DanceDanceRevolution A

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1st (亚/北美版 - Internet Ranking Version)
2nd (CLUB VER.1 / CLUB VER.2)
4th (PLUS) - 5th - MAX - MAX2 - EXTREME
SuperNOVA - SuperNOVA2 - X - X2
X3 VS 2ndMIX - 2013 - 2014 - A
A20 (PLUS) - A3 - WORLD
Solo BASS - Solo 2000
Karaoke - Karaoke 2nd - KIDS - USA
Dancing Stage欧洲地区限定机种
1st / 1.5 - EuroMIX - EuroMIX2 - Fusion

DanceDanceRevolution A


DDR A Logo.png

  • Release dates:
    • Japan, Asia: March 30th, 2016
    • Korea: April 4th, 2016
    • North America: July 6th, 2016
    • Europe: December 15th, 2017
  • Soundtrack release date: March 20th, 2019
  • Slogan: "The Rise of a New Era"

概况 / 变更点

  • Announced at the The 5th KONAMI Arcade Championship finals for DanceDanceRevolution (2014).
  • First game in the A series. The "A" in the game title is pronounced "Ace", just like the letter A in the deck of playing cards.
  • The scoring system based originally from SuperNOVA2 has been changed slightly:
    • GREATs now gives players 60% of score for MARVELOUS minus 10 (previously, 50% minus 10).
    • GOODs now gives players 20% of score for MARVELOUS minus 10 (previously, 0).
  • The grading system has also been changed (except AAA and E):
    • Each letter grade now includes a + and -, aside from D-.
    • Each letter grade now corresponds to the following ranges:
      • AA+ : 950,000 ~ 989,990
      • AA : 900,000 ~ 949,990
      • AA- : 890,000 ~ 899,990
      • A+ : 850,000 ~ 889,990
      • A : 800,000 ~ 849,990
      • A- : 790,000 ~ 799,990
      • B+ : 750,000 ~ 789,990
      • B : 700,000 ~ 749,990
      • B- : 690,000 ~ 699,990
      • C+ : 650,000 ~ 689,990
      • C : 600,000 ~ 649,990
      • C- : 590,000 ~ 599,990
      • D+ : 550,000 ~ 589,990
      • D : 0 ~ 549,990
  • The clear lamp system from DanceDanceRevolution (2014) returns, with modifications to colors:
    • gray/transparent: not played.
    • dark amber: failed.
    • purple: ASSIST clear (passed the song with ASSIST options enabled, such as CUT1, JUMP OFF or FREEZE ARROW OFF).
      • If any ASSIST option is used during a song, the assist clear lamp will always take priority.
    • yellow: clear.
    • bright red: EXTRA clear (passed the song under LIFE4 gauge conditions),
    • flashing blue: GOOD full combo clear.
    • flashing green: GREAT full combo clear.
    • flashing gold: PERFECT full combo clear.
    • flashing rainbow/white: MARVELOUS full combo clear.
  • DanceDanceRevolution (2014) clear lamps transfer over to DanceDanceRevolution A, but scores do not.
    • Full combo lamps carry over, though they appear as ASSIST clears due to DanceDanceRevolution A's scoring changes.
  • When using the Screen filter option, if a chart ends with Freeze Arrows, the filter now disappears at the end of the arrows instead of at the start.
  • Successfully clearing a Shock Arrow now has the O.K. judgement and the combo increase now appear immediately.
  • Timing windows have been adjusted to remove the "magic BPMs" problem that existed in previous games.
  • The music select screen now resembles that of the SOUND VOLTEX series.
    • Sorting by Difficulty now follows other BEMANI games, with each Level folder containing all difficulties rated with said Level.
  • Song folders now sort songs in the following order: Japanese titles, then regular ABC order, and lastly song beginning with numbers.
    • Licenses are also no longer put first in the song folders.
    • Newly revived songs that were not timed-exclusive (Determination and MAKE A JAM!) are listed under DanceDanceRevolution A in Version sort, rather than their respective originating versions.
  • Options and characters can now be selected via the game's e-amusement website.
    • Options can now also be accessed by pressing [9] on the keypad while on the song/difficulty selection screen.
    • The Area Browser can also now be done via the e-amusement website.
  • For Japanese cabinets with PASELI enabled, this option is now divided with:
    • PASELI-PREMIUM MODE: the original PASELI option available up to DanceDanceRevolution (2014).
    • PASELI-STANDARD MODE: uses less points than PREMIUM MODE. This option counts as STANDARD MODE without inserting physical coins.
  • A total of eight songs released during DanceDanceRevolution (2014) were retrospectively moved to the DanceDanceRevolution A folder.
    • Included are the four licensed songs from the EDM~Exciting★Dance★Matsuri~ event, the three KONAMI original songs from the OSB~Winter★Special★Present~ event, and きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE.
  • Even for new songs, characters now use the old dance routines introduced back in DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX instead of the new ones introduced in X. This retroactively applies to every other song as well.
    • Songs with special choreographies still keep them, though.
    • Dance Celebration's special choreography was revived as well.
    • Songs with special choreographies now always force a random male character on Player 1 and a random female character on Player 2.
    • Character and stage camera and scenery animations now slow down immensely again in response to a stop in a song during gameplay.
  • The song title and artist are now centered, rather than left-aligned within their box, during gameplay.
  • AFRO, YUNI, JENNY, and RAGE received new outfits, marking the first time characters receive new outfits since X2.
    • Character cut-ins were removed, making this the first arcade DanceDanceRevolution game to omit them since their debut in DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2.
    • "The Dark One" was removed as a playable character.
  • The Butterfly option has been removed.
  • The 0.75x Speed option has been added.
  • The HIDDEN and SUDDEN options were removed, making HIDDEN+ and SUDDEN+ usable on all cabinets.
  • The WAVE option is now affected by speed mods.
  • The CLUB background dance stage from DanceDanceRevolution X2, which was removed in DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX, has been restored. This is the dance stage used by returning songs that previously randomized between either the CYBER or BOOM LIGHT dance stages in DanceDanceRevolution (2014).
  • The BOOM DARK dance stage, along with its five recolored variants introduced in DanceDanceRevolution (2014)'s Replicant D-ignition event, now features rising equalizer bar walls in the background, much like its DanceDanceRevolution X rendition, except that the equalizer bar walls do not flash.
  • All songs without fullscreen background videos will now always play on one dance stage instead of randomly selecting between multiple stages like in previous games.
  • All songs received upscaled jackets.
  • The GROOVE RADAR will now change accordingly when selecting any options that remove steps from the chart.
  • When the LIFE GAUGE turns from green to red in NORMAL or LIFE4 modifiers, the player's lane now receives a Danger overlay.
  • On HD cabinets, the lights change colour depending on the current state of the life gauge.
    • When the life gauge is low, risky or has 1 life left, the lights turn red.
    • When the life gauge is not low or full, the lights turn blue.
    • When the life gauge is full or has higher than 1 life remaining, the lights turn rainbow.
  • EX SCORE is now always displayed in the results screen.
  • The 私立BEMANI学園, jubeat・GITADORA・DDRのTriple Journey, and YuniverHills project (ユニバーヒルズproject) songs are now playable by default.
  • The Chinese version CHALLENGE variants introduced in X2 are no longer playable; their original Japanese versions are used instead when playing.
  • First DanceDanceRevolution game to feature full-screen background images with lyrics that remove on-screen dancers for certain licenses.
  • First arcade DanceDanceRevolution game since 3rdMIX to display lyrics during gameplay, although only for one song.
  • First arcade DanceDanceRevolution game since 4thMIX PLUS in which the in-game display language can be switched between Japanese and English (for South East Asia only).
  • First arcade DanceDanceRevolution title officially released in North America and Europe since DanceDanceRevolution X2.
    • This is the first ever released North American DanceDanceRevolution release to officially support e-amusement.
    • Unlike other regions, North America does not use the e-amusement Participation system in place since DanceDanceRevolution (2013), allowing the cabinets to be playable without an e-amusement connection at the cost of operators being required to purchase upgrade kits for each version, instead of receiving it as a free download.
    • European machines do not have e-amusement support due to regulations by the European Union. As with the North American version however, they do not require an e-amusement connection.
      • Due to this, European machines have a significantly smaller song list than other regions.
        • European machines also lack a full option menu and access to Extra Stage/Encore Extra Stage due to this.
    • Last North American/European DanceDanceRevolution game to provide a new marquee.
    • The North American/European version is the first release in those regions to not translate, transliterate, or romanize song titles or artists, instead leaving them in Japanese.
    • North American players can choose from: United States (one of the 50 states must be selected), Canada (no individual provinces or territories), or Overseas (for all other countries).
      • State names are now written in full instead of using abbreviations, while Overseas replaces the Mexico and "etc." options.
      • These regions were first introduced for high scores in DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2: the 50 states used an abbreviated form, Canada and Mexico were options, and Overseas was known as "etc."
    • First European DanceDanceRevolution release without the option to change language to other European languages.
  • Eight licensed western pop songs were added to coincide with the game's North American release (July 7th, 2016 in Japan; July 6th, 2016 in North America).
  • First DanceDanceRevolution title to be location tested in Europe since DanceDanceRevolution X2.
    • The location test used the North American build, housed inside a Japanese X Cabinet.
    • The location test was the longest of any BEMANI game at the time, lasting three months. This record was beaten by DanceDanceRevolution A20's European location test four years later.
  • All remaining Dancemania licenses that are not remixes of KONAMI original songs were removed from the series on May 30th, 2016, making DanceDanceRevolution A the first core arcade DanceDanceRevolution title to have no traditional Dancemania licenses in it.
  • From June 1st, 2017 onward, the level number of the chart being played is shown during gameplay.
    • This update also blocked CHALLENGE-only charts from being shown when players do not use an e-amusement pass.
    • On November 30th, 2017, the level numbers were moved to the difficulty frame, while the player ID is now displayed on the space originally for the level numbers, and is used in the evaluation screen as well.
  • First DanceDanceRevolution title to run on different operating systems, running on Windows XP Embedded or Windows Embedded Standard 7. Later cabinet models ran Embedded Standard 7.
  • Song labeling on the Music Select screen has changed once again:
    • white: default.
      • when unlocked, ENDYMION and ACE FOR ACES are shown in white, even though they are not default songs.
    • yellow: hidden songs, or songs that only have BEGINNER/BASIC charts unlocked by default.
    • red: songs only available as EXTRA EXCLUSIVE or FINAL STAGE.
      • EXTRA EXCLUSIVE LEVEL 1 songs are marked with a gray checkered background.
      • EXTRA EXCLUSIVE LEVEL 2 and 3 songs are marked with a multicolored checkered background.
    • green: EXTRA SAVIOR.
    • purple: songs that need to have difficulty charts locked one at a time, such as the (NEW Generation 流星拡散フェスタ2016, BEMANI SUMMER GREETINGS and DanceDanceRevolution 20th Anniversary songs).
  • A new category, DDR SELECTION, was added to the game on September 26th, 2018. When playing a song under this category, the interface will change to match that of one of the games released in that period.
  • DanceDanceRevolution A's original soundtrack is released by EXIT TUNES, making it the first DanceDanceRevolution soundtrack not released by KONAMI themselves since the DDR FESTIVAL & Dance Dance Revolution STR!KE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album back in 2006.
    • It's also the first arcade game soundtrack since EXTREME's to contain the majority of its game's licenses on a soundtrack.
    • It's also the first arcade game soundtrack since X's not released on iTunes.
  • eAMUSEMENT support for DanceDanceRevolution A ended on February 27th, 2020.
  • Beginning on May 21st, 2021, European cabinets received an update via USB with the following changes:
  • New songs: 155 (Asia), 127 (North America), 67 (Europe)
  • Total songs: 809 (Asia), 773 (North America), 619 (Europe, 656 songs in Event Mode)


DanceDanceRevolution A Credits


New Songs

Default Songs

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Licensed Songs
Grip & Break down !! SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 160 3 6 9 12 - 5 10 13 -
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 185 4 5 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました ARM(IOSYS) 170 3 6 9 12 - 6 10 12 -
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ ビートまりお(COOL&CREATE) 180 1 7 11 15 16 7 11 15 17
Added on April 25th, 2016
ハッピーシンセサイザ EasyPop 127 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
放課後ストライド Last Note. 225 3 5 10 15 - 5 11 15 -
色は匂へど散りぬるを 幽閉サテライト(Arranged:Iceon) feat. senya 138 3 5 8 11 - 6 8 11 -
Added on July 7th, 2016
Believe Chaos Featuring CeCe Peniston 128 2 4 9 11 - 5 9 11 -
Break Free Ariana Grande feat. Zedd 130 3 6 9 11 - 6 9 11 -
Happy Pharrell Williams 160 3 5 9 12 - 6 8 13 -
Hillbilly Shoes Montgomery Gentry 116 3 5 8 13 - 5 8 13 -
I Want You To Know Zedd feat. Selena Gomez 130 1 3 8 11 - 3 8 11 -
Shut Up and Dance Walk The Moon 128 2 5 8 11 - 5 9 11 -
Time Of Our Lives Pitbull 124 2 5 9 11 - 5 9 11 -
Wake Me Up Avicii 124 3 5 9 12 - 5 9 13 -
Added on August 9th, 2016 (Asia only)
天ノ弱 164 200 3 6 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
ロストワンの号哭 Neru 162 3 6 10 12 15 6 10 13 15
六兆年と一夜物語 kemu feat. IA 186 4 5 9 12 16 6 9 12 16
Added on August 9th, 2017 (Asia only)
初音ミクの消失 cosMo@暴走P feat. 初音ミク 240 3 8 10 13 15 10 13 14 15
脳漿炸裂ガール れるりり 155 3 6 10 12 14 6 10 12 14
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい うたたP feat. 結月ゆかり 142 2 6 10 13 - 7 11 13 -
Added on September 28th, 2017 (Asia only)
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 ARM+夕野ヨシミ feat.miko 175 3 6 10 13 15 6 10 13 15
向日葵サンセット ARMまろん (IOSYS) × ランコパプリカ (豚乙女) 135 3 5 10 13 - 5 11 13 -
Added on October 3rd, 2017 (Asia only)
君氏危うくも近うよれ A応P 162 3 6 10 12 - 6 10 13 -
Added on December 21st, 2017 (Asia only)
More One Night チト(CV:水瀬いのり)、ユーリ(CV:久保ユリカ) 123 3 5 8 10 12 5 8 11 12
輪廻転生 まふまふ 196 3 7 11 13 16 7 11 13 16
ようこそジャパリパークへ どうぶつビスケッツ×PPP 170 3 6 10 14 12 6 10 14 13
Added on March 15th, 2018 (Asia only)
エイリアンエイリアン ナユタン星人 152 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
ロールプレイングゲーム そらまふうらさか 162 2 5 10 14 - 5 10 14 -
Added on April 26th, 2018 (Asia only)
炉心融解 iroha 165 2 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
いーあるふぁんくらぶ みきとP 145 1 4 8 12 - 5 9 12 -
Added on July 26th, 2018 (Asia only)
無頼ック自己ライザー kradness 150 1 4 8 13 - 5 9 13 -
おねがいダーリン 松下 180 1 3 8 11 - 3 8 11 -
Added on December 26th, 2018 (Asia only)
39 sasakure.UK×DECO*27 175 4 6 8 12 - 6 9 13 -
愛言葉 DECO*27 137 3 5 7 11 - 5 8 11 -
ありふれたせかいせいふく ピノキオピー 150 3 7 10 14 - 7 10 14 -
妄想税 DECO*27 134 2 5 9 11 - 5 9 12 -
すろぉもぉしょん ピノキオピー 160 3 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
*ハロー、プラネット。 sasakure.UK 150 3 7 9 13 - 7 9 13 -
Added on March 28th, 2019 (Asia only)
The Light W&W ft. Kizuna AI 160 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
Added on April 25th, 2019 (Asia only)
ライアーダンス DECO*27 200 4 6 9 13 - 7 9 13 -
腐れ外道とチョコレゐト ピノキオピー 260 3 8 12 15 - 8 12 16 -
タイガーランペイジ sasakure.UK 150 2 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
KONAMI originals
DANCE ALL NIGHT (DDR EDITION) Sota Fujimori 144 1 5 8 10 - 5 8 10 -
HANDS UP IN THE AIR U1 128 1 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
siberite Captain KING 128 2 5 10 13 - 5 10 14 -
Yeah! Yeah! CLUB SPICE 150 2 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
十二星座の聖域 Zodiac Fall 164 3 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
Tutorial song (added on July 21st, 2016)
Lesson by DJ
来自 DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY
U.T.D. & Friends 120 1 - - - - - - - -
Added on December 8th, 2016
Hopeful 柊木りお featured by SOTAG 146 2 5 10 13 - 5 10 13 -
KONAMI 50th Anniversary Memorial Songs
Added on March 28th, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- BEMANI Sound Team 135 2 5 10 14 - 5 10 14 -
Added on April 25th, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- BEMANI Sound Team 160 3 7 9 12 - 7 9 12 -
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- BEMANI Sound Team 135-175 3 7 9 12 - 8 10 13 -
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- BEMANI Sound Team 136 2 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~ 東雲心菜(from ここなつ) 142 3 4 8 11 - 6 8 11 -
さよならトリップ ~夏陽 EDM edition~ 東雲夏陽(from ここなつ) 135 3 4 9 12 - 4 9 11 -
Added on April 18th, 2016
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 150 3 6 10 14 - 6 10 14 -
Added on August 5th, 2016
倉野川音頭 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ひなちくん 113 2 5 7 11 - 5 8 11 -
Added on April 27th, 2017
エキサイティング!!も・ちゃ・ちゃ☆ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 187 4 8 11 13 - 8 11 13 -
ロンロンへ ライライライ! ここなつ 156 3 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
Added on December 21st, 2017
ルミナスデイズ ここなつ 96-145 2 5 8 12 - 5 8 11 -
Added on March 28th, 2019
スイーツはとまらない♪ 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 204 2 4 9 13 - 4 9 13 -
熱情のサパデアード 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 136 2 5 9 13 - 5 10 13 -
革命パッショネイト 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 194 3 6 10 13 - 5 9 13 -
ヒカリユリイカ ここなつ 140 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
ベビーステップ ここなつ 200 4 7 9 12 - 7 9 12 -
Added on October 19th, 2017
DREAMING-ING!! ときめきアイドル project 180 3 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
Added on December 7th, 2017
Strawberry Chu♡Chu♡ ときめきアイドル project クッキーパラダイス 137 2 7 11 13 - 7 11 13 -
恋のパズルマジック ときめきアイドル project Rhythmixxx 140 3 6 9 11 - 6 9 11 -
Added on December 28th, 2017
ハルイチバン ときめきアイドル project 180 4 6 7 11 - 5 7 11 -
しゃかりきリレーション ときめきアイドル project 結城秋葉 167 3 6 9 11 - 6 9 12 -
闘え!ダダンダーンV ときめきアイドル project 176 3 6 9 13 - 6 10 13 -
Added on February 13th, 2018
invisible rain ときめきアイドル project 月島美奈都 58-97 2 4 7 11 - 4 7 11 -
Jewelry days ときめきアイドル project 179 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
Twin memories W ときめきアイドル project 160 2 6 9 11 - 6 9 11 -
Added on March 15th, 2018
恋時雨 ときめきアイドル project 185 3 7 9 12 - 7 9 13 -
Added on August 16th, 2018
Smiling Passion ときめきアイドル project 187 2 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -
SUN² SUMMER STEP! ときめきアイドル project 170 1 3 8 11 - 3 8 11 -
BEMANI Crossovers
ALL MY HEART -この恋に、わたしの全てを賭ける-
来自 jubeat knit
SUPER HEROINE 彩香 -AYAKA- 160 3 5 9 13 - 5 9 13 -
SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 150 1 5 9 12 - 4 9 12 -
来自 pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET
DJ YOSHITAKA 179 4 7 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
Star Trail
来自 beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
Nhato 74-148 2 5 9 13 - 6 9 13 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
ヒゲドライバー join. SELEN 156 2 5 11 13 - 5 11 13 -

来自 pop'n music 20 fantasia
HHH×MM×ST 149 3 6 8 11 - 6 10 12 -
NOSTALGIA launch memorial song crossover campaign (ノスタルジア稼働記念 楽曲交換キャンペーン) (added on March 15th, 2017)
Fly far bounce
来自 ノスタルジア
猫叉Master 163 3 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
Follow & RT campaign (フォロー&RTキャンペーン) (added on September 13th, 2018)
来自 pop'n music 10
DDR 65-333 6 8 13 15 16 8 13 16 17
Love♡Shine わんだふるmix
ARM (IOSYS) feat. 一ノ瀬月琉 (monotone) 177 3 5 8 11 14 5 8 11 14

Unlockable Songs


The Result Star system introduced in DanceDanceRevolution X3 vs 2ndMIX has been carried over, and is only available on Premium Play. When 9 Result Stars are obtained, and FINAL STAGE is cleared, EXTRA STAGE will be played. Both players' stars are combined, and progress carries over to the next round if EXTRA STAGE was not reached. Each player can earn a maximum of 3 stars per song.

Star(s) Requirement
★★★ For attaining the grade AAA.
★★ For attaining the grade AA-, AA, or AA+.
For attaining any other grade except E.
For a Full Combo. (Cumulative)
For playing with LIFE4 or RISKY modifier. (Cumulative)

As of June 13th, 2016, at the end of each round, RINON's HEAT POWER gauge will increase by one bar. At 3 bars, Level 2 is reached, and the player is granted 3 Result Stars at the end of the round. At the maximum of 7 bars, Level 3 is reached, and the player is granted a full set of 9 Result Stars. The HEAT POWER gauge is reset during the e-amusement maintenance window. Amount of remaining time before the HEAT POWER gauge is reset varies from one player to another. Whichever player has the higher HEAT POWER gauge at the time will determine the EXTRA STAGE Level.

During EXTRA STAGE, the LIFE GAUGE modifier is restricted to LIFE4.


The EXTRA EXCLUSIVE song folder was added on June 13th, 2016. By default, these songs are only playable during FINAL STAGE or EXTRA STAGE with an appropriate level. With each update, a new song was added to EXTRA STAGE Level 2, while songs that were previously assigned to EXTRA STAGE Level 2 were downgraded to Level 1, and from Level 1 to FINAL STAGE (even on Normal Play). The table below shows the dates on when the songs debuted, and the minimum EXTRA STAGE LEVEL required to access the song:

Song Requires LEVEL 2 Requires LEVEL 1 Playable on FINAL STAGE Unlockable/Playable on FINAL STAGE
New Century - March 30th, 2016 August 10th, 2016 April 27th, 2017
RISING FIRE HAWK June 13th, 2016 August 10th, 2016 September 15th, 2016 April 27th, 2017
Astrogazer August 10th, 2016 September 15th, 2016 November 7th, 2016 April 27th, 2017
Come to Life September 15th, 2016 November 7th, 2016 December 22nd, 2016 June 1st, 2017
Emera November 7th, 2016 December 22nd, 2016 February 13th, 2017 June 1st, 2017
Start A New Day December 22nd, 2016 February 13th, 2017 March 16th, 2017 June 1st, 2017
Ishtar February 13th, 2017 March 16th, 2017 April 20th, 2017 July 13th, 2017
out of focus March 16th, 2017 April 20th, 2017 May 25th, 2017 July 13th, 2017
Neutrino April 20th, 2017 May 25th, 2017 June 7th, 2018 July 13th, 2017
Cozy Catastrophe May 25th, 2017 June 7th, 2018 July 5th, 2018 July 13th, 2017
IN BETWEEN June 7th, 2018 July 5th, 2018 July 26th, 2018 -
Love You More July 5th, 2018 July 26th, 2018 August 16th, 2018 -
Pursuer July 26th, 2018 August 16th, 2018 - -
Vanquish the Ghost August 16th, 2018 - - -
曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
New Century Sota F. 98-195 4 9 14 17 - 8 14 17 -
RISING FIRE HAWK L.E.D.-G 157 3 6 11 15 - 6 11 14 -
Astrogazer DJ TOTTO 154 3 7 12 15 - 7 12 15 -
Come to Life ARM (IOSYS) feat. Nicole Curry 90-180 4 8 12 16 - 8 13 16 -
Emera PON 161 3 6 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
Start a New Day Sota F. 168 3 6 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
Ishtar 劇団レコード 156 3 5 11 14 - 5 11 14 -
out of focus Qrispy Joybox 83-167 3 6 12 15 - 6 12 15 -
Neutrino HuΣeR 75-300 6 9 12 16 - 9 13 16 -
Cosy Catastrophe SYUNN 90-360 6 9 13 16 - 9 13 16 -
IN BETWEEN BEMANI Sound Team "L.E.D.-G" feat. Mayumi Morinaga 160 4 7 12 15 - 7 12 15 -
Love You More BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." 175 3 9 12 16 - 9 12 16 -
白澤亮(noisycroak) 75-300 3 7 14 17 - 7 14 17 -
Vanquish The Ghost
BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" 78-155 3 8 12 16 - 8 12 15 -


The EXTRA SAVIOR song folder was added on June 13th, 2016. These songs, when unlocked during EXTRA STAGE, can thereafter be played during any stage on Premium Play.

After playing a song on a specific difficulty level, progress through the chart accumulates. If the summed progress of all of your attempts reaches 100% (or if you clear the song), then that chart, and all difficulties under it, will be unlocked for normal play. For example, clearing a song on DIFFICULT will unlock the DIFFICULT, BASIC, and BEGINNER charts. Also for example, failing a chart 70% in, and then failing it again 40% in, will also unlock the chart.

Using the modifiers CUT1/CUT2, Jumps OFF, or Freeze OFF will proportionally reduce the amount of progress possible.

Attempting a chart during EXTRA STAGE Level 3 will automatically unlock the chart even if failed.

For songs with CHALLENGE charts (such as and JOMANDA), you must first unlock the EXPERT chart before you can unlock the CHALLENGE chart.

NEW Generation 流星拡散フェスタ2016 and BEMANI SUMMER GREETINGS charts must be unlocked one at a time, from BASIC to EXPERT. Charts for Triple Counter and Prey are only available after having unlocked the corresponding charts of the other songs in their respective groups.

Single and Double charts for a song must be unlocked separately.

The songs from these past events can be unlocked:

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Vol.1 EXTRA SAVIOR爆誕! (unlockable from June 13th, 2016)
Electric Dance System Music U1 overground 140 2 5 10 14 - 6 10 14 -
TECH-NOID Sota F. 146 2 5 9 12 - 6 9 13 -
宇宙(ソラ)への片道切符 Musical Cosmology 88-175 3 7 10 13 - 7 9 12 -
Vol.2 超変速の夏!荒ぶる波のBASS MUSICセレクト! (unlockable from August 10th, 2016)
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Hommarju 111-280 4 8 10 14 - 8 12 14 -
Unlockable from August 17th, 2016
来自 beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
Eagle 88-177 5 8 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
U1-ASAMi's birthday party (U1-ASAMi生誕祭)
(Unlockable from September 1st, 2016)
Illegal Function Call
来自 beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
U1-ASAMi 130-260 4 10 13 16 - 10 14 16 -
TAG VS U1 overground
(Unlockable from September 15th, 2016)
来自 jubeat saucer fulfill
TAG 175 4 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
STERLING SILVER (U1 overground mix) TAG 185 4 7 11 14 - 7 11 14 -
猫叉Master VS kors k
(Unlockable from September 29th, 2016)
Far east nightbird
来自 jubeat knit
猫叉Master 180 4 6 10 12 - 6 10 13 -
Far east nightbird kors k Remix -DDR edit ver- 猫叉Master 175 3 7 11 13 - 7 11 13 -
NEW Generation 流星拡散フェスタ2016
(Unlockable from October 6th, 2016) (Asia)
(Unlockable from November 30th, 2016) (North America)
Angelic Jelly t+pazolite 100-200 4 6 11 13 - 6 10 13 -
Grand Chariot xi 191 3 7 11 13 - 7 11 13 -
Sephirot SHIKI 154 3 6 10 12 - 5 9 13 -
StrayedCatz 削除 114-152 4 7 11 13 - 7 12 13 -
ZEPHYRANTHES TAG 180 3 7 11 15 - 7 11 15 -
Triple Counter DJ YOSHITAKA meets dj TAKA 216 7 11 14 17 - 9 14 17 -
DDR Valentine's day 2017 (恋せよDDRのバレンタイン)
(Unlockable from January 26th, 2017)
来自 beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
Prim 200 4 7 12 14 17 8 13 15 17
来自 pop'n music 20 fantasia
NU-KO 188 3 7 10 12 - 7 10 12 -
Movie vs Challenge (るかむか?!)
(Unlockable from June 15th, 2017)
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
ヒゲドライバー join. SELEN 156 - - - - 16 - - - 16

来自 pop'n music 20 fantasia
HHH×MM×ST 149 - - - - 13 - - - 14
DDR Valentine's Day & White Day 2018 (恋せよDDRのバレンタイン&ホワイトデー2018)
(Unlockable from February 1st, 2018)
来自 GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX
常盤ゆう 110 2 4 8 9 12 4 8 10 12
High School Love
来自 pop'n music 14 FEVER!
DJ YOSHITAKA feat.DWP 180 3 6 10 13 - 6 10 13 -
新緑薫るパワフルMUSIC (unlockable from April 26th, 2018)
Boss Rush
来自 jubeat Qubell
USAO 95-190 4 10 14 16 - 10 14 16 -
Sakura Reflection
Ryu☆ 181 4 8 10 15 - 7 10 14 -
来自 pop'n music ラピストリア
TAG 80-160 2 6 10 15 - 7 10 14 -
しき甘雨の旋律にいしれよ (unlockable from June 21st, 2018)
プレインエイジア -PHQ remix-
来自 BEMANI×东方Project例大祭2015
PHQUASE 182 5 7 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
来自 BEMANI×东方Project例大祭2015
猫叉Master 153 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
暑さを迎えうて! 初夏を彩るREMIX (unlockable from July 19th, 2018)
Chronos (walk with you remix) BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" 74-148 3 6 10 14 - 6 10 14 -
朧 (dj TAKA Remix)
HHH×MM×ST 149 3 5 8 12 - 7 9 13 -
(Unlockable from August 2nd, 2018) (Asia/North America)
(Unlockable from August 16th, 2018) (Korea)
ALGORITHM SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi 130 5 7 11 13 - 7 10 13 -
この夏の想い出は永遠に... (unlockable from August 23rd, 2018)
Eternal Summer 北沢綾香 145 2 6 9 13 - 6 9 13 -
BEMANI SUMMER GREETINGS (unlockable from August 30th, 2018)
Life is beautiful BEMANI Sound Team "猫叉Master" 155 5 8 12 16 - 8 12 16 -
Puberty Dysthymia BEMANI Sound Team "person09" 70-210 4 8 13 17 - 8 13 17 -
Rejoin BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR feat.PON" 135 2 6 10 13 - 7 11 13 -
SUPER SUMMER SALE BEMANI Sound Team "U1 overground" 155 2 8 12 15 - 8 12 15 -
風鈴花火 BEMANI Sound Team "劇団レコード"feat.結良まり 150 2 5 8 10 - 5 8 10 -
星座が恋した瞬間を。 BEMANI Sound Team "DJ TOTTO feat.MarL" 186 2 7 9 12 - 7 9 12 -
Prey BEMANI Sound Team "Dustup" 210 5 11 15 18 - 11 15 18 -
DDR 20th Anniversary Songs
Unlockable from September 26th, 2018
Show me your moves BEMANI Sound Team "TAG" feat. 柊木りお 155 3 5 8 11 - 5 8 12 -
Unlockable from October 3rd, 2018
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) BEMANI Sound Team "Sota Fujimori 2nd Season" 190-380 8 11 14 16 - 11 15 17 -
Unlockable from October 10th, 2018
CHAOS Terror-Tech Mix ARM (IOSYS) 165 5 8 12 16 - 8 12 15 -
Unlockable from October 17th, 2018
MAX 360 BEMANI Sound Team "[𝑥]" 180-720 9 12 15 18 - 12 15 18 -
Minna no DDR memorial song (みんなのDDRメモリアルソング)
(Unlockable from October 24th, 2018)
#OurMemories DDR ALL FANS 140 3 6 9 12 - 6 9 12 -
Celebration (unlockable from November 15th, 2018)
ANNIVERSARY ∴∵∴ ←↓↑→ BEMANI Sound Team "U1 overground" 180 4 7 12 16 - 7 12 16 -
来自 pop'n music 16 PARTY♪
Cait Sith 187 6 9 12 15 18 9 12 15 18

Prior to December 1st, 2016, for the NEW Generation 流星拡散フェスタ2016 songs, you needed to have played one of the songs first in beatmania IIDX 23 copula, beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ, jubeat Qubell, or SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS to unlock the songs in EXTRA SAVIOR. Only Angelic Jelly was unlockable by itself. Since the event has concluded, all songs are available in EXTRA SAVIOR.


This event started on August 8th, 2016 and ended on February 27th, 2020. At the end of every song, a pixelated BABY-LON will climb a staircase. The number of steps he climbs depends on your grade:

  • AAA: 12
  • AA-, AA, or AA+: 11
  • A-, A, or A+: 10
  • B-, B, or B+: 9
  • C-, C, or C+: 8
  • D or D+: 7
  • E: 6

Bonus steps are awarded for:

  • MAX COMBO of at least 100: 1
  • First play of the day: 1

The bonuses for MAX COMBO and FULL COMBO cannot be combined.

Upon reaching the top of the staircase, a song is unlocked for normal play, and progress is reset to 0. Each song requires the following steps to unlock:

  • MAKE A JAM!: 16
  • ハピ恋☆らぶりぃタイム!!: 33
  • Special One: 41
  • Towards the TOWER: 49
  • ベィスドロップフリークス: 57
  • Dancer in the flare: 65

The event concludes after unlocking Dancer in the flare.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE (バビロン アドベンチャー)
来自 DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION
U1 124 2 5 7 9 - 6 8 11 -
来自 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
DJ TOTTO feat.anporin 139 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
Special One
来自 jubeat
kors k feat. Suzuyo Miyamoto 128 2 5 8 11 - 5 8 11 -
Towards the TOWER
来自 jubeat prop
SHAMDEL 132 2 5 9 12 - 5 9 12 -
来自 beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL
かめりあ feat. ななひら 179 3 7 10 13 - 7 10 13 -
Dancer in the flare 猫叉Master 132 3 6 10 13 - 6 11 13 -


This event started on April 27th, 2017, and is only available after completing BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE. RINON'S ADVENTURE II was added on June 1st, 2017, and III was added on July 13th, 2017. This event unlocks EXTRA EXCLUSIVE and FINAL STAGE songs for regular play, along with new CHALLENGE charts. Unlike BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE, this event requires being on PREMIUM PLAY to play.

At the end of EXTRA STAGE, a pixelated RINON will ascend a staircase. Like in BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE, the number of steps she climbs is based on your grade. (Combo and first-time play bonuses do not apply.) Unlike BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE, though, only the EXTRA STAGE's steps count towards completion. Steps required:

  • New Century: 35
  • Astrogazer: 35
  • Come to Life: 82
  • Emera: 82
  • Start a New Day: 82
  • Ishtar: 105
  • out of focus: 105
  • Neutrino: 105
  • Cosy Catastrophe: 105

After unlocking Cosy Catastrophe, 156 steps are required to complete the event. As of August 30th, 2018, this unlocks ENDYMION and ACE FOR ACES for regular play, though the CHALLENGE charts for ACE FOR ACES are only available on EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 1.

Prior to the April 26th, 2018 update, completing RINON'S ADVENTURE III would enable ENDYMION for EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 3. Selecting it would consume all HEAT POWER, and HEAT POWER was not given at the end of the round. Clearing ENDYMION with at least a AA+ grade would trigger ENCORE EXTRA STAGE, playing ACE FOR ACES at the following difficulty levels:

  • BASIC→BASIC (Added on September 14th, 2017)
  • DIFFICULT→DIFFICULT (Added on August 9th, 2017)
    • CHALLENGE→DIFFICULT (if failed on Versus Play)

During ENCORE EXTRA STAGE, any judgment under a Perfect would immediately fail the song. It was not possible to use the left and right buttons on the cabinet to change speed modifiers at the start of ACE FOR ACES, and ASSIST options were also disabled.

If ENDYMION was cleared on EXPERT, and ACE FOR ACES cleared immediately afterward, then ENDYMION's CHALLENGE chart was enabled. Single and Double charts had to be enabled separately.

After April 26th, 2018, RINON's progress was doubled, and completing the event enabled ENDYMION as an EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 1 song, along with its CHALLENGE charts. Clearing ENDYMION on any difficulty would enable ACE FOR ACES as an EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 2 song.

After July 26th, 2018, progress was quadrupled, and completing the event unlocked ENDYMION for normal play, and enabled ACE FOR ACES for EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 1 and its CHALLENGE charts for EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 2.

After August 30th, 2018, progress was multiplied by 100, and completing the event unlocked ENDYMION and ACE FOR ACES for normal play, and enabled the latter's CHALLENGE charts for EXTRA STAGE LEVEL 1.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
RINON'S ADVENTURE (リノン アドベンチャー)
New Century Sota F. 98-195 - - - - 18 (SA) - - - 18 (SA)
RISING FIRE HAWK L.E.D.-G 157 - - - - 17 - - - 17
Astrogazer DJ TOTTO 154 - - - - 18 - - - 18
RINON'S ADVENTURE II (リノン アドベンチャー2)
Come to Life ARM (IOSYS) feat. Nicole Curry 90-180 - - - - 18 - - - 18
Emera PON 161 - - - - 17 - - - 18
Start a New Day Sota F. 168 - - - - 16 - - - 16
RINON'S ADVENTURE3 kakusei-hen (リノン アドベンチャー3 覚醒編)
Ishtar 劇団レコード 156 - - - - 16 (SA) - - - 16 (SA)
out of focus Qrispy Joybox 83-167 - - - - 16 - - - 16
Neutrino HuΣeR 75-300 - - - - 18 - - - 18
Cosy Catastrophe SYUNN 90-360 - - - - 18 - - - 18
ENDYMION fallen shepherd ft. RabbiTon Strings 220-440 9 13 15 18 19 13 15 18 19
100-800 (DIFFICULT)
4 7 13 15 18 7 13 15 18


By playing SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS during the stated periods, you will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series. These songs were first available in DanceDanceRevolution (2014)

For more information on the event, see its own page.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
Part 10 (10/06/2016 - 10/24/2016)
Level 1 MAX
colate 190 3 7 10 14 - 8 11 15 -
second spring storm
Level 2 MAX
Spacelectro 131 2 6 9 14 - 6 10 14 -
Level 3 MAX
流星トラップボーイズ 140 3 6 9 14 - 6 10 14 -

The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Songs

The following songs were automatically unlocked by entering The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship during the time periods when they were available.

From March 15th, 2018, these songs are available by default.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Songs
Unlockable from November 30th, 2017 to February 14th, 2018
Be a Hero! 中岛由贵 190 7 9 13 17 - 10 14 17 -
Unlockable from December 21st, 2017 to February 14th, 2018
Reach The Sky, Without you nc ft.NRGFactory 95-190 7 10 14 17 - 10 14 17 -

The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Songs

The following songs could be unlocked by entering The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship and playing once during the time periods when they were available.

曲名 作者名义 BPM SP难度 DP难度
The 8th KONAMI Arcade Championship Entry Songs
Unlockable from November 29th, 2018 to January 7th, 2019
Catch Our Fire! 中岛由贵 190 5 10 13 17 - 9 14 18 -
First Time BEMANI Sound Team "Metal Stepper" 70-140 4 7 11 15 18 7 11 15 18

Revived Songs

The following songs from previous DanceDanceRevolution releases have been revived:

曲名 作者 初出
Revived on August 8th, 2016 (BABY-LON'S ADVENTURE)
MAKE A JAM! U1 DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION
Revived on December 8th, 2016
Determination 柊木りお DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Available from December 8th to December 25th, 2016, and from November 30th, 2017
Thank You Merry Christmas VENUS DanceDanceRevolution (2014)

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearances:

Added on July 21st, 2016
Lesson by DJ DanceDanceRevolution A 1 - - - - - - - -
Added on August 8th, 2016
MAKE A JAM! DanceDanceRevolution A 2 - - - - - - - -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearances:

Determination DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - - 15→14 -
EGOISM 440 DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - 17→18 - - - - -
DANCE ALL NIGHT (DDR EDITION) DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 11→10 - - - - -
Re-rated on March 27th, 2019
DIVE TO THE NIGHT DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - 10→11 - - - 11→12 -
HYSTERIA 2001 DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - 9→10 - - - 10→11
SEXY PLANET(FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX) DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - 8→10 - - - 8→9
TSUGARU DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - - - - 12→13 -
TSUGARU (APPLE MIX) DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX- - - - - - - - - 10→11
Flow (True Style) DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA - - - - - - - - 13→14
ヒマワリ DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA - - - 10→11 - - - 12→13 -
Bloody Tears(IIDX EDITION) DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 - - - 10→11 - - - - -
Pluto Relinquish DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 - - - - - - 15→14 - -
Healing Vision (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 14→15
PARANOIA EVOLUTION (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 14→15
PARANOiA MAX~DIRTY MIX~ (X-Special) DanceDanceRevolution X - - - - - - - - 13→14
Anti-Matter DanceDanceRevolution X2 - 10→11 - - - 10→11 - - -
ΔMAX DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - - 13→14 - -
POSSESSION DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - 10→11 - - -
Valkyrie dimension DanceDanceRevolution X2 - - - - - - 15→14 - -
TRIP MACHINE EVOLUTION DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX - - - - - - - 16→17 -
ÆTHER DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - 9→10 - - -
Engraved Mark DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 -
Hoping To Be Good DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 11→12 - - - - -
Qipchãq DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 11→12 - - - - -
Romancing Layer DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - 15→14 - - - 15→14 -
Spanish Snowy Dance DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 15→16 17→18
Straight Oath DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 13→14 15→16
STULTI DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 15→16 -
Triple Journey -TAG EDITION- DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 16→17 -
からふるぱすてる DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 12→13 -
恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - 10→11 - - - 10→11 - -
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - 10→11 15→16 - - 10→12 15→16 -
フー・フローツ DanceDanceRevolution (2013) - - - - - - - 12→13 -
8000000 DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 11→10 - - - - - -
Bad Apple!! feat. nomico DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 3→5 - - -
bass 2 bass DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - 11→12 - - - 13→12 -
Electronic or Treat! DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 11→12 14→15 - - 11→12 14→15 -
MAX.(period) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - 13→14 - - - - - -
One Sided Love DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - - - 12→13
PRANA+REVOLUTIONARY ADDICT (U1 DJ Mix) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) 4→5 - - - - - - - -
Remain DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - - 15→16 -
The Night Away (MK Remix) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - 7→5 - - - 7→5 - - -
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (EDM REMIX) DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - 5→4 11→10 - - 6→5 - - -
この青空の下で DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - 12→11 - - - - -
きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - - 9→10 - -
パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! DanceDanceRevolution (2014) - - - - - 7→6 10→8 - -
ALGORITHM DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→11 - - - - - -
Astrogazer DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 -
Be a Hero! DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 9→10 - - -
Boss Rush DanceDanceRevolution A - 11→10 - - - 11→10 - - -
CHOCOLATE PHILOSOPHY DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 10→9 - - - - 13→12
Cosy Catastrophe DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 10→9 - - -
Cytokinesis DanceDanceRevolution A - - 12→10 - - - 12→10 - -
Dancer in the flare DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 11→10 - - 7→6 - - -
DREAMING-ING!! DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→6 - - - 8→6 - - -
Electric Dance System Music DanceDanceRevolution A - - 9→10 13→14 - - 9→10 13→14 -
Emera DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 16→15 - - - 16→15 17→18
Eternal Summer DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 12→13 - - - 12→13 -
First Time DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - 17→18 - - - 17→18
Happy DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→9 - - - 9→8 - -
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 5→6 - - -
Hillbilly Shoes DanceDanceRevolution A - - 10→8 - - - 10→8 - -
More One Night DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 9→8 11→10 13→12 6→5 9→8 12→11 13→12
Neutrino DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 12→13 - -
POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix) DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 14→15 - -
Prey DanceDanceRevolution A - - 14→15 - - - 14→15 - -
Rejoin DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 6→7 10→11 - -
RISING FIRE HAWK DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - 14→15 - 7→6 - 14→15 -
S!ck DanceDanceRevolution A - - 13→12 - - - 13→12 - -
Sakura Reflection DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - - 15→14 -
SHION DanceDanceRevolution A - - 9→10 - - - - - -
siberite DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 6→5 11→10 - -
StrayedCatz DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→7 - 14→13 - - - 14→13 -
SUPER SUMMER SALE DanceDanceRevolution A - - 11→12 - - - 11→12 - -
Towards the TOWER DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - 6→5 - - -
Vanquish The Ghost DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 15→16 - - - - -
Wake Me Up DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 13→12 - - - - -
Yeah! Yeah! DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
ZEPHYRANTHES DanceDanceRevolution A - - 12→11 - - 8→7 12→11 - -
無頼ック自己ライザー DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 12→13 - - - 12→13 -
打打打打打打打打打打 DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - 6→5 - - 15→16
ハピ恋☆らぶりぃタイム!! DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - - - - -
ハッピーシンセサイザ DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 10→9 - - 6→5 10→9 - -
ハルイチバン DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 9→7 - - 6→5 9→7 12→11 -
初音ミクの消失 DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→8 - - 16→15 8→10 11→13 - 16→15
向日葵サンセット DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→5 - - - 7→5 - - -
放課後ストライド DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 14→15 - 6→5 - 14→15 -
色は匂へど散りぬるを DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→5 10→8 12→11 - 8→6 10→8 12→11 -
十二星座の聖域 DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→6 - - - 8→6 - 12→13 -
恋のパズルマジック DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 7→6 - - -
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~ DanceDanceRevolution A - - 11→10 - - - 11→10 - -
ロストワンの号哭 DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
ルミナスデイズ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 11→12 - - - - -
魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 4→6 - - -
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - - 9→10 - -
脳漿炸裂ガール DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - 7→6 - - -
DanceDanceRevolution A - - - - - 8→6 - 13→12 -
六兆年と一夜物語 DanceDanceRevolution A - 6→5 - - - - - - -
ロンロンへ ライライライ! DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - 13→12 - 7→6 11→10 13→12 -
千年ノ理 DanceDanceRevolution A - 5→6 - - - 5→6 - - -
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい DanceDanceRevolution A - 7→6 - - - - - - -
春風ブローインウィンド DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 14→15 - 6→7 - - -
宇宙(ソラ)への片道切符 DanceDanceRevolution A - 8→7 11→10 - - 8→7 10→9 - -
ようこそジャパリパークへ DanceDanceRevolution A - - - 13→14 - - - 13→14 -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous DanceDanceRevolution titles have been removed:

曲名 作者 初出
Removed on May 30th, 2016
BAD GIRLS Juliet Roberts DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX
Boom Boom Dollar (Red Monster Mix) King Kong & D.Jungle Girls DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX
stomp to my beat JS16 DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX
Trickster 水樹奈々 DanceDanceRevolution X
ポリリズム Pink Lemonade DanceDanceRevolution X
LOVE & JOY 木村 由姫 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
Burst The Gravity ALTIMA DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
Choo Choo TRAIN EXILE DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
LOVE & JOY -Risk Junk MIX- Risk Junk DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
Mickey Mouse March (Eurobeat Version) Domino DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
ふりそでーしょん きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
ジョジョ~その血の運命~ (富永TOMMY弘明) DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
折れないハート 高取ヒデアキ DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
Removed on November 7th, 2016 (All of these songs were previously removed in the North American version at its launch)
future gazer fripSide DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
STRAIGHT JET 栗林みな実 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
女々しくて ゴールデンボンバー DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
Removed on March 26th, 2018
Strobe♡Girl colate DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Absent from North American/European versions at release date
BRILLIANT 2U (AKBK MIX) NAOKI DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
COME BACK TO MY HEART Another Infinity feat. Mayumi Morinaga DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
KEEP ON MOVIN' (Y&Co. DJ BOSS remix) N.M.R DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PARANOiA (kskst mix) 180 DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
PUT YOUR FAITH IN ME (DA's Twinkly Disco Remix) UZI-LAY DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
TRIP MACHINE (xac nanoglide mix) DE-SIRE DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
ずっとみつめていて (Ryu☆Remix) DJ UTO vs. Starving Trancer feat. Mayumi Morinaga DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
ミライプリズム ここなつ DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
Removed from European version on May 21st, 2021
only my railgun fripSide DanceDanceRevolution X2
回レ!雪月花 歌組雪月花 DanceDanceRevolution (2013)
放課後ストライド Last Note. DanceDanceRevolution A

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