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This page is for the TËЯRA album titled RЁVOLUTIФN. For other uses, please see Revolution (disambiguation).


RЁVOLUTIФN is TËЯRA's first album.

Album Information

Artist TËЯRA 文件:Ever snow TERRA old.png
Release Date 03/11/2005
Catalog Number LC1364~65
Published by KONAMI Digital Entertainment
Track List
Disc 1
Title From
01. WE ARE (Album version) GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX
02. ever snow DanceDanceRevolution (2010)
03. STARS★★★ pop'n music 8
04. 夢幻ノ光 pop'n music 12 いろは
05. ULTiM∧TE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED
06. 『termination』 (Album version) GUITATFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX
07. 蒼い衝動 ~SF cyborg TRANCE MIX~ beatmania IIDX 8th style
08. Raspberry♡Heart pop'n music 10
09. 1/6billionth ee'MALL
10. North Wind pop'n music 9
11. BABY, BABY GIMME YOUR LOVE (Cyber Electronica R+B Mix) DanceDanceRevolution 4thMIX
12. DoLL beatmania IIDX 10th style
13. 聖なる鐘が、鳴り響く街 NEW
14. ESCAPE TO THE SKY★彡 (Album version) GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V
Disc 2 - Dance Dance Revolution feat.TЁЯRA'S NON STOP MEGAMIX


All Music Produced & Written by TËЯRA

except M-01,06,14 Arrange Produced by MASAO AKASHI
except M-07,11 Remixed by Sota Fujimori
except M-04,05,08,09,12,13 Mixed by Takeshi Takizawa (taskmaster) at BPM studio

Guest Musicians
M-01,03,08,10,14 Guitar: Hidetoshi Suzuki
M-01,14 Bass: Masao Akashi
M-01,03,10,14 Drums: Atsushi
M-06 Saxphone: Jimmy Weckl

Mastering Engineer: Masaaki Kato (sunrise studio)
Mastering Studio: sunrise studio

Project Planning & Sales Promotion: Hideki Chosokabe

Special Thanks to: Everyone who listened this CD & All TËЯRA's STAFF


  • Ironically, two years later, TЁЯRA would make a song actually titled RЁVOLUTIФN for GuitarFreaks V4 & DrumMania V4 Яock×Rock.
  • The second disc is a nonstop megamix of the songs featured in RЁVOLUTIФN.
    • The songs, in order of appearance, are: STARS☆☆☆→North Wind→1/6billionth→DoLL→WE ARE (Album version)→夢幻ノ光→ULTiMΛTE→ESCAPE TO THE SKY★彡 (Album version)→BABY, BABY GIMME YOUR LOVE (Cyber Electronica R+B Mix)→蒼い衝動 ~SF cyborg TRANCE MIX~→Raspberry♡Heart→『termination』→ever snow→聖なる鐘が、鳴り響く街.

External Link
