“PnM AC 28”的版本间差异

PnM AC 28
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第11行: 第11行:
== 概况/变更点 ==
== 概况/变更点 ==
* 本作的主题为“音乐餐厅”。
* 本作的主题为“音乐餐厅”。
* Options can now be set on a song/chart basis.
* Options can now be set on a song/chart basis in NORMAL MODE.
* If using [[PASELI]], you can now quit out of a song early by pressing 9 on the keypad.
* If using [[PASELI]], you can now quit out of a song early by pressing 9 on the keypad.
* GUIDE SE volume can now be adjusted to five levels of audio.
* GUIDE SE volume can now be adjusted to five levels of audio, by using the yellow buttons while setting the option.
* Song favorite registration has expanded from 30 songs to 100.
* 收藏曲目的上限从30首增加到100首。
* Music list added again to main website, marking the first time since [[PnM AC 19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]] a music list is featured on the official website.
* 本作起曲目列表选项在官网回归,这标志着在[[PnM AC 19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]]后第一作曲目列表选项在官网出现。不过官网只列出了默认开放的曲目。
** It's also the first to show song banners as well (licensed songs feature a copyright on the banner).
** 本作也是第一作在官网上显示曲目的banner的,版权曲则会在banner上显示版权信息。
* All pop'n music songs that don't feature their own unique background feature a new one made for the game, as opposed to an empty background as every game since [[PnM AC 22|pop'n music ラピストリア]] has done for new songs.
* All pop'n music songs that don't feature their own unique background feature a new one made for the game, as opposed to an empty background as every game since [[PnM AC 22|pop'n music ラピストリア]] has done for new songs.
** As of the December 17th, 2024 update, all unlockable UPPER charts from [[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] use their respective original songs' background.
* The fes 1 and 2 songs from the [[PnM AC 26#出差!pop'n request Lively II|出張!ポップンクエスト Lively II]] event are available by default from October 10th, 2024.
** The fes FINAL, EXTRA, and THE END songs were made available by default on October 24th, 2024.
** The [[一花的乱七八糟Mix UP!|いちかのごちゃまぜMix UP!]] songs were made available by default on December 26th, 2024.
* NET Taisen and LOCAL MODEs were added on December 19th, 2024.

== 职员信息 ==
== 职员信息 ==
第26行: 第31行:
{{pnm LT Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|版权曲}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|版权曲}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[美之味|ビノミ]]|MARETU|162|HARA<nowiki>=</nowiki>HETTA [16-2P]|5|18|32|43|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|稼动时配信|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Harukana arcana|ハルカナアルカナ]]|[[Yuji Takiage|キミのね]]|155|玉藻銀丸 [usa-1P]|7|19|37|42|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[美之味|ビノミ]]|MARETU|162|HARA<nowiki>=</nowiki>HETTA [16-2P]|5|18|32|43|4|13}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[延迟列车|ラグトレイン]]|稲葉曇|147|SAYURI [11-1P]|6|20|33|40|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Harukana arcana|ハルカナアルカナ]]|[[Yuji Takiage|キミのね]]|155|玉藻銀丸 [usa-2P]|7|19|37|42|6|12}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[服药后就入睡吧|おくすり飲んで寝よう]]|もちうつね|130|Yakkoθchan [19-1P]|5|19|34|41|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[延迟列车|ラグトレイン]]|稲葉曇|147|SAYURI [11-1P]|6|20|33|40|5|16}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[和平|シャンティ]]|wotaku|144|[[Mr.KK]] [20-3P]|4|17|32|40|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[服药后就入睡吧|おくすり飲んで寝よう]]|もちうつね|130|Yakkoθchan [19-1P]|5|19|34|41|4|15}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[和平|シャンティ]]|wotaku|144|[[Mr.KK]] [20-3P]|4|17|32|40|3|14}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2024年12月19日配信|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[催眠师|メズマライザー]]|サツキ feat.初音ミク・重音テト|185|*うさぬこ* [SP-1P]|6|23|32|45|12|20}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|KONAMI原创曲}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|KONAMI原创曲}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Bomb be love]]|[[梶林正伸|sei☆shin]] feat.ken|142|[[Bamboo]] [8-1P]|12|27|37|44|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Bomb be love]]|[[梶林正伸|sei☆shin]] feat.ken|142|[[BAMBOO]] [7-1P]|12|27|37|44|24|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[BROADWAY QUEENS]]|[[Taihei|T-HEY]] & [[TANEKO]]|115|Sherry [20-1P]|10|26|38|45|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[BROADWAY QUEENS]]|[[Taihei|T-HEY]] & [[TANEKO]]|115|Sherry [20-1P]|10|26|38|45|25|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Heavenly Good Morning!]]|[[アマギセーラ]]|132|Jessica [6-1P]|12|27|39|46|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Heavenly Good Morning!]]|[[アマギセーラ]]|132|Jessica [6-1P]|12|27|39|46|27|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[How Many Eyes On You?]]|[[青野りえ]]+[[水野敏宏|mizuno]]|210|[[Mary]] [16-1P]|4|24|37|42|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[How Many Eyes On You?]]|[[青野りえ]]+[[水野敏宏|mizuno]]|210|[[Mary]] [16-1P]|4|24|37|42|15|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Hypernova]]|[[Takuma Mano|Serph]]|160|PAL [12-1P]|6|23|36|41|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Hypernova]]|[[Takuma Mano|Serph]]|160|PAL [12-1P]|6|23|36|41|17|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Levitation Minneapolis]]|[[北川翔也]]|145|AMETORI [10-1P]|11|28|41|47|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Levitation Minneapolis]]|[[北川翔也]]|145|AMETORI [10-1P]|11|28|41|47|27|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Que Sera Sera]]|大谷舞 feat.つむぎしゃち(from キミのね)|138|rolly [6-1P]|9|27|39|45|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Que Sera Sera]]|大谷舞 feat.つむぎしゃち(from キミのね)|138|rolly [6-1P]|9|27|39|45|26|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[storia]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]" × [[Cororo]] feat. [[Ai Ohsera|大瀬良あい]]|205|Ark [20-1P]|10|27|41|46|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[storia]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]" × [[Cororo]] feat. [[Ai Ohsera|大瀬良あい]]|205|Ark [20-1P]|10|27|41|46|20|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[The Die is cast.]]|T4K feat.ういにゃす|210|ERIKA [17-1P]|13|29|42|47|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[The Die is cast.]]|[[T4K]] feat.ういにゃす|210|ERIKA [17-1P]|13|29|42|47|23|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[装填升天驱魔者|装填昇天エクソシスト]]|[[Akatsuki|My Complex of Academy]]|178|如雨露ひめ [usa-1P]|10|28|40|46|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Tripping Jumping]]{{from|[[AC EPOLIS|beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS]]}}|[[高桥爱花|Aikapin]] Prod. by [[宇野将平|uno]] & [[NUE|NiAct]][[佐佐木兰丸|ivity]]|156|[[JUDY]] [SP-3P]|12|27|40|46|26|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[如果时光倒流…|時が戻れば...]]|[[阿部靖广|阿部靖広]] feat.ゆめめ|125|[[JUDY]] [9-1P]|8|26|36|43|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[装填升天驱魔者|装填昇天エクソシスト]]|[[Akatsuki|My Complex of Academy]]|178|如雨露ひめ [usa-1P]|10|28|40|46|25|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[被囚禁的魔女人偶|囚われの魔女人形]]|[[m@sumi]] feat. q'yul|175-188|Charlotte [14-1P]|7|24|38|44|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[如果时光倒流…|時が戻れば...]]|[[阿部靖广|阿部靖広]] feat.ゆめめ|125|[[JUDY]] [9-1P]|8|26|36|43|14|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|BEMANI移植曲}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[被囚禁的魔女人偶|囚われの魔女人形]]|[[m@sumi]] feat. q'yul|175-188|Charlotte [14-1P]|7|24|38|44|18|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Tripping Jumping]]{{from|[[AC EPOLIS|beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS]]}}|[[高桥爱花|Aikapin]] Prod. by [[宇野将平|uno]] & [[NUE|NiAct]][[佐佐木兰丸|ivity]]|156|[[JUDY]] [SP-3P]|12|27|40|46|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f7c624|#302a40|Super Amazing Music Release Commemoration<br>Added on January 30th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, #f83a04, #fac622)|color=#c42678}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[CRAZY ARTS]]{{from|AMAZING BOMBERMAN}}|[[FAKE TYPE.]]|132|NICKEY [11-1P]|7|25|37|44|4|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|white|black|ひなビタ♪}}ちくわまつり2025<br>Added on February 14th, 2025|bg=white}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[浪漫逃离 (曲目)|ロマンシングエスケープ]]|[[前田佑|ここな]][[Rose Blueming|つ2.0]]|132|东云夏阳 [LT]|6|19|35|41|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|UPPER谱面}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|UPPER谱面}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[一触即发禅girl|一触即発☆禅ガール]] (UPPER)|れるりり|190|shalah [7-3P]|14|33|43|47|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[一触即发禅girl|一触即発☆禅ガール]] (UPPER)|れるりり|190|shalah [7-3P]|14|33|43|47|18|29}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[一二粉丝俱乐部|いーあるふぁんくらぶ]] (UPPER)|みきとP|145|SAN [20-1P]|10|22|34|45|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[一二粉丝俱乐部|いーあるふぁんくらぶ]] (UPPER)|みきとP|145|SAN [20-1P]|10|22|34|45|17|27}}

The following songs are only available during EXTRA STAGE in the EXTRA folder. As new EXTRA STAGE Seasons are rolled out, older EXTRA STAGE SPECIAL MUSICs no longer appear in the EXTRA folder, and are made unlockable through ''Poppin' Burger'' instead.
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Season
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Duration
| 1 || September 25th, 2024 - January 8th, 2025
| 2 || January 9th, 2025 - Present
The conditions are listed below:
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Legend:
|style="background:#FFC7C7;"|Unlockable in Poppin' Burger
|style="background:#A1FAA1;"|EXTRA STAGE
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Song
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Season 1
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Season 2
| [[Yum Yum OYACHU]] || style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only
| style="background:#FFC7C7;" colspan="1"|Unlockable
| [[狩龙者|竜を狩る者]] || colspan="1"|-
| style="background:#A1FAA1;" colspan="1"|Play only
Current EXTRA STAGE Season: '''Season 2'''
{{pnm LT Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|EXTRA STAGE SPECIAL MUSIC}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Yum Yum OYACHU]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]" feat.[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]]|192<small> (E/N/H)</small><br>192?<small> (EX)</small>|Minit's [SP-1P]|16|33|43|48|25|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[狩龙者|竜を狩る者]]|夜影ネコチ|194|NERO [19-1P]|17|34|43|49|27|-}}
= Poppin' Burger =
'''Poppin' Burger'''是pop'n music Jam&Fizz的主要解锁系统,活动从2024年10月31日开始。
This event can be played in either NORMAL or BATTLE modes.
To unlock songs in this event, players must collect ingredients, which are used to prepare hamburgers for the customers. The following table details the requirements to obtain ingredients:
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|Conditions for obtaining ingredients
!style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|Maximum number per play
!style="background:#aaaaee; text-align: center;"|Other information
| Play a credit of pop'n music
| 1
| Obtainable regardless of mode or failed STAGEs
| Clear a song
| 3 (4, if EXTRA STAGE is achieved)
| None
| Play your first credit of the day
| 1
| Obtainable only once per day
| Select a song from the Event Boost category
| 1
| Obtainable only once per credit
| Play a credit with [[PASELI]] Standard
| 1
| None
The Event Boost category holds up to 21 random songs (please note that even if a song is included in Event Boost, if you select it from a different category, it will not meet the requirement).
At the end of the credit, an event screen will appear, showing all the ingredients obtained during that credit. Then, you can allocate the obtained ingredients between the customers by pressing the Red and Blue buttons. Up to three customers can be available at the same time. The costumer's progress is displayed in six stages of satisfaction (the expressions in the speech bubble). Once a certain number of ingredients have been piled up, the hamburger will be completed, and a new song/chart will be unlocked.
Deco parts can also be unlocked in Poppin' Burger. The table below will only list new songs/charts that can be obtainable in this event.
{{pnm LT Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|EXTRA STAGE}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Poppin' Burger}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Yum Yum OYACHU]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]" feat.[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]]|192?|Minit's [SP-1P]|16|33|43|48|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|2024年10月31日解锁}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Saturday's Reward]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[广野智章|劇団レコード]]" feat.[[秋成]]|165|[[Reo-kun|Reo★kun]] [5-1P]|10|26|38|43|22|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from November 7th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[胡椒薄荷是我的敌人|ペパーミントは私の敵]] (UPPER)|[[常盘优|常盤ゆう]]|170|[[risette (角色)|risette]] [7-2P]|-|29|39|45|20|28}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from November 14th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Surfing Area51]]|[[George nigo|情次2号]]&ジン|175|HushMAN [CSp2-1P]|11|27|42|46|21|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from November 21st, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Electronic or Treat!]] (UPPER)|[[渡边大地|PON]]|190|DEXTOR [18]|-|32|41|47|17|26}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from November 28th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[心之油炸|ハートのフリット]]|[[吉泽裕司|red glasses]] feat.[[Yukimame|ゆきまめ]]|198|schall [ec-1P]|11|30|42|47|24|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from December 5th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[傲慢的公主|なまいきプリンセス]] (UPPER)|[[致命之剑|Dor]][[crimm|mir]]|125|Alicia [19]|-|31|42|48|23|35}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from December 12th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[心动流星|DOKIDOKI☆シューティングスター]]|[[豚乙女]]|192|Suisei Laura [16-1P]|13|32|41|46|29|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from December 19th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[怒吼吧!恋爱的Beanball (STARDOM Remix)|轟け!恋のビーンボール!! (STARDOM Remix)]]{{from|[[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]]}}|[[宇野将平|RoughSketch]] Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "[[角田利之|L.E.D.-G]]"|145|[[MZD]] [SP-1P]|10|27|40|46|21|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from December 26th, 2024}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[ANEMONE]]{{from|[[AC CastHour|beatmania IIDX 29 CastHour]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]] × [[横山雄哉|Yvya]]" feat.[[紫村花澄|紫村 花澄]]|174|CHINATSU [17-1P]|8|24|34|41|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Cookie Bouquets]]{{from|[[CS DJ TROOPERS|beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS]]}}|[[角田利之|L.E.D.]] vs [[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]] fw.[[crimm]]|205|BERRY [12-1P]|12|28|38|47|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Moving on]]{{from|[[AC HEROIC VERSE|beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE]]}}|[[远山明孝|AJURIKA]] feat.矢吹真央|153|C-noid [20-1P]|13|27|39|44|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from January 16th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[POLKAMANIA|POLꓘAMAИIA]]{{from|[[AC BISTROVER|beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER]]}}|[[大箭将也|かめりあ]] feat. [[Nanahira|ななひら]]|160|[[PIERRE&JILL]] [16-1P]|15|29|42|48|27|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[乱膳的舞姬|乱膳の舞姫]]{{from|[[AC BISTROVER|beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Akhuta|Akhuta Works]]" feat. [[mami]]|171|KIKYO [18-1P]|10|28|40|45|32|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from January 23rd, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[No Border]]{{from|[[AC RESIDENT|beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT]]}}|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]" feat.[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|150|photon [14-1P]|17|33|43|49|38|-}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Aru B! feat.Korone Pochi|あるビー! feat.ころねぽち]]{{from|[[AC RESIDENT|beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT]]}}|[[Hige Driver|ヒゲドライバー]]|236|B-Kun [14-1P]|11|29|40|46|23|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from January 30th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[Amazing Bomberman]]{{from|AMAZING BOMBERMAN}}|TESSEI TOJO|175|Cyber [7-1P]|9|27|41|45|5|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from February 6th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[奇迹咖啡馆|ミラクル☆喫茶]]|[[内田智之|Tomoyuki Uchida]]|280|pop・con [16-1P]|15|30|42|48|?|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from February 20th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[奇迹已开始|キセキはじまり☆]] (UPPER)|[[达见惠]] featured by [[佐野宏晃]]|168|marin [19-1P]|-|32|39|46|?|?}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|#f1dfdf|#c43144|Unlockable from February 27th, 2025}}|bg=linear-gradient(#182b55 0% 10%, #f7f9ee 10% 95%, #182b55 95% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Song|[[astral_dismantle]]|[[ARForest]] feat.[[nayuta]]|202|NOVA [20-1P]|11|28|40|47|?|-}}
= pop'n Score Challenge =
[https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/popn/jamfizz/ranking/index.html Ranking site.]
The ''pop'n Score Challenge'' (ポップンスコアチャレンジ) feature was added on February 25th, 2025, returning from its last appearance in [[AC pnm peace|pop'n music peace]]. Players can compete on obtaining the highest score on a weekly song (which can be found in its own separate folder on the song selection screen), with each period starting every Tuesday at 10:00 am and ending the following Tuesday at 5:00 am. The pop'n Score Challenge category will not appear in BATTLE MODE, or by playing without an e-amusement pass.
{{hide text|# 02/25/2025 to 03/04/2025 - [[Tripping Jumping]] / [[高桥爱花|Aikapin]] Prod. by [[宇野将平|uno]] & [[NUE|NiAct]][[佐佐木兰丸|ivity]]

= 新谱面 =
= 新谱面 =
The following songs have received new charts since their last appearances:
{{pnm NC Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|December 26th, 2024}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[ANEMONE]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''17'''|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Cookie Bouquets]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''22'''|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Moving on]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''20'''|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on January 16th, 2025}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[PPOLKAMANIA|POLꓘAMAИIA]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''27'''|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[乱膳的舞姬|乱膳の舞姫]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''32'''|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on January 23rd, 2025}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[No Border]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''38'''|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Aru B! feat.Korone Pochi|あるビー! feat.ころねぽち]]|pop'n music Jam&Fizz ([[PnM CS Lively|pop'n music Lively]])|-|-|-|-|'''23'''|-}}

= 复活曲 =
= 复活曲 =
第79行: 第220行:
{{pnm NC Song|[[汞齐|あまるがむ]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|42&rarr;43|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[汞齐|あまるがむ]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|42&rarr;43|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[第零感|第ゼロ感]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|38&rarr;39|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[第零感|第ゼロ感]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|38&rarr;39|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[灰烬羽翼 (曲目)灰の羽搏]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|30&rarr;32|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[灰烬羽翼 (曲目)|灰の羽搏]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|30&rarr;32|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[去恋爱如何?直面波动也OK的方程式|恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!!]] (UPPER)|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|42&rarr;40|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[去恋爱如何?直面波动也OK的方程式|恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!!]] (UPPER)|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|42&rarr;40|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[强风大背头|強風オールバック]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|40&rarr;39|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[强风大背头|強風オールバック]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|40&rarr;39|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[满汉全席火花之舞|満漢全席火花ノ舞]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|41&rarr;42|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[满汉全席火花之舞|満漢全席火花ノ舞]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|41&rarr;42|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[恋爱香菜|恋愛パクチー]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|-|39&rarr;40|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[恋爱香菜|恋愛パクチー]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|39&rarr;40|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[冰蓝碎片|蒼氷のフラグメント]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|37&rarr;35|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[蓝色冰的碎片|蒼氷のフラグメント]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|-|-|37&rarr;35|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[葬送的木卫二|葬送のエウロパ]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|15&rarr;19|31&rarr;32|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[葬送的木卫二|葬送のエウロパ]]|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]]|15&rarr;19|31&rarr;32|-|-|-|-}}

= 削除曲 =
= 削除曲列表 =
The following songs from previous releases were removed from this game:
{{RSp Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2024年11月20日削除}}
{{RS Song|[[甜蜜歌声与苦涩舞步|シュガーソングとビターステップ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 23|pop'n music éclale]] / TV/J-POP}}
{{RS Song|[[甜蜜歌声与苦涩舞步|シュガーソングとビターステップ]] (UPPER)|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 26|pop'n music 解明リドルズ]] / TV/J-POP}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Removed on December 2nd, 2024}}
{{RS Song|[[夏祭|夏祭り]]|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]] / TV/J-POP}}
{{RS Song|[[夏祭|夏祭り]] (UPPER)|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 26|pop'n music 解明リドルズ]] / TV/J-POP}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Removed on December 19th, 2024}}
{{RS Song|[[only my railgun]]|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]] / TV/J-POP}}
{{RS Song|[[only my railgun]] (UPPER)|♪♪♪♪♪|[[PnM AC 27|pop'n music UniLab]] / TV/J-POP}}

= 外部链接 =
= 外部链接 =

2025年2月27日 (四) 13:04的最新版本

pop'n music街机版本
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
Welcome to Wonderland!
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! POP'N MUSIC北美版

pop'n music Jam&Fizz

PnM Jam&Fizz Logo.png


  • 公布日期:2024年8月20日[1]
  • 稼动日期:2024年9月25日
  • 宣传口号:一定能找到属于你的口味♪(きっとみつかるキミだけのフレーバー♪)


  • 本作的主题为“音乐餐厅”。
  • Options can now be set on a song/chart basis in NORMAL MODE.
  • If using PASELI, you can now quit out of a song early by pressing 9 on the keypad.
  • GUIDE SE volume can now be adjusted to five levels of audio, by using the yellow buttons while setting the option.
  • 收藏曲目的上限从30首增加到100首。
  • 本作起曲目列表选项在官网回归,这标志着在pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET后第一作曲目列表选项在官网出现。不过官网只列出了默认开放的曲目。
    • 本作也是第一作在官网上显示曲目的banner的,版权曲则会在banner上显示版权信息。
  • All pop'n music songs that don't feature their own unique background feature a new one made for the game, as opposed to an empty background as every game since pop'n music ラピストリア has done for new songs.
    • As of the December 17th, 2024 update, all unlockable UPPER charts from pop'n music UniLab use their respective original songs' background.
  • The fes 1 and 2 songs from the 出張!ポップンクエスト Lively II event are available by default from October 10th, 2024.
    • The fes FINAL, EXTRA, and THE END songs were made available by default on October 24th, 2024.
    • The いちかのごちゃまぜMix UP! songs were made available by default on December 26th, 2024.
  • NET Taisen and LOCAL MODEs were added on December 19th, 2024.





ビノミ MARETU 162 HARA=HETTA [16-2P] 5 18 32 43 4 13
ハルカナアルカナ キミのね 155 玉藻銀丸 [usa-2P] 7 19 37 42 6 12
ラグトレイン 稲葉曇 147 SAYURI [11-1P] 6 20 33 40 5 16
おくすり飲んで寝よう もちうつね 130 Yakkoθchan [19-1P] 5 19 34 41 4 15
シャンティ wotaku 144 Mr.KK [20-3P] 4 17 32 40 3 14
メズマライザー サツキ feat.初音ミク・重音テト 185 *うさぬこ* [SP-1P] 6 23 32 45 12 20
Bomb be love sei☆shin feat.ken 142 BAMBOO [7-1P] 12 27 37 44 24 -
BROADWAY QUEENS T-HEY & TANEKO 115 Sherry [20-1P] 10 26 38 45 25 -
Heavenly Good Morning! アマギセーラ 132 Jessica [6-1P] 12 27 39 46 27 -
How Many Eyes On You? 青野りえ+mizuno 210 Mary [16-1P] 4 24 37 42 15 -
Hypernova Serph 160 PAL [12-1P] 6 23 36 41 17 -
Levitation Minneapolis 北川翔也 145 AMETORI [10-1P] 11 28 41 47 27 -
Que Sera Sera 大谷舞 feat.つむぎしゃち(from キミのね) 138 rolly [6-1P] 9 27 39 45 26 -
storia BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR" × Cororo feat. 大瀬良あい 205 Ark [20-1P] 10 27 41 46 20 -
The Die is cast. T4K feat.ういにゃす 210 ERIKA [17-1P] 13 29 42 47 23 -
Tripping Jumping
来自 beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS
Aikapin Prod. by uno & NiActivity 156 JUDY [SP-3P] 12 27 40 46 26 -
装填昇天エクソシスト My Complex of Academy 178 如雨露ひめ [usa-1P] 10 28 40 46 25 -
時が戻れば... 阿部靖広 feat.ゆめめ 125 JUDY [9-1P] 8 26 36 43 14 -
囚われの魔女人形 m@sumi feat. q'yul 175-188 Charlotte [14-1P] 7 24 38 44 18 -
Super Amazing Music Release Commemoration
Added on January 30th, 2025
FAKE TYPE. 132 NICKEY [11-1P] 7 25 37 44 4 -
Added on February 14th, 2025
ロマンシングエスケープ ここなつ2.0 132 东云夏阳 [LT] 6 19 35 41 ? ?
一触即発☆禅ガール (UPPER) れるりり 190 shalah [7-3P] 14 33 43 47 18 29
いーあるふぁんくらぶ (UPPER) みきとP 145 SAN [20-1P] 10 22 34 45 17 27


The following songs are only available during EXTRA STAGE in the EXTRA folder. As new EXTRA STAGE Seasons are rolled out, older EXTRA STAGE SPECIAL MUSICs no longer appear in the EXTRA folder, and are made unlockable through Poppin' Burger instead.

Season Duration
1 September 25th, 2024 - January 8th, 2025
2 January 9th, 2025 - Present

The conditions are listed below:

Legend: Unlockable in Poppin' Burger EXTRA STAGE
Song Season 1 Season 2
Yum Yum OYACHU Play only Unlockable
竜を狩る者 - Play only

Current EXTRA STAGE Season: Season 2

Yum Yum OYACHU BEMANI Sound Team "PON" feat.NU-KO 192 (E/N/H)
192? (EX)
Minit's [SP-1P] 16 33 43 48 25 -
竜を狩る者 夜影ネコチ 194 NERO [19-1P] 17 34 43 49 27 -

Poppin' Burger

Poppin' Burger是pop'n music Jam&Fizz的主要解锁系统,活动从2024年10月31日开始。

This event can be played in either NORMAL or BATTLE modes.

To unlock songs in this event, players must collect ingredients, which are used to prepare hamburgers for the customers. The following table details the requirements to obtain ingredients:

Conditions for obtaining ingredients Maximum number per play Other information
Play a credit of pop'n music 1 Obtainable regardless of mode or failed STAGEs
Clear a song 3 (4, if EXTRA STAGE is achieved) None
Play your first credit of the day 1 Obtainable only once per day
Select a song from the Event Boost category 1 Obtainable only once per credit
Play a credit with PASELI Standard 1 None

The Event Boost category holds up to 21 random songs (please note that even if a song is included in Event Boost, if you select it from a different category, it will not meet the requirement).

At the end of the credit, an event screen will appear, showing all the ingredients obtained during that credit. Then, you can allocate the obtained ingredients between the customers by pressing the Red and Blue buttons. Up to three customers can be available at the same time. The costumer's progress is displayed in six stages of satisfaction (the expressions in the speech bubble). Once a certain number of ingredients have been piled up, the hamburger will be completed, and a new song/chart will be unlocked.

Deco parts can also be unlocked in Poppin' Burger. The table below will only list new songs/charts that can be obtainable in this event.

Poppin' Burger
Saturday's Reward BEMANI Sound Team "劇団レコード" feat.秋成 165 Reo★kun [5-1P] 10 26 38 43 22 -
Unlockable from November 7th, 2024
ペパーミントは私の敵 (UPPER) 常盤ゆう 170 risette [7-2P] - 29 39 45 20 28
Unlockable from November 14th, 2024
Surfing Area51 情次2号&ジン 175 HushMAN [CSp2-1P] 11 27 42 46 21 -
Unlockable from November 21st, 2024
Electronic or Treat! (UPPER) PON 190 DEXTOR [18] - 32 41 47 17 26
Unlockable from November 28th, 2024
ハートのフリット red glasses feat.ゆきまめ 198 schall [ec-1P] 11 30 42 47 24 -
Unlockable from December 5th, 2024
なまいきプリンセス (UPPER) Dormir 125 Alicia [19] - 31 42 48 23 35
Unlockable from December 12th, 2024
DOKIDOKI☆シューティングスター 豚乙女 192 Suisei Laura [16-1P] 13 32 41 46 29 -
Unlockable from December 19th, 2024
轟け!恋のビーンボール!! (STARDOM Remix)
RoughSketch Vs. BEMANI Sound Team "L.E.D.-G" 145 MZD [SP-1P] 10 27 40 46 21 -
Unlockable from December 26th, 2024
来自 beatmania IIDX 29 CastHour
BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR × Yvya" feat.紫村 花澄 174 CHINATSU [17-1P] 8 24 34 41 ? -
Cookie Bouquets
来自 beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS CS
L.E.D. vs TOMOSUKE fw.crimm 205 BERRY [12-1P] 12 28 38 47 ? -
Moving on
来自 beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE
AJURIKA feat.矢吹真央 153 C-noid [20-1P] 13 27 39 44 ? -
Unlockable from January 16th, 2025
来自 beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER
かめりあ feat. ななひら 160 PIERRE&JILL [16-1P] 15 29 42 48 27 -
来自 beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER
BEMANI Sound Team "Akhuta Works" feat. mami 171 KIKYO [18-1P] 10 28 40 45 32 -
Unlockable from January 23rd, 2025
No Border
来自 beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT
BEMANI Sound Team "dj TAKA" feat.Sana 150 photon [14-1P] 17 33 43 49 38 -
あるビー! feat.ころねぽち
来自 beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT
ヒゲドライバー 236 B-Kun [14-1P] 11 29 40 46 23 -
Unlockable from January 30th, 2025
Amazing Bomberman
TESSEI TOJO 175 Cyber [7-1P] 9 27 41 45 5 -
Unlockable from February 6th, 2025
ミラクル☆喫茶 Tomoyuki Uchida 280 pop・con [16-1P] 15 30 42 48 ? -
Unlockable from February 20th, 2025
キセキはじまり☆ (UPPER) 达见惠 featured by 佐野宏晃 168 marin [19-1P] - 32 39 46 ? ?
Unlockable from February 27th, 2025
astral_dismantle ARForest feat.nayuta 202 NOVA [20-1P] 11 28 40 47 ? -

pop'n Score Challenge

Ranking site.

The pop'n Score Challenge (ポップンスコアチャレンジ) feature was added on February 25th, 2025, returning from its last appearance in pop'n music peace. Players can compete on obtaining the highest score on a weekly song (which can be found in its own separate folder on the song selection screen), with each period starting every Tuesday at 10:00 am and ending the following Tuesday at 5:00 am. The pop'n Score Challenge category will not appear in BATTLE MODE, or by playing without an e-amusement pass.

  1. 02/25/2025 to 03/04/2025 - Tripping Jumping / Aikapin Prod. by uno & NiActivity


The following songs have received new charts since their last appearances:

December 26th, 2024
ANEMONE pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 17 -
Cookie Bouquets pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 22 -
Moving on pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 20 -
Added on January 16th, 2025
POLꓘAMAИIA pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 27 -
乱膳の舞姫 pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 32 -
Added on January 23rd, 2025
No Border pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 38 -
あるビー! feat.ころねぽち pop'n music Jam&Fizz (pop'n music Lively) - - - - 23 -




The following songs have received new ratings since their last appearances:

Dancin' in シャングリラ pop'n music UniLab - 25→27 - - - -
Hexer pop'n music UniLab - - 42→43 - - -
ISERBROOK pop'n music UniLab - - 41→42 - - -
Mecha Kawa Breaker!! pop'n music UniLab - - - 49→50 - -
MOVE! (We Keep It Movin') pop'n music UniLab - - 38→36 - - -
pastel@sweets labo(*'v'*) pop'n music UniLab - - 37→40 - - -
Redemption Tears pop'n music UniLab 10→14 - - - - -
stylus pop'n music UniLab - - - 46→47 - -
Tan♪Tan♪Tan♪ pop'n music UniLab - - - 44→42 - -
Treasure Hoard (UPPER) pop'n music UniLab - 32→34 - - - -
あまるがむ pop'n music UniLab - - 42→43 - - -
第ゼロ感 pop'n music UniLab / TV/J-POP - - - 38→39 - -
灰の羽搏 pop'n music UniLab - 30→32 - - - -
恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! (UPPER) pop'n music UniLab - - 42→40 - - -
強風オールバック pop'n music UniLab / TV/J-POP - - - 40→39 - -
満漢全席火花ノ舞 pop'n music UniLab - - 41→42 - - -
恋愛パクチー pop'n music UniLab / TV/J-POP - - - 39→40 - -
蒼氷のフラグメント pop'n music UniLab - - 37→35 - - -
葬送のエウロパ pop'n music UniLab 15→19 31→32 - - - -


The following songs from previous releases were removed from this game:

曲名 作者名义 分类
シュガーソングとビターステップ ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music éclale / TV/J-POP
シュガーソングとビターステップ (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music 解明リドルズ / TV/J-POP
Removed on December 2nd, 2024
夏祭り ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE / TV/J-POP
夏祭り (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music 解明リドルズ / TV/J-POP
Removed on December 19th, 2024
only my railgun ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / TV/J-POP
only my railgun (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music UniLab / TV/J-POP
