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e-amusement(曾用名eAMUSEMENTe-AMUSEMENT)是KONAMI的官方街机网络服务,通过e-amusement pass卡,玩家可以直接读取卡在网络上的个人存档回传街机进行游戏,同时作为官方平台,附带有sns和社区功能等。

如果要使用e-amusement服务,除具备其pass卡以外,还需注册KONAMI ID与之绑定,这是因为每张pass卡都有使用上限和寿命,一旦超限pass卡将失去功能,这时可以通过你的KONAMI ID购入新卡绑定,即可继承原来的数据。同时,通过KONAMI ID还可以修改pass卡的验证密码。

e-amusement也是KONAMI的街机云认证系统,搭载此功能的街机开机进行自检时,需要联入网络进行网络认证,否则机器会报错并中断游戏启动。同时,在正常工作状态下断开网络,机器会循环标题并提示正在连接网和e-amusement pass无法使用的字样,此时无法进行游戏。





  • 保存游戏的记录和分数
  • 查看网络排名
  • 解锁或进入BEMANI游戏的曲目
  • 参与BEMANI游戏的各种活动
  • 参与官方比赛
  • 使用PASELI支付系统来获得额外的游玩模式

Registering an e-amusement pass on an arcade machine

e-amusement passes can be purchased from your arcade operator. Registering a new card can be done on any e-amusement enabled machine. As an example, in beatmania IIDX:

  1. Insert / Scan your card into the reader on the side. You will be shown the terms and conditions; select the agree option "はい", "yes", or "네".
  2. Input a 4-digit PIN. This is used to authenticate your card. Input it again to confirm.
  3. Enter your IIDX DJ name (up to 6 characters), then the region:
    • Any one of the 47 prefectures of Japan;
    • Any select countries outside Japan, those being: アメリカ (The Americas), オーストラリア (Australia), カナダ (Canada), 香港 (Hong Kong), インドネシア (Indonesia), マカオ (Macau), マレーシア (Malaysia), メキシコ (Mexico), フィリピン (Philippines), シンガポール (Singapore), 韓国 (South Korea), 台湾 (Taiwan), タイ (Thailand), and 海外 (others/overseas)
  4. You will be asked to confirm your beatmania IIDX details.


  1. Scan your card on the reader next to the monitor, on the side, or below the monitor.
  2. You will be shown the terms and conditions, just like IIDX.
  3. Set a 4-digit pin to use as an authentication code. Repeat the same combination to confirm.
  4. Enter your DDR Dancer Name (8 characters) and then select your region/country. America has regions sorted by state.
  5. Your DDR Code and dancer information is now saved.

Subsequently, simply insert or scan your card, enter your PIN, and register your card on that game (if you have not done so).




  1. 登录e-AMUSEMENT注册页面
  2. 按照图中的规定填写相应的信息。
    • 密码需由8~32位数字和英文字符组成,区分大小写,不得使用特殊符号。
    • 密保问题的答案需使用全角字符,不得超过32个字符。可选的问题如下:
      • 母亲的娘家姓是什么?(母親の旧姓は?
      • 父亲的出生地是哪里?(父親の出身地は?)
      • 我毕业于哪一所中学?(卒業した中学校の名前は?
      • 我讨厌的食物是什么?(嫌いな食べ物は?
      • 我小学班主任的名字?(小学校の担任の名前は?
    • 居住地方面,港澳台地区的玩家可以自行选择相应的地区,大陆玩家则选“海外”。
  3. 点击最下方的“同意协议并继续”,
  4. KONAMI会向你注册使用的邮箱发送一封注册确认邮件。
  5. 完成确认后,可以用申请的账号登录e-AMUSEMENT网站。

Navigating e-amusement Homepage

e-amusement Tab Homepage

Many of the important e-amusement management and game pages can be accessed from the e-amusement tab of the e-amusement homepage.

Adding an e-amusement pass to your account

Adding e-amusement Pass

You will need to attach your e-amusement pass to your account before you can access game-specific features such as viewing DJ Data on the IIDX website.

  1. Click "KONAMI IDに新規登録する" from the e-amusement tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Enter your 16-digit e-amusement pass card number and your PIN. (Note: Amusement IC cards are 20-digit)
  3. Check "PASELIを利用する" to allow the use of PASELI on this specific e-amusement pass.
  4. Click on the red "登録する" button to complete the attachment of your pass.
Your pass is now linked to your account.

Switching primary e-amusement passes

Switching primary passes
  1. Click "参照中のe-AMUSEMENT PASSを切り替える" from the e-amusement tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Click on the red "切り替え選択" button next to the pass you wish to set as your new primary e-amusement pass.
    • You must have at least two e-amusement passes attached to your account in order to switch passes.
Your primary pass is now switched to your new pass.

Transferring data to a new e-amusement pass

Transferring data

This feature is useful if you lose your current e-amusement pass and need to transfer onto a brand new pass. Keep in mind that you cannot transfer onto a pass that's already been attached to a KONAMI ID account or registered on an arcade machine beforehand.

  1. Click "データ引継ぎをする" from the e-amusement tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Enter the 16-digit card number of your new e-amusement pass. (Note: Amusement IC cards are 20-digit)
  3. Click on the red "確認する" button to complete the transfer.
Your data is now transferred onto your new pass.

Changing PIN

Changing PIN
  1. Click "暗証番号を変更する" from the e-amusement tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Enter your new PIN in both boxes.
  3. Click on the red "内容を変更する" button to confirm the PIN change.
Your PIN is now changed to your new PIN.

Managing PASELI

Purchasing PASELI with BitCash

  1. Click "PASELIチャージする / 利用履歴を確認する" from the e-amusement tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Click on the green "チャージする" button under "クレジットカード・BitCashでチャージする" next to the amount of PASELI you wish to pay for
    • Be sure to pick the amount your code is worth (Ex: 2000 yen pays for PASELI 2,000 P)
    • If you have a pre-paid 1000P PASELI card, click on the green button under PASELIカードでチャージする with the pictures of an example PASELI card.
  3. Click on the green button, select BitCash, and click on the green button again.
  4. Enter in the 16 hiragana BitCash code and click on the green button. Click once more to confirm the purchase.
Your account now has a new PASELI balance.

Purchasing PASELI with any credit card

  1. Click here and log in with your KONAMI ID.
  2. Select desired amount of PASELI available.
  3. Choose the option "クレジットカード".
  4. Check the box at the next page to agree to Terms and Conditions, then input credit card information and click "Confirm".
  5. Review inputted information then select "Purchase". Your account now has new PASELI balance.
  6. You may also enable Auto-Charge at the confirmation page (optional). [1]

Navigating beatmania IIDX's arcade homepages

  • Note: Some of the screenshots still reflect PENDUAL and copula websites, though there's little difference between it and copula onwards in this regard. Feel free to upload updated screenshots under new names, however.
  • Note: Any button that has a blue tab (instead of a yellow tab) on the left can only be entered if your account has a basic e-amusement subscription.
  • Note: Any button that has a lime-green tab (instead of a yellow tab) on the left can only be entered if your account has a premium e-amusement subscription (after May 1st, 2016, available to Basic users until then).

Adding Rivals

  1. Click "プレーヤー検索" from the tabs on the left or click here.
  2. Search for your IIDX rival by entering the IIDX ID, DJ Name, or one of the four search options (Same Dan Rank, Same Shop, etc).
  3. Click on the name of the player you want to rival to bring up the player page.
  4. Click on "SPライバル" or "DPライバル".
  5. Set the tick from "NOT ACTIVE" to "ACTIVE" on SP and/or DP to set the player as your rival.
The player is now set as your rival. You can confirm by checking your rivals list.
You can also check for players currently rivaling you on the challengers list.


  • Click "カスタマイズ" on the top or "クプロカスタマイズ" for the customize Q-pro page or click here.
  • Click "プレーカスタマイズ" for the interface and category customize page or click here.
    • You must have a basic e-amusement subscription to be able to change your interface and category customizations.
    • Category customizations affect if category folders appear in music select (Ex: "DJ LEVEL" set to ON will show LEVEL 1 - 12 folders in music select).
    • Frame and BGM customizations are available in most titles.

In-game currency Shop

  • Click "オカルト研究調合部屋" on the top for the shop page or click here.
    • You must have a basic e-amusement subscription to be able to purchase any interface customizations or tickets to purchase older locked songs.

Score Data Download

  • This feature requires a premium e-amusement subscription to use.
  • Click スコアデータCSVダウンロード in the DJ Data tab, or click here.
  • Choose whether to download SP or DP data, then click the button. A text dump in CSV format will appear in a text box below, suitable for copy/pasting to your favorite spreadsheet program.