S2TB Files3:Subsonic Tribe

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S2TB Files3:Subsonic Tribe

本专辑是kors k的第六张专辑,在Comiket 85上发行,其中包含两首BEMANI曲目的长版。



S2TB Files3:Subsonic Tribe
艺术家 kors k S2tbfiles3.jpg
发售日期 2013年12月31日
番号 S2TB-0009
出版商 S2TB Recording
Disc 1:专辑本体
曲名 初出机种
01. Monkey Business (Extended) DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
02. Are You Ready (Original Mix) 新曲
03. Hear The Voice 新曲
04. Proto-style 新曲
05. Jugem 新曲
06. Ladies and Gentlemen! 新曲
07. S!ck (VIP) beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
08. Delight 2014 teranoid overground edition KOJA YUKINO

Production and arrangement: kors k
Track 1 and 7 licensed by KONAMI Digital Entertainment
Composition: kors k (1-6, 8), Akira Complex (3), Eagle (7)
Lyrics: kors k (2), MC STONE (6), Koja Yukino (8)
Vocals: Yukacco (2), MC STONE (6), Koja Yukino (8)

Disc 2:special remix disc
曲名 初出机种
01. Ladies And Gentlemen! (Hommarju Remix) 新曲
02. Are You Ready (Akira Complex Remix) 新曲

Composition: kors k
Arrangement: Hommarju (1), Akira Complex (2)
Lyrics: MC STONE (1), kors k (2)
Vocals: MC STONE (1), Yukacco (2)


  • DJ Shimamura制作的《Are You Ready (Original Mix)》的Remix《Are You Ready (DJ Shimamura Remix)》后来收录在S2TB Recording厂牌的专辑《HARDCORE UNITED TOKYO》。


kors k的S2TB Files系列专辑
Disconation - 2:Activate - 3:Subsonic Tribe - 4:Eagle - 5:HDM - 6:teranoid - 7: Battle Royale - 8:Visionary
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