“Amusement IC”的版本间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“Konami Amusement Co., Ltd. announces that it, Sega Interactive Co., Ltd.*1, and Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.*2 have agreed on a unified system for arcade game IC…”)
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Konami Amusement Co., Ltd. announces that it, Sega Interactive Co., Ltd.*1, and Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.*2 have agreed on a unified system for arcade game IC cards. This new system is designed to make IC cards significantly more user friendly for consumers.
Konami Amusement Co., Ltd. 公布了Amusement IC, Sega Interactive Co., Ltd.*1 Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.*2 同意使用一个统一的街机游戏IC卡系统。这个新的系统是为了让IC卡对消费者更加友好而设计的。

Arcade game IC cards are user identification cards that enable players to play network games at amusement centers on a continuing basis. Until now, Konami Amusement, Sega Interactive, and Bandai Namco Entertainment have developed and operated separate IC card systems - e-AMUSEMENT PASS*3, Aime, and BANAPASSPORT, respectively. Under this agreement, the three companies will produce a unified system for arcade game IC cards, with the aim that by summer 2018, players with a card belonging to any of these three systems will be able to use their card with hardware and ID services of all three systems. In addition, a common logo for Amusement IC cards has been created, and this will be displayed on compatible cards from all three companies henceforth.
街机游戏IC卡是一种可以使玩家能够连续在娱乐中心玩网络游戏而设计的用户识别卡。直到现在,Konami Amusement、Sega Interactive、Bandai Namco Entertainment都开发且运营着独立的IC卡系统——分别是e-amusement pass、Aime、和BANAPASSPORT。在这个协议下,三家公司会制作一个联合的街机游戏IC卡系统,到2018年夏季,玩家拥有任意一张这三个系统的卡片即可使用三家公司的硬件和ID服务。此外,Amusement IC还拥有了一个通用的logo,并且今后这个logo会在这三家公司所有兼容Amusement IC的卡片上显示。

Konami Amusement will continue to work to develop infrastructure and energize amusement centers, through arcade game IC card and PASELI*4 E-money initiatives, thereby contributing to industry growth.
Konami Amusement将继续致力于发展基础设施并为娱乐中心注入活力,通过街机游戏IC卡和PASELI*4电子货币计划,从而为行业发展做出了贡献。

2020年1月11日 (六) 18:52的版本

Konami Amusement Co., Ltd. 公布了Amusement IC, Sega Interactive Co., Ltd.*1 和 Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.*2 同意使用一个统一的街机游戏IC卡系统。这个新的系统是为了让IC卡对消费者更加友好而设计的。

街机游戏IC卡是一种可以使玩家能够连续在娱乐中心玩网络游戏而设计的用户识别卡。直到现在,Konami Amusement、Sega Interactive、Bandai Namco Entertainment都开发且运营着独立的IC卡系统——分别是e-amusement pass、Aime、和BANAPASSPORT。在这个协议下,三家公司会制作一个联合的街机游戏IC卡系统,到2018年夏季,玩家拥有任意一张这三个系统的卡片即可使用三家公司的硬件和ID服务。此外,Amusement IC还拥有了一个通用的logo,并且今后这个logo会在这三家公司所有兼容Amusement IC的卡片上显示。

Konami Amusement将继续致力于发展基础设施并为娱乐中心注入活力,通过街机游戏IC卡和PASELI*4电子货币计划,从而为行业发展做出了贡献。