“PnM CS Lively”的版本间差异

PnM CS Lively
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第3行: 第3行:
=pop'n music Lively=
=pop'n music Lively=

== 发售信息 ==
* 测试日期:2020年9月7日
* 运营日期:2020年11月5日

== 概况 ==
* 本作是[[PnM CS portable 2|pop'n music portable 2]]之后的第一作家用版pop'n music作品(如果不算iOS的《[[PnM CS rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]》的话)。
* 本作是[[PnM CS portable 2|pop'n music portable 2]]之后的第一作家用版本pop'n music作品(如果不算 iOS 的《[[PnM CS rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]》的话)。
** 也是继[[PnM CS Be-Mouse|pop'n music Be-Mouse]]之后的再一作PC版pop'n music作品。
** 也是继[[PnM CS Be-Mouse|pop'n music Be-Mouse]]之后的再一作PC版pop'n music作品。
* 虽然名字是全新的,但是本作的主UI基于[[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]] 。
* 虽然名字是全新的,但是本作的UI是基于[[PnM AC 25|pop'n music peace]]。
* 首次在pop'n music系列作品中引入延迟调节功能。
* 本作引入了延迟调节功能,这是pop'n music系列中第一作引入这一功能的。
* 相对于街机版,本作没有BATTLE模式。
* 相对于街机版,本作没有BATTLE模式。
* 2020年10月9日更新后可以设定玩家的名称和保存记录。
* 2020年10月9日更新后可以设定玩家的名称和保存记录。
* 本作于2020年11月5日正式开始运营,需要玩家订阅 pop'n music Livelyベーシックコース (pop'n music lively BASIC COURSE)后游玩。定价为每月1628円(含税)。
* 本作需要玩家购买pop'n music Livelyベーシックコース(pop'n music lively BASIC COURSE)后才能游玩,定价为每月1628円(含税)。
* KONAMI的官方手台于2020年11月20日至12月15日期间[https://www.konamistyle.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=109637 接受预订],并在2021年7月上旬发售。
* KONAMI的官方手台于2020年11月20日至12月15日期间[https://www.konamistyle.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=109637 接受预订],并在2021年7月上旬发售。
* 2021年6月2日,TV&J-POP版权曲于游戏中追加。
* 2021年6月2日,TV&J-POP版权曲于游戏中追加。
* 两个新的模式自2021年6月2日起配信:
* 两个新的模式自2021年6月2日起配信:
** Lively Rank,该模式下通过积攒月费时长和游玩时长解锁乐曲;
** Lively Rank,该模式下通过积攒月费时长和游玩时长解锁乐曲;
第38行: 第37行:
** VS pop'n friend (VS ポプとも): compete with your friend.
** VS pop'n friend (VS ポプとも): compete with your friend.
** VS my record (VS マイレコード): compete with your own record.
** VS my record (VS マイレコード): compete with your own record.
** Records won't be saved if you use S-RANDOM, ''any'' OJAMAs, and all types of AUTO TYPE.
** Records won't be saved if you use S-RANDOM, ''any'' OJAMAs, or any AUTO TYPE option.
** In recorded gameplay, COMBO is not shown, HI-SPEED cannot be changed, and pop-kuns are replaced by other shapes depending on the judgement obtained:
** In recorded gameplay, COMBO is not shown, HI-SPEED cannot be changed, and pop-kuns are replaced by other shapes depending on the judgement obtained:
*** COOL: transparent pop-kun of its respective color.
*** COOL: transparent pop-kun of its respective color.
第45行: 第44行:
*** BAD: blue X.
*** BAD: blue X.

== 系统需求 ==
* 操作系统:Windows 10 64位
*OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
* CPU:Intel Core i5-4690 at 2.8GHz(推荐 Intel Core i5 3.2GHz或更高频率,AMD A8 3.5GHz 或更高频率)
*CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 at 2.8GHz (推荐 Intel Core i5 3.2GHz或更高频率,AMD A8 3.5GHz 或更高频率)
* 硬盘剩余空间:3GB以上
*硬盘剩余空间: 推荐 3GB 以上
* 内存:8GB
*内存: 8GB
* 显存:1GB以上
*VRAM: 1GB 以上
* 声音设备:兼容 WASAPI 的立体声声卡
*声音设备: 兼容 WASAPI 的立体声声卡
* 分辨率:1280x720 或以上,刷新率 60Hz
*显示: 1280x720 或以上,刷新率 60Hz

= 曲目列表 =
== 默认曲目 ==
{{pnm L Songlist Header|
{{pnm L Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|TV&J-POP曲目|bg=#fef143|color=blue}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|TV&J-POP曲目|bg=#fef143|color=blue}}
第70行: 第67行:
{{pnm L Song|[[《冷暖人间》主题曲|渡る世間は鬼ばかり オープニングテーマ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|50-132|Nyami [TV&ANIME-SEKEN]|9|18|32|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[《冷暖人间》主题曲|渡る世間は鬼ばかり オープニングテーマ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|50-132|Nyami [TV&ANIME-SEKEN]|9|18|32|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[残酷的天使纲领|残酷な天使のテーゼ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|79-128|Mimi [TV&ANIME-EVA]|2|18|29|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[残酷的天使纲领|残酷な天使のテーゼ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|79-128|Mimi [TV&ANIME-EVA]|2|18|29|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[GET WILD]]|[[Naoki Maeda|NMR]]|150|ice [TV&ANIME]|6|20|32|41}}
{{pnm L Song|[[GET WILD]]|[[前田尚纪|NMR]]|150|ice [TV&ANIME]|6|20|32|41}}
{{pnm L Song|[[极其不可思议的大冒险|魔訶不思議アドベンチャー]]|高橋洋樹|135|Nyami [TV&ANIME-DRAGONBALL]|11|22|32|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[极其不可思议的大冒险|魔訶不思議アドベンチャー]]|高橋洋樹|135|Nyami [TV&ANIME-DRAGONBALL]|11|22|32|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[迷恋|魅せられて~エーゲ海のテーマ]]|[[MAKI]]|117|Honey [TV&ANIME]|11|31|38|42}}
{{pnm L Song|[[迷恋|魅せられて~エーゲ海のテーマ]]|[[MAKI]]|117|Honey [TV&ANIME]|11|31|38|42}}
第119行: 第116行:
{{pnm L Song|[[蓝色长椅|青いベンチ]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|♪♪♪♪♪]]|118|Jyun&Shingo [19-1P]|5|17|32|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[蓝色长椅|青いベンチ]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|♪♪♪♪♪]]|118|Jyun&Shingo [19-1P]|5|17|32|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[游星|星が泳ぐ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|95|MAKOTO [18-1P]|3|16|30|36}}
{{pnm L Song|[[游星|星が泳ぐ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|95|MAKOTO [18-1P]|3|16|30|36}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2023年11月8日配信|bg=#fef143|color=blue}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Battle Against a True Hero|Battle Against a True Hero/本物のヒーローとの闘い]]|[[Robert Fox|Toby Fox]] (Arranged by BEMANI Sound Team "[[渡边大地|Power Of Nature]]")|150|SANS|8|27|36|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hopes and Dreams|Hopes and Dreams/夢と希望]]|[[Robert Fox|Toby Fox]] (Arranged by [[m@sumi]])|175|SANS|5|21|35|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[MEGALOVANIA]]|[[Robert Fox|Toby Fox]] (Arranged by BEMANI Sound Team "[[横山雄哉|Yvya]]")|120|SANS|7|31|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2024年11月5日配信|bg=#fef143|color=blue}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Butter-FLY]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|♪♪♪♪♪|165|KAJIKA [11-1P]|8|31|37|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[GET WILD]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|[[前田尚纪|NMR]]|150|[[ice]] [TV&ANIME]|13|25|38|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[only my railgun]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|♪♪♪♪♪|143|[[SUMIRE]] [CSp-1P]|12|28|35|45}}
{{pnm L Song|[[夏祭|夏祭り]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|[[中丸智绘|♪♪♪♪♪]]|71-142|KANOKO [15-1P]|16|30|35|45}}
{{pnm L Song|[[创圣的大天使|創聖のアクエリオン]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|[[饭吉新|♪♪]][[千本松仁|♪♪♪]]|66-151|IA-RAMSE [13-2P]|13|28|32|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[甜蜜歌声与苦涩舞步|シュガーソングとビターステップ]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|[[正冈大和|♪♪♪♪♪]]|132|[[Reo-kun|Reo★kun]] [20-1P]|12|26|37|45}}
{{pnm L Song|[[残酷的天使纲领|残酷な天使のテーゼ]] <small>(UPPER)</small>|♪♪♪♪♪|79-128|[[Mimi]] [TV/ANIME-EVA]|15|26|37|46}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 1|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}}]]|bg=crimson}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[PnM AC 1|{{span style color|yellow|pop'n music}}]]|bg=crimson}}
{{pnm L Song|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU]]|[[杉本清隆|SUGI]] & [[南云玲生|REO]]|142|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]] [1]|1|14|19|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU]]|[[杉本清隆|SUGI]] & [[南云玲生|REO]]|142|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]] [1]|1|14|19|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Quick Master]]|[[清水洋平|act deft]]|147|[[SHOLLKEE]] [1]|2|10|23|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Quick Master]]|[[清水洋平|act deft]]|147|[[SHOLLKEE]] [1]|2|10|23|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hi-Tekno]]|[[太田知巳|Hi-Tekno]]|140|[[JUDY]] [1]|-|17|24|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hi-Tekno]]|Hi-Tekno|140|[[JUDY]] [1]|-|17|24|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Electronic Fill]]|[[Windslope]]|121|KRAFT|-|19|24|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Electronic Fill]]|[[Windslope]]|121|KRAFT|-|19|24|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[e-motion]]|[[太田知巳|e.o.s]]|145|[[Rave girl]] [1]|-|21|-|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[e-motion]]|[[太田知巳|e.o.s]]|145|[[Rave girl]] [1]|-|21|-|-}}
第146行: 第155行:
{{pnm L Song|[[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]]|[[村井洁|Popper Head]]|140|[[Rave girl]] [4]|-|23|33|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]]|[[村井洁|Popper Head]]|140|[[Rave girl]] [4]|-|23|33|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Quick Master Millennium mix]]|[[清水洋平|act deft]]/[[村井洁|Millennium Project]]|147|[[MZD]] [5-J-TEKNO]|-|22|-|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Quick Master Millennium mix]]|[[清水洋平|act deft]]/[[村井洁|Millennium Project]]|147|[[MZD]] [5-J-TEKNO]|-|22|-|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]]|[[太田知巳|Hi-Tekno]]/[[村井洁|Millennium Project]]|140|[[MZD]] [5-DANCE]|-|23|-|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]]Hi-Tekno/[[村井洁|Millennium Project]]|140|[[MZD]] [5-DANCE]|-|23|-|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2023年8月2日配信|bg=darkorange|color=yellow}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2023年8月2日配信|bg=darkorange|color=yellow}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Over The Rainbow]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|140|[[Poet]] [4]|3|15|32|40}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Over The Rainbow]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|140|[[Poet]] [4]|3|15|32|40}}
第199行: 第208行:
{{pnm L Song|[[禁忌的契约|禁じられた契約]]|[[波多江良德|フレディ波多江]]と[[村井洁|エレハモニカ]]|110-150|[[Zizz]] [9]|11|23|37|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[禁忌的契约|禁じられた契約]]|[[波多江良德|フレディ波多江]]と[[村井洁|エレハモニカ]]|110-150|[[Zizz]] [9]|11|23|37|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[North Wind]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|145|[[JUDY]] [9]|-|21|35|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[North Wind]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|145|[[JUDY]] [9]|-|21|35|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[cobalt]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW・組スペシアル]]|145-175|HAYATO [9]|14|32|40|42}}
{{pnm L Song|[[cobalt]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW]]・[[ALPHA|組]][[日高明大|スペシアル]]|145-175|HAYATO [9]|14|32|40|42}}
{{pnm L Song|[[今天这样太好了|今日は今日でえがったなゃ]]|[[藤井岳彦|とどのすけとめたろう]]|145|MC.TOME|-|21|36|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[今天这样太好了|今日は今日でえがったなゃ]]|[[藤井岳彦|とどのすけとめたろう]]|145|MC.TOME|-|21|36|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[White Eve]]|[[新谷早苗|さな]]|125|TSURARA [9]|-|21|36|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[White Eve]]|[[新谷早苗|さな]]|125|TSURARA [9]|-|21|36|43}}
第233行: 第242行:
{{pnm L Song|[[E-TEN-RAKU]]|[[久米由基|Q-Mex]]|125|OKINA|-|26|33|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[E-TEN-RAKU]]|[[久米由基|Q-Mex]]|125|OKINA|-|26|33|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[柳小路的妹子|柳小路のシスター]]|[[冈惠美|Shine]] [[藤后浩之|All Stars]]|90-114|Suika BroS.|-|22|31|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[柳小路的妹子|柳小路のシスター]]|[[冈惠美|Shine]] [[藤后浩之|All Stars]]|90-114|Suika BroS.|-|22|31|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[AUSLANDSGESPRACH]]|[[村井洁|V.C.O.]]|130|TELLY66|-|23|32|35}}
{{pnm L Song|[[AUSLANDSGESPRACH|AUSLANDSGESPRÄCH]]|[[村井洁|V.C.O.]]|130|TELLY66|-|23|32|35}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Space Dog]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|113|Sergei|11|25|29|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Space Dog]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|113|Sergei|11|25|29|37}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Nick RING]]|[[舟木智介|NICK]] [[右寺修|BOYS]]|80-160|NICKEY [11]|-|23|39|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Nick RING]]|[[舟木智介|NICK]] [[右寺修|BOYS]]|80-160|NICKEY [11]|-|23|39|43}}
第363行: 第372行:
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2023年8月2日配信|bg=linear-gradient(white 0% 85%, blue 85% 100%)|color=navy}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2023年8月2日配信|bg=linear-gradient(white 0% 85%, blue 85% 100%)|color=navy}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Knockin' on Red Button]]|[[吉泽裕司|red glasses]] feat.[[Manami Fujino|藤野マナミ]]|210|nonet [CSL]|14|30|41|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Knockin' on Red Button]]|[[吉泽裕司|red glasses]] feat.[[Manami Fujino|藤野マナミ]]|210|nonet [CSL]|14|30|41|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|white|KAC}}]] kouyasai (KAC後夜祭)<br>(Added on December 9th, 2023)|bg=linear-gradient(135deg, maroon, orange, navajowhite)|color=white}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Stylus]]|BEMANI Sound Team "[[滨田有共|HuΣeR]]"|165|ELENOA [17-2P]|13|31|42|46}}

第388行: 第399行:
{{pnm L Song|[[GAMBLER Z主题曲|The theme of GAMBLER Z]]|[[竹安弘|words:RYO song:NARAMCHA]]|161|[[TORU KAMIKAZE]]|-|18|23|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[GAMBLER Z主题曲|The theme of GAMBLER Z]]|[[竹安弘|words:RYO song:NARAMCHA]]|161|[[TORU KAMIKAZE]]|-|18|23|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[即使简单的事也是重要的事|簡単な事だけど大切なもの]]|[[户岛壮太郎|Rock'n'roll King]]|128|Teruo [7]|-|21|33|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[即使简单的事也是重要的事|簡単な事だけど大切なもの]]|[[户岛壮太郎|Rock'n'roll King]]|128|Teruo [7]|-|21|33|-}}
{{pnm L Song|[[ULTRA BUTTERFLY (坤刚力)|ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW・組スペシアル]]|140-175|[[DTO]] [10]|-|27|43|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[ULTRA BUTTERFLY (坤刚力)|ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW]]・[[ALPHA|組]][[日高明大|スペシアル]]|140-175|[[DTO]] [10]|-|27|43|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[YOLCU MUSTAFA]]|[[村井洁|WORLD SEQUENCE]]|132|Kabab|-|22|30|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[YOLCU MUSTAFA]]|[[村井洁|WORLD SEQUENCE]]|132|Kabab|-|22|30|38}}
{{pnm L Song|[[HypArcSin(x)]]|[[古贺博树|Naya~n]]|240|ROCKET86|-|25|42|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[HypArcSin(x)]]|[[古贺博树|Naya~n]]|240|ROCKET86|-|25|42|47}}
第478行: 第489行:
{{pnm L Songlist Header|
{{pnm L Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|cyan|navy|期間限定クエスト}}|bg=linear-gradient(yellow 0% 20%, white 20% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|{{font style|cyan|navy|期間限定クエスト}}|bg=linear-gradient(yellow 0% 20%, white 20% 100%)}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on November 2nd, 2022<br>2023年11月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 2nd, 2022<br>2023年11月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[赛施尔之舞|シャムシールの舞]]|[[舟木智介|ゼクトバッハ]]|100-155|Shamshir [14]|-|29|40|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[赛施尔之舞|シャムシールの舞]]|[[舟木智介|ゼクトバッハ]]|100-155|Shamshir [14]|-|29|40|46}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on December 7th, 2022|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 7th, 2022<br>2023年12月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[很不幸呢|悲しいね]]|[[片冈嗣实|ブタパンチ]]|200|uowo [CS6]|-|25|36|49}}
{{pnm L Song|[[很不幸呢|悲しいね]]|[[片冈嗣实|ブタパンチ]]|200|uowo [CS6]|-|25|36|49}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 4th to March 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 4th to March 1st, 2023<br>2024年1月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[西新宿清扫曲|西新宿清掃曲]]|[[杉本清隆|サイモンマン]]|140-280|[[Mr.KK]] [5]|-|17|30|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[西新宿清扫曲|西新宿清掃曲]]|[[杉本清隆|サイモンマン]]|140-280|[[Mr.KK]] [5]|-|17|30|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 1st to April 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 1st to April 5th, 2023<br>2024年2月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[祈愿的抚子|乞い祈みの撫子]]|[[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]] with [[木村洋平|ARM]]×[[狐梦想|狐夢想]] ft. あさな|176|KAGURA|8|27|42|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[祈愿的抚子|乞い祈みの撫子]]|[[舟木智介|TOMOSUKE]] with [[木村洋平|ARM]]×[[狐梦想|狐夢想]] ft. あさな|176|KAGURA|8|27|42|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 1st to May 3rd, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 1st to May 3rd, 2023<br>2024年3月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[促狭鬼|ポルターガイスト]]|[[黑泽大佑|96]] feat.藤本美樹|128|PANDETH [16]|-|25|39|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[促狭鬼|ポルターガイスト]]|[[黑泽大佑|96]] feat.藤本美樹|128|PANDETH [16]|-|25|39|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 5th to June 7th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 5th to June 7th, 2023<br>2024年4月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Innocence]]|[[齐藤广祐|ZERO]]+[[胁田润|ZIBA]]|120-180|Jade [LT]|15|31|42|49}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Innocence]]|[[齐藤广祐|ZERO]]+[[胁田润|ZIBA]]|120-180|Jade [LT]|15|31|42|49}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 3rd to July 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 3rd to July 5th, 2023<br>2024年5月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Metamorphose]]|[[田口康裕|CAPACITY GATE]]|201|ECLIPSE [LT]|14|32|42|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Metamorphose]]|[[田口康裕|CAPACITY GATE]]|201|ECLIPSE [LT]|14|32|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 7th to August 2nd, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 7th to August 2nd, 2023<br>2024年6月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Violently Car]]|[[细江慎治|sampling masters MEGA]]|170-300|PMGTV-RZX [13]|-|29|41|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Violently Car]]|[[细江慎治|sampling masters MEGA]]|170-300|PMGTV-RZX [13]|-|29|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 5th to September 6th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 5th to September 6th, 2023<br>2024年7月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Line Times]]|[[兼田润一郎|Waldeus vön Dovjak]]|60-210|[[HAMANOV]] [CS1-1P]|-|22|38|49}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Line Times]]|[[兼田润一郎|Waldeus vön Dovjak]]|60-210|[[HAMANOV]] [CS1-1P]|-|22|38|49}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 2nd to October 4th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 2nd to October 4th, 2023<br>2024年8月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[hora de verdad]]|[[中原龙太郎|Vandalusia]][[胁田润|改]]|140-280|UNO [14]|-|25|42|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[hora de verdad]]|[[中原龙太郎|Vandalusia]][[胁田润|改]]|140-280|UNO [14]|-|25|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 6th to November 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 6th to November 1st, 2023<br>2024年9月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[地纪 狱篇|地の記 獄編]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|174|Goku-Sotsu-Kun [14-1P]|10|29|41|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[地之纪 狱篇|地の記 獄編]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|174|Goku-Sotsu-Kun [14-1P]|10|29|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 4th to December 6th, 2023|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 4th to December 6th, 2023<br>2024年10月2日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[LEAD Gravity (M)]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW]]|188|[[MZD]] [10-1P]|7|28|41|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[LEAD Gravity (M)]]|[[右寺修|Des-ROW]]|188|[[MZD]] [10-1P]|7|28|41|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 1st, 2023 to January 3rd, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 1st, 2023 to January 3rd, 2024<br>2024年11月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[疾驰!!Young dump!|激走!!ヤング☆ダンプ!]]|[[片冈嗣实|ブタパンチ]]|180|DAN|11|31|42|49}}
{{pnm L Song|[[疾驰!!Young dump!|激走!!ヤング☆ダンプ!]]|[[片冈嗣实|ブタパンチ]]|180|DAN|11|31|42|49}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 6th, 2023 to February 7th, 2024<br>2024年12月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[ZETA ~质数世界与超越者~|ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~]]|[[舟木智介|Zektbach]]|90-180|∑|14|32|41|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 3rd to March 6th, 2024<br>2025年1月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[DOES NOT COMPUTE]]|[[波多江良德|フレディ波多江]]と[[村井洁|エレハモニカ]] feat.ALT|60-190|[[Alt|Alt 2.0]] [20]|13|26|39|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 7th to April 3rd, 2024<br>2025年2月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Fate No.23]]|[[渡边大地|PON]] feat.[[秋成]]|195|LOOF|11|28|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 6th to May 1st, 2024<br>2025年3月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Alrescha|アルレシャ]]|[[常盘优|溟海]][[胁田润|ゾディアック]]|200|Pisce|6|21|37|46}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 3rd to June 5th, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Hong kong magic]]|[[南云玲生|tiger yamato]]|150|[[Nyami]] [11-HONG KONG EURO]|-|24|36|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 1st to July 3rd, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[透明护理|透明なマニキュア]]|[[熊野清美|Kiyommy]]+[[村井洁|Seiya]]|140|[[JUDY]] [4]|5|16|31|37}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 5th to August 7th, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[24小时的英雄|24時間のヒーロー]]|[[片冈嗣实|カタオカツグミ]]|178|勇者ああああ|-|25|34|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 3rd to September 4th, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Sabrina]]|[[诹访英夫|Sch]][[古川竜也|ool]]|130|[[Romeo (角色)|ロミ夫]] [10]|-|21|32|42}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 7th to October 2nd, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Break on Through]]|[[冲井礼二|REUNION]]|168|Sora|-|27|37|42}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 4th to November 6th, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[西表岛琉球曲|西表島琉球曲]]|[[杉本清隆|サイモンマン]]|147-179|しま〜|-|29|36|41}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 2nd to December 4th, 2024|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[偶是,我也是,电影明星|ボクモ、ワタシモ、ムービースター☆]]|[[内田智之|ウッチーズZ]]|150|STAR☆NYAN|-|27|34|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 6th, 2024 to January 1st, 2025|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[IKKI! Explosion]]|[[片冈嗣实|ひので155]]|250|Scarecrows|-|26|40|46}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 4th, 2024 to February 5th, 2025|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Save you]]|[[Ucchies|ウッチーズ]]|160|Pino [13]|-|23|35|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 1st, 2025 to March 5th, 2025|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Little Rock Overture]]|[[胁田润|惑星]][[杉本清隆|計画]]|175|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]] [16]|-|23|33|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 5th to April 2nd, 2025|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Stardust Wanderers]]|[[片冈嗣实|BPO Hollywood]]|78-160|[[Nyami]] / [[Mimi]] [17]|-|24|36|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 5th to May 7th, 2025|bg=navy|color=cyan}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Kicky Kemari Kicker]]|[[杉本清隆|ROUTE No.1 KIZOKU UNIT]]|136|KERI・MARO|-|29|40|46}}

第536行: 第579行:
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2021年12月8日配信|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|2021年12月8日配信|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[月风魔传|月風魔伝]]|[[优宜理奈|コナ]][[胁田润|ミ矩]][[渡边大地|形波]][[橘川荣一|動剣]]|147-162|月風魔|-|28|38|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[月风魔传|月風魔伝]]|[[优宜理奈|コナ]][[胁田润|ミ矩]][[渡边大地|形波]][[橘川荣一|動剣]]|147-162|月風魔|-|28|38|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on January 12th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 12th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[321 STARS]]|[[杉本清隆|♪♪♪♪♪]]|192|KINOKO-BOY|-|28|38|45}}
{{pnm L Song|[[321 STARS]]|[[杉本清隆|♪♪♪♪♪]]|192|KINOKO-BOY|-|28|38|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on February 9th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 9th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[BI-BUN-SEKI-BUn]]|[[山冈晃|中央値算出チーム]]|190|Suisei Laura|-|30|36|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[BI-BUN-SEKI-BUn]]|[[山冈晃|中央値算出チーム]]|190|Suisei Laura|-|30|36|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on March 9th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 9th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Kurageeta|クラゲータ]]|[[日高明大|Kurotou mur.mur.]]|140|SOUTH|-|20|32|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Kurageeta|クラゲータ]]|[[日高明大|Kurotou mur.mur.]]|140|SOUTH|-|20|32|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on April 13th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 13th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Squeeze]]|[[西村宜隆|VE]][[藤森崇多|NUS]] feat. [[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|173|VENUS [SP-2P]|11|29|41|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Squeeze]]|[[西村宜隆|VE]][[藤森崇多|NUS]] feat. [[泉陆奥彦|Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|173|VENUS [SP-2P]|11|29|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on May 11th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 11th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[BREAK DOWN!|BRE∀K DOWN!]]|[[BeForU]]|190|Bis子 [9-2P]|-|22|33|45}}
{{pnm L Song|[[BREAK DOWN!|BRE∀K DOWN!]]|[[BeForU]]|190|Bis子 [9-2P]|-|22|33|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on June 8th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 8th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[@n H@ppy Choice]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|162|MOMOKO-SAN [16]|-|24|39|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[@n H@ppy Choice]]|[[新谷早苗|Sana]]|162|MOMOKO-SAN [16]|-|24|39|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on July 13th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 13th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[MARS WAR 3]]|[[藤井岳彦|JET GIRL SPIN]]|200|Gelm13|-|23|36|43}}
{{pnm L Song|[[MARS WAR 3]]|[[藤井岳彦|JET GIRL SPIN]]|200|Gelm13|-|23|36|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on August 10th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 10th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[歌|うた]]|[[mami]]|220|UTA|9|26|41|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[歌|うた]]|[[mami]]|220|UTA|9|26|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on September 14th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 14th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[流行音乐续论|ポップミュージック続論]]|[[胁田润|ギラギラメガネ楽団]] feat.[[MAKI]]|182|MURASAKI [18]|-|23|36|42}}
{{pnm L Song|[[流行音乐续论|ポップミュージック続論]]|[[胁田润|ギラギラメガネ楽団]] feat.[[MAKI]]|182|MURASAKI [18]|-|23|36|42}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on October 12th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 12th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[恋之奇迹|恋のミラクル☆]]|[[村井洁|るるるSYSTEM]]|175|MIRAI YUMENO|-|24|32|39}}
{{pnm L Song|[[恋之奇迹|恋のミラクル☆]]|[[村井洁|るるるSYSTEM]]|175|MIRAI YUMENO|-|24|32|39}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on November 2nd, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 2nd, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[CANDY (小坂梨由)|CANDY♥]]|[[小坂梨由|♪♪♪♪♪]]|180|おしゃれずきん [8]|5|29|37|44}}
{{pnm L Song|[[CANDY (小坂梨由)|CANDY♥]]|[[小坂梨由|♪♪♪♪♪]]|180|おしゃれずきん [8]|5|29|37|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on December 7th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 7th, 2022|bg=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[讴歌幸福的诗篇|幸せを謳う詩]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|167-210|壱ノ妙|-|26|41|46}}
{{pnm L Song|[[讴歌幸福的诗篇|幸せを謳う詩]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|167-210|壱ノ妙|-|26|41|46}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on January 4th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 4th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Spiral Clouds]]|[[TIME CAPSULE Lab.]]|155|GLEN|11|29|41|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Spiral Clouds]]|[[TIME CAPSULE Lab.]]|155|GLEN|11|29|41|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on February 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[喷壶公主征服世界|如雨露姫が世界征服]]|[[篠田凯|はるなば]] feat.[[mami]]|125|如雨露ひめ|6|22|38|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[喷壶公主征服世界|如雨露姫が世界征服]]|[[篠田凯|はるなば]] feat.[[mami]]|125|如雨露ひめ|7|25|38|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on March 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[灵魂爆碎 -SOUL EXPLOSION-|霊魂爆砕 -SOUL EXPLOSION-]]|[[黑泽大佑|96]]|163|TAIGA [LT-1P]|12|28|42|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[灵魂爆碎 -SOUL EXPLOSION-|霊魂爆砕 -SOUL EXPLOSION-]]|[[黑泽大佑|96]]|163|TAIGA [LT-1P]|12|28|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on April 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Princess Roki]]|[[水野明乃|Akino]]|126|[[Roki]] [19]|-|27|40|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Princess Roki]]|[[水野明乃|Akino]]|126|[[Roki]] [19]|-|27|40|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on May 3rd, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 3rd, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[贤圣天狼的指挥|賢聖シリウスの采配]]|[[Flying Kite]] feat. 小野瀬旭|270?|SiRiUS [ec]|13|28|41|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[贤圣天狼的指挥|賢聖シリウスの采配]]|[[Flying Kite]] feat. 小野瀬旭|270?|SiRiUS [ec]|13|28|41|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on June 7th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 7th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[forever under construction]]|[[内田智之|Tomoyuki Uchida]]|170|stella [10-1P]|9|29|42|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[forever under construction]]|[[内田智之|Tomoyuki Uchida]]|170|stella [10-1P]|9|29|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on July 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 5th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[文明开化|文明開化]]|[[舟木智介|セバスチャン智之介]]|213-230|TO-NO|-|22|37|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[文明开化|文明開化]]|[[舟木智介|セバスチャン智之介]]|213-230|TO-NO|-|22|37|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on August 2nd, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 2nd, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[天庭]]|[[Asaki|閣下]]|88-113|星のひと [15]|-|32|39|47}}
{{pnm L Song|[[天庭]]|[[Asaki|閣下]]|88-113|星のひと [15]|-|32|39|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on September 6th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 6th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[炸三次的天妇罗|テンプラ揚三]]|GARIBEN KEN|171|[[MZD]] [11-COMIC SONG]|-|26|45|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[炸三次的天妇罗|テンプラ揚三]]|GARIBEN KEN|171|[[MZD]] [11-COMIC SONG]|-|26|45|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on October 4th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 4th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[ZADAMGA]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|180|Phantom|18|34|42|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[ZADAMGA]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]]|180|Phantom|18|34|42|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on November 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 1st, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Trixxxter]]|[[BlackY]]|180|Vela|12|31|43|48}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Trixxxter]]|[[BlackY]]|180|Vela|12|31|43|48}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 6th, 2023|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[无止境的我们的旅程|僕らの旅はどこまでも]]|[[宫田守|ああああ]] と [[kagerow|かげろー▼]]|110-220|勇者ああああ [20-1P]|8|23|40|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 3rd, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[呼喊的绿色|サケビノミドリ]]|[[佐藤直之|猫叉Master]]|160|Yima [CS10-1P]|10|28|39|47}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 7th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[非常了不得的最强传说|マジヤバ最強伝説]]|[[Youhei Hiroshige|DJ Command]] feat. 鋼兵|158|CHARA-O|-|24|38|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 6th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Earth Beat]]|[[田口康裕|CAPACITY GATE]]|190|NYANGA|-|24|40|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 3rd, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Runnin' Away]]|[[Rie Aono|青野りえ]]|232|[[Mary]] [16]|-|26|32|41}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from May 1st, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Pizza Italiano|ピッツァ・イタリアーノ]]|[[片冈嗣实|ツグミーノ]]|152|Marge&Rita|-|20|34|40}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from June 5th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[无法飞翔的天使|翔べない天使]]|[[新谷早苗|新谷さなえ]]|145|Kelly [CS2-1P]|-|19|30|41}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 3rd, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[青春pico pico Rock'n Roll|青春ピコピコRock'n Roll]]|[[内田智之|ウッチーズZ]]|160|CHIKING|-|26|36|43}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 7th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[UPBEAT]]|[[木田俊介|Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers]]|77-214|Ted=Pete|-|22|37|45}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from September 4th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[MAGICAL VOICE SHOWER]]|[[Ucchies|ウッチーズ]]|120|ドミー&ソラー|-|19|29|38}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from October 2nd, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[魂之花|魂ノ華]]|[[阿部靖广|阿部靖広]] feat.宏樹&龍哲|205|ONE|-|22|33|41}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 6th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Ultra boy|うるとら★ボーイ]]|[[村井洁|V.C.O.]] featuring [[浅井裕子|Yuko Asai]]|150|Pino [6]|-|18|26|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 4th, 2024|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[丛林狼的去向|コヨーテの行方(ゆくえ)]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] feat. 山下直子|124|Ema [9]|-|22|34|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 1st, 2025|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[Cocytus|コキュトス]]|[[佐佐木博史|FISH]] [[舟木智介|BOYS]]|125|Lucifelle / Lucifer|-|28|31|40}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 5th, 2025|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[假面舞会 a go go|マスカレード・ア・ゴーゴー]]|航空電子|150-170|[[PIERRE&JILL]] [16]|-|27|40|44}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 5th, 2025|bg=navy|color=#ffe208}}
{{pnm L Song|[[恋爱的投接球|恋のキャッチボール]]|[[古川竜也|good-cool]] feat. [[陬访英夫|すわひでお]]|150|John.A.Chopper|-|24|33|43}}

第592行: 第667行:
{{pnm LNC Header|
{{pnm LNC Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on November 5th, 2020<br>Reverted on October 27th, 2021|bg=gray}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from November 5th, 2020<br>Reverted on October 27th, 2021|bg=gray}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[描绘我的心情|僕の気持ちを描く]]|[[PnM AC 23|pop'n music éclale]]|-|-|'''34'''|'''40'''}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[描绘我的心情|僕の気持ちを描く]]|[[PnM AC 23|pop'n music éclale]]|-|-|'''34'''|'''40'''}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on July 7th, 2021}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 7th, 2021}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[萤火之光|ホタルノヒカリ]]|TV/J-POP ([[PnM AC 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]])|'''15'''&rarr;19|-|-|-}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[萤火之光|ホタルノヒカリ]]|TV/J-POP ([[PnM AC 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]])|'''15'''&rarr;19|-|-|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Added on July 19th, 2023}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|Unlockable from July 19th, 2023}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[只是,因为这样的理由|ただ、それだけの理由で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|'''32'''|'''41'''|'''47'''&rarr;48}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[只是,因为这样的理由|ただ、それだけの理由で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|'''32'''|'''41'''|'''47'''&rarr;48}}
第648行: 第723行:
{{pnm LNC Song|[[红莲华|紅蓮華]]|pop'n music Lively / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|40&rarr;43}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[红莲华|紅蓮華]]|pop'n music Lively / TV/J-POP|-|-|-|40&rarr;43}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[纯真可爱desire|純真可憐デザイア]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|37&rarr;35|44&rarr;42}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[纯真可爱desire|純真可憐デザイア]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|37&rarr;35|44&rarr;42}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[波涛与风平浪静的夹缝中|波と凪の挟間で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|26&rarr;30|39&rarr;40|-}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[潮起潮落之间|波と凪の挟間で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|26&rarr;30|39&rarr;40|-}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[天泣]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|43&rarr;44|-}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[天泣]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|43&rarr;44|-}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[只是,因为这样的理由|ただ、それだけの理由で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|-|47&rarr;48}}
{{pnm LNC Song|[[只是,因为这样的理由|ただ、それだけの理由で]]|pop'n music Lively|-|-|-|47&rarr;48}}

2025年2月26日 (三) 13:03的最新版本

pop'n music日版家用机
Sony PlayStation & PlayStation 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER! - Best Hits!
アニメーションメロディ - Puzzle Dama - DISNEY TUNES
Sony PlayStation Portable
pop'n portable - pop'n portable 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
任天堂GameBoy Color
GB pop'n - GBアニメーションメロディ - GB DISNEY TUNES
pop'n打!! - pop'n Be-Mouse - pop'n Lively
i-αppli - pop'n Wii - うたっち - ポップンリズミン
pop'n music日区以外家用机
Beat'n Groovy - pop'n music - pop'n rhythm
pop'n mobile - pop'n mobile 2

pop'n music Lively



  • 测试日期:2020年9月7日
  • 运营日期:2020年11月5日


  • 本作是pop'n music portable 2之后的第一作家用版pop'n music作品(如果不算iOS的《ポップンリズミン》的话)。
  • 虽然名字是全新的,但是本作的UI是基于pop'n music peace
  • 本作引入了延迟调节功能,这是pop'n music系列中第一作引入这一功能的。
  • 相对于街机版,本作没有BATTLE模式。
  • 2020年10月9日更新后可以设定玩家的名称和保存记录。
  • 本作需要玩家购买pop'n music Livelyベーシックコース(pop'n music lively BASIC COURSE)后才能游玩,定价为每月1628円(含税)。
  • KONAMI的官方手台于2020年11月20日至12月15日期间接受预订,并在2021年7月上旬发售。
  • 2021年6月2日,TV&J-POP版权曲于游戏中追加。
  • 两个新的模式自2021年6月2日起配信:
    • Lively Rank,该模式下通过积攒月费时长和游玩时长解锁乐曲;
    • ポプともLively,该模式允许玩家登入对手以及分数比拼。
  • Livelyチケット(2021年10月27日追加),通过消耗Tickets(每次110日元/PASELI)解锁旧月度基本订阅曲目,或者增加其pop'n Quest进度。
    • Ticket quest (チケットクエスト) allows you to unlock older Monthly Bonus songs. Each costs two tickets.
    • Quest boost (クエストブースト): increases pop'n Quest progress for 24 hours after activation. It costs one ticket.
  • Music Pack category added on December 1st, 2021, containing songs from music packs you've purchased.
  • AUTO TYPE added on January 5th, 2022, which automatically plays the pop-kuns for the player. AUTO TYPE has two options: ON and ERASE.
    • Scores and medals don't save when these are enabled.
  • More customizations and older pop'n music characters can be unlocked with Lively Tickets from February 2nd, 2022.
    • Character advance ban lifted (キャラクター先行解禁): buy old pop'n music characters for one ticket each. 1P/2P/3P (if applicable) colors must be unlocked per ticket.
    • Skin (スキン):
      • unlock lanes, notes, explosions, GUIDE SE, and judgement characters for three tickets each.
      • unlock play screens and BGM for five tickets each.
  • "Customized folder" was added on April 20th, 2022, containing only filtered songs based on the player's preferences (such as Clear Medals and Level ranges among others).
  • RECORD (レコード) option added on July 19th, 2023, allowing you to record your own plays of songs. Only one chart can be saved at a time under the following categories:
    • review (レビュー): save your own score.
    • VS pop'n friend (VS ポプとも): compete with your friend.
    • VS my record (VS マイレコード): compete with your own record.
    • Records won't be saved if you use S-RANDOM, any OJAMAs, or any AUTO TYPE option.
    • In recorded gameplay, COMBO is not shown, HI-SPEED cannot be changed, and pop-kuns are replaced by other shapes depending on the judgement obtained:
      • COOL: transparent pop-kun of its respective color.
      • GREAT: yellow circle.
      • GOOD: red triangle.
      • BAD: blue X.


  • 操作系统:Windows 10 64位
  • CPU:Intel Core i5-4690 at 2.8GHz(推荐 Intel Core i5 3.2GHz或更高频率,AMD A8 3.5GHz 或更高频率)
  • 硬盘剩余空间:3GB以上
  • 内存:8GB
  • 显存:1GB以上
  • 声音设备:兼容 WASAPI 的立体声声卡
  • 分辨率:1280x720 或以上,刷新率 60Hz



曲名 作者名义 BPM 角色 NORAML MODE
♪♪♪♪♪ 135 Ranma [LT-1P] 5 18 35 43
♪♪♪♪♪ 93 MAKOTO [18-1P] 4 16 33 39
♪♪♪♪♪ 92 Higurashi [6-1P] 6 19 34 38
キャンディ・キャンディ 中山マミ 158 Mimi [TV&ANIME-CANDY CANDY] 5 12 31 -
すいみん不足 パーキッツ 142 Mimi [TV&ANIME-KITERETSU] 7 20 36 -
ラムのラブソング kaco 180 Nyami [TV&ANIME-URUSEI] 10 18 31 -
薔薇は美しく散る 中山マミ 59-127 Nyami [TV&ANIME-BARA] 8 17 32 37
渡る世間は鬼ばかり オープニングテーマ ♪♪♪♪♪ 50-132 Nyami [TV&ANIME-SEKEN] 9 18 32 -
残酷な天使のテーゼ ♪♪♪♪♪ 79-128 Mimi [TV&ANIME-EVA] 2 18 29 37
GET WILD NMR 150 ice [TV&ANIME] 6 20 32 41
魔訶不思議アドベンチャー 高橋洋樹 135 Nyami [TV&ANIME-DRAGONBALL] 11 22 32 38
魅せられて~エーゲ海のテーマ MAKI 117 Honey [TV&ANIME] 11 31 38 42
粉雪 ♪♪♪♪♪ 82 Edda [16-1P] 10 22 28 34
創聖のアクエリオン ♪♪♪♪♪ 66-151 IA-RAMSE [13-2P] 3 24 30 34
月光花 ♪♪♪♪♪ 87-102 MAKOTO [12-1P] 1 21 28 33
ケロッ!とマーチ パーキッツ 140 部下A [13-1P] 10 27 34 38
そばかす ♪♪♪♪♪ 170 White-Merry [13-1P] 20 26 33 40
ポリリズム ♪♪♪♪♪ 128 SORA HOSHINO [17-1P] 8 12 32 40
ロマンティックあげるよ くまのきよみ 159 KIRARA [9-1P] 15 23 37 41
ブルーバード ♪♪♪♪♪ 152 Kagome [16-1P] 3 24 31 38
Butter-FLY ♪♪♪♪♪ 165 KAJIKA [11-1P] 6 27 33 39
JAP ♪♪♪♪♪ 200 Timer [16-1P] 17 26 36 42
曇天 ♪♪♪♪♪ 189 六 [15-2P] 3 24 35 42
ホタルノヒカリ ♪♪♪♪♪ 119-147 SHOKO [14-1P] 19 20 31 40
侍戦隊シンケンジャー ♪♪♪♪♪ 174 SASUGA MOGAMI [12-1P] 14 21 30 40
恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと ♪♪♪♪♪ 130 EN-MOEYO [13] 6 17 29 35
Butterfly ♪♪♪♪♪ 111 Silvia [9-1P] 13 24 34 38
ラバソー ~lover soul~ ♪♪♪♪♪ 156 ERIKA [17-1P] 10 22 31 37
ソラニン ♪♪♪♪♪ 179 SAYURI [11-1P] 7 13 24 35
ウォーアイニー ♪♪♪♪♪ 132 Bis子 [14-2P] 12 21 32 38
ハマナスの花 ♪♪♪♪♪ 129 HAJIME [16-2P] 11 22 32 37
DRAGON SOUL ♪♪♪♪♪ 162 Nyami [TV&ANIME-DRAGONBALL Z] 14 24 34 40
さんぽ ♪♪♪♪♪ 122 Mimi [CSp-1P] 8 10 28 36
only my railgun ♪♪♪♪♪ 143 SUMIRE [CSp-1P] 8 22 31 42
God only knows 第三幕 ♪♪♪♪♪ 130-170 A.Michel [CS11-1P] 7 21 32 40
Everyday、カチューシャ ♪♪♪♪♪ 172 RIE♥chan [18-1P] 12 24 30 36
CORE PRIDE ♪♪♪♪♪ 185 MZD [11-MISSA] 10 25 32 40
夏祭り ♪♪♪♪♪ 142 KANOKO [15-1P] 4 22 29 39
じょいふる ♪♪♪♪♪ 159 marin [19-1P] 5 24 33 41
シュガーソングとビターステップ ♪♪♪♪♪ 132 Reo★kun [20-1P] 3 20 31 37
キセキ PooooN 94 Ryuta [8-1P] 2 16 29 34
Somebody Stole My Gal ♪♪♪♪♪ 208 P-1&P-2 [TV&ANIME] 14 20 33 -
ミックスナッツ ♪♪♪♪♪ 150 Agent [19-1P] 8 21 33 41
月のワルツ MAKI 173 Charlotte [14-1P] 20 25 33 38
一途 ♪♪♪♪♪ 160 RETSU [pe-1P] 7 22 36 42
カルマ ♪♪♪♪♪ 193-195 MZD [10-1P] 12 23 36 41
風吹けば恋 ♪♪♪♪♪ 149 CHINATSU [17-1P] 9 26 38 43
ウィーアー! よしくん海賊団 168 Nyami [TV&ANIME-ONE PIECE] 13 22 30 40
歩いて帰ろう ガチャPON 191 Annie [9-2P] 10 22 29 33
ルージュの伝言 ♪♪♪♪♪ 153 Mimi [TV&ANIME-MAJOKKO MEGU] 15 20 36 43
羞恥心 148 あっくん [14-1P] 14 22 37 44
♪♪♪♪♪ 130 nia [SP-1P] 6 20 34 39
青いベンチ ♪♪♪♪♪ 118 Jyun&Shingo [19-1P] 5 17 32 38
星が泳ぐ ♪♪♪♪♪ 95 MAKOTO [18-1P] 3 16 30 36
Battle Against a True Hero/本物のヒーローとの闘い Toby Fox (Arranged by BEMANI Sound Team "Power Of Nature") 150 SANS 8 27 36 48
Hopes and Dreams/夢と希望 Toby Fox (Arranged by m@sumi) 175 SANS 5 21 35 44
MEGALOVANIA Toby Fox (Arranged by BEMANI Sound Team "Yvya") 120 SANS 7 31 42 48
Butter-FLY (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 165 KAJIKA [11-1P] 8 31 37 46
GET WILD (UPPER) NMR 150 ice [TV&ANIME] 13 25 38 46
only my railgun (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 143 SUMIRE [CSp-1P] 12 28 35 45
夏祭り (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 71-142 KANOKO [15-1P] 16 30 35 45
創聖のアクエリオン (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 66-151 IA-RAMSE [13-2P] 13 28 32 44
シュガーソングとビターステップ (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 132 Reo★kun [20-1P] 12 26 37 45
残酷な天使のテーゼ (UPPER) ♪♪♪♪♪ 79-128 Mimi [TV/ANIME-EVA] 15 26 37 46
pop'n music
I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU SUGI & REO 142 RIE♥chan [1] 1 14 19 38
Quick Master act deft 147 SHOLLKEE [1] 2 10 23 -
Hi-Tekno Hi-Tekno 140 JUDY [1] - 17 24 -
Electronic Fill Windslope 121 KRAFT - 19 24 -
e-motion e.o.s 145 Rave girl [1] - 21 - -
pop'n music 2
WHITE BIRDS violent age 122 Yuli [2] - 18 - -
Smile The Night Away Scotty D 117 KRAFT? - 20 - -
Cherry&Raquel The Ebisu Singers 163 Reo★kun [2] - 17 - -
pop'n music 3
Take me to... Sana 108 RIE♥chan [3] - 16 - -
Little Robin's Drawer Uncle Motchee 120 Cyber [3] - 14 - -
LET ME FEEL SO HIGH Little Bitch.K² 160 Donna [3] - 20 36 -
8月のサヨナラ aprésmidi 108 SANAE♥chan [3] - 21 33 41
水中家族のテーマ パーキッツ 110 Poet [3] - 15 37 44
pop'n music 4
TOON MANIAC Theme from"TOON MANIA" 160 Henry [4] - 20 34 -
愛言葉~アイコトバ 課長マミちゃん 133 Taro&Okon - 12 25 -
ELECTRONISM V.C.O. 130 PAL [4] - 18 32 -
ostin-art ostin-art 145 ice [4] - 22 31 38
Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music! Popper Head 140 Rave girl [4] - 23 33 -
Quick Master Millennium mix act deft/Millennium Project 147 MZD [5-J-TEKNO] - 22 - -
Hi-Tekno Millennium mixHi-Tekno/Millennium Project 140 MZD [5-DANCE] - 23 - - {{{8}}}
Over The Rainbow パーキッツ 140 Poet [4] 3 15 32 40
pop'n music 5
BICYCLE SUGI & REO 150 Sugi★kun [5] - 22 34 40
映画「SICILLIANA」のテーマ Q-Mex 125 Kevin [5] - 15 26 44
Homesick Pt.2&3 ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT 178 RIE♥chan [5] - 23 - -
INNOVATION Des-ROW 160-170 FAT BOY - 31 39 43
LA LA LA LA YO-DEL DJ Simon 165 CLARA - 24 31 37
ミュージカル"5丁目物語"よりオーヴァチェア ナヤ~ン&His Orchestra 142-189 (N),
74-186 (H/EX)
HOTARU - 27 34 40
pop'n music 6
2nd ADVENTURE Jimmy Weckl 115 Higurashi - 14 19 -
Over the hill 新谷さなえ 120 rolly - 15 21 32
micro dream Mr.T 110 KIKA [6] - 19 24 30
マシュマロ・マーチ まろりんズ 130 DiNO [6] - 20 31 38
Midnight Yoghurt (女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) SIMON MAN 181 May - 16 30 38
大见解 Des-ROW 143-172 [6] 11 32 40 45
pop'n music 7
Dimanche Orange Lounge 164 RIE♥chan [7] - 17 26 39
GLORIA St. Naya~n 59-82 PePe - 13 26 -
Passacaglia POST MODERN 128 WALKER - 15 27 -
カモミール・バスルーム 常盤ゆう 168 risette [7] - 26 34 43
Tropical Pallete Mr.T 130 Mac - 19 30 -
ディスコタイフーン PRIORITY feat.Sana 129 Sanday [7] - 24 33 -
CHICKEN CHASER V.C.O. 170 Cyber [7] - 20 33 40
加油!元気猿! 成城猿楽団 60-180 Yang-Yang - 28 37 43
純愛サレンダー ザ☆チョップス 160 JUDY [7] - 29 38 -
夜間行 Des-ROW 102-205 Yunta - 36 44 48
White Lovers 新谷さなえ 125 SANAE♥chan [7] - 18 31 45
pop'n music 8
Can't Stop My Love Yumi Kawamura 100 Mary [8] 8 15 31 38
ホノホノ YASHI♪GANI 210 NOHOHO - 19 29 37
STARS★★★ TЁЯRA 140 JUDY [8] - 20 32 39
777★★★ EeL 200 hina [8] - 25 36 45
theme of pop'n land Mr.T 260 Midori - 20 31 40
ニンジャヒーロー⚡シノビアン 腹筋忍者台 170 (N),
170? (H/EX)
シノビアン赤 / シノビアン青 - 28 35 44
永遠という名の媚薬 THE NEXT FILE 70-270 PAPYRUS - 20 32 47
Marigold SHORTCUTS 165 ν・μ - 27 33 39
♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ dj TAKA feat.のりあ 155 MILK [8] 14 29 40 44
une lettle de mon copain aprésmidi 135 SANAE♥chan [8] - 23 28 -
100sec. Kitchen Battle!! Orange Lounge 178? Mimi / Nyami [8-SPECIAL COOKING] - 30 42 -
pop'n music 9
2tone Love And Zest 170 Jeff - 22 42 -
垂直OK! Jimmy Weckl feat. 岩志太郎 130 Bronson - 16 30 -
COQUETTE SAKURAI yasushi feat. SAORI 154 BELLE [9] - 16 31 -
Requiem St.Naya~n 80-112 MeMe - 15 25 -
ロシアのおみやげ Next file feat.Mercey 60-250 Ivan - 21 37 -
雪の華 NAYA~N交響楽団 35-118 Kagetora - 18 31 34
禁じられた契約 フレディ波多江エレハモニカ 110-150 Zizz [9] 11 23 37 46
North Wind TЁЯRA 145 JUDY [9] - 21 35 44
cobalt Des-ROWスペシアル 145-175 HAYATO [9] 14 32 40 42
今日は今日でえがったなゃ とどのすけとめたろう 145 MC.TOME - 21 36 43
White Eve さな 125 TSURARA [9] - 21 36 43
ぼくってウパ? Mr.T 128 UPA / RUPA - 22 30 37
ナタラディーン Q-Mex 156 NaN - 22 32 38
Filament Circus パーキッツ 98 Poet [9] - 24 30 35
pop'n music 10
絡繰男爵奇譚 エレハモニカ 72-88 Kirico - 20 27 36
SCI-FI SEIYA + A.I.units 160 stella - 22 33 39
STATION Jimmy Weckl feat. 岩志太郎 117 Mr.AOKI - 18 25 31
Missing Cat SAKURAI yasushi feat. KUDO 135 Mr.KK [10] - 21 34 -
魔法的新定義 うらら 153 Sanday [10] - 24 37 -
CUT OFF A CORNER LOVE AND ZEST 194 Bianca - 22 32 37
disable dA STACK D-crew 185 Chocky - 31 41 44
THE PLACE TO BE Des-ROW feat.真言 222 MISAKI - 23 34 41
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Blue & Green 192 AMETORI - 22 35 42
SUMMER TIME shinpei 100 UNCLE Jam [10] - 20 32 41
Raspberry♡Heart jun 160 LuLu [10] - 22 36 43
ポレポレの雨乞いの唄 Q-Mex 118 PolePole - 21 31 37
ラブ・アコーディオン WORLD SEQUENCE plays "mon cheri H.T." 186 CECIL [10] - 25 35 41
HOLiDAY らく楽器隊2003 184 Beartank - 20 24 36
テキサスのガンマン Sludgy Hawks with N 140 the KING [10] - 25 38 -
トロイカダンス Q-Mex plays "Hirotees." 119 Ivan [9-1P] - 21 30 36
きえた!? ナポレオン ナヤ〜ン団 212 KID - 23 35 -
dandelion sotaro 24-102 Teruo [7-1P] - 22 32 -
pop'n music 11
demolizione ensemble futuro 160 Mr.FUNGANO - 24 36 46
MY GIFTS D-crew 185 DAVE - 30 41 45
the keel Akino 133 Roki [11] - 21 37 -
最強おばちゃん伝説 Jimmy Weckl feat. ジュース・アクターズ 78-156 SUMIKO - 22 42 -
E-TEN-RAKU Q-Mex 125 OKINA - 26 33 43
柳小路のシスター Shine All Stars 90-114 Suika BroS. - 22 31 37
Space Dog Sana 113 Sergei 11 25 29 37
Nick RING NICK BOYS 80-160 NICKEY [11] - 23 39 43
僕の飛行機 宮永やよい 142 SAYURI - 22 32 39
Orange AIR-LINE Orange Lounge 155 RIE♥chan [11] - 20 26 37
frost めぐみ 152 JUDY [11] - 24 36 42
でんがなマンガナ でんがな&マンガナ 162 でんがな&マンガナ - 24 40 47
D-groove REQ D-crew 85-224 MZD [11-MISSA] - 21 37 42
pop'n music 12 いろは
MY よしくん荒牧陽子さん 85-170 MELL [12] - 18 36 45
Just you wait! heap 130 PATTY [12] - 23 35 -
V.C.O. 151 SHISHIWAKA - 27 36 42
流星☆ハニー 新谷あきら 148 Ryusei Honey - 23 41 -
ふたりのマニフェスト 肥塚良彦 148 Mamoru-kun - 21 30 38
space merry-go-round Dormir 74-157 BERRY - 17 33 43
home. 秋桜+WORLD SEQUENCE 110 Nazuna&Suzuna - 21 29 35
1クールの男 マキ 137 SUMIKO'73 - 25 30 39
夢幻ノ光 TЁЯRA 171 KIKYO [12] 7 18 38 44
鳳凰 菜楊 74 TangTang - 19 34 45
Looking for... colors 209 Justice★ - 30 39 45
白いとび羽根 ミシュカ 67-140 SARASA - 18 32 39
Trick or Treat! Three Little Evils 74-170 Smile [12] - 26 34 40
お豆の哀歌 黒ムル&淀川ジョルカエフ 290 YODO-DOZEN - 29 36 43
恋する東京 パーキッツ 125 HANAO - 21 27 37
pop'n music 13 カーニバル
Dar[k]wish Akino 124 Roki [13] - 27 38 43
Spring Comes Around Sota Fujimori 124 JUDY [13] - 19 31 41
キボウノタネ 秋桜 145 fuwawa - 22 37 42
Opportunity Saitone 137 Boxies - 26 35 41
masquerade TЁЯRA 240 ROSA - 25 40 43
虹色 DJ YOSHITAKA feat.G.S.C license 160 HIKARI NIJINO - 25 37 43
MILK・CROWN カノン 160 White-Merry - 24 34 42
男盛〜おとこざかり 汁玄人 145 ちゃんこ山崎 - 25 36 44
ワンダーアイランド T.Sakisaka with ME 141 部下A / 部下B - 24 40 44
太陽とバトル つよ 130 TSUYOSHI [13] - 23 39 43
DAWN PARSEC 135-142 IA-RAMSE 13 27 32 43
Ferris wheel Dormir 94-198 Anna - 22 33 39
GADARINA D-crew 200 Abraham - 25 38 44
ポップンカーニバルマーチ TOMOSUKE MARCHING BAND 143 Mimi / Nyami [13] - 24 39 43
pop'n music 14 FEVER!
flutter 裕紀子+V.C.O. 101-236 P-14 - 17 34 45
電気ダンス フレディ波多江 151 TSUKUBA / AKIBA - 24 36 41
NIGHT FEVER 桜井零士 145 NARUHIKO - 23 33 40
旅立ちの唄 Tatsh feat.Junko Hirata 190 Bis子 [14] - 27 35 42
High School Love DJ YOSHITAKA feat.DWP 180 SYO [14] 12 24 33 41
fragments 秋桜 123 SHOKO [14] - 23 34 43
おもちゃばこのロンド Dormir 100 Charlotte - 27 32 39
いつか王子さまがぁ! グルーヴあんちゃんとヨコリィー 99 CREAMY [14] - 20 27 29
DA DA DA DANCING!! TOMO-crew 125 Nyami / Mimi [14] - 20 32 39
DOLLAR DOLLAR NICK BOYS 146-150 NICKEY [14] - 22 34 41
オトメルンバ♪ るるるSYSTEM 168 Minit's [14] - 22 32 38
BIG-BANG STARS co-ping 125 COSINE - 24 35 40
popdod AKIRA YAMAOKA 145 Hipopo&Tamayo [14] - 24 41 45
Psyche Planet-V Sota Fujimori 150 echidna - 24 41 46
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE
ネガイゴト 肥塚良彦 138 OJ TSUYOSHI [15] - 22 31 39
Canal Grande Q-Mex 208 DIAMANTE - 28 37 42
駕篭の鳥 Naya~n交響楽団 with 坂本頼光 136 Parrot - 22 29 45
凛として咲く花の如く 紅色リトマス 163 KANOKO 9 30 39 46
走り続けて 秋桜 140 yululu - 22 29 36
The Seven Ocean Hajime 130 Cocoo - 25 33 40
CLIO co-ping 138 micro - 20 34 41
pop'n music 16 PARTY
existence parsec 110-138 小次郎 [16] - 22 32 36
マハラディーン Q-Mex 128 KARLI [16] - 19 31 39
みずうみの記憶 Dormir 142-220 Rosalie - 29 36 44
EFFECT mu-RayZY 138 CHIP - 27 34 41
天地創造(分子生物学的進化論) Naya~n 110 eleMEN's - 20 33 40
Run To You Sota Fujimori feat.Runa 140 JUDY [16] - 24 32 42
pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE
レトロ男爵の嘆き 劇団レコード 130 PIROZHKI - 25 37 45
COMMANDO 96 172 WILD - 29 39 43
背水之陣 すわひでお 164 YOSHIO [17] - 30 43 47
GEO SONG world sequence feat.Sana 176 Ur - 19 29 35
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて 村正クオリア 150 SUZUHIME 13 25 42 46
Akino 132 KAGAMI [18] - 29 40 45
Blow Me Up Sota Fujimori feat. Calin 146 LuLu [18] - 21 37 44
Twin Trip Mika☆Rika 145 RIE♥chan [18] - 19 33 40
心のコラージュ よし 135 TSUYOSHI [18] - 21 31 37
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET
~Timeless~ TAG NEXT MORE 144 JUDY [19] - 28 38 43
左脳スパーク 742 192 Dr.JJ&CanCam - 28 41 46
Music-U Qrispy Joybox feat. mao 152 MOMOKO★SAN [19] - 23 36 40
面影桥 Traveling Fan Troop 125-127 KENJI - 24 36 44
pop'n music 20 fantasia
ノー!ノー!Way ApachE 124 BOUNTY [20] - 24 35 43
Broadway Diva ROMANTIC PRODUCTION feat.akino 105-145 Sherry - 28 39 45
JiGSaW! 岡 素世 115 Edward [20] - 21 34 40
life goes on ヨツヤタカヒロ. 110 Mr.KK [20] - 23 31 35
Bubbly Time Fantastic Bubbly9 138 LEON - 23 33 41
恋爱观测 NU-KO 188 kaorin 8 25 35 44
pop'n music Sunny Park
LOL! ApachE 190 BOUNTY [SP] - 23 37 45
偽りのアルカディア 夏川陽子 197 BLACK [SP] - 25 40 45
わたぐものおなか Dormir 165 ciel - 21 31 41
悠久神話録 ~遥かなる山脈に流れる大河の畔にて~ 劇団レコード 100-182 TengTeng - 23 31 42
connect kuma feat. 安海ひつじ 148 JUDY [19-3P] - 22 32 39
pop'n music
空に抗い堕つるとも Akhuta 160 Rars 6 25 38 42
Shock Me dj TAKA feat. Fuuu:ka 218 MILK [8-1P] 7 22 36 45
Perverse Heart ~あまのじゃく~ EGOISTIC LEMONTEA 143 SUMIRE [LT] 6 22 32 40
pop'n music éclale
CRAZY WORLD sei☆shin 154 Timer [ec] 5 22 37 44
巻寿司戦隊ウマイヤン ~コードネームはグリーン~ 七誌 172 タナカさん 9 27 37 46
僕の気持ちを描く Mr.T feat.NU-KO 170 Mimi / Nyami [ec] 12 24 34 40
はんなり京小町 DJ KOMACHI feat.あず 108 どすえ 7 26 34 41
pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢
ドッペルゲンガー T-HEY and TANEKO 122 ちぇるみん 8 24 39 44
哀彩 MarL 194 Sigre 9 29 41 46
Another Texture Sota Fujimori 114-228 Rave girl [16-1P] 9 24 38 44
Spangles mommy 130 Sherry [20-1P] 5 26 41 45
pop'n music peace
おめでとう!おたんじょうび ウッチーズ 160 Mimi / Nyami [16-1P] 7 23 38 43
飛べないぼくと鳴かない黒猫 山本真央樹 feat.常盤ゆう 120 ayumu [CS13-1P] 7 27 40 43
Dive to the Sky 白泽亮 feat.ЯIRE 128 BETTY [14-1P] 8 26 36 45
Be blossom!! 林ももこ 147 RIE♥chan [18-1P] 7 23 32 42
pop'n music UniLab
LIMIT TOPPA REVOLUTION BEMANI Sound Team "PON" feat.NU-KO 190 KAKERU-kun [16-1P] 13 31 42 47
ee'MALL 2nd avenue
Dance the night away KAZ SENOO feat. MANNY MENDEZ 125 BAMBOO [1-2P] - 18 33 40
ちょっと vivi(from iyiyim) 70-78 Anzu [CS2-1P] - 16 30 37
A SHOOTING STAR 古川もとあき 140 VIC VIPER [11] - 24 35 43
pop'n music Lively
Knockin' on Red Button red glasses feat.藤野マナミ 210 nonet [CSL] 14 30 41 48
KAC kouyasai (KAC後夜祭)
(Added on December 9th, 2023)
Stylus BEMANI Sound Team "HuΣeR" 165 ELENOA [17-2P] 13 31 42 46

Lively Rank

Lively Rank was a new mode added to pop'n music Lively from June 2nd, 2021 through October 31st, 2022. Each first Wednesday of the month you log onto the game automatically increases your rank. There are five ranks in total: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and finally black. If you stop playing the game for the month, or drop your subscription for the following month, your rank will decrease.

All Lively Rank songs are unlockable via Ticket Quest from November 16th, 2022.

Songs listed in arcade game order, then CS game order if applicable.

曲名 作者名义 BPM 角色 NORAML MODE
Silver Rank or above
monde des songe Bikke 119 DiNO [1] 3 11 30 36
天麩羅兄弟 TEMPULA-BROS 171 PIERRE&JILL [5] - 19 23 -
EXCALIBUR NL&P 140 Sebas★chan - 26 30 -
男々道 Des-ROW・組 156-240 [9] - 34 42 47
キングモンキー CO-PING 107-140 UNCLE Jam [13] - 24 38 43
Gradation The Natural Mahoganies 125 BROWN - 28 38 46
あつまれ!ビーくんソング B-crews 48-157 B-Kun - 27 34 40
個胃X光 絹 老人 85-137 Wang-Tang - 23 41 45
双子のフェレット 742 120-129 DiNO [20] - 25 39 44
Seal NAKATEK 150 BOY [CS1-1P] - 19 25 28
Gold Rank or above
The theme of GAMBLER Z words:RYO song:NARAMCHA 161 TORU KAMIKAZE - 18 23 -
簡単な事だけど大切なもの Rock'n'roll King 128 Teruo [7] - 21 33 -
ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) Des-ROWスペシアル 140-175 DTO [10] - 27 43 48
HypArcSin(x) Naya~n 240 ROCKET86 - 25 42 47
儚きは我が決意 臨界点パニック 182 DJ TSUYOSHI [15] - 27 34 40
ロクブテ 水玉フミッパーズ 178 みっちゃん [15] - 26 36 43
Desire 色彩乃夢 feat. Hyuga Rei 184 Yuli [16] - 24 41 46
天の峠 Q-Mex 126 KANENOBU - 24 36 42
KARAKARA sei☆shin×KEN 188 TAIGA 9 27 36 44
Platinum Rank or above
お江戸花吹雪 高田香里 146 S・8・TARO [2] - 20 24 -
Tir na n'Og WORLD SEQUENCE 110 Robin&Cock - 22 26 34
サンクトペテルブルクへ VICTORIYA 123 EKATERINA - 23 33 39
ƒƒƒƒƒ Five Hammer 138 Grand Hammer 14 30 41 48
Infinity Blue 桜井零士 190 LIGHT - 27 40 45
マジックアカデミー組曲 マジックアカデミー管弦楽部 75-170 ALOE - 21 35 41
真超深TION Des-あさ 177 鬼-BE - 31 42 47
Deep Magenta Naya~n 204 Nikolaschka - 23 41 46
プリズム SE-NA☆ from 4C-STATE 210 Raimu - 24 32 40
願いのカケラ 松山あおい 138 Poet [SP-1P] 3 24 34 42
Black Rank
power plant youhei 156 SHOLLKEE [5] - 18 31 38
Denpasar good-cool 135 shålåh - 21 34 41
雪上断火 Des-ROW 105-180 [12] - 34 43 48
麻雀格闘倶楽部特別接続曲 麻雀 76-210 黄龍 - 25 37 44
白い森の伝説 ナヤ~ン 65-77 Albireo [13] - 15 28 37
PARTY A GO GO ☆ サドルシューズ 190 SADDLE SHOES - 21 36 40
Time has no money The Mizuno Family 220 PIERRE&JILL [5-1P] 9 24 37 45
Dynamics Waldeus vön Dovjak 80-145 HAMANOV [CS1-3P] - 16 37 -
The tyro's reverie Waldeus vön Dovjak 190 HAMANOV [CS1-5P] - 15 42 47


持有 pop'n music lively BASIC COURSE 的玩家在指定期间内游玩即可获得本月的特典曲目。

曲名 作者名义 BPM 角色 NORAML MODE
2021年10月27日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Übertreffen TAKA respect for J.S.B. 174 Wilhelm - 30 43 49
2021年11月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Invisible Farewell BEMANI Sound Team "TAKA×PON×Akhuta" 138-234 Deuil 11 29 41 47
2022年1月12日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~ Zektbach 137-165 Nox 11 29 39 45
2022年2月2日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは ねこまんまチーム! 120-168 いろは 10 29 42 49
2022年3月9日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Soul On Fire L.E.D.-G VS GUHROOVY fw NO+CHIN 182 WELL-DONE - 30 41 46
2022年4月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 205 山形まり花 / 芽兎めう 12 29 39 47
2022年5月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
明镜止水 TOMOSUKE feat.あさき 208-290 ikkei 10 28 42 47
2022年6月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
neu 少年ラジオ 95(N)
199 (H/EX)
? [15] 7 30 42 49
2022年7月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Vairocana 五条式 145-290 WAKA-san - 26 44 48
2022年8月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
MOON dj TAKA feat. Erika Mochizuki 156 YUKI [13] - 27 39 46
2022年9月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
2022年10月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
一激必翔 Des-ROW・組スペシアルr 213 [18] - 26 44 48
2022年11月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Manhattan Sports Club ♪♪♪♪♪ 178 ASPARA-SEIJIN - 28 40 47
2022年12月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
踊るフィーバーロボ ダニエル&eimyよしくん 160 FEVER ROBO - 31 43 48
2023年1月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
蛇神 Zektbach 170 GIZIRI 11 30 43 48
2023年2月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
SA-DA-ME good-cool feat. すわひでお 128 YOSHIO [7] - 21 35 45
2023年3月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
あさき 95-210 おんなのこ 13 30 42 48
2023年4月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Wow Wow VENUS VENUS 157 VENUS [SP-1P] 10 27 35 43
2023年5月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Holy Forest Sarastro 185 Count.Ten - 25 42 47
2023年6月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
カゲロウ Des-ROW・組スペシャルr 164 KAJIKA [11] - 24 44 47
2023年7月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Hell? or Heaven? Waldeus vön Dovjak 25-680 HAMANOV [10-2P] - 33 45 49
2023年8月2日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Ergosphere TOMOSUKE 170 SMOKE [16] - 30 42 48
2023年9月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
☆shining☆ りゆ&のりあ 185 Bis子 [9] - 24 41 45
2023年10月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12 J_KANE 379 Liddell [CSBH] - 19 46 49

Kikan gentei quest

These songs are only available for unlock during their respective limited time period.

曲名 作者名义 BPM 角色 NORAML MODE
Unlockable from November 2nd, 2022
2023年11月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
シャムシールの舞 ゼクトバッハ 100-155 Shamshir [14] - 29 40 46
Unlockable from December 7th, 2022
2023年12月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
悲しいね ブタパンチ 200 uowo [CS6] - 25 36 49
Unlockable from January 4th to March 1st, 2023
2024年1月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
西新宿清掃曲 サイモンマン 140-280 Mr.KK [5] - 17 30 43
Unlockable from February 1st to April 5th, 2023
2024年2月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
乞い祈みの撫子 TOMOSUKE with ARM×狐夢想 ft. あさな 176 KAGURA 8 27 42 47
Unlockable from March 1st to May 3rd, 2023
2024年3月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
ポルターガイスト 96 feat.藤本美樹 128 PANDETH [16] - 25 39 47
Unlockable from April 5th to June 7th, 2023
2024年4月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Innocence ZERO+ZIBA 120-180 Jade [LT] 15 31 42 49
Unlockable from May 3rd to July 5th, 2023
2024年5月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Metamorphose CAPACITY GATE 201 ECLIPSE [LT] 14 32 42 48
Unlockable from June 7th to August 2nd, 2023
2024年6月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Violently Car sampling masters MEGA 170-300 PMGTV-RZX [13] - 29 41 47
Unlockable from July 5th to September 6th, 2023
2024年7月3日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Line Times Waldeus vön Dovjak 60-210 HAMANOV [CS1-1P] - 22 38 49
Unlockable from August 2nd to October 4th, 2023
2024年8月7日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
hora de verdad Vandalusia 140-280 UNO [14] - 25 42 48
Unlockable from September 6th to November 1st, 2023
2024年9月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
地の記 獄編 あさき 174 Goku-Sotsu-Kun [14-1P] 10 29 41 47
Unlockable from October 4th to December 6th, 2023
2024年10月2日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
LEAD Gravity (M) Des-ROW 188 MZD [10-1P] 7 28 41 48
Unlockable from November 1st, 2023 to January 3rd, 2024
2024年11月6日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
激走!!ヤング☆ダンプ! ブタパンチ 180 DAN 11 31 42 49
Unlockable from December 6th, 2023 to February 7th, 2024
2024年12月4日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~ Zektbach 90-180 14 32 41 48
Unlockable from January 3rd to March 6th, 2024
2025年1月1日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
DOES NOT COMPUTE フレディ波多江エレハモニカ feat.ALT 60-190 Alt 2.0 [20] 13 26 39 47
Unlockable from February 7th to April 3rd, 2024
2025年2月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
Fate No.23 PON feat.秋成 195 LOOF 11 28 41 47
Unlockable from March 6th to May 1st, 2024
2025年3月5日起可通过消耗Lively Ticket解锁
アルレシャ 溟海ゾディアック 200 Pisce 6 21 37 46
Unlockable from April 3rd to June 5th, 2024
Hong kong magic tiger yamato 150 Nyami [11-HONG KONG EURO] - 24 36 44
Unlockable from May 1st to July 3rd, 2024
透明なマニキュア Kiyommy+Seiya 140 JUDY [4] 5 16 31 37
Unlockable from June 5th to August 7th, 2024
24時間のヒーロー カタオカツグミ 178 勇者ああああ - 25 34 45
Unlockable from July 3rd to September 4th, 2024
Sabrina School 130 ロミ夫 [10] - 21 32 42
Unlockable from August 7th to October 2nd, 2024
Break on Through REUNION 168 Sora - 27 37 42
Unlockable from September 4th to November 6th, 2024
西表島琉球曲 サイモンマン 147-179 しま〜 - 29 36 41
Unlockable from October 2nd to December 4th, 2024
ボクモ、ワタシモ、ムービースター☆ ウッチーズZ 150 STAR☆NYAN - 27 34 43
Unlockable from November 6th, 2024 to January 1st, 2025
IKKI! Explosion ひので155 250 Scarecrows - 26 40 46
Unlockable from December 4th, 2024 to February 5th, 2025
Save you ウッチーズ 160 Pino [13] - 23 35 44
Unlockable from January 1st, 2025 to March 5th, 2025
Little Rock Overture 惑星計画 175 RIE♥chan [16] - 23 33 43
Unlockable from February 5th to April 2nd, 2025
Stardust Wanderers BPO Hollywood 78-160 Nyami / Mimi [17] - 24 36 45
Unlockable from March 5th to May 7th, 2025
Kicky Kemari Kicker ROUTE No.1 KIZOKU UNIT 136 KERI・MARO - 29 40 46

pop'n quest

pop'n quest (ポップンクエスト) is the main unlocking system of pop'n music Lively, available from December 9th, 2020. By pressing 5 on the numeric keypad, you can choose one of the available songs, which can be unlocked by clearing its missions and filling the red pop-kun.

曲名 作者名义 BPM 角色 NORAML MODE
FLOWER DJ YOSHITAKA 173 knit [19-3P] 17 28 42 47
怒れる大きな白い馬 Morning Blue Dragon 67-148 TINO - 26 40 47
Howling PON 155 Ash [13-2P] 9 24 37 44
キルト Des-sana+wpt9 178 knit [19] 8 27 39 46
君の音とAuftakt red glasses feat.井ノ上奈々 192-232 takuto [usa] 9 23 37 45
Arrabbiata Reven-G改 225 2st [10] - 27 34 45
隅田川夏恋歌 seiya-murai feat.ALT 180 Alt [18] 11 24 36 43
Sorrows Asako Yoshihiro 185 Kagome [16] 11 29 37 44
moffing 猫叉Masterβ2 170 Moffy - 30 39 45
H@ppy Choice good-cool feat. すわひでお 168 OTOKO-MAN [6] - 24 31 40
エブリデイ・ラブリデイ Togo-chef feat.Sana 122 Ratte* / Lotte* [CS10] - 16 24 31
jet coaster☆girl TOMOSUKE feat. Three Berry Icecream 177 YURI*chan [6-2P] - 18 29 39
月風魔伝 コナミ矩形波動剣 147-162 月風魔 - 28 38 44
Unlockable from January 12th, 2022
321 STARS ♪♪♪♪♪ 192 KINOKO-BOY - 28 38 45
Unlockable from February 9th, 2022
BI-BUN-SEKI-BUn 中央値算出チーム 190 Suisei Laura - 30 36 43
Unlockable from March 9th, 2022
クラゲータ Kurotou mur.mur. 140 SOUTH - 20 32 43
Unlockable from April 13th, 2022
Squeeze VENUS feat. Mutsuhiko Izumi 173 VENUS [SP-2P] 11 29 41 47
Unlockable from May 11th, 2022
BRE∀K DOWN! BeForU 190 Bis子 [9-2P] - 22 33 45
Unlockable from June 8th, 2022
@n H@ppy Choice Sana 162 MOMOKO-SAN [16] - 24 39 44
Unlockable from July 13th, 2022
MARS WAR 3 JET GIRL SPIN 200 Gelm13 - 23 36 43
Unlockable from August 10th, 2022
うた mami 220 UTA 9 26 41 47
Unlockable from September 14th, 2022
ポップミュージック続論 ギラギラメガネ楽団 feat.MAKI 182 MURASAKI [18] - 23 36 42
Unlockable from October 12th, 2022
恋のミラクル☆ るるるSYSTEM 175 MIRAI YUMENO - 24 32 39
Unlockable from November 2nd, 2022
CANDY♥ ♪♪♪♪♪ 180 おしゃれずきん [8] 5 29 37 44
Unlockable from December 7th, 2022
幸せを謳う詩 あさき 167-210 壱ノ妙 - 26 41 46
Unlockable from January 4th, 2023
Spiral Clouds TIME CAPSULE Lab. 155 GLEN 11 29 41 47
Unlockable from February 1st, 2023
如雨露姫が世界征服 はるなば feat.mami 125 如雨露ひめ 7 25 38 47
Unlockable from March 1st, 2023
霊魂爆砕 -SOUL EXPLOSION- 96 163 TAIGA [LT-1P] 12 28 42 48
Unlockable from April 5th, 2023
Princess Roki Akino 126 Roki [19] - 27 40 47
Unlockable from May 3rd, 2023
賢聖シリウスの采配 Flying Kite feat. 小野瀬旭 270? SiRiUS [ec] 13 28 41 48
Unlockable from June 7th, 2023
forever under construction Tomoyuki Uchida 170 stella [10-1P] 9 29 42 48
Unlockable from July 5th, 2023
文明開化 セバスチャン智之介 213-230 TO-NO - 22 37 47
Unlockable from August 2nd, 2023
天庭 閣下 88-113 星のひと [15] - 32 39 47
Unlockable from September 6th, 2023
テンプラ揚三 GARIBEN KEN 171 MZD [11-COMIC SONG] - 26 45 48
Unlockable from October 4th, 2023
ZADAMGA onoken 180 Phantom 18 34 42 48
Unlockable from November 1st, 2023
Trixxxter BlackY 180 Vela 12 31 43 48
Unlockable from December 6th, 2023
僕らの旅はどこまでも ああああ と かげろー▼ 110-220 勇者ああああ [20-1P] 8 23 40 47
Unlockable from January 3rd, 2024
サケビノミドリ 猫叉Master 160 Yima [CS10-1P] 10 28 39 47
Unlockable from February 7th, 2024
マジヤバ最強伝説 DJ Command feat. 鋼兵 158 CHARA-O - 24 38 43
Unlockable from March 6th, 2024
Earth Beat CAPACITY GATE 190 NYANGA - 24 40 45
Unlockable from April 3rd, 2024
Runnin' Away 青野りえ 232 Mary [16] - 26 32 41
Unlockable from May 1st, 2024
ピッツァ・イタリアーノ ツグミーノ 152 Marge&Rita - 20 34 40
Unlockable from June 5th, 2024
翔べない天使 新谷さなえ 145 Kelly [CS2-1P] - 19 30 41
Unlockable from July 3rd, 2024
青春ピコピコRock'n Roll ウッチーズZ 160 CHIKING - 26 36 43
Unlockable from August 7th, 2024
UPBEAT Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers 77-214 - 22 37 45 {{{8}}}
Unlockable from September 4th, 2024
MAGICAL VOICE SHOWER ウッチーズ 120 ドミー&ソラー - 19 29 38
Unlockable from October 2nd, 2024
魂ノ華 阿部靖広 feat.宏樹&龍哲 205 ONE - 22 33 41
Unlockable from November 6th, 2024
うるとら★ボーイ V.C.O. featuring Yuko Asai 150 Pino [6] - 18 26 -
Unlockable from December 4th, 2024
コヨーテの行方(ゆくえ) good-cool feat. 山下直子 124 Ema [9] - 22 34 44
Unlockable from January 1st, 2025
コキュトス FISH BOYS 125 Lucifelle / Lucifer - 28 31 40
Unlockable from February 5th, 2025
マスカレード・ア・ゴーゴー 航空電子 150-170 PIERRE&JILL [16] - 27 40 44
Unlockable from March 5th, 2025
恋のキャッチボール good-cool feat. すわひでお 150 John.A.Chopper - 24 33 43


On December 16th, 2020, KONAMI announced the first music pack for pop'n music Lively.

Please see the pop'n music lively曲目合集列表 page for a full listing of songs.



Unlockable from November 5th, 2020
Reverted on October 27th, 2021
僕の気持ちを描く pop'n music éclale - - 34 40
Unlockable from July 7th, 2021
ホタルノヒカリ TV/J-POP (pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝) 15→19 - - -
Unlockable from July 19th, 2023
ただ、それだけの理由で pop'n music Lively - 32 41 47→48



Re-rated on October 27th, 2021
ロマンティックあげるよ TV/J-POP (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE) - 20→23 - -
ソラニン TV/J-POP (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET) - - 23→24 -
Re-rated on August 2nd, 2022
virkatoの主題によるperson09風超絶技巧変奏曲 pop'n music Lively - - - 50→49
Re-rated on October 31st, 2022
SHION pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - 24→25 - -
探検ノート (Street style) pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - 23→25 - -
spring pony pop'n music Sunny Park - 22→24 - 43→44
Wuv U pop'n music Sunny Park - 22→24 - -
ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP pop'n music Sunny Park - 28→29 - -
8000000 pop'n music ラピストリア - - - 46→47
Harmonia pop'n music ラピストリア - 26→27 - -
Kaleidoscopic pop'n music ラピストリア - 24→25 - -
アマイヒミツ pop'n music ラピストリア - - - 44→43
打打打打打打打打打打 pop'n music ラピストリア - - - 43→44
INHERITANCE of WILL pop'n music éclale - 25→26 - -
透明はまだらに世界を告げて pop'n music éclale - 26→27 - -
virtual killer pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - 25→26 - -
white night story pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - - - 43→42
願いのカケラ pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - 21→24 - -
キルト(Patchworker RMX) pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - 27→28 - -
Burning Love pop'n music peace - 25→27 - -
cucumis melo pop'n music peace - - - 47→48
Festum Duodecimum! pop'n music peace - 31→30 - -
PM is Here! pop'n music peace - - - 43→44
祭ノ痕、君ヲ憶フ。 pop'n music peace - - - 47→48
飛べないぼくと鳴かない黒猫 pop'n music peace - - 38→40 -
魔法のかくれんぼ pop'n music Lively - - - 49→48
Re-rated on January 30th, 2023
雷君 pop'n music Sunny Park - - - 46→47
Re-rated on July 19th, 2023
アモ pop'n music Lively - - 38→39 43→45
Re-rated on November 1st, 2023
ルージュの伝言 pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE / TV/J-POP - - - 42→43
ホタルノヒカリ pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / TV/J-POP 15→19 19→20 - -
ウォーアイニー pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / TV/J-POP - - - 39→38
ミックスナッツ pop'n music UniLab / TV/J-POP - - 34→33 -
カルマ CS (pop'n music portable) / TV/J-POP - - - 40→41
Danza Pantera pop'n music Lively 11→12 - - -
smile pop'n music Lively - - 42→43 -
Un Happy Heart pop'n music Lively - - - 40→38
バッドエンド・シンドローム pop'n music Lively - - 44→42 -
紅蓮華 pop'n music Lively / TV/J-POP - - - 40→43
純真可憐デザイア pop'n music Lively - - 37→35 44→42
波と凪の挟間で pop'n music Lively - 26→30 39→40 -
天泣 pop'n music Lively - - 43→44 -
ただ、それだけの理由で pop'n music Lively - - - 47→48
