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第58行: 第58行:
; 玩家得分
; 玩家得分
MY GROOVE RADAR当中该项的得分方式如下:
MY GROOVE RADAR当中该项的得分方式如下:
<pre>玩家STREAM分数 = (玩家得分 ÷ 1000000) × 谱面STREAM值 ÷ 10</pre>
<pre>玩家STREAM分数 = (玩家得分 ÷ 1000000) × 谱面STREAM值 × 10%</pre>
例如,某玩家游玩《[[MAX 300]]》[SP-EXP]取得(STREAM值为143)取得699300分,其MY GROOVE RADAR加分为100。
例如,某玩家游玩《[[MAX 300]]》[SP-EXP]取得(STREAM值为143)取得699300分,其MY GROOVE RADAR加分为10。

在DanceDanceRevolution (2014)时期,玩家可以在不需要MFC该项值较高的谱面的情况下达成该项加分200分,方法是游玩《EGOISM 440》[CHA]并至少取得884960(SP) / 740750(DP)分。
在DanceDanceRevolution (2014)时期,玩家可以在不需要MFC该项值较高的谱面的情况下达成该项加分20分,方法是游玩《EGOISM 440》[CHA]并至少取得884960(SP) / 740750(DP)分。

第277行: 第277行:

MY GROOVE RADAR (マイグルーヴレーダー), introduced in [[AC DDR SuperNOVA2|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2]], is the player's own GROOVE RADAR that rates them based on their mastery of the five aspects of the GROOVE RADAR. It starts at 0 for all five parameters and increases as the player plays and completes songs. The values increase by 10% of the calculated fulfilled GROOVE RADAR values for the chart (e.g. if a player scores a MAX COMBO of 508 on POSSESSION's Single EXPERT chart, which has a VOLTAGE value of 161, the player's MY GROOVE RADAR VOLTAGE rating will increase by 13, rounded down from 15% of 134). To advance their MY GROOVE RADAR past 100, the player must achieve 100 on all five aspects first.
'''MY GROOVE RADAR''' (マイグルーヴレーダー)[[AC DDR SuperNOVA2|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2]]起开始使用,代表玩家自身的游玩水平。对于完全的新玩家来说,MY GROOVE RADAR是完全空白的,每游玩一张谱面后按照之前所述的加分方式计算出获得的分数。在游戏中,玩家的雷达图原有的程度以橙色显示,扩展程度则为白色。

This feature was discontinued in [[AC DDR A|DanceDanceRevolution A]].
游戏会视MY GROOVE RADAR的数值最小的一项给予玩家不同的称号。
该功能于[[AC DDR A|DanceDanceRevolution A]]起废止。

== Calculation in older games ==
== Calculation in older games ==

2024年8月14日 (三) 16:53的版本


GROOVE RADAR (グルーヴレーダー)是DanceDanceRevolution自DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX-启用的一项技能,以六边形雷达图的形式指示谱面特性。

最初该机能是用以取代当时的标极(以脚印和数字显示)系统的,但由于玩家对此大加批判,自DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX-起仍旧使用标极,本机能仅用作指示谱面特性。

DanceDanceRevolution (2014)起,可以在选曲画面看到GROOVE RADAR各项的具体数值,并随着难度切换而显示不同谱面的情况。DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA以前这些值是手动输入的,但自这一代起改为按照谱面自动计算。

在DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA之前BEGINNER谱面不会进行GROOVE RADAR的计算。

该功能在DanceDanceRevolution WORLD于街机被废止,但家用版仍在继续使用。

附注:以下所述的计算公式是DanceDanceRevolution (2013)时期的计算法,但适用于此后的任何机种。


代表谱面整体密度。目前最高值为《EGOISM 440》[CHA](SP 226/DP 270)。


平均箭头密度 = 60 × (箭头数 + Shock Arrow数) ÷ 曲目时长(秒)

此处“曲目时长”指的是从乐曲开始时(通常为音乐开始播放)到结束时(即“CLEARED”字样出现时)的时长,DanceDanceRevolution X起Shock Arrow同样会被计算。算出的数值会被取整,随后按照下述方法计算STREAM的值:

  • 平均箭头密度小于或等于300时,STREAM值 = 平均箭头密度 ÷ 3;
  • 平均箭头密度大于300时:
    • SP模式下STREAM值 = (平均箭头密度 - 139) × 100 ÷ 161;
    • DP模式下STREAM值 = (平均箭头密度 - 183) × 100 ÷ 117。
  1. Synergy For Angels》[SP-EXP]:535个箭头,时长114秒,平均箭头密度为281,STREAM值为93;
  2. 《EGOISM 440》[SP-CHA]:811个箭头,时长96.545秒,平均箭头密度为504,STREAM值为226;
  3. Triple Journey -TAG EDITION-》[DP-CHA]:712个箭头,时长102.5秒,平均箭头密度为416,STREAM值为199;
  4. POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix)》[DP-CHA]:751个箭头、132个Shock Arrow,时长118.895秒,平均箭头密度为445,STREAM值为223。
  1. 《EGOISM 440》[CHA]:226
  2. MAX 360》[CHA]:222
  3. Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》》[CHA]:207
  4. VOLAQUAS》[CHA]:202
  5. 888》[CHA]:200
  1. 《EGOISM 440》[CHA]:270
  2. 《MAX 360》[CHA]:247
  3. 《Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》》[CHA]:229
  4. ENDYMION》[CHA]:224
  5. 《POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix)》[CHA] / 《VOLAQUAS》[CHA]:223
  • SP模式
    • BEGINNER:《EGOISM 440》(54)
    • BASIC:《MAX 360》(83)
    • DIFFICULT:《MAX 360》(123)
    • EXPERT:《MAX 360》(188)
    • CHALLENGE:《EGOISM 440》(226)
  • DP模式
    • BASIC:《MAX 360》(81)
    • DIFFICULT:《MAX 360》(111)
    • EXPERT:《Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》》(204)
    • CHALLENGE:《EGOISM 440》(270)

MY GROOVE RADAR当中该项的得分方式如下:

玩家STREAM分数 = (玩家得分 ÷ 1000000) × 谱面STREAM值 × 10%

例如,某玩家游玩《MAX 300》[SP-EXP]取得(STREAM值为143)取得699300分,其MY GROOVE RADAR加分为10。

在DanceDanceRevolution (2014)时期,玩家可以在不需要MFC该项值较高的谱面的情况下达成该项加分20分,方法是游玩《EGOISM 440》[CHA]并至少取得884960(SP) / 740750(DP)分。


VOLTAGE (最大密度) refers to the peak density of the notes of the song. It is the highest density of notes that appear on the screen at once in one measure (four beats). Charts that feature sections very densely packed with notes and high average BPMs generally have high VOLTAGE values. The chart with the highest VOLTAGE rating is 's Single CHALLENGE chart, with 262.

To calculate VOLTAGE, the first step is to find the average BPM of the song. It is calculated as the following:

Average BPM = 60 × Song Length (beats) ÷ Song Length (sec)

The Song Length variable is measured in quarter beats and seconds. Both are measured from the beginning, usually right as soon as the music starts, all the way to the end when it says "CLEARED". Songs that run at very high BPMs for the majority of the song will commonly have a high average BPM. Once the average BPM is found, the next step is to find the Peak Density, which is the maximum number of notes, including Shock Arrows, that occur in four consecutive beats. Take the average BPM of the song (or chart, if it has its own BPM changes and stops), multiply it by the Peak Density (usually a number between 8 and 16), and then divide by 4 to find the Average Peak Density value.

Average Peak Density = Average BPM × Peak Density ÷ 4

Note that the resulting Average Peak Density is rounded down to the nearest integer. If the song/chart in question runs at a constant BPM, use the BPM of the song/chart instead.

  • If the Average Peak Density is equal to or less than 600, VOLTAGE = Average Peak Density ÷ 6.
  • If the Average Peak Density is equal to or greater than 600, VOLTAGE = (Average Peak Density + 594) × 100 ÷ 1194.
  1. Ishtar》[EXP]:
    • 276 beats in 106.1538 seconds,
    • Average BPM = 156,
    • Peak Density = 12,
    • Average Peak Density = 468,
    • VOLTAGE = 78.
  2. Blew My Mind》[CHA]:
    • 520 beats in 99.9474 seconds,
    • Average BPM = 312.16,
    • Peak Density = 23,
    • Average Peak Density = 1794,
    • VOLTAGE = 200.
  1. 《鳳》[CHA]:262
  2. ACE FOR ACES》[CHA]:260
  3. 《Blew My Mind》[CHA]:200
  4. Come To m1dy》[CHA]:191
  5. Cosy Catastrophe》[CHA]:188
  1. 《ACE FOR ACES》[CHA]:247
  2. 《鳳》[CHA]:241
  3. 《Blew My Mind》[CHA]:200
  4. 《Come To m1dy》[CHA]:191
  5. 《Cosy Catastrophe》[CHA]:188
  • SP模式
    • BEGINNER:《MAX 360》(69)
    • BASIC:《DDR TAGMIX -LAST DanceR-》(116)
    • DIFFICULT:《MAX 360》(147)
    • EXPERT:《鳳》(187)
    • CHALLENGE:《鳳》(262)
  • DP模式
    • BASIC:《MAX 360》(112)
    • DIFFICULT:《Pluto Relinquish》(145)
    • EXPERT:《鳳》(166)

The player's VOLTAGE rating on their MY GROOVE RADAR is increased based on the maximum combo they have received on the chart. A full combo means that the player will receive the maximum VOLTAGE rating from that chart. For example, Blew My Mind's Single CHALLENGE chart has a VOLTAGE value of 200. If the player wanted to raise their MY GROOVE RADAR's VOLTAGE rating to 160, they would need to achieve a MAX COMBO of at least 534, as said chart has 665 notes and 2 Shock Arrows.


AIR (ジャンプ度) refers to the total number of jumps and Shock Arrows in the chart. MEGALOVANIA's DOUBLE CHALLENGE chart holds the current highest AIR value of 245.

It is calculated similarly to STREAM except only jumps and Shock Arrows are involved:

Average Air Density = 60 × (Jumps + Shock Arrows) ÷ Song Length (sec)

As with STREAM, Average Air Density is an integer number. On Double charts, if a Shock Arrow occurs right next to a jump, both that Shock Arrow and jump count towards AIR.

  • If Average Air Density is equal to or less than 55, AIR = Average Air Density × 20 ÷ 11.
  • If Average Air Density is equal to or greater than 55,
    • and the play style is Single, AIR = (Average Air Density + 36) × 100 ÷ 91;
    • or the play style is Double, AIR = (Average Air Density + 35) × 10 ÷ 9.
  1. PARANOiA Revolution》[SP-CHA]:90 jumps in 110.167 seconds, Average Air Density = 49, AIR = 89.
  2. Right on time (Ryu☆Remix)》[SP-CHA]:181 jumps + 63 Shock Arrows in 99.866 seconds, Average Air Density = 146, AIR = 200.
  3. BRILLIANT 2U》[DP-DIF]:72 jumps in 75.2 seconds, Average Air Density = 57, AIR = 102.
  1. 《Right on time (Ryu☆Remix)》[CHA]:200
  3. Prey》[CHA]:167
  5. Firestorm》[CHA]:162
  2. 《POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix)》[CHA]:224
  3. 《Right on time (Ryu☆Remix)》[CHA]:200
  5. ようこそジャパリパークへ》[CHA]:195
  • SP模式
  • DP模式
    • BASIC:《Unreal》(113)

The player's AIR rating on their MY GROOVE RADAR is increased based on how many jumps in the chart they hit with at least a Great and how many Shock Arrows they successfully avoid. New Decade's Single CHALLENGE chart has an AIR value of 112 and 100 jumps; if the player wanted to raise their AIR value to 100 by playing that chart, they would have to successfully hit at least 90 jumps in the chart.


FREEZE (踏みっぱ度) is denoted as the total length of the chart's Freeze Arrows. D2R ("FREEZE" Special)'s charts currently have the highest FREEZE value of 200.

It is calculated as:

FA Rate = 10,000 × FA Total Length (beats) ÷ Song Length (beats)

FA Rate is the average rate of Freeze Arrows. If two Freeze Arrows appearing at once start at the same time, only the longer end is counted.

  • If FA Rate is equal to or less than 3,500, FREEZE value = FA Rate ÷ 35.
  • If FA Rate is equal to or greater than 3,500,
    • and the play style is Single, FREEZE value = (FA Rate + 2484) × 100 ÷ 5,984;
    • or the play style is Double, FREEZE value = (FA Rate + 2246) × 100 ÷ 5,746.
  1. Chinese Snowy Dance》[SP-BAS]:85.0 total FA length in 300 beats, FA Rate = 2833, FREEZE = 80.
  2. 《D2R ("FREEZE" Special)》[SP-CHA]:239.0 total FA length in 252 beats, FA Rate = 9,484, FREEZE = 200.
  3. DoLL》[DP-DIF]:137.75 total FA length in 316 beats, FA Rate = 4,359, FREEZE = 114.
  1. 《D2R ("FREEZE" Special)》[CHA]:200
  2. CURUS》[DIF] / 《Draw the Savage》[CHA]:173
  3. in love wit you》[EXP]:168
  4. Freeze》[DIF]:146
  5. 《Freeze》[BAS]:144
  1. 《D2R ("FREEZE" Special)》[CHA]:200
  2. 《in love wit you》[EXP]:183
  3. 《in love wit you》[DIF]:156
  4. 《Freeze》[DIF]:144
  5. 《Freeze》[BAS]:128
  • SP模式
    • BASIC:《Freeze》(143)
    • DIFFICULT:《CURUS》(173)
    • EXPERT:《in love wit you》(168)
    • CHALLENGE:《D2R》("FREEZE" Special)》(200)
  • DP模式
    • BASIC:《Freeze》(128)
    • DIFFICULT:《in love wit you》(156)
    • EXPERT:《in love wit you》(183)
    • CHALLENGE:《D2R》("FREEZE" Special)》(200)

The player's FREEZE rating on their MY GROOVE RADAR is increased based on how many Freeze Arrows they successfully clear with an O.K. judgement in the chart. D2R ("FREEZE" Special)'s Single CHALLENGE chart has 67 Freeze Arrows, and if a player wanted to raise their FREEZE rating to 150, they would need to successfully clear 51 Freeze Arrows in that chart.


CHAOS (変則度) refers to the amount of steps that do not match well with the beat of the song. The song with the highest CHAOS ratings is 鳳, which has Single and Double CHALLENGE charts with CHAOS values of 310 and 312, respectively.

In practice, it is determined by multiple factors.

The first factor determining CHAOS is the number of non-4th (red) notes, determining the chart's Total Chaos Base Value. Each note has a Chaos Base Value assigned to it, calculated as the following:

(Note Quantization ÷ Interval from Last Note) × Note Color Value × Number of Arrows
  • Note Quantization: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 24th, 32nd, 48th, or 64th.
  • Interval from Last Note: How far this note is from the previous one, based on its Note Quantization.
  • Note Color Value: The color of the note as viewed with the NOTE ARROW COLOR option. Red (4th) notes have a value of 0, blue (8th) notes have a value of 0.5, yellow (16th) notes are 1, and green (12th, 24th, 32nd, etc.) notes are 1.25.
  • Number of Arrows: A single note yields 1, a jump yields 2, and a Shock Arrow yields 4 or 8. On Double charts, a single note occurring concurrently with a four-lane Shock Arrow yields 5 while a jump occurring concurrently with a four-lane Shock Arrow yields 6.
  • Note: The first note's Chaos Base Value is always 0 regardless of its color.
Example: Valkyrie dimension (Single CHALLENGE), with 4,456.16.

The second factor determining CHAOS is Total BPM Delta, the sum of the BPM changes in the chart. As an example, Valkyrie dimension: 90 → (gradual speedup) → 240 → 480 → (stop) → 744 → (stop) → 186 → 93 → 186 → (24 stops) → 186 → 93 → 744 → 186 → (stop) → 186 → 46.5 → 390. The Total BPM Delta value is calculated as the change from one BPM to another (186 → 93 = 93). In the case of gradual BPM changes, simply take the highest BPM value, subtract it from the lowest, and get its absolute (non-negative) value. In the case of stops, use the BPM that is immediately used after the stop. If the song has no BPM changes or stops, the Total BPM Delta is 0. Valkyrie dimension's Total BPM Delta is 7,941.

The third factor determining CHAOS is song length, in seconds. Valkyrie dimension has a song length of 114.246 seconds. This affects the Average BPM Delta (per minute), which is calculated as:

60 × Total BPM Delta ÷ Song Length (sec)

Valkyrie dimension has an Average BPM Delta of 4,170.468624.

The fourth factor determining CHAOS is the Chaos Degree, calculated as:

Total Chaos Base Value × (1 + (Average BPM Delta ÷ 1,500))

Valkyrie dimension's Single CHALLENGE chart has a Chaos Degree of 16,846.

The fifth and final factor determining CHAOS is the Unit Chaos Degree, calculated in integer form as:

Chaos Degree × 100 ÷ Song Length (sec)
  • If the Unit Chaos Degree is equal to or less than 2,000, CHAOS = Unit Chaos Degree ÷ 20.
  • If the Unit Chaos Degree is equal to or greater than 2,000,
    • and the play style is Single, CHAOS = (Unit Chaos Degree + 21,605) × 100 ÷ 23,605;
    • or the play style is Double, CHAOS = (Unit Chaos Degree + 16,628) × 100 ÷ 18,628.
  1. Fascination MAXX》[SP-BAS]:Total Chaos Base Value = 547.99359 and Total BPM Delta = 3,500 in 101.225 seconds, Unit Chaos Degree = 1,290, CHAOS = 64.
  2. 《Valkyrie dimension》[SP-CHA]:CHAOS = 153.
  3. CHAOS》[DP-CHA]:Total Chaos Base Value = 4,116 and Total BPM Delta = 7,480 in 87.882 seconds, Unit Chaos Degree = 20,628, CHAOS = 200.
  1. 《鳳》[CHA]:310
  3. 《鳳》[EXP]:209
  4. CHAOS》[CHA]:200
  5. ANTI ANTHEM》[EXP]:199
  1. 《鳳》[CHA]:312
  3. 《鳳》[EXP]:212
  4. 《CHAOS》[CHA]:200
  5. 《ACE FOR ACES》[CHA] / 《ORCA》[EXP]:188
  • SP模式
    • BEGINNER:《ORCA》(63)
    • BASIC:《CHAOS》(115)
    • DIFFICULT:《鳳》(135)
    • EXPERT:《鳳》(209)
    • CHALLENGE:《鳳》(310)
  • DP模式
    • BASIC:《CHAOS》(117)
    • DIFFICULT:《CHAOS / 鳳》(142)
    • EXPERT:《鳳》(212)
    • CHALLENGE:《鳳》(312)

The player's CHAOS rating on their MY GROOVE RADAR is increased when they clear a chart with as few Misses as possible. CHAOS' Double CHALLENGE chart has a CHAOS value of 200, meaning that if the player wanted to raise their MY GROOVE RADAR's CHAOS rating to 160, they would need to clear the chart with less than 72 Misses, assuming their CHAOS rating is above 144 already.


MY GROOVE RADAR (マイグルーヴレーダー)自DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2起开始使用,代表玩家自身的游玩水平。对于完全的新玩家来说,MY GROOVE RADAR是完全空白的,每游玩一张谱面后按照之前所述的加分方式计算出获得的分数。在游戏中,玩家的雷达图原有的程度以橙色显示,扩展程度则为白色。


游戏会视MY GROOVE RADAR的数值最小的一项给予玩家不同的称号。

该功能于DanceDanceRevolution A起废止。

Calculation in older games

Since the introduction of the MY GROOVE RADAR feature in DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2, various charts that have more than 100 in any aspect of the GROOVE RADAR have had their ratings in said aspect(s) lowered several times due to the introduction of various songs that have greater parameters than them. This is because prior to DanceDanceRevolution (2014), any new chart that was deemed to go over 200 in any aspect of the GROOVE RADAR with previous GROOVE RADAR parameter calculation formulas resulted in said formulas being adjusted to make that chart reach 200. The following section details what each of the resulting parameters must be for each aspect of the GROOVE RADAR to reach 200 in games before DanceDanceRevolution (2013).

DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 → DanceDanceRevolution X
  • STREAM: Average Step Density must be 396 (387 on Double) for the STREAM value to be 200. Fascination MAXX's Single CHALLENGE and PARANOIA survivor MAX's Double CHALLENGE charts each had the highest STREAM rating of 200 between DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 and X.
  • VOLTAGE: Average Peak Density Per Minute must be 1,302 for the VOLTAGE value to be 200. PARANOiA ~HADES~'s CHALLENGE charts both had the highest VOLTAGE rating of 200 before DanceDanceRevolution X2.
  • AIR: Average Air Density must be 109 for the AIR value to be 200. DYNAMITE RAVE ("AIR" Special)'s CHALLENGE charts had an AIR rating of 200 before the introduction of TWINKLE♡HEART's CHALLENGE charts in DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX.
  • FREEZE: FA Rate must be 9,484 (9,246 on Double) for the FREEZE value to be 200. D2R ("FREEZE" Special)'s CHALLENGE charts have remained the charts with the highest FREEZE rating of 200 since their introduction.
  • CHAOS: Unit Chaos Degree must be 25,605 (20,628 on Double) for the CHAOS value to be 200. CHAOS' CHALLENGE charts have remained the charts with the highest CHAOS rating of 200 since their introduction.
DanceDanceRevolution X2
  • STREAM: Average Step Density must be 461 (417 on Double) for the STREAM value to be 200. 888's CHALLENGE charts became the charts with the highest STREAM rating of 200 until EGOISM 440's CHALLENGE charts were introduced in DanceDanceRevolution (2014).
  • VOLTAGE: Average Peak Density Per Minute must be 1,329 for the VOLTAGE value to be 200. POSSESSION's EXPERT and CHALLENGE charts became the charts with 200 VOLTAGE.
  • AIR: Remained unchanged until X3 VS 2ndMIX.
  • FREEZE: Has remained unchanged from SuperNOVA2.
  • CHAOS: Has remained unchanged from SuperNOVA2.
DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
  • VOLTAGE: Average Peak Density Per Minute must be 1,530 for the VOLTAGE value to be 200. London EVOLVED ver.A's CHALLENGE and Single EXPERT charts had 200 VOLTAGE in their introduction in X3 VS 2ndMIX.
  • AIR: Average Air Density must be 115 (111 on Double) for the AIR value to be 200. TWINKLE♡HEART's CHALLENGE charts had 200 AIR when introduced in X3 VS 2ndMIX.
