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= 简介 =

GITADORA的原名是GuitarFreaks & DrumMania(大陆称为“吉他高手”和“狂热鼓手”),本来是两款分别发行的街机,但是自2000年的[[AC GF4DM3|GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX]]起,两个机种同步更新,共享曲库,并沿袭至今。收录曲的曲风以ROCK、METAL和J-POP为主。
# [[GITADORA是什么?]]
# [[GITADORA的游玩方式]]

目前的最新机种是2021年4月稼动的[[AC GD HIGH-VOLTAGE|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE]],总体上该代是GuitarFreaks第28代、DrumMania第27代。
= 游戏版本 =
== GuitarFreaks ==
;GuitarFreaks V系列
:大致上与前一系列框体相似,但在吉他控制器左下方有一控制旋钮,可在歌曲进行时改变弹奏的音色。本代的游戏基板进行了变更,改为使用PlayStation 2(V~V3)/WinXP Embedded HDD(V4~V7),乐曲数量、处理效能、画面解析度、动画质量皆大幅提升。V4之后的系列作,在选曲画面时连按三下绿纽,可呼出Playstyle Menu,可设定谱面速度、隐藏、突现、自动弹奏等设定。V8为其最终作。
;GuitarFreaks XG系列
== DrumMania ==
:该系列的控制器类似一套电子鼓,由左至右有五个打击面,分别模拟脚踏钹(Hi-Hat)、军鼓(Snare Drum)、高音中鼓(High Tom)、低音中鼓(Low Tom)和铜钹(Cymbal),另外还有一个放置于地面的脚踏板,用作模拟低音鼓(Bass Drum)。
;DrumMania XG/GITADORA系列
:该系列的打击面增加到七个,由左至右分别是左铜钹(Left Cymbal)、脚踏钹(Hi-Hat)、军鼓(Snare Drum)、高音中鼓(High Tom)、低音中鼓(Low Tom)、落地鼓(Floor Tom)和右铜钹(Right Cymbal)。此外脚踏板也增加了一个,用于模拟左踏板(Left Pedal)。
:框体右方的按键增加到六个,分别是“上、下、左、右”、中间一个“确定”及“说明”,用作画面上的选择或设定。同样地,这些设定亦可于电子鼓上完成:“左”是军鼓,“右”是落地鼓,“上”是高音中鼓,“下”是低音中鼓,“确定”是右铜钹。“说明”是DrumMania XG新增的按键,除右方的按键之外,电子鼓上不设这个按键功能,此按键是呼出当前画面的说明部份。
= 游玩方式 =
== GuitarFreaks ==
The interface is similar to other games in the BEMANI series. Two ''note scrolls'' - one for each player - are displayed at the left and right sides of the screen. Videos for each song are displayed in the center of the screen. Each note scroll consists of columns: one each for the red, green, and blue buttons  (the XG/GITADORA series also has two extra columns for yellow and purple buttons), and another column, known as the '''Wailing Bonus''' column. Individual notes and chords are represented by small colored bars that scroll upward in the columns. To play the correct note, the player must hold down the buttons corresponding to the colored bars, and move the fret lever when the bars reach the yellow fretting line. When a guitar icon is displayed in the Wailing Bonus column along with an associated note, the player can tilt the guitar upright while playing the note to receive bonus points.
The player's accuracy is judged for each note played. The current system uses the names ''Perfect'', ''Great'', ''Good'', ''Poor'', and ''Miss'' to indicate a player's accuracy. Ratings of Poor or Miss will deplete the player's '''Groove Gauge''', while Perfect and Great ratings will replenish it. If the Groove Gauge is emptied completely, the player fails, and the game ends. Players are allowed to play anywhere from one to five songs depending on the game cabinet's configuration, with the ability to earn additional songs in certain versions of the game.
Upon successful completion of a song, players are graded on their performance. When the game ends, the player's total score across all songs played is tabulated.
== DrumMania ==
The screen setup is simple. On the left side, notes scroll vertically downwards and a short video clip for each song is displayed in the right side of the screen. Individual notes are represented by small colored bars that scroll downward in the columns.
To play the correct note, the player must hit one or two of these pads and/or step the pedal(s) when the note bars reach the yellow line. The note scroll in ''DrumMania'' is in essence a drum tablature timed with the music and placed vertically.
The player's accuracy is judged for each note played, and while the individual note judgments have changed throughout the series, the current system uses Perfect, Great, Good, Poor, and Miss to evaluate performance of each note. Ratings of Poor or Miss will deplete the player's "Excite Gauge", while accurate play will replenish it.
If the Excite Gauge is emptied completely, the game ends. Players will be able to play anywhere from three to five songs depending on the game's configuration, with the potential to earn one or two additional stages in certain versions of the game if performance is good enough.
At the completion of a song, players are given a letter rank for their performance which can range anywhere from E to A, as well as S and SS depending on how well the song was played, and how the particular release of the game being played computes ranks.
= 联动游玩 =
One of the major selling points of ''GuitarFreaks'' and ''DrumMania'' are the games' ability to be linked to the other game. This allows up to three players to join together to play simultaneously in ''Session Mode''. During a session, the music will play simultaneously from both games, and the players' guitar and drum sounds are relayed between the two games.
Because the second version of ''GuitarFreaks'' was released prior to the first version of DrumMania, GuitarFreaks is one "mix" number higher than the ''DrumMania'' version it links up to. For example, [[AC GF6DM5|GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX]] is designed to be linked with drummania 5thMIX. The mix versions were synchronized with the release of [[AC GFDM V|GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V]] eschewing the long-standing number system, and replacing what would have been the 12th and 11th mix, respectively.
== MultiSession GDK ==
Seen only in two releases each of ''GuitarFreaks'' and ''DrumMania'', MultiSession GDK allowed the games to be linked up with [[AC KBM 3rd|KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX]] as well. In addition to having three players control the guitars and drums, two more could be added playing along on keyboards. However, when linked with KEYBOARDMANIA, only about a [[:Category:MultiSession GDK Songs|dozen songs]] are available to play. KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX can be linked with [[AC GF5DM4|GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX]], or [[AC GF6DM5|GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX & drummania 5thMIX]].
= 硬件 =
Until V, ''DrumMania'' used KONAMI's System 573 Digital hardware, which was also implemented on ''GuitarFreaks'' on its [[AC GF3|3rdMIX]], allowing the implementation of link functionality between the two games. On V, both games were switched to a PlayStation 2 based system, now using a hard drive instead of CD-ROM discs to store game data. As of V4, both ''GuitarFreaks'' and ''DrumMania'' now run on Windows XP Embedded based hardware known as BEMANI PC (which has also been adopted by other KONAMI arcade games).
= [[e-amusement|e-AMUSEMENT]] =
Since [[AC GF9DM8|GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX]], the series has taken advantage of KONAMI's e-amusement (formerly eAMUSEMENT or e-AMUSEMENT) system, which adds several online capabilities to the game:
== Avatar ==
With the usage of the e-amusement pass, players are allowed to select an avatar to represent themselves.
== Battle ==
As of [[AC GFDM V3|V3]] with the usage of the e-amusement pass, players are allowed to select an additional mode: Battle (Worldwide). With Battle mode, players can compete and pit their skills with another player available on the e-amusement server; otherwise not available without the usage of the e-amusement pass.
Players can select NORMAL, PERFECT, or COMBO modes upon selection of the song to determine the final calculation. Upon winning or losing, they will be entitled to promote or demote to another higher BATTLE CLASS rated from D3 to SS, where players are sorted according how well they have successfully defeated opponents.
However, without the use of the e-amusement pass, if there are additional GuitarFreaks or DrumMania machines in the arcade, an additional Battle Mode (Local) option is created, just like in a LAN. They have the same functionality as the Battle Mode (Worldwide); otherwise do not have Battle Classes to sort the players.
Other than Battle Mode (Local), alternatively players can select the Battle Mode (CPU) which is also available only for GuitarFreaks or DrumMania machines without e-amusement access. This mode allows players to complete with the CPU, rather than a player.
== Hidden songs ==
With the usage of the e-amusement pass, players are allowed access to hidden songs not playable or unlockable without an e-amusement Pass.
== Internet ranking ==
With the usage of the e-amusement pass, players are allowed to have their results posted via the Internet. These results include their own personal ranking and have results of their songs stored into the e-amusement pass.
== Skill Points ==
Songs played are then converted to Skill Points, which is determined by the percentage of Perfects, Greats and the number of notes hit correctly in succession, known as "Combo." The higher the combo count and percentage of Perfects, Greats, the higher the percentage of skill obtained for that particular song, up to 100% or simply MAX.
As of [[AC GFDM V4|V4]], Skill Points are dependent on the first 14 songs released for the particular mix, next 36 songs from previous mixes and last 3 long songs from any mix played throughout the song list.
The previous mixes uses a different calculation of Skill Points since NONSTOP MODE was abolished in V4. The old skill point calculation is dependent on the first 13 songs released for the particular mix, next 35 songs from previous mixes, 2 long songs from any mix and the last 3 non-stop courses played throughout the song list.
Skill Points are awarded upon successful completion of a song, and depending on how well the Skill Percentage earned for the particular song, the player earns the amount of Skill Points reflected at the end of the game.
== Titles ==
Players are allowed to select titles earned from the games to represent them. These titles require special condition(s) to be met before earning the particular title.
== Updates ==
Since GITADORA, both ''GuitarFreaks'' and ''DrumMania'' require to be connected to e-amusement in order to receive software update, which can include new songs, unlocking events, bug fixes, among other various additions or removals. New games are also released through online updates as well.
= 历代版本 =
== 街机版本 ==
== 街机版本 ==
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== 家用版本 ==
== 家用版本 ==
=== 日本地区发行 ===
=== 日本地区发行 ===
* [[CS DM|drummania CS]]
* [[CS DM|drummania家用版]]
* [[CS GF3DM2|GUITARFREAKS 3rdMIX & drummania 2ndMIX CS]]
* [[CS GF3DM2|GUITARFREAKS 3rdMIX & drummania 2ndMIX家用版]]
* [[CS GF4DM3|ギタドラ! GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX]]
* [[CS GF4DM3|ギタドラ! GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX]]
* [[CS GFDM V|GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V CS]]
* [[CS GFDM V|GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V家用版]]
* [[CS GFDM MPS|GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE SILVER]]
* [[CS GFDM V2|GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2家用版]]
* [[CS GFDM V2|GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 CS]]
* [[CS GFDM MPG|GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE GOLD]]
* [[CS GFDM MPG|GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE GOLD]]
* [[CS GFDM V3|GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3 CS]]
* [[CS GFDM V3|GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3家用版]]
* [[CS GD KonaSta|コナステ GITADORA]]
* [[CS GD KonaSta|コナステ GITADORA]]

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* [[CS DM i-appli|DrumMania (i-αppli)]]
* [[CS DM i-appli|DrumMania (i-αppli)]]
* [[CS GD|GITADORA (Mobile)]]
* [[CS GD|GITADORA (Mobile)]]
= 模拟器 =
A handful of ''GuitarFreaks'' and ''DrumMania'' simulators have been created for use on PCs, the most popular of which is called ''DTXMania''. It can be controlled using the computer keyboard, any USB device that can act as a joystick, or any MIDI instrument such as a MIDI keyboard or professional quality electronic drum kit. While DTXMania is compatible with Rock Band and Guitar Hero series drum sets, they do not have enough drum pads to play many of the DrumMania songs correctly unless more sets are added. DTXMania supports up to 8 drum pads and makes a distinction between open and closed Hi-Hat. Using DTXCreator from the web page it is possible to create playable songs from any mp3/ogg files if the guitar/drum tablature is available.

= 外部链接 =
= 外部链接 =
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[[Category:GuitarFreaks & DrumMania]]

2024年11月3日 (日) 22:48的最新版本


  1. GITADORA是什么?
  2. GITADORA的游玩方式







Official Sites

Community Sites


  • DTXMania, a popular simulator for GuitarFreaks & DrumMania.
  • DigiBand, another simulator for GuitarFreaks & DrumMania, currently the only one available for Linux.