DanceDanceRevolution (2014)

AC DDR 2014 /
逆光FOREVER讨论 | 贡献2021年2月8日 (一) 18:04的版本 →�
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1st (亚/北美版 - Internet Ranking Version)
2nd (CLUB VER.1 / CLUB VER.2)
4th (PLUS) - 5th - MAX - MAX2 - EXTREME
SuperNOVA - SuperNOVA2 - X - X2
X3 VS 2ndMIX - 2013 - 2014 - A
A20 (PLUS) - A3 - WORLD
Solo BASS - Solo 2000
Karaoke - Karaoke 2nd - KIDS - USA
Dancing Stage欧洲地区限定机种
1st / 1.5 - EuroMIX - EuroMIX2 - Fusion

DanceDanceRevolution (2014)

DanceDanceRevolution (2014) 游戏封面


  • 更新时间:
    • 日本: 2014/5/12
    • 亚洲地区、韩国: 2014/6/22
    • 美国: 2016夏季(目前未更新)
  • 原声OST:
    • Original Soundtrack Vol.2: 2015/12/02 (iTunes配信)


  • 第一部以eAMUSEMENT网络更新形式进行升级的DDR作品。
  • 游戏界面配色方案以DanceDanceRevolution (2013)为基础,新增了两个类似于GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG的开始界面。选歌画面及结算画面相对前作有较大改变,并重置了几个数字键的作用:
    • 1按钮:选择难度,显示个人最佳成绩
    • 2按钮:调整“GROOVE RADAR”以及歌曲对应的数字难度
    • 3按钮:显示Rival最佳成绩与目标分数
    • 4、5按钮:显示EVENT,通常游戏中不可用,只有在“EXTRA ATTACK”、“YuniverHills project”等EVENT中才能使用
  • 新增Option菜单指南,由OFF,BORDER,CENTER三项组成
  • PASELI-only(Premium Play)作为额外游戏选项出现在游戏中
    • 新增.25x倍速,玩家可以选择3.75x内的倍速进行游玩
    • 新增LIFE4生命值模式,玩家在游玩时有4格生命,每次失误即失去1格,4格均消失后,游戏结束。
  • 在LIFE4与RISKY模式中,结算歌曲时玩家会获得“Result Star”,从而更容易进入“EXTRA STAGE”
    • 同时也可以通过两个玩家同时在Premium Play下进入VERSUS模式来进入“EXTRA STAGE”





在歌曲CHALLENGE难度旁带箭头及 (SA)字样即为新曲



曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Licensed Songs
Added on May 21st, 2014
CAPTIVE フルーティー♡ 【北海道】 168 2 5 7 10 - 6 8 11 -
My HERO chairmans 【岩手】 140 2 4 6 9 - 4 6 9 -
ドリームキャッチャー アイくるガールズ 【福島】 208 4 6 9 11 - 6 8 10 -
HAPPY☆きたかた KIRA☆GIRL 【福島】 172 1 3 7 10 - 4 7 10 -
Added on May 28th, 2014
マーメイド T!P 【栃木】 154 2 5 8 10 - 5 8 11 -
We are チャリンコエンジェルス 浦安マリンエンジェルス 【千葉】 145 2 4 7 10 - 4 7 11 -
Everybody Say EDOGAWA EDOist 【東京】 142 1 5 7 10 - 5 7 10 -
my cosmic world silQ 【東京】 138 3 4 7 9 - 5 7 9 -
Determination 柊木りお 【東京】 230 2 5 8 14 - 6 9 15 -
川崎純情音頭 川崎純情小町☆ 【神奈川】 132 2 4 7 9 - 4 7 9 -
Added on June 4th, 2014
瞬間 I LOVE YOU H&A. 【静岡】 167 2 6 9 11 - 6 9 11 -
僕は君に恋をした アイドル教室 【愛知】 170 2 6 8 11 - 5 8 12 -
Dong! Dong! Star☆T 【愛知】 210 4 6 9 12 - 7 9 13 -
A to Z OSAKA翔GANGS 【大阪】 160-204 2 6 9 13 - 6 9 12 -
ルシャナの気持ち Le Siana 【奈良】 172 2 5 8 11 - 5 9 12 -
Added on June 11th, 2014
LUCKY-YO!! だいやぁ☆もんど 【鳥取】 112 2 4 7 10 - 4 7 11 -
Boom! Boom! Miracle Emotion ひろしま MAPLE★S 【広島】 156 2 5 9 12 - 5 10 13 -
ザッツ!KAIYODO はちきんガールズ 【高知】 149 2 5 7 11 - 5 8 11 -
乙女の真骨頂 乙女の純情 【福岡】 180 3 6 9 12 - 7 9 13 -
Field on! サザン☆クロス 【鹿児島】 170 2 5 9 11 - 5 9 11 -
Added on August 13th, 2014
ラブラブキュートなハピハピサンデー Lisapyon♡ 【長野】 165 3 5 7 11 - 6 8 11 -
らいらら KRD8 【兵庫】 155 2 5 7 10 - 5 7 10 -
HeartLatte TnyGinA 【和歌山】 135 2 4 7 11 - 5 7 11 -
Che Che Chelip~魔法のコトバ~ Chelip 【鳥取】 125-130 2 4 6 10 - 5 6 10 -
キライじゃないのぉ まなみのりさ 【広島】 142 2 4 7 10 - 4 8 10 -
GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI
Added on June 19th, 2014
ラクガキスト cosMo@暴走P feat.GUMI 199 4 7 10 13 16 7 10 13 16
セツナトリップ Last Note. feat.GUMI 145 1 4 10 14 - 4 10 14 -
Added on June 26th, 2014
バンブーソード・ガール cosMo@暴走P 208 2 7 11 15 - 7 12 15 -
幻想系世界修复少女 Last Note. 193 3 6 9 12 - 7 9 13 -
VOCALO de odore!! EDM×BEMANI (ボカロ デ オドレ!! EDM×BEMANI) (Added on April 15th 2015)
M.A.Y.U. Ryu☆ feat.MAYU 128 2 6 8 13 - 6 8 13 -
朝色の紙飛行機 かめりあ 132 2 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
BEMANI×TOHO project REITAISAI 2015 (Added on April 30th, 2015)
Scarlet Moon REDALiCE feat. Ayumi Nomiya 180 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
Struggle Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR) 180 4 6 10 13 - 5 10 12 -
ホメ猫☆センセーション P*Light feat. mow*2 200 4 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
Added on October 6th, 2015
はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ A応P 172 4 7 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
Added on December 24th, 2015
Bad Apple!! feat. nomico Alstroemeria Records 138 3 5 8 12 - 3 9 11 -
The Night Away (MK Remix) Starving Trancer feat. Mayumi Morinaga 160 3 7 9 12 - 7 10 12 -
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (EDM REMIX) uno(IOSYS) 130-175 1 5 11 13 - 6 11 13 -
イーディーエム・ジャンパーズ かめりあ feat. ななひら 72-145 3 5 8 12 - 4 8 11 -
KONAMI originals
Dispersion Star
来自 Steel Chronicle VICTROOPERS
ZUKI 180 3 5 9 13 - 5 9 14 -
小野秀幸 182 3 6 9 11 - 6 10 12 -
Added on May 14th, 2014
MITOれて!いばらきっしゅだ~りん 水戸ご当地アイドル(仮) 【茨城】 173 2 6 9 13 - 6 10 13 -
Added on June 11th, 2014
LoveLove DokiDoki 水戸ご当地アイドル(仮) 【茨城】 160 2 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
Available from December 19th to December 31st, 2014, and from December 1st to December 28th, 2015
Thank You Merry Christmas VENUS 220 3 5 9 12 - 5 9 13 -
DDRpop'nREFLECVOLTE × utaite [Matsushita] (DDR・ポップン・リフレク・ボルテ × 歌い手【松下】) (Added on January 22nd, 2015)
Go↓Go↑Girls&Boys! 松下feat.Sota & wac 158 3 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
VOCALO de odore!! EDM×BEMANI (ボカロ デ オドレ!! EDM×BEMANI) (Added on April 15th, 2015)
女言葉の消失 Sota Fujimori 136 3 6 9 13 - 6 9 12 -
Added on April 23rd, 2015
AWAKE 柊木りお featured by TAG 180 3 5 10 13 16 6 10 13 16
Added on September 10th, 2015
TSUBASA 柊木りお featured by TAG 151 2 6 10 13 - 6 9 13 -
Added on February 17th, 2016
きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE 松下feat.Sota & wac 165 3 5 8 11 - 5 9 11 -
DanceDanceRevolution A preview songs
Available from February 22nd to 29th, 2016
HANDS UP IN THE AIR U1 128 1 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
Available from February 29th to March 6th, 2016
DANCE ALL NIGHT (DDR EDITION) Sota Fujimori 144 1 5 8 11 - 5 8 10 -
Available from March 10th to 16th, 2016
siberite Captain KING 128 2 5 10 13 - 6 11 14 -
日向美ビタースイーツ♪&ここなつフェスティバル! (Hinatabi Bitter Sweets♪ & Coconatsu festival!) (Added on March 12th, 2015)
滅亡天使 † にこきゅっぴん 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 200 4 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
ミライプリズム ここなつ 140 2 4 7 10 - 4 7 11 -
乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 210 4 7 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
Coconatsu birthday (ここなつ バースデー) (Added on June 12th, 2015)
チョコレートスマイル 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ & ここなつ 196 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
Added on September 17th, 2015
neko*neko 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 123 2 5 9 11 14 3 9 12 13
Added on October 1st, 2015
激アツ☆マジヤバ☆チアガール 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 170 3 6 9 13 - 5 10 12 -
Added on October 29th, 2015
漆黒のスペシャルプリンセスサンデー 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 200 4 8 11 13 - 7 11 13 -
Added on November 26th, 2015
地方創生☆チクワクティクス 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 170 2 6 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
BEMANI Crossovers
Default (TAG生誕祭)
Do The Evolution
来自 DanceEvolution ARCADE
TAG feat. ERi 148 1 4 7 10 - 5 9 13 -
Romancing Layer
来自 jubeat saucer
TAG 150 2 6 11 15 - 6 11 15 -
Added on December 24th, 2015
bass 2 bass
来自 jubeat
Ryu☆ 140 2 5 9 11 - 5 10 13 -



Once again, EXTRA STAGE unlock conditions use the same Result Star system first seen in DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX. As usual, the LIFE GAUGE modifier is restricted during EXTRA STAGE and is set to LIFE4.

As mentioned above, EXTRA STAGE is now limited to Premium Play mode. A player not in Premium Play mode will act as if they have 0 Result Stars and cannot earn any Result Stars.* However, if a non-Premium Play player and a Premium Play player are playing VERSUS, and the Premium Play player unlocks EXTRA STAGE, both players can proceed and both players will use all of their stored Result Stars. (The non-Premium Play player may have Result Stars stored from a previous Premium Play round.)

On August 12th, 2014, two updates made it easier to unlock EXTRA STAGE. First, when playing VERSUS, both players' Result Stars will be combined to determine if they have the 9 needed to proceed to EXTRA STAGE. Second, the red Result Star () is now given when using the LIFE GAUGE modifiers RISKY or LIFE4, even if the player fails the song.

*As usual, the dark blue Daily Star is an exception and will be given out even for non-Premium Play.


The EXTRA ATTACK unlocking method allows the players to unlock EXTRA STAGE-only songs available on the EXTRA ATTACK folder. By playing songs in the EXTRA ATTACK folder, the SURVIVED BONUS meter will increase for the selected difficulty. Once the meter is completely filled, the song will be unlocked on that difficulty (and all the lower difficulties, if applicable) for normal play. The SURVIVED BONUS meter of a song carries between games using e-AMUSEMENT. The EXTRA ATTACK requires that the Single and Double charts of the songs have to be unlocked separately and that only BEGINNER to EXPERT charts can be unlocked. Once the songs have been unlocked, they are added to the DanceDanceRevolution (2014) folder.

  • The TAG生日祭 (TAG生誕祭) songs (ÆTHER, esrev:eR, and SABER WING (satellite silhouette remix)) that weren't unlocked by players in DanceDanceRevolution (2013) are added to the EXTRA ATTACK folder by default.
  • Only for EXTRA ATTACK-unlockable songs released as part of select events (GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI, TAG大生誕祭, BEMANI×TOHO project REITAISAI 2015, and Replicant D-ignition) the SURVIVED BONUS meter has to be filled on BEGINNER, then BASIC, DIFFICULT, and then finally EXPERT.
  • As of July 24th, 2014, it is now possible to unlock the 激战!BEMANI体育场 songs via EXTRA ATTACK. 's CHALLENGE charts will be available for unlock via EXTRA ATTACK after unlocking its lower difficulties.
  • As of July 23rd, 2015, it is now possible to unlock the 发现!复苏的BEMANI遗迹 songs via EXTRA ATTACK. JOMANDA's and 嘆きの樹's CHALLENGE charts will be available for unlock via EXTRA ATTACK after unlocking their lower difficulties.
  • As of August 6th, 2015, it is now possible to unlock the Replicant D-ignition songs via EXTRA ATTACK. CHALLENGE charts for MAX.(period) and EGOISM 440 can be unlocked after unlocking Over The “Period”'s EXPERT charts and the former song's CHALLENGE charts, respectively.
  • As of October 29th, 2015, it is now possible to unlock Electronic or Treat! if you didn't unlock it via the PONの運命浄化計画 event.
  • As of November 5th, 2015, it is now possible to unlock the BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015 songs via EXTRA ATTACK. These songs were added weekly.
  • As of January 7th, 2016, it is now possible to unlock the 怪盗BisCoの予告状!! songs and POSSESSION (EDP Live Mix) via EXTRA ATTACK.

From September 18th, 2014 to October 16th, 2014, a special campaign named Aki no daishuukakusai (秋の大収穫祭, Big Harvest Festival of Autumn) was added to the game. By playing any song, a bonus ranging from +1 to +4 LIFE was given depending on a few requirements. The EXTRA LIVES acquired were added by Dance Level, and the total could be seen by pressing "4" on the 10-key pad to access the event panel. These EXTRA LIVES were then available to use during EXTRA ATTACK. Usually, the LIFE GAUGE modifier was locked to LIFE4 but with this event, it was possible to increase the number of LIVES to any number as long as the players had enough EXTRA LIVES.

From December 17th, 2015, most non-cross BEMANI event songs are automatically unlocked for all players.


From August 15th, 2014, to September 12th, 2014, CHALLENGE charts for Din Don Dan, Elysium, IMANOGUILTS, SABER WING (satellite silhouette remix), ちゅ~いん☆バニー, and ヤマトなでなで♡かぐや姫 could be unlocked as part of the Oni no EXTRA ATTACK (鬼のEXTRA ATTACK) event. These charts will appear on the EXTRA STAGE in the 鬼のEXTRA ATTACK folder if the song's lower difficulties were completely unlocked previously via EXTRA ATTACK. When playing a song in the 鬼のEXTRA ATTACK folder, the LIFE GAUGE modifier is set to RISKY: One Miss or N.G. will result in a GAME OVER.

From October 16th, 2014, to November 13th, 2014, CHALLENGE charts for Kind Lady, Malacca, PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~, and Tribe, as well as the KONAMI Arcade Championship 2013 CHALLENGE charts, could be unlocked by the same above method. When unlocked, these songs appear in their respective versions.

The CHALLENGE charts for these songs, along with the KONAMI Arcade Championship 2013 CHALLENGE charts, could be unlocked again from July 16th, 2015 onwards via EXTRA ATTACK instead. As they are now in the EXTRA ATTACK folder, playing them forces the LIFE GAUGE modifier on LIFE4 instead of RISKY, making the process of unlocking the charts easier.

From December 17th, 2015, these charts are automatically unlocked for all players.


CHALLENGE charts are 鬼のEXTRA ATTACK-only. Since July 16th, 2015, CHALLENGE charts can be unlocked via EXTRA ATTACK instead.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
ヤマトなでなで♡かぐや姫 ロマンチックPrim姫 160 2 6 8 11 14 5 8 11 14
Elysium nc ft. NRG Factory 145 1 5 8 11 13 5 8 11 13
来自 beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA
TAG meets "eimy" 155 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 12 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
TAG underground 192-384 6 9 14 17 - 9 14 17 -
SABER WING (satellite silhouette remix) TAG 138 2 4 9 12 15 6 8 12 14
Added on June 5th, 2014
Din Don Dan Ryu☆ feat.Mayumi Morinaga 140 2 5 7 10 12 5 7 10 12
IMANOGUILTS Mystic Moon 184 4 8 11 14 15 8 11 14 15
ちゅ~いん☆バニー 阿部靖广 feat. Strawberry Wink 180 3 6 8 10 13 (SA) 5 8 11 13 (SA)
GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI (Added on June 26th, 2014)
Idola iconoclasm feat.GUMI 201 3 8 12 16 17 8 12 16 17
Added on July 4th, 2014
Party Lights (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Remix) Tommie Sunshine 130 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
Added on July 11th, 2014
来自 DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2
DJ YOSHITAKA feat.Michaela Thurlow 180 4 6 9 12 - 7 10 13 -
Added on July 18th, 2014
Habibe (Antuh muhleke)
来自 DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2
Wendy Parr 144 3 5 10 13 - 6 11 13 -
Added on August 14th, 2014
灼热Beach Side Bunny
来自 beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem
DJ Mass MAD Izm* 153 3 7 11 15 - 7 12 15 -
Added on August 21st, 2014
阿波おどり -Awaodori- やっぱり踊りはやめられない U1 ミライダガッキ連と矢印連 120-260 5 9 12 14 - 9 13 15 -
Added on August 28th, 2014
Lucky Vacuum 168 2 7 11 15 - 7 12 15 -
Added on September 4th, 2014
来自 beatmania IIDX 4th style
Ryu☆ 182 3 7 11 15 - 7 11 14 -
Added on October 16th, 2014
Kind Lady
来自 DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME
OKUYATOS 135 - - - - 12 - - - 12
来自 DanceDanceRevolution X
nc ft NRG factory 140 - - - - 13 - - - 13
PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~
来自 DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION
2MB 180 - - - - 15 - - - 15
来自 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
猫叉Master 139 - - - - 13 - - - 14
TAG daiseitansai (TAG大生誕祭) (Added on March 19th, 2015)
PRANA+REVOLUTIONARY ADDICT (U1 DJ Mix) underground & overground 190 4 9 13 17 - 9 12 16 -
HEART BEAT FORMULA (Vinyl Mix) TAG (Realtime Remix by U1) 115 4 8 11 13 - 8 11 14 -
Unlockable on March 25th, 2015, added on April 1st, 2015 (※)
Starlight Fantasia (Endorphins Mix) U1 overground feat.TAG 78-155 3 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -
BEMANI×TOHO project REITAISAI 2015 (Added on May 14th, 2015)
妖隠し -あやかしかくし- DJ TOTTO feat.3L 85 4 7 11 14 - 7 12 15 -
Added on July 23rd, 2015
Summer fantasy (Darwin remix) Lazy U1 ft. Fraz & Chalk E 178 2 7 10 13 11 (SA) 7 10 13 13 (SA)
Added on December 24th, 2015
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
kors k 110-220 5 8 12 16 - 8 12 15 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT limelight
TAG meets "eimy" 165 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 11 -

(※) Starlight Fantasia (Endorphins Mix) is unlockable again since April 1st, 2015 for players who completed ユニバーヒルズproject. It was previously only available on TAG's birthday on March 25th, 2015.


By playing SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- during the stated periods, you will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series.

For more information on the event, see its own page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Part 10 (06/26/2014 - 07/10/2014 / 07/30/2014 - 08/06/2014 / 02/04/2015 - 02/18/2015)
Level 1 MAX
colate 190 3 7 10 14 - 8 11 15 -
second spring storm
Level 2 MAX
Spacelectro 131 2 6 9 14 - 6 10 14 -
Level 3 MAX
流星トラップボーイズ 140 3 6 9 14 - 6 10 14 -


The Hakken! Yomigaetta BEMANI iseki (発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡) event was a collaboration event between beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA, DanceDanceRevolution (2014), GITADORA OverDrive, pop'n music ラピストリア, jubeat saucer fulfill, REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!, SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-, DanceEvolution ARCADE, ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2, and BeatStream. For more information, see its page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
发现!复苏的BEMANI遗迹 (From July 24th, 2014)
Statue's Awakening (彫像の覚醒) Songs
Cleopatrysm ピラミッ℃ 190 4 7 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
御千手メディテーション 昇天家族 150-190 4 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -
KHAMEN BREAK くふおー 90-180 3 7 11 16 - 7 11 15 -
Pyramid Building (ピラミッド建造) Songs
来自 beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA
DJ TOTTO 180 3 6 10 14 - 6 9 13 -
Follow Tomorrow
来自 beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
HHH×MM×ST 140 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 12 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
VENUS 158 3 5 9 12 - 5 8 12 -
来自 jubeat copious APPEND
DJ YOSHITAKA 90-600 4 8 12 15 17 8 12 15 17
Nostalgia Is Lost
来自 REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
U1 overground 173 3 7 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
来自 beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD
金獅子 160 4 8 12 16 18 8 12 16 18


The YuniverHills project (ユニバーヒルズproject) event started on November 17th, 2014. The event consists on building an apartment to get more residents on it. This can be done by playing a set of three daily songs that are shown when you play (you can also check them by pressing the 4 button on the numeric keypad on the song select screen). After getting a certain number of residents, you will unlock certain charts of a song, starting with BEGINNER and BASIC, then DIFFICULT, and finally EXPERT. For a list of the daily songs, please see this page.

Since April 1st, 2015, Starlight Fantasia (Endorphins Mix) can now be added to EXTRA ATTACK by reaching 1 million residents.

Since July 16th, 2015, with Premium Play, you can continue at your own pace.

This event ended on December 2nd, 2015. All ユニバーヒルズproject songs are automatically unlocked on December 3rd, 2015 with an eAMUSEMENT PASS.

Note: the building progression of both Single and Double is shared, and once you unlock a certain chart(s), you will unlock them for both Single and Double as well.

Songs are in order of unlocking.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
来自 DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2
TOMOSUKE feat. Adreana 128 2 4 6 9 12 5 6 9 12
The Lonely Streets
来自 DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2
DJ Yoshitaka feat.Robert "RAab" Stevenson 115 2 4 7 10 12 5 7 10 12
One Sided Love
来自 DanceDanceRevolution (2010)
D-crew with Melissa Petty 140 2 5 8 10 12 (SA) 5 9 11 12 (SA)
Dance Partay
来自 DanceDanceRevolution II
DKC Crew 135 2 5 7 11 13 5 8 11 12
Starlight Fantasia TAG 148 3 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
エンドルフィン U1 overground 160 4 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -


The PON no unmei jouka keikaku (PONの運命浄化計画) event started on December 24th, 2014, to commemorate the release of the Power Of Nature album. To unlock the event songs, you must obtain the different attributes of the "powers of nature" (自然の力). By increasing the attributes, you also increase the fate purification probability.

Then, by accessing the event website (which can be found here), you can press the "fate purification challenge" (運命浄化チャレンジ) button. If the purification is successful, you will unlock the song(s).

To unlock the pop'n music crossovers in other BEMANI games, you must obtain the Earth Purification (大地の浄化) power by playing pop'n music ラピストリア.

This event ended on October 26th, 2015. The following song can be unlocked in EXTRA ATTACK since October 29th, 2015.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Electronic or Treat!
来自 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝
PON 143-190 3 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -


BOSS ON PARADE folder artwork.

The BOSS ON PARADE event began on January 22nd, 2015. The player's goal is to unlock five boss songs that are crossovers from other BEMANI series (beatmania IIDX, GuitarFreaks & DrumMania, jubeat, pop'n music, and REFLEC BEAT), plus a final boss song, for normal play. To unlock these songs, the player must earn medals and jewels.

To begin unlocking each boss song, the player must earn 10 medals for that song. Each boss song has a unique list of Medal-supported songs; playing one of those songs earns the player 1 medal toward that boss song. (For example, FIRE FIRE is a Medal-supported song for 海神, so playing FIRE FIRE once will earn the player 1 medal toward 海神.) Only one medal per song can be obtained; after that, a notice (メダル獲得済, medal already obtained) will appear on top of the song jacket. (For example, FIRE FIRE cannot be played twice to obtain two medals toward 海神.)

Once 10 medals have been obtained for a boss song, a special BOSS ON PARADE folder appears, and that boss song is temporarily accessible. (For non-Premium Play, this folder can only appear during FINAL STAGE.) When playing a boss song in this folder, the LIFE4 option is automatically turned on, even if it is not the EXTRA STAGE and even during non-Premium Play. Playing a boss song (on any difficulty, pass or fail) costs the player all of their medals for that song (thus freeing up the songs that earned those medals, such as FIRE FIRE in the above example), and earns them two jewels toward that song. Jewels act as medals that cannot be removed, and once 10 jewels have been earned toward a boss song, that song becomes unlocked for normal play.

In conclusion, unlocking a boss song requires playing it 5 times: 10 medals must be earned before the first play, 8 for the second play, 6 for the third play, 4 for the fourth play, and 2 for the fifth play. This adds up to 35 songs.

Once all five boss songs have been unlocked for normal play, on the next game, a congratulations screen will appear and the final boss song will be added to the BOSS ON PARADE folder on EXTRA STAGE only. Clearing the final boss song completes the BOSS ON PARADE event. In total, 175 stages plus 1 EXTRA STAGE credit are required to complete the event, for a total of 45 credits in Premium Play, or 59 credits in non-Premium Play plus a 60th Premium Play credit for the final boss song.

On February 4th, 2015, the list of medal-supported songs was revealed on the official website. On February 16th, 2015, requirements for the event were made easier:

  • Medal-supported songs are now indicated with a メダル対象 (Medal Target) tooltip at the Music Select screen.
  • Playing songs that are not medal-supported will give ¼ of a medal, toward the boss song that has the highest number of medals.
  • It is now allowed to play medal-supported songs repeatedly. (For example, FIRE FIRE may be played twice to obtain two medals toward 海神.)

As of March 5th, 2015, all players who have passed the final boss song also unlock it for normal play.

As of July 2nd, 2015, the requirements for the event were made significantly easier a second time. 8 medals/jewels are required instead of 10, making it possible to unlock a boss song within 24 songs instead of 35. This adds up to 120 stages plus 1 EXTRA STAGE credit to complete the event, for a total of 31 credits in Premium Play, or 40 credits in non-Premium Play plus a 41st Premium Play credit for the final boss song.

The BOSS ON PARADE event ended on December 24th, 2015. The event songs have been unlocked for all players on the same day.

Medal-supported Songs

Each boss song has a special rule in order to determine which songs are medal-supported:

  • 海神: Songs that have a REFLEC BEAT chart rated Level 10+ on HARD (Level 11 or higher in REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2). Songs that debuted in DanceDanceRevolution and REFLEC BEAT simultaneously don't count.
  • Plan 8: Songs from beatmania IIDX featuring the word "HAPPY" in their genres.
  • クリムゾンゲイト: Song titles related to the color red. The possible keywords are FIRE, RED, BURN, 紅 ("aka", meaning red/scarlet), Phoenix, or クリムゾン (crimson). The only exception is FIRE FIRE as it's used for 海神.
  • Remain: All the songs found in the pop'n music folder with kors k or wac as the artist or composer.
  • FUNKY SUMMER BEACH: Original songs from jubeat transplanted in DanceDanceRevolution that aren't used by the other boss songs.

For a complete list of medal-supported songs for each boss song, please see this page.


曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Plan 8
来自 beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
Ryu☆ 212 4 8 11 14 - 8 11 14 -
工藤吉三(ベイシスケイプ) 198 3 7 10 13 - 6 9 12 -
来自 jubeat saucer fulfill
P*Light 88-175 3 6 10 14 - 6 10 14 -
来自 pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET
ZERO+ZIBA 75-300 5 9 12 15 - 9 12 15 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
兎々 159 3 8 12 16 - 7 12 16 -
Truare! Akhuta 183 3 8 11 16 - 8 11 16 -

游戏里的LIVE音源!EXIT TUNES Dance Party -beatnation RHYZE music council-

The Live ongen wo game de! EXIT TUNES Dance Party -beatnation RHYZE music council- (ライブ音源をゲームで!「EXIT TUNES Dance Party -beatnation RHYZE music council-」) campaign started on February 14th, 2015 and ended on November 25th, 2015. By purchasing the EXIT TUNES DANCE PARTY ~beatnation RHYZE music council~ SELECTION from KONAMI♪MUSIC, you received a code which you could enter on the campaign site to unlock a song.

The following song can be unlocked in EXTRA ATTACK since January 7th, 2016:

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
ライブ音源をゲームで!「EXIT TUNES Dance Party -beatnation RHYZE music council-」
POSSESSION (EDP Live Mix) TAG underground 185 3 9 12 16 - 9 12 16 -

Replicant D-ignition

Replicant D-ignition was first announced at the JAEPO 2015 event. A preliminary announcement movie was released on February 18th, 2015 featuring "The Dark One" and RINON, who is seen fusing six colored orbs into her body. The event started on March 5th, 2015.

To begin the event, Truare!, the final song of BOSS ON PARADE, must be unlocked and cleared on the EXTRA STAGE first on any difficulty.

NITRO vial

The first goal is to fill the five NITRO (ニトロ) vials. Each NITRO vial corresponds to a new song that becomes playable once that vial is filled:

You can choose which vial to fill at the end of each game session; the order on which the vials are filled have no importance. Filling subsequent vials also require more NITRO than the previous filled vial: 4,000 NITRO for the first vial, 6,000 for the 2nd, 8,000 for the 3rd, 10,000 for the 4th, and 12,000 for the 5th. NITRO is obtained by fulfilling various conditions:

NITRO Bonus Requirements
Bonus Type Details
STAGE Bonus Playing the 1st STAGE is worth 300 NITRO, 2nd STAGE/FINAL STAGE give 100 each.
Getting an EXTRA STAGE is 200.
Rank Bonus Depending on the rank obtained, the amount of NITRO given is different:
a AAA rank is 50 NITRO, 45 for a AA, 40 for a A, 35 for a B, 30 for a C, 25 for a D, and 0 for an E.
Full Combo Bonus Obtaining a MARVELOUS to GREAT Full Combo is worth 10 NITRO, while a GOOD Full Combo is 5 NITRO.
Difficulty Bonus Playing a song on BEGINNER/BASIC will give 0 NITRO, 5 NITRO for DIFFICULT, and 10 for EXPERT/CHALLENGE.
For an EDIT song, the equivalent difficulty is given.
LIFE GAUGE Bonus For every song played with the LIFE GAUGE modifier set to LIFE4 or RISKY, 5 NITRO is obtained.
YuniverHills Bonus Each of the YuniverHills daily songs will give 50 NITRO. Past day's songs are worth 10 each.
VERSUS Play Bonus Players using Versus Play receive a bonus of 200 NITRO.
Day's Play Bonus On the first play of the day, 20 NITRO is given, then 100 on the 3rd time, 300 on the 6th, and 580 on the 10th of the day.
Endless Day's Play Bonus After the 15th play of the day, a bonus of 600 NITRO is given every 5 additional plays.


Once at least one vial has been filled, the Replicant D-ignition folder will appear during EXTRA STAGE. The folder contains between one and five songs depending on which NITRO vials have been filled. Hovering over the folder will play a sound resembling a low-pitched warning siren. Selecting the folder displays a warning indicating that once opened, it cannot be exited until the end of the credit, and inside, the background and background music change to a darker mood, hiding song previews. The BPM of songs inside the folder remain hidden.

The next goal is to obtain 5 orbs (オーブ) by obtaining a AA rank or above on EXPERT on each of the five songs. When playing a Replicant D-ignition song, the player's character is replaced by RINON. (The exception to this is in Versus Play: if one player has not finished the BOSS ON PARADE event yet, their character will appear as normal.)

After obtaining 5 orbs, EGOISM 440 will appear as a sixth song in the Replicant D-ignition folder. After playing it, all orbs are lost and must be collected again to play the song again. By clearing EGOISM 440 with a AA or higher on EXPERT, the screen will briefly flash a sixth orb in the center of the 5 orbs before they are lost. A cutscene then plays, followed immediately by the ENCORE EXTRA STAGE announcement (the player has no opportunity to change options).

The ENCORE EXTRA STAGE song is MAX.(period) (on the same difficulty as EGOISM 440), with "The Dark One" being the player's character. Regardless of the options used for EGOISM 440, the modifiers 1.5x speed and Reverse are forced on. In addition, the CLEARED shutter is delayed by about nine seconds, synchronizing it with the shutter sound effect heard at the end of the song.

Clearing MAX.(period) unlocks "The Dark One" as a selectable dancer, and the standard Thank You For Playing screen at the end of a credit is replaced by a picture of "The Dark One" in the background of MAX.(period)'s dance stage with the text "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING" and "NEXT PHASE WILL BE COMING SOON!".

2nd Phase

The 2nd Phase of Replicant D-ignition started on March 26th, 2015 (removing the above Thank You For Playing screen). To enter the 2nd Phase, MAX.(period) must be cleared as the ENCORE EXTRA STAGE. The player again must collect five orbs, which now appear a darker color; having all 5 reveals MAX.(period) and its CHALLENGE chart in the folder as a seventh EXTRA STAGE song. Attempting MAX.(period) as the EXTRA STAGE causes all orbs to be lost. Clearing MAX.(period) as the EXTRA STAGE unlocks RINON as a selectable dancer. During this Phase, if the player's character is neither RINON nor "The Dark One", then their character will appear like normal with "The Dark One" appearing as a backup dancer. However, if the player plays EGOISM 440, their character will still be replaced by RINON like in the 1st Phase.

Getting a AA rank or higher on MAX.(period)'s CHALLENGE chart again flashes a sixth orb in the center of the five orbs before they are lost, followed by a second cutscene video and the ENCORE EXTRA STAGE announcement immediately after.

The 2nd Phase ENCORE EXTRA STAGE song is Over The “Period” (on two levels lower than MAX.(period)). The words "ATTACK PERFECT FULL COMBO!!" display during the announcement, indicating that 1 Great or lower will fail the song. Additionally, the player cannot use the left and right buttons on the cabinet to change speed modifiers at the start of the song. Any modifiers that remove notes (CUT1/CUT2, Jumps Off, and Freezes Off) and modifiers that affect scrolling (such as Boost and Wave) are disabled. During Over The "Period", if the player's character is neither RINON nor "The Dark One", RINON will appear as a backup dancer instead of "The Dark One".


As of April 9th, 2015, orbs for the first six Replicant D-ignition songs can be obtained on DIFFICULT, and MAX.(period)'s orb can be obtained on EXPERT. (Due to a bug, if two players were on Versus Play with Player 1 on non-Premium Play and Player 2 on Premium Play, it was possible for Player 1 to obtain an orb for MAX.(period) on BASIC or DIFFICULT, and an orb for EGOISM 440 on BEGINNER or BASIC. This was fixed on April 14th, 2015.)

As of May 1st, 2015, orbs for the first six songs can be obtained on BASIC, and MAX.(period)'s orb can be obtained on DIFFICULT.

As of July 2nd, 2015, orbs for the first six songs can be obtained on BEGINNER, and MAX.(period)'s orb can be obtained on BASIC. In addition, when Over The “Period” is cleared, the Thank You For Playing screen becomes a picture of RINON walking into a white light with the words "Replicant D-ignition" and "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING" displayed. Should the player re-enter Replicant D-ignition after clearing Over The “Period”, the orbs go back to their 1st Phase brighter color.

As of July 23rd, 2015, the amount of NITRO obtained is doubled.

As of August 6th, 2015, the Replicant D-ignition event has ended and the folder is no longer accessible. The NITRO-doubling bonus is removed; any songs with full NITRO vials instead appear in the EXTRA ATTACK folder. Neither RINON nor "The Dark One" are unlockable for those who did not unlock them during the event. The song and chart unlocking mechanics have changed:

Only the BEGINNER and BASIC charts of the five NITRO-vial songs appear at first. Unlocking a BASIC chart for normal play via EXTRA ATTACK reveals its DIFFICULT chart on EXTRA STAGE, and so on for EXPERT. Unlocking all five BASIC charts reveals EGOISM 440's BEGINNER and BASIC charts. Unlocking all five DIFFICULT charts and EGOISM 440's BASIC chart reveals EGOISM 440's DIFFICULT chart, and so on for EXPERT.
Unlocking EGOISM 440's BASIC chart reveals MAX.(period)'s BEGINNER and BASIC charts. Unlocking EGOISM 440's DIFFICULT chart and MAX.(period)'s BASIC chart reveals MAX.(period)'s DIFFICULT chart, and so on for EXPERT. This process is repeated for MAX.(period) and Over The "Period".
Finally, unlocking Over The "Period"'s EXPERT chart reveals MAX.(period)'s CHALLENGE chart, and unlocking that reveals EGOISM 440's CHALLENGE chart.

As of December 24th, 2015, everything above has been unlocked for normal play. Both RINON and "The Dark One" have been automatically unlocked for all players as well. Over The "Period"'s CHALLENGE chart is revealed on EXTRA STAGE only (and could not be unlocked for normal play until the release of DanceDanceRevolution A).


It is worth noting that the Replicant D-ignition boss songs use special background stages: the NITRO vial-unlockable songs use the same background stages as the BOSS ON PARADE songs, but colored according to the color of their respective NITRO vial. EGOISM 440 and Over The “Period” use a darker color version of the cyan Replicant D-action dance stage, while MAX.(period) uses a midnight blue version of Valkyrie dimension's pink Replicant D-action dance stage.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Replicant D-ignition
Destination Sota F. 85-170 4 9 12 15 - 9 12 15 -
Samurai Shogun vs. Master Ninja 96 260 3 7 12 14 - 7 12 15 -
Sand Blow 肥塚良彦 83-165 3 7 12 15 - 7 12 16 -
HAPPY☆LUCKY☆YEAPPY DJ ミラクル☆ストーン 190-380 6 10 13 16 - 9 13 16 -
chaos eater 猫叉Master+ 105-210 6 8 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
EGOISM 440 U1 High-Speed 55-440 9 10 13 17 19 10 14 17 19
来自 DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME CS (Japan)
2MB 150-600 5 12 13 16 18 11 13 16 18
Over The “Period” TAG underground overlay 23-840 8 12 15 18 19 12 15 18 19


The Kaitou BisCo no yokokujou!! (怪盗BisCoの予告状!!) event started on June 17th, 2015 and ended on December 21st, 2015. By playing BeatStream, the player could unlock new songs in the game and new crossovers from other BEMANI games in DanceDanceRevolution.

The following songs can be unlocked in EXTRA ATTACK since January 7th, 2016:

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
来自 BeatStream
ARM feat.ななひら 200 4 7 11 13 - 7 10 12 -
来自 BeatStream
DJ TOTTO 184 4 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
来自 jubeat saucer fulfill
U1 overground 200 7 10 13 17 - 10 13 17 -
突撃! ガラスのニーソ姫!
来自 beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
山本椛 (monotone) 185 4 7 11 14 - 8 11 14 -


The BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015 event started on July 23rd, 2015, and ended on October 26th, 2015. For more information, please see the event page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Prologue Song (added on July 16th, 2015)
In The Breeze 96 & Sota ft. Mayumi Morinaga 123-142 3 5 9 11 - 5 9 12 -
Unlockable from July 25th, 2015
Sakura Mirage
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Ryu☆ 187 4 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
Unlockable from August 4th, 2015
天空の華 S-C-U × U1 overground 90-180 4 7 12 15 - 7 12 15 -
Unlockable from August 13th, 2015
8000000 kors k 100-200 4 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
Unlockable from August 19th, 2015
来自 BeatStream
ヒゲドライバー join. shully & Nimo 160 3 5 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
Epilogue Song (unlockable from August 24th, 2015)
夏色DIARY -DDR mix- 猫叉王子 feat. TAG 160 3 7 10 14 - 6 11 15 -


The following songs have received new charts since their last appearances:

Song Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Added on 11/26/2015
めうめうぺったんたん!! DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - 16 - - - 15
ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - 14 - - - 14


The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last appearances:

Song Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Dance Partay DanceDanceRevolution II - - 9→7 12→11 - - 9→8 12→11 -
TSUBASA DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 6→7 9→11 13→14 -
TSUBASA DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 7→6 11→9 14→13 -


The following songs from previous arcade/console releases of DanceDanceRevolution have been removed from this game:

Song Title Artist Folder
Removed on 11/14/2014
コネクト (ClariS) DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
Removed on 12/26/2014
DAM DARIRAM JOGA DanceDanceRevolution X2
Removed on 3/13/2015
Super Driver 平野 綾 DanceDanceRevolution X2
Removed on 7/3/2015
Be your wings GIRL NEXT DOOR DanceDanceRevolution X2
ETERNITY ALEKY DanceDanceRevolution X2
Everytime We Touch Cascada DanceDanceRevolution X2
EZ DO DANCE TRF DanceDanceRevolution X2
HERO PAPAYA DanceDanceRevolution X2
Hide-away AAA DanceDanceRevolution X2
Time After Time Novaspace DanceDanceRevolution X2
Removed on 11/27/2015
A to Z OSAKA翔GANGS DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Boom! Boom! Miracle Emotion ひろしま MAPLE★S DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
CAPTIVE フルーティー♡ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Che Che Chelip~魔法のコトバ~ Chelip DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Determination 柊木りお DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Dong! Dong! Star☆T DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Everybody Say EDOGAWA EDOist DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Field on! サザン☆クロス DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
HAPPY☆きたかた KIRA☆GIRL DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
HeartLatte TnyGinA DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
LUCKY-YO!! だいやぁ☆もんど DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
my cosmic world silQ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
My HERO chairmans DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
We are チャリンコエンジェルス 浦安マリンエンジェルス DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
僕は君に恋をした アイドル教室 DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
ドリームキャッチャー アイくるガールズ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
川崎純情音頭 川崎純情小町☆ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
キライじゃないのぉ まなみのりさ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
ルシャナの気持ち Le Siana DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
ラブラブキュートなハピハピサンデー Lisapyon♡ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
マーメイド T!P DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
乙女の真骨頂 乙女の純情 DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
らいらら KRD8 DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
瞬間 I LOVE YOU H&A. DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
ザッツ!KAIYODO はちきんガールズ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Removed on 12/28/2015
Kind Lady OKUYATOS DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME
Removed on 03/07/2016
Butterfly (2008 X-edit) DanceDanceRevolution X
DUB-I-DUB (2008 X-edit) ME&MY DanceDanceRevolution X
ヘビーローテーション (AKB48) DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
BRIGHT STREAM (水樹奈々) DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
ロンドンは夜8時 (LON 8PM - TYO 4AM) TAG meets "eimy" DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
マジLOVE1000% (ST☆RISH) DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
オリオンをなぞる UNISON SQUARE GARDEN DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
つけまつける (きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ) DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) (Speedcake Remix) Caramell DanceDanceRevolution (2013)

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