- 新手玩此游戏,需要了解你玩游戏的目的
- 如果不怕麻烦,想追求完美的游戏,想体验街机感觉的游戏,非常有耐心的。请谨慎尝试HDD。
- 其他人请立即关闭此教程,立即删除,谢谢!
- 使用HDD的风险
- HDD为非法宣传物,有悖于K社的利益,体验即可。
- HDD非电脑游戏,属于街机载体程序.对电脑硬件和系统有着一定的要求。
- 如果喜欢HDD,有基本电脑操作能力并有条件尝试改变软/硬件的再去换软/硬件。
- (比如系统缺失某系统文件导致必须重装系统/换系统才能运行的.或某些显卡导致运行HDD不稳定运行的)
- 如没有上述条件,请不要勉强.
- 文中所需文件请自行理坛,靴靴茄子
- 多余的请禁用 这一步务必要做
- 参考[[1]]部分
- 虚拟网卡也可以暂时解决离线无法进游戏的问题
- 获取HDD
- 解压
- 获取Spice或gitadoratools,离线服或其他服。
启动文件: @spice64 -gd -2ch -e .\prop\eamuse-config2.xml -p 12345678901234567890
- gd:gitadora
- -2ch 开启gitadora双声道模式
- p pcbid
更改prop文件夹内 eamuse-config2为guitarfreaks ,eamuse-config为drummania
<services __type="str">你的服务器</services>
将HDD modules文件夹文件复制到主目录
<services __type="str">你的服务器</services>
1) 下数据
2) 选择好一个安装目录,并把"data", "modules", and "prop"这三个文件夹拷过去(或者剪切
3) 把modules文件夹下的所有dll复制到你的安装目录下
4) 创建一个文件夹"dev",然后再在里面创建"nvram"和"raw"两个文件夹
5) 将解压出来的工具复制到安装目录下
6) 修改prop文件夹的xml文件
eamuse-config.xml (Drummania) 要修改:
<ext>2014121800</ext> ←-请改成你要玩的游戏的版本号
eamuse-config2.xml (Guitar Freaks) 要修改:
<ext>2014121800</ext> ←-请改成你要玩的游戏的版本号
IMPORTANT: "spec" 决定了要加载的游戏类型,如果有需要请自行更改
7) 修改AVS-Config.xml,一般情况下 avs-config-ja.xml 是 Guitar Freaks 对应的文件 , avs-config-jb.xml 是 Drummania 对应的文件
<device __type="str">.</device>
<device __type="str">dev/nvram</device>
<fstype __type="str">fs</fstype>
<option __type="str">posix=1</option>
<device __type="str">dev/raw</device>
<nr_mountpoint __type="u16">128</nr_mountpoint>
<nr_mounttable __type="u16">128</nr_mounttable>
<nr_filedesc __type="u16">128</nr_filedesc>
<level __type="str">misc</level>
8) 把 coin.xml 复制进 dev/nvram/coin.xml. 从别的游戏复制或者下一份也可以
9) 运行bemaniconfig.exe设置按键,如果你想读卡请自己设置
10) 运行gitadora_patcher.exe去修改游戏使其运行更顺畅. (具体请看下面)
11) 运行bat并开始爽吧!
Gitadora Patcher:
-GITADORA要求4声道的音响配置,如果要用HDMI音频或者没有4声道的音响请使用 "add audio fix"
-如果联网游玩请不要使用Stage Freeze,这样会导致你存不了档
-Timer Freeze会卡在联网搜人对战
-如果要离线游玩请使用localhost patch
-如果你想以窗口模式游玩请使用Window mode patch(一般不建议窗口游玩)
Q: 怎么少歌?
A: 欢迎使用GUSET账号,虽说默认很渣,如果有网就不用担心,不过离线也不怕,有全解xml,去理坛下对应的xml然后替换掉 data/product/xml 目录下对应的文件
Q: GITADORA之间有区别么?
A: 一共有三种框体 -
-DX框 (GF有 聚光灯, 踏板效果器, 震动吉他, 控制面板的按键LED灯,还有一对巨大的音响. DM有 聚光灯, 震动地台, 更好的音响, 控制面板的按键LED灯 , 巨大的架子, 镀铬装饰).
-SD框 (没有DX的附加东西,框体大小和DX一样)
-白框 (现行框体,只能单人游玩).
Q: 我能更改框体类型么?
A: 默认是DX框,如果你想变成别的,游戏引导时请按以下按键
什么都不按 = DX
Q: 怎样面联?
A: 两台电脑在同一局域网内就可以了,游戏会自动解决的
Q: 还有别的么?
A: 阅读说明文件看看显卡和设备兼容性吧!
Current Tools version: RC4
The time has finally come!
GITADORA 64-bit tools release!
First, please note that this does NOT use Bemanitools, so the setup procedure is a little different. The crack contains a Readme file with additional info, but I'll post the install procedure here. :
1) Download the torrent data (a few different options in Torrents now)
2) Setup your install directory - should contain "data", "modules", and "prop" folders by default
3) Copy the .dll files from the module directory into the same directory as the install dir
4) Create 2 new folders - "dev/nvram" and "dev/raw"
5) Extract the tools and place them in the install dir (i.e. all .dll files and .exe files should be in the same directory)
6) Modify the E-amuse config files. The game that you want to run will dictate the file you modify. Open the corresponding file and drop the respective block directly underneath the <ea3>; do NOT put them both in.
For eamuse-config.xml (Drummania):
<ext>2014121800</ext> ←-Match the date code on the data you choose
For eamuse-config2.xml (Guitar Freaks):
<ext>2014121800</ext> ←-Match the date code on the data you choose
IMPORTANT: The "spec" field determines what game will be loaded, so make sure you have the right spec in the right file.
Fill in appropriate hardware info as needed.
7) Modify the AVS-Config.xml file. For the default Japanese releases, you will want to modify avs-config-ja.xml for Guitar Freaks and avs-config-jb.xml for Drummania.
Overwrite the block like this:
<device __type="str">.</device>
<device __type="str">dev/nvram</device>
<fstype __type="str">fs</fstype>
<option __type="str">posix=1</option>
<device __type="str">dev/raw</device>
<nr_mountpoint __type="u16">128</nr_mountpoint>
<nr_mounttable __type="u16">128</nr_mounttable>
<nr_filedesc __type="u16">128</nr_filedesc>
<level __type="str">misc</level>
8) Copy coin.xml into dev/nvram/coin.xml. You MAY be able to get away with using coin.xml from another game you might have but you can download it from [REDACTED] as an alternative.
9) Setup bemaniconfig.exe. Plug in your desired hardware and map your input. Make sure that you also account for the control panel of your specific game as you will need to set your shop name on the first boot. You do NOT need to setup an e-Amusement card unless you are connecting to an actual network. IF you were wanting to create a card though, simply create a text file with a 16 byte hex string in the manner as what you would use on a service like Arcana.
10) Optionally run the gitadora_patcher.exe to mod the game if you wish. (see below)
11) Run one of the start batch jobs in either full screen or windowed and enjoy!
Gitadora Patcher:
A lot of thought went into this release for home usage and there are some nice options available as a result. Here is a brief description of what is available along with some dev notes:
Put in same folder as game data and run it to patch various things.
Has not been tested on anything before Overdrive, but it should work on games from Overdrive and after.
-As you may or may not know, Gitadora expects to have a 4-channel audio setup (Front Left and Right and Rear Left and Right). To fix HDMI audio, or to play without a 4 speaker setup like the game expects, use the "add audio fix" option.
(*If your audio is crackling then you can play around with the audio buffer size, but this will cause a delay if you set it too high.)
-If playing on a network, please note that the stage freeze breaks profile saving because all song scores and profile settings are saved at the end of the game session.
-The timer freeze seems to break Battle Mode (Network Profile only) since it stops looking for opponents (probably based on timer).
-Use localhost patch if you are playing with a local server.
-Window mode patch is also recommended if you want to play in window mode, but window mode in general is not recommended.
Q: Why isn't the songlist fully unlocked? There aren't very many songs!
A: Welcome to the guest account, which sucks by default. If network is available, this shouldn't even be something you need to worry about. But until then, you will need to modify the music database to forcefully unlock the songs.
Replace the file in the data/product/xml directory for the respective game with one of these:
Overdrive: [REDACTED]
Tri-Boost: [REDACTED]
Tri-Boost Re-evolve: [REDACTED]
This will unlock all profile-based songs, long versions, and secret songs into the guest profile. It will NOT give you new sorting options that are used in user profiles though (i.e. you won't see a "Long version" folder as a sort option).
Q: Weren't there a few different versions of Gitadora?
A: 3 versions of Gitadora GF&DM were released -
-DX (Spotlights, Foot Pedals effectors, vibrating guitars, LED directional lights on control panel, and HUGE speaker stacks for GF. Spotlights, vibrating platform, upgraded speakers, LED directional lights on control panel, HUGE drum cage, and chrome finish for DM).
-SD (all the DX stuff removed, same size main cabinet as DX)
-White (current release cabinet and is only 1 player).
Q: Can I change model types?
A: YES! By default, you should boot into the DX model, but if you prefer SD (foot pedals no longer work) or White (single player interface), hold down the following buttons during boot:
Nothing = DX
SERVICE + COIN = White cab
Q: What about Session Mode?
A: Should work just fine if you can set up two separate instances. Just make sure that you are on the same LAN network and the game should do the rest.
Q: Anything else?
A: Check the Readme for additional notes on graphics cards and device compatibility.