“AC DDR A20”的版本间差异

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第3行: 第3行:
= DanceDanceRevolution A20 =
= DanceDanceRevolution A20 =

== 发行信息 ==
== 发售信息 ==
[[Image:DDR A20 Logo.png|390px]] [[Image:DDR A20 Logo-oldcab.png|390px]]
[[Image:DDR A20 Logo.png|390px]] [[Image:DDR A20 Logo-oldcab.png|390px]]
* 稼动日期:
* 稼动日期:
第12行: 第12行:
** 欧服:未知
** 欧服:未知

* Location test dates:
* 场测日期:
** Europe: October 7th, 2019 to unknown date at [https://www.namcofunscape.com/london Namco Funscape London]
** Europe: October 7th, 2019 to unknown date at [https://www.namcofunscape.com/london Namco Funscape London]

第62行: 第62行:
{{DDR Song|[[The Light]]|W&W ft. Kizuna AI|160|2|5|9|13|-|5|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[The Light]]|W&W ft. Kizuna AI|160|2|5|9|13|-|5|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on April 25th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on April 25th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Song|[[Liar dance|ライアーダンス]]|[[DECO*27]]|200|4|6|9|13|-|7|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Liar dance|ライアーダンス]]|[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|200|4|6|9|13|-|7|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[该死的异端和巧克力|腐れ外道とチョコレゐト]]|[[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]|260|3|8|12|15|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[该死的异端和巧克力|腐れ外道とチョコレゐト]]|[[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]|260|3|8|12|15|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Tiger rampage|タイガーランペイジ]]|[[sasakure.UK]]|150|2|5|9|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Tiger rampage|タイガーランペイジ]]|[[sasakure.UK]]|150|2|5|9|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
第75行: 第75行:
{{DDR Song|[[Something Just Like This (Alesso Remix)]]|The Chainsmokers & Coldplay|120|2|4|8|10|-|4|8|10|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Something Just Like This (Alesso Remix)]]|The Chainsmokers & Coldplay|120|2|4|8|10|-|4|8|10|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on August 8th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on August 8th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Song|[[毒占欲]]|[[DECO*27]]|117|2|5|8|11|-|5|8|11|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[毒占欲]]|[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|117|2|5|8|11|-|5|8|11|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[妄想感伤代价联盟|妄想感傷代償連盟]]|[[DECO*27]]|110|2|4|8|12|-|4|9|12|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[妄想感伤代价联盟|妄想感傷代償連盟]]|[[寺山幸助|DECO*27]]|110|2|4|8|12|-|4|9|12|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[我只要我喜欢的事物|すきなことだけでいいです]]|[[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]|140|3|5|9|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[我只要我喜欢的事物|すきなことだけでいいです]]|[[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]|140|3|5|9|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on December 18th, 2019 (Asia only)|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on December 18th, 2019 (Asia only)|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Song|[[令和]]|ゴールデンボンバー|142|3|4|7|10|-|4|7|10|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[令和]]|ゴールデンボンバー|142|3|4|7|10|-|4|7|10|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on June 4th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on June 4th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Song|[[最终鬼畜妹芙兰朵露·S|最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S]]|[[BeatMARIO|ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)]]|200|4|9|13|16|-|9|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[最终鬼畜妹芙兰朵露·S|最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S]]|[[BeatMARIO|ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE)]]|200|4|9|13|16|-|9|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Night of knights (Ryu Remix)|ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Ryu☆Remix)]]|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|182|4|8|13|16|-|8|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Night of knights (Ryu Remix)|ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Ryu☆Remix)]]|[[中原龙太郎|Ryu☆]]|182|4|8|13|16|-|8|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|KONAMI originals|bg=#9999ee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|KONAMI originals|bg=#9999ee}}
第87行: 第87行:
{{DDR Song|[[Dead Heat]]|[[Maozon]]|177|4|6|10|14|-|6|10|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Dead Heat]]|[[Maozon]]|177|4|6|10|14|-|6|10|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[District of the Shadows]]|[[Kento Oizumi|DJ Noriken]]|150|3|6|12|16|-|6|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[District of the Shadows]]|[[Kento Oizumi|DJ Noriken]]|150|3|6|12|16|-|6|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Drop The Bounce]]|[[Hommarju]]|75-150|3|7|10|14|-|8|11|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Drop The Bounce]]|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]]|75-150|3|7|10|14|-|8|11|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Neverland]]|[[木村洋平|ARM]] (IOSYS) feat. Nicole Curry|160|4|8|12|15|-|8|12|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Neverland]]|[[木村洋平|ARM]] (IOSYS) feat. [[Nicole Curry]]|160|4|8|12|15|-|8|12|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Procyon]]|[[Yosuke Hatakeyama|矢鴇つかさ]]|160|2|6|11|15|-|6|11|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Procyon]]|[[Yosuke Hatakeyama|矢鴇つかさ]]|160|2|6|11|15|-|6|11|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Seta Para Cima|Seta Para Cima↑↑]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[浅见佑一|U1 overground]]"|140|3|5|10|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Seta Para Cima|Seta Para Cima↑↑]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[浅见佑一|U1 overground]]"|140|3|5|10|13|-|5|10|13|-}}
第98行: 第98行:
{{DDR Song|[[Helios]]|[[xac]]|182|4|8|12|15|-|8|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Helios]]|[[xac]]|182|4|8|12|15|-|8|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Skywalking]]|[[福室达也|Nhato]]|90-180|4|7|10|14|-|7|11|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Skywalking]]|[[福室达也|Nhato]]|90-180|4|7|10|14|-|7|11|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[SODA GALAXY]]|[[Takuma Komine|KO3]]|178|3|6|9|12|-|6|8|12|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[SODA GALAXY]]|[[古峰拓真|KO3]]|178|3|6|9|12|-|6|8|12|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Toy Box Factory]]|[[Maron|まろん]] (IOSYS)|148|3|7|11|14|-|7|11|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Toy Box Factory]]|[[Maron|まろん]] (IOSYS)|148|3|7|11|14|-|7|11|14|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on May 30th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on May 30th, 2019|bg=#aaaaee}}
第126行: 第126行:
{{DDR Songlist Category|DDR Valentine's Day & White Day 2020 (DDRのバレンタイン&ホワイトデー2020) (added on January 20th, 2020)|bg=#ff66a6|color=#fffdd0}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|DDR Valentine's Day & White Day 2020 (DDRのバレンタイン&ホワイトデー2020) (added on January 20th, 2020)|bg=#ff66a6|color=#fffdd0}}
{{DDR Song|[[I Love You]]{{from|[[AC CANNON BALLERS|beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS]]}}|[[浅场佳苗|O/iviA]]|170|4|8|13|16|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[I Love You]]{{from|[[AC CANNON BALLERS|beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS]]}}|[[浅场佳苗|O/iviA]]|170|4|8|13|16|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[心跳情人节|どきドキ バレンタイン]]{{from|[[AC GD Tri-Boost|GITADORA Tri-Boost]]}}|ひまわり∗パンチ|169|3|6|9|12|-|6|9|12|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[心跳情人节|どきドキ バレンタイン]]{{from|[[AC GD Tri-Boost|GITADORA Tri-Boost]]}}|[[向日葵之拳|ひまわり∗パンチ]]|169|3|6|9|12|-|6|9|12|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on January 27th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Added on January 27th, 2020|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{DDR Song|[[Hunny Bunny]]{{from|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}}|[[浅见佑一|U1 overground]]|160|2|6|10|15|-|6|10|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Hunny Bunny]]{{from|[[AC jb Qubell|jubeat Qubell]]}}|[[浅见佑一|U1 overground]]|160|2|6|10|15|-|6|10|15|-}}
第166行: 第166行:

== Unlockable Songs ==
== 解锁曲 ==
=== GOLDEN LEAGUE (ゴールデンリーグ) ===
=== GOLDEN LEAGUE (ゴールデンリーグ) ===
''GOLDEN LEAGUE'' started on April 25th, 2019, for 20th anniversary cabinets only. This system allows players to reach higher CLASSes by accumulating EX Score, which can be accumulated by playing any song, on any difficulty, and regardless of Coin or Premium Play.
''GOLDEN LEAGUE'' started on April 25th, 2019, for 20th anniversary cabinets only. This system allows players to reach higher CLASSes by accumulating EX Score, which can be accumulated by playing any song, on any difficulty, and regardless of Coin or Premium Play.
第214行: 第214行:
{{DDR Song|[[Avenger]]|[[久保田正晴|USAO]]|100-400|4|10|14|17|-|10|14|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Avenger]]|[[久保田正晴|USAO]]|100-400|4|10|14|17|-|10|14|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[New Era]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]"|30-240|8|11|15|17|-|11|15|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[New Era]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]"|30-240|8|11|15|17|-|11|15|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Give Me]]|[[Yoshihiro Uehara|Relect]]|174|3|7|12|15|-|7|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Give Me]]|[[上原优大|Relect]]|174|3|7|12|15|-|7|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Ace out]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|135-145|3|5|9|14|-|5|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Ace out]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|135-145|3|5|9|14|-|5|9|13|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[The World Ends Now]]|[[Akira Complex]]|200|4|9|12|16|-|9|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[The World Ends Now]]|[[Akira Complex]]|200|4|9|12|16|-|9|13|16|-}}
第327行: 第327行:
{{DDR Song|[[toy boxer]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|190|4|9|12|16|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[toy boxer]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[佐伯茂治|S-C-U]] & [[佐藤俊介|SYUNN]]"|190|4|9|12|16|-|8|12|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Trill auf G]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]"|188|4|8|12|16|-|8|11|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Trill auf G]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[石川贵之|dj TAKA]]"|188|4|8|12|16|-|8|11|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[voltississimo]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]]"|113-225|5|9|13|17|-|9|13|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[voltississimo]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[深濑贵宏|PHQUASE]]"|113-225|5|9|13|17|-|9|13|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Oh my! Lovely! Sweety! Darling!|おーまい!らぶりー!すうぃーてぃ!だーりん!]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]" feat.[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]]|170|3|7|12|15|-|7|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Oh my! Lovely! Sweety! Darling!|おーまい!らぶりー!すうぃーてぃ!だーりん!]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|PON]]" feat.[[佐伯伊织|NU-KO]]|170|3|7|12|15|-|7|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Midnight WAR|ミッドナイト☆WAR]]|いちか|156|3|7|11|14|-|7|11|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Midnight WAR|ミッドナイト☆WAR]]|[[一花|いちか]]|156|3|7|11|14|-|7|11|14|-}}

第338行: 第338行:
{{DDR Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|black|第九届}} {{span style color|red|KONAMI}} {{span style color|black|Arcade Championship}}]]共通课题曲|bg=linear-gradient(yellow, orange)|color=black}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|black|第九届}} {{span style color|red|KONAMI}} {{span style color|black|Arcade Championship}}]]共通课题曲|bg=linear-gradient(yellow, orange)|color=black}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 27th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020|bg=orange|color=black}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 27th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020|bg=orange|color=black}}
{{DDR Song|[[Ranker killer girl|ランカーキラーガール]]|[[中岛由贵]] × いちか|200|4|8|12|17|-|8|13|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Ranker killer girl|ランカーキラーガール]]|[[中岛由贵]] × [[一花|いちか]]|200|4|8|12|17|-|8|13|17|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 18th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020|bg=orange|color=black}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 18th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020|bg=orange|color=black}}
{{DDR Song|[[The History of the Future]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[浅见佑一|U1]]×[[田口康裕|TAG]]"|100-200|5|9|14|17|-|9|14|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[The History of the Future]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[浅见佑一|U1]]×[[田口康裕|TAG]]"|100-200|5|9|14|17|-|9|14|17|-}}
第364行: 第364行:
{{DDR Songlist Header|
{{DDR Songlist Header|
{{DDR Songlist Category|FLOOR INFECTION|bg=#c3f582|color=#577d24}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|FLOOR INFECTION|bg=#c3f582|color=#577d24}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Part.38 (2020年2月27日~3月16日)|bg=#c3f582|color=#577d24}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|Part.38 (2020年2月27日至3月16日)|bg=#c3f582|color=#577d24}}
{{DDR Song|[[OVERSOUL|ΩVERSOUL]]{{under|Level 1 MAX}}|[[BlackY]]|155|3|6|12|15|-|6|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[OVERSOUL|ΩVERSOUL]]{{under|Level 1 MAX}}|[[BlackY]]|155|3|6|12|15|-|6|12|15|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Firestorm]]{{under|Level 2 MAX}}|[[Tatsuma Urai|ETIA.]]|177|5|8|13|16|-|8|13|16|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Firestorm]]{{under|Level 2 MAX}}|[[Tatsuma Urai|ETIA.]]|177|5|8|13|16|-|8|13|16|-}}
第381行: 第381行:
{{DDR Song|[[Bi|び]]{{from|[[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]]}}|[[立秋]] feat.[[Choko|ちょこ]]|169|5|9|12|17|-|9|12|17|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Bi|び]]{{from|[[AC SDVX VW|SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE]]}}|[[立秋]] feat.[[Choko|ちょこ]]|169|5|9|12|17|-|9|12|17|-}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|一花的}}新曲|bg=linear-gradient(#a2d700, #61ad02)|color=black}}
{{DDR Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|一花的}}新曲|bg=linear-gradient(#a2d700, #61ad02)|color=black}}
{{DDR Song|[[Love kira splash|ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]" feat. いちか|152|2|6|10|14|-|6|10|14|-}}
{{DDR Song|[[Love kira splash|ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[藤森崇多|Sota F.]]" feat.[[一花|いちか]]|152|2|6|10|14|-|6|10|14|-}}

第583行: 第583行:

= 外部链接 =
= 外部链接 =
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20200625140119/https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/ddr/ddra20/p/top/index.html DanceDanceRevolution A20 Official Site] (archived)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20200625140119/https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/ddr/ddra20/p/top/index.html DanceDanceRevolution A20 Official Site] (失效链接)



2025年1月16日 (四) 09:47的最新版本

1st (亚/北美版 - Internet Ranking Version)
2nd (CLUB VER.1 / CLUB VER.2)
4th (PLUS) - 5th - MAX - MAX2 - EXTREME
SuperNOVA - SuperNOVA2 - X - X2
X3 VS 2ndMIX - 2013 - 2014 - A
A20 (PLUS) - A3 - WORLD
Solo BASS - Solo 2000
Karaoke - Karaoke 2nd - KIDS - USA
Dancing Stage欧洲地区限定机种
1st / 1.5 - EuroMIX - EuroMIX2 - Fusion

DanceDanceRevolution A20


DDR A20 Logo.png DDR A20 Logo-oldcab.png

  • 稼动日期:
    • 日服:2019年3月20日(新机台)/2019年7月24日(升级包)
    • 亚服:2019年7月24日
    • 韩服:2019年8月1日
    • 北美服:2019年9月24日
    • 欧服:未知

概况 / 变更点

  • Announced at the The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship finals for DanceDanceRevolution A, in celebration of DanceDanceRevolution's 20th anniversary.
  • The "A20" in the game title is pronounced "Ace Two Oh".
  • The colors of the user interface and logo are dependent on which cabinet model the game is run on, between gold for new cabinets (detailed below) and blue for existing ones.
    • The gold interface features glossy art assets with slight red accents, while the blue interface features semi-transparent matte assets with a cyan glow on the edges.
    • Clear lamp glow effects appear more subdued on the blue interface.
  • New cabinet design based on DANCERUSH's cabinet, but colored gold. These cabinets, known as the "20th Anniversary models", have some exclusive features:
    • Dancemania songs return via special remixes, advertised as "Legend Licenses".
    • Dan (段位認定) courses (see below).
    • GOLDEN LEAGUE (ゴールデンリーグ).
  • Courses have been added once again, in the form of NONSTOP and Dan (段位認定) courses. Both NONSTOP and Dan courses can be selected from their respective categories on the 1st STAGE, if any player selected PREMIUM MODE.
  • With the sole exception of the FLOOR INFECTION songs, all previous unlocks from DanceDanceRevolution A and earlier are now available by default.
  • With the five KAC 2011 licenses being revived on July 24, 2019 after their removal at launch marks this as the first DanceDanceRevolution game to remove and revive any song in the same game.
  • All settings, scores, and clear lamp data from DanceDanceRevolution A are shared with A20.
  • The DDR SELECTION folder from DanceDanceRevolution A was carried over as well.
  • Color labeling on the Music Select screen has been updated. As of July 2019:
    • White: default songs.
    • Gold: unlocked songs and Legend Licenses.
      • Songs with a silver checkered background indicate GOLDEN LEAGUER’S PRIVILEGE Silver unlocks.
      • Songs with a flashing multicolored background indicate GOLDEN LEAGUER’S PRIVILEGE Gold unlocks.
    • Red: EXTRA EXCLUSIVE songs.
  • From July 24th, 2019, in-game text language selection has been added as an option, including Korean, English and Japanese as available choices.
  • As of October 8th, 2019, the LIFE GAUGE's frame has been slightly redesigned.
  • European machines do not have e-amusement support due to regulations by the European Union. However, this version does not require an e-amusement connection.
  • First North American/European DanceDanceRevolution game without a unique marquee, instead it reuses the North American/European DanceDanceRevolution A marquee.
  • The system background music is composed by SYUNN.
  • New songs: 95 (20th Anniversary cabinets), 79 (Upgrade kits, Asia), 78 (North America/Europe)
  • Total songs: 891 (20th Anniversary cabinets), 875 (Upgrade kits, Asia), 869 (North America/Europe)


To be updated.




曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Licensed Songs
The Light W&W ft. Kizuna AI 160 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
Added on April 25th, 2019
ライアーダンス DECO*27 200 4 6 9 13 - 7 9 13 -
腐れ外道とチョコレゐト ピノキオピー 260 3 8 12 15 - 8 12 16 -
タイガーランペイジ sasakure.UK 150 2 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
Added on July 24th, 2019
Alone Marshmello 142 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
Clarity Zedd feat. Foxes 128 2 4 7 9 - 4 7 9 -
I'm an Albatraoz AronChupa 128 1 4 7 11 - 4 7 11 -
New Rules Dua Lipa 116 2 5 7 10 - 5 7 10 -
No Tears Left to Cry Ariana Grande 97-127 2 5 7 10 - 5 7 10 -
Party Rock Anthem LMFAO 130 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
Play Hard David Guetta feat. Ne-Yo, Akon 130 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 11 -
Something Just Like This (Alesso Remix) The Chainsmokers & Coldplay 120 2 4 8 10 - 4 8 10 -
Added on August 8th, 2019
毒占欲 DECO*27 117 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
妄想感傷代償連盟 DECO*27 110 2 4 8 12 - 4 9 12 -
すきなことだけでいいです ピノキオピー 140 3 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
Added on December 18th, 2019 (Asia only)
令和 ゴールデンボンバー 142 3 4 7 10 - 4 7 10 -
Added on June 4th, 2020
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 200 4 9 13 16 - 9 13 16 -
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Ryu☆Remix) Ryu☆ 182 4 8 13 16 - 8 13 16 -
KONAMI originals
Dead Heat Maozon 177 4 6 10 14 - 6 10 14 -
District of the Shadows DJ Noriken 150 3 6 12 16 - 6 12 16 -
Drop The Bounce Hommarju 75-150 3 7 10 14 - 8 11 15 -
Neverland ARM (IOSYS) feat. Nicole Curry 160 4 8 12 15 - 8 12 14 -
Procyon 矢鴇つかさ 160 2 6 11 15 - 6 11 15 -
Seta Para Cima↑↑ BEMANI Sound Team "U1 overground" 140 3 5 10 13 - 5 10 13 -
Starry Sky DJ Genki feat. Mayumi Morinaga 150 2 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
This Beat Is..... Shoichiro Hirata 128 1 4 7 11 - 4 7 10 -
Waiting nc ft.NRG Factory 180 3 6 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
Added on March 27th, 2019
Get On Da Floor DJ Shimamura 140 2 5 8 11 - 4 8 11 -
Helios xac 182 4 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -
Skywalking Nhato 90-180 4 7 10 14 - 7 11 14 -
SODA GALAXY KO3 178 3 6 9 12 - 6 8 12 -
Toy Box Factory まろん (IOSYS) 148 3 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
Added on May 30th, 2019
F4SH10N aran 140 2 6 10 14 - 6 11 14 -
Our Soul CaZ 150 3 6 8 11 - 6 9 11 -
Right Time Right Way KAN TAKAHIKO 174 4 7 11 14 - 8 11 15 -
Added on June 27th, 2019
BLSTR Ujico* 160 3 9 12 16 - 9 12 16 -
CROSS TeddyLoid 150 1 5 10 13 - 5 9 14 -
LEVEL UP TORIENA 180 4 7 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
Added on November 21st, 2019
IRON HEART BUNNY 155 2 7 10 14 - 7 10 14 -
Stay 4 Ever CHEAP CREAM 140 2 5 9 11 - 5 9 11 -
Added on December 18th, 2019
Bounce Trippy Dustvoxx 185 4 8 11 14 - 8 11 15 -
ENDLESS FN2(Eurobeat Union) 150 2 6 9 13 - 6 9 13 -
Added on February 10th, 2020
DIGITAL LUV ハレトキドキ 154 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
Mythomane Hylen 140-180 3 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
BEMANI crossover
Added on June 27th, 2019
来自 ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom
seiya-murai 172 2 7 10 15 - 7 10 15 -
Added on October 10th, 2019
来自 jubeat prop
劇団レコード 134-180 5 8 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
Une mage blanche
来自 REFLEC BEAT limelight
Dormir 193 4 7 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
未完成ノ蒸氣驅動乙女(DDR Edition)
来自 pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢
U1 overground 85-170 5 9 13 17 - 9 13 17 -
DDR Valentine's Day & White Day 2020 (DDRのバレンタイン&ホワイトデー2020) (added on January 20th, 2020)
I Love You
来自 beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS
O/iviA 170 4 8 13 16 - 8 12 16 -
どきドキ バレンタイン
来自 GITADORA Tri-Boost
ひまわり∗パンチ 169 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
Added on January 27th, 2020
Hunny Bunny
来自 jubeat Qubell
U1 overground 160 2 6 10 15 - 6 10 15 -
来自 beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
TAG feat. ERi 176 3 6 11 15 - 6 11 15 -
KONAMI 50th Anniversary Memorial Songs
Added on March 21st, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- BEMANI Sound Team 135 2 5 10 14 - 5 10 14 -
Added on April 25th, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- BEMANI Sound Team 160 3 7 9 12 - 7 9 12 -
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- BEMANI Sound Team 135-175 3 7 9 12 - 8 10 13 -
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- BEMANI Sound Team 136 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
Added on March 28th, 2019
スイーツはとまらない♪ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 204 2 4 9 13 - 4 9 13 -
熱情のサパデアード 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 136 2 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
革命パッショネイト 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 194 3 6 10 13 - 5 9 13 -
ヒカリユリイカ ここなつ 140 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
ベビーステップ ここなつ 200 4 7 9 12 - 7 9 12 -
Added on October 10th, 2019
ホーンテッド★メイドランチ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 188 4 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -

20th Anniversary model Exclusive Songs

The following songs can be played exclusively on the golden 20th Anniversary design cabinet.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
20th Anniversary model Exclusive Songs
"Legend License" Remixes/Covers
Added on March 27th, 2019
HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW (20th Anniversary Mix) nc ft. Kanae Jasmine Asaba 130 2 4 6 10 - 4 6 10 -
Added on April 25th, 2019
CARTOON HEROES (20th Anniversary Mix) nc ft.Jasmine And DARIO TODA 170 4 9 14 16 - 10 12 16 -
Added on May 30th, 2019
LONG TRAIN RUNNIN' (20th Anniversary Mix) Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.) with Bodhi Kenyon 130 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 13 -
Added on June 27th, 2019
SKY HIGH (20th Anniversary Mix) Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.) with Martin Leroux 145 2 5 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
Added on July 25th, 2019
BUTTERFLY (20th Anniversary Mix) BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." 140 3 6 9 12 - 6 10 12 -


GOLDEN LEAGUE (ゴールデンリーグ)

GOLDEN LEAGUE started on April 25th, 2019, for 20th anniversary cabinets only. This system allows players to reach higher CLASSes by accumulating EX Score, which can be accumulated by playing any song, on any difficulty, and regardless of Coin or Premium Play.

There are four possible class ranks: "-" (unranked), "BRONZE", "SILVER" and "GOLD". All players begin unranked, unless the player begins a game on a Gold cabinet, in which case they are assigned a BRONZE rank. Depending on the player's cumulative EX Score, at the end of a GOLDEN LEAGUE period, you can be promoted or demoted from your CLASS (you cannot be demoted from BRONZE, however). Higher CLASSes have access to harder Dan courses and new songs. To see the cutoff for each CLASS, please see the RANKING section of the official website.

List of periods

  • 1st Period: April 25th to May 8th, 2019
  • 2nd Period: May 30th to June 12th, 2019
  • 3rd Period: June 27th to July 10th, 2019
  • 4th Period: July 25th to August 7th, 2019
  • 5th Period: August 29th to September 11th, 2019
  • 6th Period: September 26th to October 9th, 2019
  • 7th Period: October 31st to November 13th, 2019
  • 8th Period: November 28th to December 11th, 2019
  • 9th Period: December 26th, 2019 to January 8th, 2020
  • 10th Period: January 30th to February 12th, 2020
  • 11th Period: February 27th to March 11th, 2020

Current rewards

Note: Rewards are given at the end of each Period.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
SILVER CLASS (シルバークラス)
Avenger USAO 100-400 4 10 14 17 - 10 14 17 -
New Era BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." 30-240 8 11 15 17 - 11 15 17 -
Give Me Relect 174 3 7 12 15 - 7 12 16 -
Ace out BEMANI Sound Team "SYUNN" 135-145 3 5 9 14 - 5 9 13 -
The World Ends Now Akira Complex 200 4 9 12 16 - 9 13 16 -
Rampage Hero DJ Shimamura 175 4 9 12 16 - 9 12 16 -
ALPACORE Cranky 175 4 9 12 16 - 9 12 16 -
Starlight in the Snow BEMANI Sound Team "劇団レコード" ft.Lisa - paint with stars 150 4 7 11 14 - 6 11 14 -
Glitch Angel lapix 165 5 8 13 17 - 8 13 17 -
GOLD CLASS (ゴールドクラス)
Golden Arrow Zekk 170 4 8 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
CyberConnect Blacklolita 150 2 7 11 15 - 7 11 15 -


The Result Star system introduced in DanceDanceRevolution X3 vs 2ndMIX has been carried over once again, and is only available on Premium Play. When 9 Result Stars are obtained, EXTRA STAGE will be played. Both players' stars are combined, and progress carries over to the next round if EXTRA STAGE was not reached. Each player can earn a maximum of 3 stars per song.

Star(s) Requirement
★★★ For attaining the grade AAA.
★★ For attaining the grade AA-, AA, or AA+.
For attaining any other grade except E.
For a Full Combo. (Cumulative)
For playing with LIFE4 or RISKY modifier. (Cumulative)

During EXTRA STAGE, the LIFE GAUGE modifier is restricted to LIFE4.


The EXTRA EXCLUSIVE song folder was added on the game's launch date. These songs are only playable during EXTRA STAGE.

EXTRA EXCLUSIVE LEVEL 1 (March 20th, 2019)
EXTRA EXCLUSIVE LEVEL 2 (July 25th, 2019)
  • EXTRA STAGE: ORCA, Splash Gold
曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
ORCA かめりあ 39-310 6 9 14 17 - 9 14 18 -
Splash Gold BEMANI Sound Team "TAG underground" 75-300 6 10 13 16 - 10 13 16 -


The SUMMER DANCE CAMP event is a collaboration event between DanceDanceRevolution A20 and DANCERUSH STARDOM. From August 8th, 2019 to September 30th, 2019, stamps can be earned by playing either DanceDanceRevolution or DANCERUSH STARDOM. Three stamps are offered once per day, one for the game being played and two for the opposite game. By collecting a certain amount of stamps for a specific game, songs will be unlocked for the respective game.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Small Steps
かめりあ 106 1 4 7 10 - 4 7 10 -
BEMANI Sound Team "DJ TOTTO" 140 3 6 9 13 - 6 10 13 -
Crazy Shuffle
Yooh 128 2 5 10 13 - 5 10 13 -

DanceDanceRevolution 20th Anniversary Grand Finale

The DanceDanceRevolution 20th Anniversary Grand Finale event will begin on September 5th, 2019 and end on December 31st, 2019.

To unlock songs, the player simply plays any song during the event, and after the song will be taken to a curtain. Behind the curtain is a song jacket unlocking a song's CHALLENGE chart. Once the player gets the required amount of points,they will unlock that CHALLENGE chart. (Points do not carry over between unlocks; it resets to 0 once the chart is unlocked.) Playing any songs under the DDR SELECTION folder will multiply the score by 1.5 for Single and Double, while Versus will add both scores together. The required point totals are as follows:

Song Points
#OurMemories 10,000,000
Show me your moves 20,000,000
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix 30,000,000
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) 40,000,000
MAX 360 100,000,000

The event ends once you unlock MAX 360's CHALLENGE charts.

Songs are listed in unlock order.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
DanceDanceRevolution 20th Anniversary Grand Finale
#OurMemories DDR ALL FANS 140 - - - - 11 - - - 11
Show me your moves BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. 柊木りお 155 - - - - 14 - - - 14
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix ARM (IOSYS) 165 - - - - 17 - - - 17
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) BEMANI Sound Team "Sota Fujimori 2nd Season" 190-380 - - - - 18 - - - 18
MAX 360 BEMANI Sound Team "[𝑥]" 180-720 - - - - 19 - - - 19


Ichika no BEMANI touhyou senbatsusen 2019 (いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019) is a collaboration event between beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage, DanceDanceRevolution A20, DANCERUSH STARDOM, GITADORA EXCHAIN, jubeat festo, pop'n music peace, SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE, and ノスタルジア Op.2. The event started on September 12th, 2019 and ended on October 15th, 2019. For more information, please see its respective page.

All songs were unlocked for everyone on June 25th, 2020.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
最小三倍完全数 DJ TECHNORCH 55-440 5 11 14 17 - 11 15 17 -
Afterimage d'automne BEMANI Sound Team "猫叉劇団" 232 4 8 11 14 - 8 11 15 -
BLACK JACKAL Akira Complex 150 3 7 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
Six String Proof BEMANI Sound Team "横山雄哉 × Mutsuhiko Izumi" 130 2 7 12 15 - 7 11 14 -
toy boxer BEMANI Sound Team "S-C-U & SYUNN" 190 4 9 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
Trill auf G BEMANI Sound Team "dj TAKA" 188 4 8 12 16 - 8 11 16 -
voltississimo BEMANI Sound Team "PHQUASE" 113-225 5 9 13 17 - 9 13 17 -
おーまい!らぶりー!すうぃーてぃ!だーりん! BEMANI Sound Team "PON" feat.NU-KO 170 3 7 12 15 - 7 12 15 -
ミッドナイト☆WAR いちか 156 3 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -


The following songs can be unlocked by entering The 9th KONAMI Arcade Championship and playing once during the time periods when they are available.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
第九届 KONAMI Arcade Championship共通课题曲
Unlockable from November 27th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020
ランカーキラーガール 中岛由贵 × いちか 200 4 8 12 17 - 8 13 17 -
Unlockable from December 18th, 2019 to January 7th, 2020
The History of the Future BEMANI Sound Team "U1×TAG" 100-200 5 9 14 17 - 9 14 17 -


DDR CHALLENGE Carnival was added for reaching the 250,000 MANIFEST DanceDanceRevolution Goal of the いちかのBEMANI投票選抜戦2019 event. The event began on December 19th, 2019 and will end on March 30th, 2020. After a round of play, you will obtain a stamp. After obtaining a certain amount of stamps, you will unlock CHALLENGE charts for songs.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
DanceDanceRevolution CHALLENGE Carnival
kradness 150 - - - - 15 - - - 15
sasakure.UK 150 - - - - 17 - - - 17
ピノキオピーP 260 - - - - 17 - - - 17
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 188 - - - - 17 - - - 17
Our Soul CaZ
150 - - - - 15 - - - 15
BEMANI Sound Team "DJ TOTTO" 140 - - - - 10 (SA) - - - 10 (SA)
Dustup 210 - - - - 18 - - - 18


Similar to the other FLOOR INFECTION parts, playing SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series.

For more information on the event, see its own page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Part.38 (2020年2月27日至3月16日)
Level 1 MAX
BlackY 155 3 6 12 15 - 6 12 15 -
Level 2 MAX
ETIA. 177 5 8 13 16 - 8 13 16 -
Level 3 MAX
かねこちはる 236 5 9 14 18 - 9 14 18 -


Ichika no BEMANI chou janken taikai 2020 (いちかのBEMANI超じゃんけん大会2020) is a collaboration event between beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE, DanceDanceRevolution A20, DANCERUSH STARDOM, GITADORA NEX+AGE, jubeat festo, pop'n music peace, SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE, and ノスタルジア Op.3. Unlike other collaboration events between all currently active BEMANI games, all songs can be unlocked through the event site. For more information, please see its respective page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Silly Love
来自 beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE
DÉ DÉ MOUSE 124-153 4 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
来自 pop'n music peace
BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR × MarL × SYUNN" 174 4 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -

立秋 feat.ちょこ 169 5 9 12 17 - 9 12 17 -
ラブキラ☆スプラッシュ BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." feat.いちか 152 2 6 10 14 - 6 10 14 -


NONSTOP courses returned in DanceDanceRevolution A20 on March 28th, 2019. They can only be accessed in 1st STAGE during Premium Play. Each course has four fixed songs, however, the difficulty level and the LIFE GAUGE option are not fixed, and can be changed on the song selection screen between the five (or four in Double) difficulty levels (if CHALLENGE is chosen and a song in the course does not have CHALLENGE charts, the EXPERT charts will be used instead).

Players can only choose modifiers before the first song of the course (changing the LIFE GAUGE option to RISKY or LIFE4 switches these courses to CHALLENGE MODE), SPEED can be adjusted at the start of every song.

Note: the FIRST course is only available in 20th anniversary cabinets, as HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW (20th Anniversary Mix) is exclusive to those cabinets.

1st 2nd 3rd FINAL
TWENTY This Beat Is..... Waiting Dead Heat Neverland
Bounce Slip Out (bounce in beat mix) Fly far bounce on the bounce Drop The Bounce
PASSION Heatstroke La Señorita Seta Para Cima↑↑ Spanish Snowy Dance
PLANET SEXY PLANET Starry Sky Saturn Procyon
HARD DANCE Music In The Rhythm The Light RISING FIRE HAWK District of the Shadows

Dan (段位認定) Courses

DanceDanceRevolution A20 introduced Dan (段位認定, also known as Class) courses on March 28th, 2019. Much like in the beatmania IIDX series, or their predecessors, DanceDanceRevolution X's DANCE DRILL COURSES, these courses are ranked so that each course is harder than the last. Unlike the beatmania IIDX series though, the starting level in DanceDanceRevolution is 1st Dan (初段).

Dan courses can only be accessed on 20th Anniversary cabinets, in 1st STAGE during Premium Play, and the courses are different for Single and Double Play. For more information of the songs in each course, please see this page.


The following songs from previous arcade releases of DanceDanceRevolution have been revived:

Song Title Artist Folder
Revived on July 24th, 2019
BRILLIANT 2U (AKBK MIX) NAOKI DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
KEEP ON MOVIN' (Y&Co. DJ BOSS remix) N.M.R DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PARANOiA (kskst mix) 180 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PUT YOUR FAITH IN ME (DA's Twinkly Disco Remix) UZI-LAY DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
TRIP MACHINE (xac nanoglide mix) DE-SIRE DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX


Added on September 5th, 2019
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 17 - - - 17
MAX 360 DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 19 - - - 19
#OurMemories DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 11 - - - 11
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 18 - - - 18
Show me your moves DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 14 - - - 14
Added on December 19th, 2019
Prey DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 18 - - - 18
無頼ック自己ライザー DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 15 - - - 15


The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last appearances:

DIVE TO THE NIGHT DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - 10→11 - - - 11→12 -
HYSTERIA 2001 DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - 9→10 - - - 10→11
SEXY PLANET (FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX) DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - 8→10 - - - 8→9
TSUGARU DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - - - - 12→13 -
TSUGARU (APPLE MIX) DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - - - - - 10→11
Flow (True Style) DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA - - - - - - - - 13→14
ヒマワリ DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA - - - 10→11 - - - 12→13 -
Bloody Tears (IIDX EDITION) DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 - - - 10→11 - - - - -
Pluto Relinquish DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 - - - - - - 15→14 - -
Healing Vision (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 14→15
PARANOIA EVOLUTION (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 14→15
PARANOiA MAX~DIRTY MIX~ (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 13→14
Anti-Matter DanceDanceRevolution X2 - 10→11 - - - 10→11 - - -
ΔMAX DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - - 13→14 - -
POSSESSION DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - 10→11 - - -
Valkyrie dimension DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - - 15→14 - -
TRIP MACHINE EVOLUTION DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX - - - - - - - 16→17 -
ÆTHER DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - 9→10 - - -
Engraved Mark DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 -
Hoping To Be Good DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 11→12 - - - - -
Qipchãq DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 11→12 - - - - -
Romancing Layer DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 15→14 - - - 15→14 -
Spanish Snowy Dance DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 15→16 17→18
Straight Oath DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 13→14 15→16
STULTI DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 15→16 -
Triple Journey -TAG EDITION- DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 16→17 -
からふるぱすてる DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 12→13 -
恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - 10→11 - - - 10→11 - -
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - 10→11 15→16 - - 10→12 15→16 -
フー・フローツ DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 12→13 -
8000000 DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 11→10 - - - - - -
Bad Apple!! feat. nomico DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 3→5 - - -
bass 2 bass DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - 11→12 - - - 13→12 -
Electronic or Treat! DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 11→12 14→15 - - 11→12 14→15 -
MAX.(period) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 13→14 - - - - - -
One Sided Love DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - - - 12→13
PRANA+REVOLUTIONARY ADDICT (U1 DJ Mix) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) 4→5 - - - - - - - -
Remain DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - - 15→16 -
The Night Away (MK Remix) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - 7→5 - - - 7→5 - - -
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (EDM REMIX) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - 5→4 11→10 - - 6→5 - - -
この青空の下で DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - 12→11 - - - - -
きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - 9→10 - -
パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 7→6 10→8 - -
ALGORITHM DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→11 - - - - - -
Astrogazer DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 -
Be a Hero! DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 9→10 - - -
Boss Rush DanceDanceRevolution A - 11→10 - - - 11→10 - - -
CHOCOLATE PHILOSOPHY DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 10→9 - - - - 13→12
Cosy Catastrophe DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 10→9 - - -
Cytokinesis DanceDanceRevolution A - - 12→10 - - - 12→10 - -
Dancer in the flare DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 11→10 - - 7→6 - - -
DREAMING-ING!! DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→6 - - - 8→6 - - -
Electric Dance System Music DanceDanceRevolution A - - 9→10 13→14 - - 9→10 13→14 -
Emera DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 17→18
Eternal Summer DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 12→13 - - - 12→13 -
First Time DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 17→18 - - - 17→18
Happy DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→9 - - - 9→8 - -
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 5→6 - - -
Hillbilly Shoes DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→8 - - - 10→8 - -
More One Night DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 9→8 11→10 13→12 6→5 9→8 12→11 13→12
Neutrino DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 12→13 - -
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 14→15 - -
Prey DanceDanceRevolution A - - 14→15 - - - 14→15 - -
Rejoin DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 6→7 10→11 - -
RISING FIRE HAWK DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - 14→15 - 7→6 - 14→15 -
S!ck DanceDanceRevolution A - - 13→12 - - - 13→12 - -
Sakura Reflection DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - - 15→14 -
SHION DanceDanceRevolution A - - 9→10 - - - - - -
siberite DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 6→5 11→10 - -
StrayedCatz DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→7 - 14→13 - - - 14→13 -
SUPER SUMMER SALE DanceDanceRevolution A - - 11→12 - - - 11→12 - -
Towards the TOWER DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - 6→5 - - -
Vanquish The Ghost DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 15→16 - - - - -
Wake Me Up DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 13→12 - - - - -
Yeah! Yeah! DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
ZEPHYRANTHES DanceDanceRevolution A - - 12→11 - - 8→7 12→11 - -
無頼ック自己ライザー DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 12→13 - - - 12→13 -
打打打打打打打打打打 DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - 6→5 - - 15→16
ハピ恋☆らぶりぃタイム!! DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - - - - -
ハッピーシンセサイザ DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 10→9 - - 6→5 10→9 - -
ハルイチバン DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 9→7 - - 6→5 9→7 12→11 -
初音ミクの消失 DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→8 - - 16→15 8→10 11→13 - 16→15
向日葵サンセット DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→5 - - - 7→5 - - -
放課後ストライド DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 14→15 - 6→5 - 14→15 -
色は匂へど散りぬるを DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→5 10→8 12→11 - 8→6 10→8 12→11 -
十二星座の聖域 DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→6 - - - 8→6 - 12→13 -
恋のパズルマジック DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 7→6 - - -
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~ DanceDanceRevolution A - - 11→10 - - - 11→10 - -
ロストワンの号哭 DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
ルミナスデイズ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 11→12 - - - - -
魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 4→6 - - -
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 9→10 - -
脳漿炸裂ガール DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 8→6 - 13→12 -
六兆年と一夜物語 DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - - - - -
ロンロンへ ライライライ! DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - 13→12 - 7→6 11→10 13→12 -
千年ノ理 DanceDanceRevolution A - 5→6 - - - 5→6 - - -
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - - - - -
春風ブローインウィンド DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 14→15 - 6→7 - - -
宇宙(ソラ)への片道切符 DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→7 11→10 - - 8→7 10→9 - -
ようこそジャパリパークへ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 13→14 - - - 13→14 -


Song Title Artist Folder
BRILLIANT 2U (AKBK MIX) NAOKI DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
KEEP ON MOVIN' (Y&Co. DJ BOSS remix) N.M.R DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PARANOiA (kskst mix) 180 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PUT YOUR FAITH IN ME (DA's Twinkly Disco Remix) UZI-LAY DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
TRIP MACHINE (xac nanoglide mix) DE-SIRE DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
初音ミクの消失 cosMo@暴走P DanceDanceRevolution A
ロストワンの号哭 Neru DanceDanceRevolution A
脳漿炸裂ガール れるりり DanceDanceRevolution A
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい うたたP feat. 結月ゆかり DanceDanceRevolution A
The Light W&W ft. Kizuna AI DanceDanceRevolution A20
令和 ゴールデンボンバー DanceDanceRevolution A20

Note: Songs marked with a ※ are available on North American and European versions during Maintenance or when operating in Local Mode due to an oversight.

