pop'n music (Wii)

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逆光FOREVER讨论 | 贡献2024年11月7日 (四) 21:01的版本 (文本替换 - 替换“Sota Fujimori”为“Sota Fujimori”)
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pop'n music日版家用机
Sony PlayStation & PlayStation 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER! - Best Hits!
アニメーションメロディ - Puzzle Dama - DISNEY TUNES
Sony PlayStation Portable
pop'n portable - pop'n portable 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
任天堂GameBoy Color
GB pop'n - GBアニメーションメロディ - GB DISNEY TUNES
pop'n打!! - pop'n Be-Mouse - pop'n Lively
i-αppli - pop'n Wii - うたっち - ポップンリズミン
pop'n music日区以外家用机
Beat'n Groovy - pop'n music - pop'n rhythm
pop'n mobile - pop'n mobile 2

pop'n music

Release Information

  • Release Date: November 10th, 2009

General Information

  • American counterpart of ポップンミュージック.
  • Downloadable Content via "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Pay & Play" service.
  • Total songs: 40 (30 Licenses and 10 KONAMI originals), 50 (with Downloadable Content).


  • Instead of using the regular pop'n controller set, you use the Wii Remote (right side) and Nunchuk (left side) to play.
    • Move the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, respectively to the corresponding buttons, downwards to hit the Blue buttons, inwards to hit the central Red button and outwards to hit the Green buttons.


  • 1 Player: Standard gameplay, using 5 buttons to play.
  • Multi-Player: Up to four players can play (depending on the game):
    • Pop'n Score Match: In this mode, players compete for the possible best point total.
    • Pop'n Gimmick Battle: A battle royale-style match where players can use gimmicks to attack each other while trying to get the top score. To activate your gimmick attack, wait until, while playing, your hands glow, then swing the controllers.
    • 2 Player pop'n music: This mode is the same as the 1 Player mode, but the Button Bar has expand to 9 buttons. As stated in the manual, "each player is responsible for his or her side" (4 each, the central button is shared).
    • Activate! Pop'n Robot: Players move in unison to hit the buttons while aboard the Pop'n Robot (note: Gameplay is the same as in 1 Player.).
    • Pop'n Busters: Using only your Wii Remotes, players play while defeating ghosts. As stated in the manual, "each player is responsible for the three buttons on the colored pentagon that matches his or her color." The title of the mode is a reference to the Ghostbusters series.
  • How To Play: Tutorial stage.
  • Options: Adjust the game's volume setting or view the Credits.
  • Extra Content: Download extra content to expand your library, for 100 Wii points. There are 15 sets, 2 songs per set (note: You can only have up to five sets of Downloadable Content. However, once a set was purchased, it could be re-downloaded at no cost until the Wii Shop infrastructure was closed).

Staff Information


The following characters are selectable to play as. After selecting your character, you must select a stage to access the songlist:

The option to play as Mii characters becomes available when you obtain 40 points, in total, from playing. To access the Mii Selection, just click on the Mii icon in the Character Selection.


  • Kids Party Room
  • Haunted House
  • Future Disk
  • Sweets Stage
  • Cutie LIVE House
  • Special DJ Club

Default Songlist

Song title Artist Category
Bad Day Daniel Powter License
Celebration (Kool & the Gang) Cover
It's Raining Men The Weather Girls License
My Life Would Suck Without You Kelly Clarkson License
We Are Family (Sister Sledge) Cover
Boogie Oogie Oogie Taste Of Honey License
Space Dog Sana KONAMI Original
It's My Life (No Doubt) Cover
This Fire Franz Ferdiand License
ABC (Jackson 5) Cover
I Want You Back Jackson 5 License
Virtual Insanity (Jamiroquai) Cover
Take On Me A-Ha License
9 to 5 Dolly Parton License
Funkytown Lipps Inc. License
The Final Countdown Europe License
Everyone Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung License
Oops... I Did It Again! (Britney Spears) Cover
Enola Gay OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark) License
Mickey Toni Basil License
The Reflex Duran Duran License
Hangin' Tough New Kids On The Block License
The United States Of Whatever Liam Lynch License
Good Times Chic License
Meikyoushisui TOMOSUKE feat. Asaki KONAMI Original
Venus Bananarama License
Ace of Spades '08 Motorhead License
Come Clean (Hilary Duff) Cover
September Earth Wind & Fire License
Prince Charming Adam and the Ants License
PULSE 319 KONAMI Original
Ska Ska No.4 Anettai Maji-SKA Bakudan KONAMI Original
Echoes Nekomata Master KONAMI Original
Opportunity Saitone KONAMI Original
Pump Up The Volume M/A/R/R/S License
Rock 'N' Roll High School Ramones License
777★★★ EeL KONAMI Original
Shamshir Dance Zektbach KONAMI Original
S-S-PM&R seiya-murai KONAMI Original

Extra Content

Note: Due to the Wii Shop Channel closure on January 30th, 2019, none of the DLC sets can be purchased nor downloaded anymore.

Song title Artist Level
November Download Content
French Pop
Dimanche Orange Lounge Normal
une lettle mon copain apresmidi Normal
full-consciousness green D-crew Hyper
Psyche Planet-V Sota Fujimori Hyper
0/1 ANGEL V.C.O. featuring Alt Normal
SCI-FI SEIYA+A.I. Units Normal
December Download Content (1st Update)
Far East
RUN V.C.O. Normal
Tino's White Horse Morning Blue Dragon '
Dance the night away Kaz Senoo feat. Manny Mendez '
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Blue & Green '
fffff Five Hammer '
Japanese Pop
Seeds of Wish cosmos '
Miracle Moon Togo project feat. Sana '
December Download Content (2nd Update)
El Pais Del Sol (Give Me More Salsa Mix) Berimbu'66 '
HONO-HONO Yashi♪Gani '
Grand Touring
Tir Na n'Og World Sequence '
hora de verdad vandalusia-KAI '
Pop'n Carnival March Tomosuke Marching Band '
Redraw Lots Maronchan '
Japanese Dance
Soul On Fire LED.-G vs GUHROOVY fw NO+CHIN '
Mugen TЁЯRA '
January Download Content
Healing Music
GEO SONG seiya-murai '
have a good dream. private states '
Moon Dj Taka feat. Erika Mochizuki Hyper
together 4ever Sota Fujimori feat. yoshiko '
Sorrows Asako Yoshihiro '
chilblain Glaring Radiokids '
Japanese Rock
Little Rock Overture WAKUSEI KEIKAKU '


  • When you first start up pop'n music, you will be presented with an introduction/tutorial on how gameplay on the Wii works.
    • Upon completing the tutorial, you will be able to select the other four modes.
    • During the tutorial, POP-STEP-UP is played.
  • Poet's halo was removed, mostly likely due to religious reasons.

