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Rio Hiiragi

Artist Information


Rio Hiiragi is a J-pop singer and idol affiliated with Sunlighting, Inc.. She is a former member of the groups Heart&Cupid and ALLOVER.

Rio was the winner of the U.M.U AWARD local idol contest in 2014, and made her first appearance in BEMANI as part of the U.M.U × BEMANI event, a tie-in with said contest, with her song Determination. Since then, she has made more appearances in the DanceDanceRevolution series, and appeared at The 6th KONAMI Arcade Championship's DanceDanceRevolution finals along with TAG and U1.




  • 2021真夏のSingers (member of)


Song Artist Game Genre Lyrics Vocals
サクラあっぱれーしょん Remixed by BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. 柊木りお beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage IIDX EDITION -
AWAKE 柊木りお featured by TAG DanceDanceRevolution (2014) -
TSUBASA 柊木りお featured by TAG DanceDanceRevolution (2014) -
Hopeful 柊木りお featured by SOTAG DanceDanceRevolution A -
Show me your moves BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. 柊木りお DanceDanceRevolution A -
未練タラッタ BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. ヒイラギリオ GITADORA NEX+AGE -
インドがパッカーン!!煩悩マハラジャドリーム ARM × かたほとり ft. 柊木りお jubeat festo - -
Determination 柊木りお (U.M.U x BEMANI) -
MOVE! (We Keep It Movin') Jonny Dynamite!,Lisa - paint with stars -,Rio Hiiragi by BEMANI Sound Team "U1-ASAMi" (BEMANI 2021真夏の歌合戦5番勝負) ORBITALIC ELECTRIC MUSIC ?
恋愛観測 -2021真夏のエンディング ver.- 2021真夏のSingers (BEMANI 2021真夏の歌合戦5番勝負) - -