14th, 2019. By playing songs, the boat will move towards the flag checkpoints. When all three flag checkpoints are cleared within the allotted time frame, a song will be unlocked. Each checkpoint can be reached by playing 10 songs, thus, playing 30 songs to obtain all 3 flags. From August 5th to September 1st, 2019, from March 2nd to April 6th, 2020, and from June 1st to July 6th, 2020, [[Hamtaro tottoko uta(Super tottoko mix)|ハム太郎とっとこうた(すーぱーとっとこみっくす)]] and [[Hana wa odore ya iro wa nio (happiness mix)|花ハ踊レヤいろはにほ(ハピネス mix)]] could be purchased with 200 T-emo in the ''T-emo STORE''. As of April 27th, 2022, [[Our Love]], [[RAISE YOUR HEADS UP]], and [[Yume no kanata de|ゆめのかなたで]] can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|フラッグラリー!!|bg=repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, #ffd04f, #ffd04f 2%, yellow 2%, yellow 4%, #ffd04f 4%)|color=#004479}} {{jb Songlist Category|Part 1 (unlockable from March 14th to 24th, 2019)|bg=#fff3C3|color=#004479}} {{jb Song|[[哈姆太郎主题曲 (Super tottoko mix)|ハム太郎とっとこうた(すーぱーとっとこみっくす)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "[[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]]" feat.[[Nanahira|ななひら]]|140|3|5|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|Part 2 (unlockable from March 25th to April 7th, 2019)|bg=#fff3C3|color=#004479}} {{jb Song|[[随花起舞 (happiness mix)|花ハ踊レヤいろはにほ(ハピネス mix)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "D.J.KOBINATA" feat.[[Kuroa*]]|174|3|7|9.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|Part 3 (unlockable from January 14th to February 2nd, 2020, and from June 5th to July 12th, 2020)|bg=#fff3C3|color=#004479}} {{jb Song|[[Our Love]]|[[lapix]]|190|3|6|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|Part 4 (unlockable from February 3rd, 2020)|bg=#fff3C3|color=#004479}} {{jb Song|[[RAISE YOUR HEADS UP]]|[[内堀彰|GUHROOVY]]|230|7|9.7|10.9}} {{jb Song|[[梦之彼方|ゆめのかなたで]]|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]]|217|4|7|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track1-1,2,3 (SYMPHONY編 Track1-1,2,3)<br>(unlockable from November 2nd to December 17th, 2021, and from April 27th to May 24th, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[天空的黎明 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|天空の夜明け (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[石川贵之|Cuvelia]] × Nagiha + gaQdan|150|3|6|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Timepiece phase II (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[佐佐木博史|佐々木博史]] × [[Koichi Murakami|bermei.inazawa]] + gaQdan|140|3|8|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[FLOWER (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[西村宜隆|DJ YOSHITAKA]] × [[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] + gaQdan|158|5|9.1|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track1-4,5,6 (SYMPHONY編 Track1-4,5,6)<br>(unlockable from November 11th to December 17th, 2021, and from April 27th to May 24th, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[海神 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[田川义浩|兎々]] Arranged by ござ|160|2|7|10.0}} {{jb Song|[[Bad end syndrome (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|バッドエンド・シンドローム (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[Nene Akagawa|アリスシャッハ]][[Yuni Minami|と魔法の楽団]] × [[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] + gaQdan|125|2|7|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[胧 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|朧 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[HHH]]×[[森永真由美|MM]]×[[濑尾佑介|ST]] × 浦木 裕太 + gaQdan|149|3|6|9.8}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track2-1,2,3 (SYMPHONY編 Track2-1,2,3)<br>(unlockable from December 22nd, 2021 to January 31st, 2022, and from May 25th to June 21st, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[Idola (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[胁田润|icono]][[石川贵之|clasm]] × 原口 大 + gaQdan|140-176|3|8|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[再见天堂 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|サヨナラ・ヘヴン (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|猫叉Master × [[土谷忠宽|Morrigan]] feat.Lily + gaQdan|111|3|7|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[starmine (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]] × [[Devin Kinoshita|デビン木下]] + gaQdan|100-164|4|7|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track2-4,5,6 (SYMPHONY編 Track2-4,5,6)<br>(unlockable from January 5th to 31st, 2022, and from May 25th to June 21st, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[流沙风暴 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|流砂の嵐 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[广野智章|劇団レコード]] Arranged by ござ|142|3|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[Colorful Cookie (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[西村宜隆|Lucky Vacuum]] × [[Devin Kinoshita|デビン木下]] + gaQdan|168|4|8|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[Lacrima Requiem (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|Lachryma 《Re:Queen’M》 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[Chiharu Kaneko|かねこちはる]] × [[土谷忠宽|Morrigan]] + gaQdan|200|6|8|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track3-1,2,3 (SYMPHONY編 Track3-1,2,3) (unlockable from March 2nd to April 12th, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[Element of SPADA (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] feat.[[霜月遥|霜月はるか]] × [[大嶋启之|大嶋 啓之]] + gaQdan|170|4|7|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[再见世界 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|さよなら世界 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] Arranged by ござ|104-120|2|6|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[叹息之树 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)|嘆きの樹 (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[石川贵之|金獅子]] × Nagiha & [[久保田修|Osamu Kubota]] + gaQdan|61-156|5|8|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|SYMPHONY Edition Track3-4,5,6 (SYMPHONY編 Track3-4,5,6) (unlockable from March 16th to April 12th, 2022)|bg=white|color=#134e43}} {{jb Song|[[POSSESSION (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[田口康裕|TAG underground]] × 中村 康隆 + gaQdan|180|6|8|10.2}} {{jb Song|[[Everlasting Message (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[三好启太|ぺのれり]] × [[久保田修|Osamu Kubota]] + gaQdan|92-214|5|8|10.1}} {{jb Song|[[Lisa-RICCIA (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.)]]|[[西村宜隆|DJ YOSHITAKA]] x [[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] + gaQdan|180|5|8|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|[[BEMANI 2021五局胜负战的盛夏歌会|盛夏歌会]]篇 (unlockable from June 29th, 2022 to July 25th, 2022)|bg=white|color=navy}} {{jb Song|[[生铁之槛|鋳鉄の檻]]|[[小寺可南子]],[[ranko|ランコ]],[[村山沙罗|SARAH]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|200|4|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[ChuChu 马丘比丘|チュッチュ♪マチュピチュ]]|[[Nanahira|ななひら]],[[高桥菜菜|Nana Takahashi]],[[猫体质]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇ダンサーレコード]]"|130|3|7|9.8}} {{jb Song|[[Globe Glitter]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]],[[上田敦美|ATSUMI UEDA]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]"|190|5|8|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[DUAL STRIKER]]|[[森永真由美|Mayumi Morinaga]],[[Kuroa*|Fernweh]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[角田利之|L.E.D.]] & [[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]"|185|4|7|10.4}} }} == ノスタルジア×jubeat乐曲交换会 == The ''NOSTALGIA×jubeat gakkyoku koukankai'' (ノスタルジア×jubeat楽曲交換会) event will begin on March 27th, 2019 and will end on April 16th, 2019. By playing ノスタルジア, a stamp can be earned for each credit played. By collecting 6 stamps, the following song can be unlocked. From July 6th to August 3rd, 2020, this song can be purchased with 150 T-emo in the ''T-emo STORE''. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|ノスタルジア×jubeat楽曲交換会|bg=#ece7bd|color=#7B3F00}} {{jb Song|[[Neri与琥珀糖|ネリと琥珀糖]]{{from|[[AC NST Op.2|ノスタルジア Op.2]]}}|[[sasakure.UK]]|170|4|8|10.3}} }} == Smith to sekiban no nazo (スミスと石版のナゾ) == The ''Smith to sekiban no nazo'' (スミスと石版のナゾ) started on July 8th, 2019 and ended on September 1st, 2019. More information to be updated. The event started again on June 5th, 2020, and ended on July 13th, 2020. As of April 27th, 2022, both songs can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#563B25|スミスと}}{{span style color|#69CF90|石}}{{span style color|#455546|版のナゾ}}|bg=#BC975F}} {{jb Song|[[LAST OATH]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]"|160|3|6|10.6}} {{jb Song|[[Duality]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|190|6|9.3|10.8}} }} == 一花的BEMANI投票选拔战2019 == ''Ichika no BEMANI touhyou senbatsusen 2019'' (いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019) is a collaboration event between [[AC Rootage|beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage]], [[AC DDR A20|DanceDanceRevolution A20]], [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]], [[AC GD EXCHAIN|GITADORA EXCHAIN]], jubeat festo, [[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]], [[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]], and [[AC NST Op.2|ノスタルジア Op.2]]. The event started on September 12th, 2019 and ended on October 15th, 2019. For more information, please see [[一花的BEMANI投票选拔战 2019|its respective page]]. All songs were unlocked for everyone on June 25th, 2020. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦{{span style color|white|2019}}|bg=#F4DC24|color=#ae2c8c}} {{jb Song|[[toy boxer]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|190|8|9.5|10.5}} {{jb Song|[[Afterimage d'automne]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤直之|猫叉]][[广野智章|劇団]]"|232|4|6|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[BLACK JACKAL]]|[[Akira Complex]]|150|4|6|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[Six String Proof]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]] × [[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]"|130|4|6|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Trill auf G]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]"|188|4|7|10.5}} {{jb Song|[[voltississimo]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[深濑贵宏|PHQUASE]]"|225|4|7|10.3}} {{jb Song|[[最小三倍完全数]]|[[山下泰|DJ TECHNORCH]]|220|5|7|10.3}} {{jb Song|[[Oh my! Lovely! Sweety! Darling!|おーまい!らぶりー!すうぃーてぃ!だーりん!]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]" feat.[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]]|170|4|7|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[Midnight WAR|ミッドナイト☆WAR]]|[[一花|いちか]]|156|4|7|10.0}} }} == 第九届KAC共通课题曲 == The following song could be unlocked by entering [[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 9th KONAMI Arcade Championship]] and playing jubeat festo once during the time period when it is available. As of April 27th, 2022, it can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|black|第九届}} {{span style color|red|KONAMI}} {{span style color|black|Arcade Championship}}]]共通课题曲|bg=linear-gradient(yellow, orange)|color=black}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 27th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020|bg=orange|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Ranker killer girl|ランカーキラーガール]]|[[中岛由贵]] × [[一花|いちか]]|200|4|7|10.4}} }} == 传达吧!手推车大作战 == The ''Otodoke! Torokko daisakusen (おとどけ!トロッコ大作戦)'' event started on December 18th, 2019 and ended on January 13th, 2020. By playing [[GITADORA概况|GITADORA]] and [[NOSTALGIA概况|ノスタルジア]], a song from each series can be unlocked for play in jubeat. Obtaining both songs will also unlock a brand-new song tied to the event. A second part of the event, ''Otodoke! Torokko daisakusen 2'' (おとどけ!トロッコ大作戦2), started on July 3rd, 2020 and ended on July 26th, 2020, featuring new crossovers and a brand-new song. As of April 27th, 2022, all six songs can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|red|传达吧!}}{{span style color|#9acd32|手推车}}大作战|bg=#feffe7|color=brown}} {{jb Song|[[Agnus Dei]]{{from|[[AC GF10DM9|GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX]]}}|[[Asaki|あさき]]|168|4|6|9.6}} {{jb Song|[[zeeros]]{{from|[[AC NST FORTE|ノスタルジア FORTE]]}}|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|146-187|3|6|9.8}} {{jb Song|[[Catapulted Arch]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Akhuta|person09]]"|184|4|7|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|red|传达吧!}}{{span style color|#9acd32|手推车}}大作战{{font style|white|red|2}}|bg=#feffe7|color=brown}} {{jb Song|[[Surf on the Light]]{{from|[[AC NST|ノスタルジア]]}}|[[内田智之|Tomoyuki Uchida]]|160|3|5|10.0}} {{jb Song|[[基亚洛拉卫星的轨迹|キヤロラ衛星の軌跡]]{{from|[[AC GD EXCHAIN|GITADORA EXCHAIN]]}}|[[工藤吉三]](ベイシスケイプ)|150|4|7|10.4}} {{jb Song|[[COSMIC SYMPHONY]]|[[OSTER project]]|280|3|7|10.3}} }} == 一花的BEMANI超猜拳大会2020 == ''Ichika no BEMANI chou janken taikai 2020'' (いちかのBEMANI超じゃんけん大会2020) is a collaboration event between [[AC HEROIC VERSE|beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE]], [[AC DDR A20|DanceDanceRevolution A20]], [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]], [[AC GD NEX+AGE|GITADORA NEX+AGE]], jubeat festo, [[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]], [[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]], and [[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]. Unlike other collaboration events between all currently active BEMANI games, '''all songs can be unlocked through the event site'''. For more information, please see [[Ichika no BEMANI chou janken taikai 2020|its respective page]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[一花的BEMANI超猜拳大会2020|{{span style color|#ACEEFF|一花的}}{{span style color|#A9CE40|BEMANI}}{{span style color|#FDFF53|超}}{{span style color|white|猜拳大会}}{{span style color|#ACEEFF|2020}}]]|bg=#63AB01|color=#ACEEFF}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|一花}}的回合|bg=linear-gradient(#49d3ff, #0983a8)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[回忆的南洋杉|追憶のアラウカリア]]{{from|[[AC NST Op.2|ノスタルジア Op.2]]}}|[[Cororo]]|106|4|7|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|Nono}}的回合|bg=linear-gradient(#f2f504, #f6ca05)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Right Time Right Way]]{{from|[[AC DDR A20|DanceDanceRevolution A20]]}}|[[KAN TAKAHIKO]]|174|5|7|9.8}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|Miya}}的回合|bg=linear-gradient(#f26f68, #f20707)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[TRIUMPH]]{{from|[[AC HEROIC VERSE|beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE]]}}|[[远山明孝|AJURIKA]]|183|3|8|9.8}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|一花的}}新曲|bg=linear-gradient(#a2d700, #61ad02)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Love kira splash|ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]" feat.[[一花|いちか]]|152|4|8|10.2}} }} == 每周!一花的超BEMANI Rush2020 == ''Maishuu! Ichika no chou BEMANI rush 2020'' (毎週!いちかの超BEMANIラッシュ2020) is a collaboration event between [[AC HEROIC VERSE|beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE]], [[AC DDR A20 PLUS|DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS]], [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]], [[AC GD NEX+AGE|GITADORA NEX+AGE]], jubeat festo, [[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]], [[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]], and [[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]. It started on July 29th, 2020 and will end on October 29th, 2020. For more information, please see [[每周!一花的超BEMANI Rush2020|its respective page]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[每周!一花的超BEMANI Rush2020|{{span style color|#ACEEFF|每周!}}{{span style color|#f298d5|一花的}}{{span style color|#fc94c9|超}}{{span style color|#b7ddfe|BEMANI}} {{span style color|white|Rush}}{{span style color|#fe97c7|2020}}]]|bg=#011844|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|Added on July 29th, 2020|bg=#011844|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[Sparkle Smilin']]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[伊山达也|Qrispy Joybox]]" feat.[[一花|いちか]]|180|3|7|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|一花}}的Rush|bg=linear-gradient(#49d3ff, #0983a8)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Crazy Shuffle]]{{from|[[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]]}}|[[Yooh]]|128|4|8|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 19th, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#49d3ff, #0983a8)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[All Clear!!]]{{from|[[AC SDVX IV|SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN]]}}|[[sky_delta]]|164|4|8|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 16th, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#49d3ff, #0983a8)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[恋歌疾风!歌牌女王伊吕波|恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは]]{{from|[[PnM AC 23|pop'n music éclale]]}}|[[胁田润|ねこまんま]][[佐伯伊织|チーム!]]|120-168|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 30th, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#49d3ff, #0983a8)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[狂水一华|狂水一華]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]] Vs. [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]" feat.[[一花|いちか]]|160|3|8|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|Nono}}的Rush|bg=linear-gradient(#f2f504, #f6ca05)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Din Don Dan]]{{from|[[AC DDR 2014|DanceDanceRevolution (2014)]]}}|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]] feat.[[森永真由美|Mayumi Morinaga]]|140|3|7|9.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 9th, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#f2f504, #f6ca05)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[X-Plan]]{{from|[[AC GFDM XG2|GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 Groove to Live]]}}|[[大嶋文博|Tom-H@ck]] feat.[[Sawa Kato|Nadia]]|250|2|7|9.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 23rd, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#f2f504, #f6ca05)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[灼热Beach Side Bunny|灼熱Beach Side Bunny]]{{from|[[AC Resort Anthem|beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem]]}}|[[DJ Mass MAD Izm*]]|153|6|9.6|10.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 7th, 2020|bg=linear-gradient(#f2f504, #f6ca05)|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[Jetcoaster Windy]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]" feat.のの|268|4|7|9.7}} }} == Mission Travel == The ''Mission Travel'' unlocking system started on September 18th, 2020. Each map has ''PHASE LINE''s with up to six locks each. Each lock has three missions, and by completing them you can unlock a new song, T-emo, or bonus tune gauge. Completing all missions in a PHASE LINE will advance you to the next PHASE LINE. As song or in-game items are assigned to each lock randomly, "Compass" can be used to reveal a lock that can be selected to unlock a song for current PHASE LINE. 800 T-emo is needed to use a Compass in each PHASE LINE. The table below only lists new songs. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|Mission Travel|bg=#4e6297|color=white}} {{jb Songlist Category|Smith's memories<br>(added on September 18th, 2020)|bg=#fedfff|color=#6a2ff4}} {{jb Song|[[Spica (TATSUYA)|Spica]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[伊山达也|TATSUYA]]"|176|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Song|[[Life Without You]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 2</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]]"|150|4|7|10.1}} {{jb Song|[[StaRgAZER]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[田口康裕|TAG]]"|144|3|8|10.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#eaff2f|レインボーサマーメドレー!}}<br>{{span style color|#eaff2f|(Available from October 2nd to November 5th, 2020, from August 11th to 31st, 2021, and from May 4th to 17th, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(#7b84f4, grey)}} {{jb Song|[[Midsummer Madness]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]]|200|3|6|10.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|DISC TELLER -Happy-<br>{{span style color|#ffbf00|(Available from October 16th to November 5th, 2020, from January 20th to February 16th, 2021, from September 9th to 28th, 2021, and from May 11th to 24th, 2022)}}|bg=#173451|color=#f0bdee}} {{jb Song|[[Rapunzel (RoughSketch)|ラプンツェル]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|[[宇野将平|RoughSketch]]|195|3|6|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#eaff2f|スペイシーオータムメドレー!}}<br>{{span style color|#eaff2f|(Available from November 6th to December 3rd, 2020, from November 10th to 30th, 2021, and from June 1st to 14th, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(#3ee508, grey)}} {{jb Song|[[SPACE INASAKU]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|サイバー劇レコ]]"|178|3|7|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{font style|#eaff2f|#4c2415|ユビシアター}}{{font style|#fbf8d5|#4c2415|<ひとりぼっちのドラゴン>}}<br>{{span style color|#e73927|(Available from November 20th to December 10th, 2020, and from March 3rd to 23rd, 2021)}}|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, white, #37c6ff)}} {{jb Song|[[No Rule Adventure]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|[[Kohei Ohtsu|nora2r]]|190|4|7|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#c2ff05|ロンリーウィンターメドレー!}}<br>{{span style color|#c2ff05|(Available from December 25th, 2020 to February 25th, 2021, and from December 22nd, 2021 to January 11th, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(#639bce, grey)}} {{jb Song|[[封印图案|封隠文様]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|[[Dadaco|駄々子]]|175|4|7|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#1184e8|ドライブチューン!}}{{span style color|#fc4c4e|with MILK}}<br>{{span style color|navy|(Available from January 8th to March 4th, 2021, from December 1st to 21st, 2021, and from June 8th to 21st, 2022)}}|bg=white}} {{jb Song|[[Still Lonesome]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>{{from|[[AC MSC 1+1/2|MÚSECA 1+1/2]]}}|[[石川右京|PSYQUI]]|168|4|7|9.9}} {{jb Songlist Category|DISC TELLER -Cybernetics-<br>{{span style color|#9bf96e|(Available from February 3rd to March 16th, 2021, from May 26th to June 15th, 2021, and from April 27th to May 10th, 2022)}}|bg=#173451|color=#f0bdee}} {{jb Song|[[Neuron]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Expander]]"|174|4|8|10.1}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{font style|#fdfe3f|black|Kotaro's }}{{font style|#37c6ff|black|memories}}<br>(added on February 17th, 2021)|bg=#ffa027}} {{jb Song|[[TOON MANIAC]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 2</small>{{from|[[PnM AC 4|pop'n music 4]]}}|[[村井洁|Theme from"TOON MANIA"]]|160|2|7|9.0}} {{jb Song|[[代表忍不住想吃披萨的诸位发表的感言|ピザが食べたくてしょうがない皆さんの気持ちを代弁しました]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|[[Yuuya Kobayashi|コバヤシユウヤ]](IOSYS) feat. [[miko]]|160|3|7|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{font style|#ffa351ff|#783195|Party goes on}} {{font style|#ffeed2|orange|-GIRLS NIGHT-}}<br>{{span style color|darkblue|(Available from March 17th to April 13th, 2021, and from May 25th to June 7th, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(#f26b8a, #f79ac0)}} {{jb Song|[[一二粉丝俱乐部|いーあるふぁんくらぶ [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|みきとP|145|2|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Scarlet Moon|Scarlet Moon [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 2</small>|[[永井良和|REDALiCE]] feat. [[Ayumi Nomiya]]|180|3|7|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[ETERNAL BLAZE|ETERNAL BLAZE [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3<small>|(水樹奈々)|105-155|3|6|8}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#ffe8b8|ユビシアター}}{{font style|white|#49396e|<光に包まれて>}}<br>(Available from March 31st to April 20th, 2021, from September 29th to October 19th, 2021, and from May 18th to 31st, 2022)|bg=radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at 50% 8%, orangered, navy, navy, orange)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[Hades Doll]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|Power Of Nature]]"|185|4|8|10.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#1184e8|ドライブチューン!}}{{span style color|#fc4c4e|with SODA}}<br>{{span style color|navy|(available from April 21st to July 18th, 2021)}}|bg=white}} {{jb Song|[[Come to Life]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>{{from|[[AC DDR A|DanceDanceRevolution A]]}}|[[木村洋平|ARM]] (IOSYS) feat. [[Nicole Curry]]|180|3|8|9.8}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|navy|ウキウキスプリングメドレー!<br>(Available from May 6th to July 21st, 2021, and from February 9th to March 1st, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(cyan, pink)}} {{jb Song|[[Brawl]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|[[竹花一希|東京アクティブNEETs]]|145|4|6|9.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|DISC TELLER -Intangible-<br>{{span style color|#f0bdee|(Available from June 9th to July 21st, 2021, and from April 27th to May 10th, 2022)}}|bg=#173451|color=cyan}} {{jb Song|[[Floating Eternity]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "Philosophy"|180|3|6|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|Party goes on {{font style|white|#f97d28|-BURNING UP!-}}<br>(Available from June 30th to July 27th, 2021, and from May 4th to 17th, 2022)|bg=linear-gradient(#fb0201, #b13502, #ecb315)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[HOT LIMIT (HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR)|HOT LIMIT [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|(HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR)|139|3|6|8}} {{jb Song|[[Gankou|眼光 [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 2</small>|[[neko_taisitu|猫]][[Hiroki Arai|大樹]]|165|2|7|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Jounetsu tairiku|情熱大陸 [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|(葉加瀬太郎)|128|4|8|9.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|ネイチャーサマーメドレー!<br>{{span style color|#eaff2f|(Available from July 21st, 2021 through August 31st, 2021, and from May 11th to 24th, 2022)}}|bg=linear-gradient(#008080, grey)|color=aqua}} {{jb Song|[[splash!]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|Trance Liquid]]"|156|4|7|10.5}} {{jb Songlist Category|DISC TELLER -Buzz-<br>{{span style color|#f0bdee|(Available from September 1st to 28th, 2021, and from May 18th to 31st, 2022)}}|bg=#173451|color=#eaff2f}} {{jb Song|[[Fireball]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "Bumble Bee"|180|4|6|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|Party goes on -FEEL SORROW-<br>(Available from October 13th to November 9th, 2021, and from May 25th to June 7th, 2022)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #280f96, #1f6be4, #028fe6, #1f6be4, #280f96)|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[LANA - 记忆的碎片 -|LANA - キロクノカケラ - [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>|[[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]]×Jazzin'park|84-168|2|5|7}} {{jb Song|[[Lost one的号哭|ロストワンの号哭 [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 2</small>|Neru|162|4|8|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[遗落的美术|取り残された美術(Arranged:HiZuMi) [ 2 ]]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3<small>|[[幽闭星光|幽閉サテライト]] feat.[[森永真由美|senya]]|160|4|7|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|レジェンダリーオータムメドレー!<br>(Available from November 17th to December 14th, 2021, and from June 1st to 14th, 2022)|bg=#7b6719|color=#eac91c}} {{jb Song|[[VIKING SHIP]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]"|130|3|7|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|#1184e8|ドライブチューン!}}{{span style color|#8da34e|with CAPCCINO}}<br>{{span style color|navy|(Available from December 15th, 2021 to January 4th, 2022, and from June 8th to 21st, 2022)}}|bg=white}} {{jb Song|[[December in Strasbourg]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1</small>{{from|[[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]]}}|[[佐久间达也|nana(Sevencolors)]] feat.mana|115|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|スターティングウィンターメドレー!<br>{{span style color|#eaff2f|(Available from January 12th to February 1st, 2022)}}|bg=#3cd0a3|color=#f1f23b}} {{jb Song|[[Noob实况24小时!|Noob実況24時!]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3</small>|[[木村洋平|ARM]] × [[Katahotori|かたほとり]] ft. [[Choko|ちょこ]]|178|3|6|9.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|DISC TELLER -Conflict-<br>{{span style color|#ebce9e|(Available from March 30th to April 19th, 2022)}}|bg=#173451|color=#d6d9a7}} {{jb Song|[[茶锈综合征|茶渋シンドローム]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|[[Mayumi Enomoto|みゅい]]|185|2|6|9.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|afterglow of {{span style color|#a8d5d5|Symphony}}<br>{{span style color|white|(Available from June 13th, 2022)}}|bg=#212223|color=#d1d798}} {{jb Song|[[钢琴独奏无言歌“灰烬”|ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼"]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 1<small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[胁田润|Virkato Wakhmaninov]]"|100-200|5|8|10.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|festo島ライブカメラ<br>(Available from July 6th, 2022)|bg=#fff04b|color=green}} {{jb Song|[[Hero Revealed]]<br><small>PHASE LINE 3<small>|[[Yooh]]|170|6|8|10.6}} }} == BEMANI MusiQ FES == ''BEMANI MusiQ FES'' is a collaboration event between ''QUIZ MAGIC ACADEMY Kibou no toki'' (クイズマジックアカデミー 輝望の刻) and the BEMANI titles [[AC BISTROVER|beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER]], [[AC DDR A20 PLUS|DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS]], [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]], [[AC GD NEX+AGE|GITADORA NEX+AGE]], jubeat festo, [[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]] / [[PnM AC 26|解明リドルズ]], [[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]], and [[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]. It will start on November 18th, 2020 and will end on January 12th, 2021. For more information, please see [[BEMANI MusiQ FES|its respective page]]. 2021年2月18日起,全部参战曲默认开放。 {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[BEMANI MusiQ FES|{{span style color|white|BEMANI Musi}}{{span style color|#02d7ff|Q}}{{span style color|white| FES}}]]|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, #04d7fd, black, black, black, black, black, #04d7fd)|color=#02d7ff}} {{jb Songlist Category|Vol.1 (unlockable from November 18th to December 16th, 2020)|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, #04d7fd, black, black, black, black, black, #04d7fd)|color=#02d7ff}} {{jb Song|[[X-ray binary]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|Trance Liquid]]"|150|3|9.5|10.4}} {{jb Songlist Category|Vol.2 (unlockable from December 16th, 2020 to January 12th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, #04d7fd, black, black, black, black, black, #04d7fd)|color=#02d7ff}} {{jb Song|[[turn into white]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[伊山达也|TATSUYA]]"|186|3|7|9.0}} }} == The 10th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Song == The following song could be unlocked by entering [[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 10th KONAMI Arcade Championship]] before April 19th, 2021 (originally until February 1st, 2021) and playing once from December 23rd, 2020 to April 20th, 2021 (originally until February 2nd, 2021). {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|black|The 10th}} {{span style color|red|KONAMI}} {{span style color|black|Arcade Championship}}]] Entry Song|bg=linear-gradient(yellow, orange)|color=black}} {{jb Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 23rd, 2020 to February 2nd, 2021|bg=orange|color=black}} {{jb Song|[[在世界尽头将约定的凯歌 -jubeat edition-|世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -jubeat edition-]]|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]]|201|7|9.2|10.6}} }} == 武装神姬BC×BEMANI稼动纪念活动 == The following song can be unlocked by having played ten credits of jubeat festo from December 24th, 2020 to January 22nd, 2021. It will be available on your next credit. You can also unlock the song for ''all'' of the participant games by playing ''Busou Shinki BATTLE CONDUCTOR'' (武装神姫BC) once during the event duration. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|{{span style color|black|武装神姬BC×}}BEMANI稼动纪念活动|bg=hotpink|color=white}} {{jb Song|[[现在开始请多关照大作战143|ここからよろしく大作戦143]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Asaki|あさき隊]]"|184|4|7|9.3}} }} == Stamp Challenge == ''Stamp Challenge'' is an unlocking system that allows players to unlock mostly old songs/charts, with the occasional new song. Players can get one stamp per credit, and up to four stamps per day. * [[Toy Robot Factory]] could be unlocked from December 28th, 2020 to March 1st, 2021 (originally set to end on January 12th) by obtaining 20 stamps, and from March 24th to April 13th, 2021 by obtaining 15 stamps. ** As of April 27th, 2022, it can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. * [[Lava Flow]] could be unlocked from April 7th to June 29th, 2021 by obtaining 1 stamp, while its [ 2 ] charts could be unlocked during the same dates by obtaining 20 stamps. ** As of April 27th, 2022, both Lava Flow and its [ 2 ] charts can be purchased at the ''festo STORE''. * [[Amo|アモ]] and [[Taiyou no shizuku|太陽の滴]] could be unlocked from April 13th to 26th, 2022 by obtaining 7 and 15 stamps, respectively. * [[Gekitou hoankan! DEMPA bokumetsu daisakusen|激闘保安官!DEMPA撲滅大作戦]] and [[Underground Astronomy]] could be unlocked from April 27th to May 10th, 2022 by obtaining 7 and 15 stamps, respectively. * [[Chippin Break]], [[Laughin' Muffin]], and [[Metsysralos]] can be unlocked from June 1st to 21st, 2022 by obtaining 5, 13, and 20 stamps, respectively. * [[Juicy (kors k Lovers DJ Yoshitaka)|Juicy]], [[Recursive function|リカーシブ・ファンクション]] and [[Wadatsumi|海神]] can be unlocked from June 22nd to July 12th, 2022 by obtaining 5, 13 and 20 stamps, respectively. The table below only lists new songs unlockable through Stamp Challenge. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|Stamp Challenge|bg=#fdfcd7|color=#152d24}} {{jb Song|[[Toy Robot Factory]]|[[MARON]] (IOSYS)|184|4|7|9.8}} {{jb Song|[[Lava Flow]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|190|3|7|10.1}} {{jb Song|[[Lava Flow|Lava Flow [ 2 ]]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|190|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Song|[[Amo|アモ]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|八月二雪|190|3|5|9.1}} {{jb Song|[[Taiyou no shizuku|太陽の滴]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|[[宇野将平|CANVAS]] feat. [[NUE|Quimär]]|160|3|7|9.7}} {{jb Song|[[Gekitou hoankan! DEMPA bokumetsu daisakusen|激闘保安官!DEMPA撲滅大作戦]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|[[木村洋平|ARM]] × [[Katahotori|かたほとり]] ft. [[Nanahira|ななひら]]|142|3|6|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[Underground Astronomy]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|[[Daisuke Watanabe|D.watt]] (IOSYS)|155|3|6|9.8}} {{jb Song|[[Chippin Break]]{{from|[[AC_MSC|MÚSECA]]}}|[[alpha|あるふぁ]]|190|4|8|9.3}} {{jb Song|[[Laughin' Muffin]]{{from|[[AC_MSC|MÚSECA]]}}|[[Gowrock]]|182|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Song|[[Metsysralos]]{{from|[[AC_MSC|MÚSECA]]}}|[[庭师|庭師]]|182|5|8|10.3}} {{jb Song|[[Juicy (kors k Lovers DJ Yoshitaka)|Juicy]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] Lovers [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ Yoshitaka]]|125|3|5|8}} {{jb Song|[[递归函数|リカーシブ・ファンクション]]{{from|[[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]}}|[[OSTER project]]|145|4|7|9.5}} {{jb Song|[[海神]]{{from|[[AC_RB_colette_Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}|[[田川义浩|兎々]]|159|5|8|10.4}} }} == BPL ouen gakkyoku kaikin stamp rally (BPL応援 楽曲解禁スタンプラリー) == The following songs could be unlocked by obtaining stamps on the event site from June 18th, 2021 to October 10th, 2021. For more information, please see [[BPL ouen gakkyoku kaikin stamp rally|this page]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[BPL ouen gakkyoku kaikin stamp rally|{{span style color|black|BPL}}{{font style|white|#0568dd|応援}} {{span style color|#0652d8|楽曲解禁スタンプラリー}}]]|bg=linear-gradient(135deg, white 1% 3%, #dcdcdc 3% 4%, white 4% 7%, #dcdcdc 7% 8%, white 8% 11%, #dcdcdc 11% 12%, white 12% 15%, #dcdcdc 15% 16%, white 16% 19%, #dcdcdc 19% 20%, white 20% 55%, transparent 25%), linear-gradient(-135deg, white 1% 3%, #dcdcdc 3% 4%, white 4% 7%, #dcdcdc 7% 8%, white 8% 11%, #dcdcdc 11% 12%, white 12% 15%, #dcdcdc 15% 16%, white 16% 19%, #dcdcdc 19% 20%, white 20% 55%, transparent 25%)}} {{jb Song|[[Boomy and The Boost]]{{from|[[AC CANNON BALLERS|beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS]]}}|[[齐藤广祐|Eagle]]|174|4|8|10.7}} {{jb Songlist Category|Second Stage (unlockable from September 13th, 2021 to October 10th, 2021)|bg=white}} {{jb Song|[[Catch Me]]{{from|[[AC HAPPY SKY|beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY]]}}|[[西村宜隆|DJ Yoshitaka]] feat. [[ERi]]|115|2|6|9.0}} }} == [[BEMANI 2021五局胜负战的盛夏歌会]] == The ''BEMANI 2021 manatsu no utagassen 5 ban shoubu'' event is a collaboration event held between the following BEMANI games: [[AC BISTROVER|beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER]], [[AC DDR A20 PLUS|DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS]], [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]], [[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]], jubeat festo, [[PnM AC 26|pop'n music 解明リドルズ]], [[AC SDVX EG|SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR]], and [[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]. At each stage, a new song comes from each of two teams, Team RED and Team BLUE. Each song is added to four games, except for the third stage where both songs from this stage are added to all eight games. Players can unlock the event songs by obtaining "Yells" for playing any of participating games. For more information, please see the [[BEMANI 2021 manatsu no utagassen 5 ban shoubu|event page]]. {{jb Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|[[BEMANI 2021五局胜负战的盛夏歌会|{{span style color|#ff0080|B}}{{span style color|orange|E}}{{span style color|#ff0080|M}}{{span style color|orange|A}}{{span style color|#ff0080|N}}{{span style color|orange|I}} {{span style color|#0083ef|2}}{{span style color|#5cacee|0}}{{span style color|#0083ef|2}}{{span style color|#5cacee|1}}{{span style color|navy|五局胜负战的盛夏歌会}}]]|bg=white|color=black}} {{jb Songlist Category|1st STAGE (unlockable from July 29th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[祭典|MA・TSU・RI]]<br><small>TEAM RED</small>|[[かなたん]],アマギセーラ,[[ぁゅ]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多]]"|160|3|6|9.0}} {{jb Songlist Category|2nd STAGE (unlockable from August 5th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[MOVE! (We Keep It Movin')]]<br><small>TEAM BLUE</small>|[[Jonathan Medley|Jonny Dynamite!]],Lisa - paint with stars -,[[柊木りお|Rio Hiiragi]] by BEMANI Sound Team “[[浅见佑一|U1-ASAMi]]”|142|2|6|9.6}} {{jb Songlist Category|3rd STAGE (unlockable from August 12th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[LIKE A VAMPIRE]]|koyomi,[[渡边奏子|星野奏子]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|TAKA]]"|276|3|7|9.2}} {{jb Song|[[超级澡堂babanburn|スーパー戦湯ババンバーン]]|[[诹访英夫|すわひでお]],[[秋成]],[[かぼちゃ]],[[蓝月奈久留|藍月なくる]],[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[胁田润|八戸亀生羅]]"|188|4|8|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|4th STAGE (unlockable from August 19th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[斑咲花]]<br><small>TEAM BLUE</small>|[[mami]],[[Dadaco|駄々子]] by BEMANI Sound Team "[[Akhuta|Akhuta Works]]"|134-201|4|6|9.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|5th STAGE (unlockable from August 26th, 2021)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[梦吹|ユメブキ]]<br><small>TEAM RED</small>|[[紫崎雪]],[[柚木梨沙|Risa Yuzuki]],709sec. by BEMANI Sound Team "[[PHQUASE]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|200|3|7|10.2}} {{jb Songlist Category|BONUS TRACK|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Songlist Category|Available from October 28th, 2021|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[Triple Cross]]<br><small>TEAM RED</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]] & [[西村宜隆|DJ YOSHITAKA]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|196|4|8|10.3}} {{jb Songlist Category|Available from December 16th, 2021|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff0080, white 25%, white 75%, #0083ef)|color=#d902ee}} {{jb Song|[[Aftermath]]<br><small>TEAM BLUE</small>|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]] & [[Asaki|あさき]] & [[横山雄哉|Yvya]]"|200|4|8|10.2}} }} = 难度变更 = jubeat festo introduces decimal points for all charts rated Level 9 or 10. For a complete listing of all returning songs with their new ratings, please see [[AC jb festo/难度变更|this page]]. = 削除曲列表 = The following songs from previous jubeat releases have been removed: {{RS Songlist Header| {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on October 8th, 2018}} {{RS Song|[[MURASAKI]]|蒼井翔太|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{RS Song|[[在我崩溃之前|僕ガ壊レル前ニ]]|ゲーム実況もっと!わくわく荘|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on January 21st, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[From Noon Till Dawn feat.Tabu Zombie & Kunikazu Tanaka]]|ストレイテナー|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Get Off of My Way]]|MAN WITH A MISSION|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[METROPOLIS]]|→Pia-no-jaC←|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[No pain, No game]]|ナノ|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[V.I.P]]|([[Koichiro Tanaka|シド]])|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[全力倒头就睡|全力バタンキュー]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on February 25th, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[a fact of life]]|FACT|[[AC jb ripples APPEND|jubeat ripples APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[Share The World]]|東方神起|[[AC jb ripples APPEND|jubeat ripples APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[不愿只做造梦的少女|夢見る少女じゃいられない]]|相川七瀬|[[AC jb ripples APPEND|jubeat ripples APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[Dance My Generation]]|ゴールデンボンバー|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[ANTI-HERO]]|SEKAI NO OWARI|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Beautiful]]|Superfly|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Clattanoia]]|Ox[[Tomohiro Oshima|T]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Famous Day]]|[Alexandros]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[GO! GO! MANIAC]]|[[Tomohiro Oshima|放課後ティータイム]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[努力试着爱上你|あなたに恋をしてみました]]|chay|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[摇曳百合随想曲|ちょちょちょ!ゆるゆり☆かぷりっちょ!!!]]|七森中☆ごらく部|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Diablo|ディアブロ]]|水曜日のカンパネラ|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[想要成为好朋友|ふ・れ・ん・ど・し・た・い]]|学園生活部|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[你所不知道的故事|君の知らない物語]]|(supercell)|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[别掺和,很危险|混ぜるな危険]]|[[Kinniku Shoujotai|筋肉少女帯]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[拿去!水手服|もってけ!セーラーふく]]|泉こなた、柊かがみ、柊つかさ、高良みゆき |[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[在夏天kiss可以吗|夏にキスしていいですか?]]|アルスマグナ|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[冲击|衝動]]|HaKU |[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[勇敢的骷髅|勇敢な髑髏]]|新井大樹 |[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[你所不知道的故事|君の知らない物語 [ 2 ]]]|(supercell)|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on April 22nd, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[Kick It Out]]|ブンブンサテライツ|[[AC jb knit|jubeat knit]]}} {{RS Song|[[Ahead Of The Light]]|MIYAVI|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[RPG]]|SEKAI NO OWARI|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[sister's noise]]|fripSide|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[忍者棒棒|にんじゃりばんばん]]|[[中田康孝|きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ]]|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[忍者棒棒|にんじゃりばんばん [ 2 ]]]|[[中田康孝|きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ]]|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on June 24th, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[Carnival?|カーニバる?]]|ナオト・インティライミ|[[AC jb knit|jubeat knit]]}} {{RS Song|[[Baby Sweet Berry Love]]|小倉 唯|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Take Your Way]]|livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI)|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[ViViD]]|May'n|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Dendenpassion|でんでんぱっしょん]]|でんぱ組.inc|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Invader invader|インベーダーインベーダー]]|[[中田康孝|きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ]]|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[人生是奇妙的故事 (Dear Japan Remix)|人生は素晴らしい物語。(Dear Japan Remix)]]|ハジ→|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[奇迹|キセキ]]|([[渡边大地|GReeeeN]])|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[真爱2000%|マジLOVE2000%]]|ST☆RISH|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[奇迹|キセキ [ 2 ]]]|([[渡边大地|GReeeeN]])|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{RS Song|[[My Precious]]|本場切絵(CV:白石晴香)|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[想吃寿司 feat.Soy sauce|SUSHI食べたい feat.ソイソース]]|ORANGE RANGE|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[sweet sweet everytime sweet]]|海老名菜々(CV:影山灯)|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Synchronized Love J Rap Jam]]|ジョー・リノイエ|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[TSF在日本|T・S・F in にっぽん!]]|橘・シルフィンフォード(CV:古川由利奈)|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[向阳days|ひだまりデイズ]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|妹S]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[不能输-Runners High-|負けないよ・・・-Runners High-]]|[[Nekohiroki|猫大樹]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[暑假是自由的|夏休み is freedom!!]]|[[Nekohiroki|猫大樹]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[男女互答之歌|男と女の言い合いのうた]]|[[Nekohiroki|猫大樹]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[在制作现场发生的事|制作現場での出来事]]|[[Nekohiroki|猫大樹]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[时之妖花|時の妖花]]|ゲーム実況者わくわくバンド|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Unbelievers|アンビリーバーズ]]|米津玄師|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[候鸟|ワタリドリ]]|[Alexandros]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[勇者小埋的华丽生活|勇者うまるの華麗なる生活]]|[[Masaki Sekikawa|土間うまる]](CV:田中あいみ)|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[JUMPin'JUMP UP!!!!]]|fourfolium|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[STEP by STEP UP|STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑]]|fourfolium|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[Gabriel DropKick|ガヴリールドロップキック]]|ガヴリール、ヴィーネ、サターニャ、ラフィエル|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[前进吧Runner|ススメRunner!!]]|fourfolium|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[梦色compass|ユメイロコンパス]]|fourfolium|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on September 2nd, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[eternal reality]]|fripSide|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Follow Me]]|E-girls|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[SAVIOR OF SONG(feat. MY FIRST STORY)]]|ナノ|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Blue field|ブルー・フィールド]]|[[Hige Driver|Tri]][[Takehiro Mamiya|dent]] (渕上 舞・沼倉愛美・山村 響)|[[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]]}} {{RS Song|[[Eine kleine|アイネクライネ]]|→Pia-no-jaC←|[[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]]}} {{RS Song|[[Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen|ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン]]|[[Kazuhito Kosaka|ピコ太郎]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on November 18th, 2019}} {{RS Song|[[Dreamland. feat. RED RICE (from 湘南乃风), CICO (from BENNIE K)|Dreamland。feat. RED RICE (from 湘南乃風), CICO (from BENNIE K)]]|ハジ→|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Girl A]]|[Alexandros]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[HERO (Sonar Pocket)|HERO]]|ソナーポケット|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Two souls -toward the truth-]]|fripSide|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Hyper realist|ハイパーリアリスト]]|パスピエ|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Inferno|インフェルノ]]|9mm Parabellum Bullet|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Mahorovacation|マホロバケーション]]|ももいろクローバーZ|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[灾难I LIKE YOU|Ψです I LIKE YOU]]|[[Tomohiro Oshima|でんぱ組.inc]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on February 19th, 2020}} {{RS Song|[[LOSER]]|米津玄師|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[NANIMONO (feat.米津玄师)|NANIMONO (feat.米津玄師)]]|[[中田康孝|中田ヤスタカ]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[翡翠之狼|翡翠の狼]]|米津玄師|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on April 3rd, 2020}} {{RS Song|[[稍微有点浪漫的梦|ちょちょいとちょいだよ夢浪漫]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[茶泡饭天堂|お茶づけ☆パラダイス]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[吾为SAMURAI FOOD|拙者はSAMURAI FOOD]]|[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U a.k.a. Food Samurai]] × [[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[消遣的木碗|椀・of・Relaxation]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on June 30th, 2020}} {{RS Song|[[心情超好|気分上々↑↑]]|mihimaru GT|[[AC jb|jubeat]]}} {{RS Song|[[LOVE & JOY]]|木村由姫|[[AC jb knit|jubeat knit]]}} {{RS Song|[[Masterpiece|マスターピース]]|mihimaru GT|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[black bullet]]|fripSide|[[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]]}} {{RS Song|[[Daydream cafe|Daydream café]]|Petit Rabbit's|[[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]]}} {{RS Song|[[困惑食谱|とまどい→レシピ]]|みかくにんぐッ!|[[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]]}} {{RS Song|[[Daydream cafe|Daydream café [ 2 ]]]|Petit Rabbit's|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{RS Song|[[SAKURA skip|SAKURAスキップ]]|fourfolium|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Glorious days]]|GRANRODEO|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[Morning Glory ((K)NoW_NAME)|Morning Glory]]|(K)NoW_NAME|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[Shadow and Truth]]|ONE Ⅲ NOTES|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[欢迎来到加帕里公园|ようこそジャパリパークへ]]|どうぶつビスケッツ×PPP|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[友人胶卷|オトモダチフィルム]]|オーイシマサヨシ|jubeat festo}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on September 14th, 2020}} {{RS Song|[[Sandstorm]]|(Darude)|[[AC jb knit|jubeat knit]]}} {{RS Song|[[伴随着你 feat.sayurina ~天空之城~|君をのせて feat.sayurina]]|新井大樹|[[AC jb knit APPEND|jubeat knit APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[邻家的龙猫 feat.sayurina ~龙猫~|となりのトトロ feat.sayurina]]|新井大樹|[[AC jb knit APPEND|jubeat knit APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[BAROQUE HOEDOWN|Baroque Hoedown]]|(Perrey&Kingsley)|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[CARTOON HEROES]]|(Aqua)|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[PONPONPON]]|[[中田康孝|きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ]]|[[AC jb copious APPEND|jubeat copious APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[WAVES; Q;indivi+WISE]]|Q;indivi+|[[AC jb copious APPEND|jubeat copious APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[两面性-表里两面的人生|にめんせい☆ウラオモテライフ!]]|[[本间绚人|土間うまる]] [[橘亮佑|(CV.田中あいみ)]]|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[小埋体操|うまるん体操]]|[[Hige Driver|妹]][[Takehiro Mamiya|S]]|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[邻家的龙猫 feat.sayurina ~龙猫~|君をのせて feat.sayurina [ 2 ]]]|新井大樹|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on February 1st, 2021}} {{RS Song|[[描绘猎户座的形状|オリオンをなぞる]]|UNISON SQUARE GARDEN|[[AC jb copious APPEND|jubeat copious APPEND]]}} {{RS Song|[[Extra magic hour|エクストラ・マジック・アワー]]|AKINO with bless4|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{RS Song|[[新婚前的歌谣|ハッピーウェディング前ソング]]|ヤバイTシャツ屋さん|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[Hurray hurray 我自己|フレーフレーわたし]]|足立佳奈|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[梦幻的媚眼|まぼろしウィンク]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[无需多言Go!!|問答無用でGo!!]]|[[A应P|A応P]]|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[脑夫体操主题曲|脳みそ夫体操メインテーマ]]|脳みそ夫|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[世界变成了咖啡屋|セカイがカフェになっちゃった!]]|Petit Rabbit's with beans|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[砂之行星|砂の惑星 feat.初音ミク]]|ハチ|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on March 19th, 2021}} {{RS Song|[[Peace sign|ピースサイン]]|米津玄師|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on March 24th, 2021}} {{RS Song|[[欢呼之夜 ~舞动吧日本~|やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~]]|ゴールデンボンバー|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{RS Song|[[欢呼之夜 ~舞动吧XX~|やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~]]|ゴールデンボンバー|[[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on August 16th, 2021}} {{RS Song|[[maximum the hormone]]|マキシマム ザ ホルモン|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[SUPER STREAM|SUPER∞STREAM]]|(篠ノ之箒(CV.日笠陽子), セシリア・オルコット(CV.ゆかな), 凰鈴音(CV.下田麻美), シャルロット・デュノア(CV.花澤香菜), ラウラ・ボーデヴィッヒ(CV.井上麻里奈))|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[Friends|フレンズ]]|([[Miyuki Kunitake|レベッカ]])|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[娘娘腔|女々しくて]]|ゴールデンボンバー|[[AC jb copious|jubeat copious]]}} {{RS Song|[[娘娘腔|女々しくて [ 2 ]]]|ゴールデンボンバー|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}} {{RS Song|[[零之位相|零の位相]]|[[kradness]]|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}} {{RS Song|[[Be The One]]|PANDORA feat.Beverly|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Boom! Boom! Heaven|Boom! Boom! ヘブン]]|BRADIO|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[ICHIDAIJI]]|ポルカドットスティングレイ|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[MONSTER DANCE]]|KEYTALK|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[My HERO (04 Limited Sazabys)|My HERO]]|04 Limited Sazabys|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Paradise Has No Border]]|東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Dancing|ダンシング]]|佐伯ユウスケ|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[不灭的心|ふめつのこころ]]|tofubeats|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Girametas电波明星|ギラメタスでんぱスターズ]]|でんぱ組.inc|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[阳炎 -movie version-|陽炎 -movie version-]]|サカナクション|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[沉浸于雾里看花般的恋爱中|片目で異常に恋してる]]|ジェニーハイ|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[不合适的圆领背心|タンクトップは似合わない]]|ONIGAWARA|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[打上花火]]|DAOKO×米津玄師|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[杂草|雑草]]|HIKAKIN & SEIKIN|jubeat festo}} {{jb Songlist Category|Removed on February 16th, 2022}} {{RS Song|[[JINGO JUNGLE (Big Room Mix)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota Fujimori]]" feat.[[Nana Takahashi]]|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[NEVER SURRENDER]]|水樹奈々|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Over "Quartzer"|Over “Quartzer”]]|Shuta Sueyoshi feat. ISSA|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[UNION]]|Ox[[Tomohiro Oshima|T]]|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[哈姆太郎主题曲 (Super tottoko mix)|ハム太郎とっとこうた(すーぱーとっとこみっくす)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "[[田川义浩|DJ TOTTO]]" feat.[[Nanahira|ななひら]]|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[随花起舞 (happiness mix)|花ハ踊レヤいろはにほ(ハピネス mix)]]|Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "D.J.KOBINATA" feat.[[Kuroa*]]|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[Humanoid|ヒューマノイド]]|ずっと真夜中でいいのに。|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[关门突破击|関門突破撃]]|新井大樹|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[流星舞池|流星ダンスフロア]]|ORESAMA|jubeat festo}} {{RS Song|[[虽然奇术师掷骰子|されど奇術師は賽を振る]]|嘘とカメレオン|jubeat festo}} }} = 外部链接 = * [https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/jubeat/festo/top/?___REDIRECT=0 jubeat festo e-AMUSEMENT site] {{stub}} [[Category:jubeat]]
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jubeat festo
beatmania IIDX
pop'n music
pop'n stage
Dance Maniax
Toy's March
DANCE 86.4